Oklahoma Stockyards Oklahoma City, OK Wed Dec 8, 1999 USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News Oklahoma National Stockyards - Week ly Cattle Summary Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers 1.00-3.00 higher. Demand very good for feeders. Steer and heifer calves steady to 2.00 lower with decline on calves over 430 lbs. Demand still very good for calves but not as extreme as last week. 1-3 inches of rain received late last week in central and eastern Oklahoma. Quality of calves and yearlings average. Calves in medium to moderate flesh; yearling condi tion medium. Weigh-ups on calves gaunt to average; yearlings gaunt to full. Slaugh ter cows steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter bulls 1.00 higher. Packer demand good. Replacement buyers continued aggressive for thin cows. Total of 660 cows and bulls sold with 31 percent to packets. Receipts this week 8,000; last week 6,492; last year 10,043. Supply consisted of 37 percent yearlings and calves over 600 lbs; S 3 per cent calves under 600 lbs; 8 percent cows and bulls. Heifers comprised 37 percent supply. Prices follow with weighted aver age weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1; Calves: 300-400 lbs (350 lbs) 113.50- (119.02); 400-450 lbs (419 lbs) 105.00-117.50 (112.08), 450-500 lbs (476 lbs) 100.00-109.00 (106.18); 500-550 lbs (529 lbs) 94.30-104.00 (98.70); 550-600 lbs (571 lbs) 88.50-99.00 (94.73); 600-650 lbs (614 lbs) 88.00-95.00 (91.35); 700-750 lbs (720 lbs) 77.50- 80.75 (79.99); Yearlings: 600-700 lbs (650 lbs) 88.50- (91.92); 700-750 lbs (721 lbs) 88.00- (90.95); 750-800 lbs (771 lbs) 86.00 90.30 (89.00); 800850 lbs (814 lbs) 84.00- (85.75); package 930 lbs 80.00. Holsteins: few Large 2 375 lbs Free Enterprise... n -PA LIVESTOCK AUCTION ASSOCIATION MEMBERS Belleville Livestock Pennsylvania Livestock New Wilmington Livestock Market, Inc. Auction, Inc. Auction, inc. 570-935-2146 412-627-9585 412-946-2921 Belleville Waynesburg New Wilmington Jersey Shore Livestock, Inc. Union City 570-398-011 1 Livestock Auction Jersey Shore 814-438-3481 Greencastle Livestock Union City Market, Inc. Carlisle Livestock 717-597-2171 Market, Inc. Greencastle 71 7-249-4511 Lancaster Stockyards, Inc. Carlisle 717-394-2619 Valley Stockyards, Inc. Lancaster 570-888-9333 Leesport Farmers Athens Market, Inc. Meadville Livestock 610-926-1307 Auction Leesport 814-763-2240 Mercer Livestock Conneautvilie Auction, Inc. Morrison Cove 412-662-2910 Livestock Auction Mercer 814-793-2311 Claysburg Eighty-Four Auction Sales, Inc. 412-222-9965 Eighty-Four Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. 570-837-2222 Middleburg Oewart Livestock Market, Inc. 570-538-9835 Dewart New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. 717-354-4341 New Holland 73.50; 575 lbs 68.00; 665 lbs 64.75; 750800 lbs 59.0060.00. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large I: Calves: 300-350 lbs (327 lbs) 99.00110.00 (104.41); 350400 lbs (373 lbs) 96.50105.50 (100.55); 400450 lbs (420 lbs) 95.00105.00 (99.90); 450500 lbs (474 lbs) 87.50 95.00 (89.76); 500600 lbs (550 lbs) 84.0088.00 (86.21); 600650 lbs (622 lbs) 81.5086.75 (84.77); Year lings: 525-600 lbs (550 lbs) 84.00 88JO (87.71); 600700 lbs (650 lbs) 83.0087J0 (85.61); 700800 lbs (750 lbs) 76.5083J0 (80.12); few 800-850 lbs (826 lbs) 75.0076.50 (75.48). Slaughter Cows: Head %Lcan Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress *Brk 12 75-80% 11501700 33.5035.75 36J0 31.50 *Bnr 43 8 085% 10001550 33 J 035.50 36J038.00 31.0033J0 Lean 78 85-90% 800-1500 32.00-35.00 34J0-40.00 28J032.00 Light 4 85-90% 700800 30.0032.00 'Brk-Breakers, *Bn r-Boners Slaughter Bulls: Head Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress Yield Grade 1-2 52 1300-2350 45.00-49.50 48.0051.00 41.0044.00 Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma National Stockyards: Lean 72.60; Boners 69.70, Breakers 65.30. Bulls 84J0. Replacement Cows: Pretested for bangs, pregnancy, and age Medium and Large 1 Age Weight Months Bred Quality Price 2-5 yr old 9501100 5-6 months Avg, blacks 685.00700.00 2-7 yr old 8501250 5-6 months Avg quality 535.00645.00 2-5 yr old 10001200 2-4 months Avg, blacks 580.00635.00 6-7 yr old 9501300 2-3 months Avg quality 470.00560.00 8-10 yr old 875-1100 5-6 months Avg quality 425.00480.00 Pairs: Medium and large I Age Cow Weight Calf Weight Quality Price 3-6 yr old 950-1250 200-400 Avg, blacks 730.00-810.00 5-9 yr old 750-900 150-250 Avg quality 590.00-635.00 Two words that business people around the world take very seriously. Members of the Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Association take free enterprise very seriously too. They realize that producers have a choice when it comes time to buy and sell livestock and they are dedicated to making sure that producers can take advantage of the free enterprise system in the best way possible... at the local auction market. Pennsylvania livestock markets strive to provide you with the kind of service you deserve as a business person and a friend. You can be assured that the honesty, integrity and solid marketing fundamentals found at your local market will ensure nothing less than the true market value for your livestock. Greencastle Livestock Grecnoutle, Pft. December 6, 1999 CATTLE 602...PDA..SUPPLY INCLUDED 144 SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS, 294 SL. COWS. 19 BULLS AND 145 FEEDER CATTLE SLAUGHTER STEERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1175-1425 LBS. 71.00-73.75, CHOICE 2-3 1115-1495 LBS. 66.00-71.00, 1510-1665 LBS. 64.25-67.50, SELECT 1-3 60.00- STANDARD 1-2 50.00- HOLSTEINS: CHOICE 2-3 1265-1570 LBS. 56.25-61.50, SELECT 1-2 48.50-57.00, FEW STANDARD 1-2 46.00-47.50. HEIFERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1210-1350 LBS. 71.50-74.50, CHOICE 2-4 1065-1355 LBS. 66.00-71.75, SELECT 1-3 61.00-66.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN 36J0-41.75, BONERS 80-85% LEAN 34.50-39.25, LEAN 85-90% LEAN 25.00-36.50. SHELLS DOWN TO 19 JO. BULLS: YG#I 1035-2285 LBS. 44.25-46.75, ONE 52.75, YG#2llO5-2135 LBS. 41.50-45.00. FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS FEW MED. AND LARGE 1 330-360 LBS. 95.00. 530-660 LBS. 74.00-85.00, MEDIUM AND LARGE 2 600-700 LBS. 65.00- FEW 700-850 LBS. 41.00- HEIFERS MED. AND LARGE 1 200-300 LBS. 82.00-94.00, 300-400 LBS. 75.00-92.00,400-500 LBS. 75.00- 500-600 LBS. 71.00-84.00, 640-800 LBS. 60.50-72.00. MED. AND LARGE 2 280-480 LBS. 61.00-74.00, 500-650 LBS. 53.00-68.00; BULLS MED. AND LARGE I 245-350 LBS. 80.00-98.00, 350-495 LBS. 82.00-100.00, 500-670 LBS. 71.00-79.00, MED. AND LARGE 2 225-420 LBS. 66.00-78.00, 520-675 LBS. 67.00-69.00. CALVES: 495...VEALERS FEW GOOD 140-175 LBS. 72.00-82 JO, STAN DARD AND GOOD 70-90 LBS. 20.00- UTILITY 60-80 LBS. 10.00- FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-125 LBS. 120.00-150.00 WITH A FEW TO 153.00, 80-90 LBS. 99.00- #2 80-125 LBS, 50.00- #1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 80-110 LBS. 225.00-305.00, #2 70-110 LBS. 100.00-220.00. BEEF TYPE BULLS AND HEIFERS 70-130 LBS. 100.00-150.00,145-190 LBS. 93.00-125.00. HOGS: 27...8ARR0WS AND GILTS LIGHTWEIGHTS 115-190 LBS. 25.00-34.00. SOWS: US#l-3 300-455 LBS 28.00-34.00, ONE 525 LBS. 29J0. BOARS- 630-785 LBS. SJO-7.00. FEEDER PIGS: 31...F0R SLAUGH TER... UTILITY 45-75 LBS. 6.00-15.00 PER HEAD. SHEEP: 27... SLAUGHTER LAMBS CHOICE 55-75 LBS. 107.50-117.50, 85-100 LBS. 95.00-100.00, 110-135 LBS. 82.50-97.50. NEW CROP LAMBS ONE CHOICE 60 LBS. 135.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 31.00-37.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD. LARGE BILLIES 85.00-150.00, MED. 60.00- LARGE NANNIES 67.50-75.00, MEDIUM 50.00 67.50, LARGE KIDS 36.00-60.00, SMALL 5.00- PER HEAD. Aberdeen Sales Company, Inc. Complete Auction & Appraisal Service Cburcbville, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, Dec. 8 SLAUGHTER STEERS: STEADY, Kl% Boosts Your Efficiency and Products with these Innovative Products... QUICK-START The Pax QUICK-START™ pan feeding system grows chicks into FINISHED broilers efficiently. Start chicks with the feeder resting on the floor and the feed pan entirely filled The Pax QUICK-START™ pan provides easy access to plenty of fresh feed - with no accumulation of stale feed in the drop tube - attracting even the smallest chicks to begin feeding right away A *"* WINCHED When the feeder is winched the feed level tube automatically low er* lo your pr» selected brushing level ON THE FLOOR With the feeder retting level tube it rated to present teed m the entire pen wtthout over ttbng like other typical flood leeders 7 Qiset =T • J Equipment h~~ ~~ Jl, - j 2187 North Penryn Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 Phone (717) 665-4056 Fax (717) 665-2240 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 11, 1999-A7 CHOICE 2-4 1100-1400 LBS. 72.50-75.00; SELECT St LOW CHOICE 1000-1500 LBS. 65.00-71.00; HOU STEERS HI CHOICE St PRIME 1250-1400 LBS. 62.00-65.00; CHOICE 1200-1500 LBS. 59.00-62.00; SELECT. ALL WEIGHTS 54.00-57.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: STEADY. CHOICE St PRIME 950-1300 LBS. 69.00-73.00; SELECT ALL WEIGHTS 900-1400 LBS. 57.00-61.00. COWS: STEADY. BRK. UT. St COMM. 2-4 BULK 38.00-41,00;, Hi DRESSING 42.00-45.00; CUTTER St BON. UT. 36.00-39.00; HI DRESSING 39.00- CANNER St CUTTERS 32.00- LOW DRESSING 28.00 DOWN. BULLS: STEADY. ALL WEIGHTS 1100-1900 LBS.. 43.00-56.00. VEAL CALVES: STEADY. CHOICE AND PRIME 200-400 LBS. 74.00-86.00; HI GOOD AND LOW CHOICE ALL WEIGHTS 61.00-73.00. FARM CALVES: STEADY. HOL. BULLS 100-125 LBS. 143.00-170.00, HOL. BULLS 85-95 LBS. 69.00-121.00; HOL. HEIFER CALVES 10ft 120 LBS. 273.00-320.00; SMALL FRAME 70-105 LBS. 135.00-200.00; SLAUGHTER CALVES ALL WEIGHTS 25.00-30.00. FEEDER CATTLE: 3.00 HIGHER BULLS & STEERS 400 900 LBS 76.00- HEIFERS 300-700 LBS. 57.00- LAMBS; 5.00 HIGHER. CHOICE & PRIME 90-110 LBS. 79.00-87.00, LIGHT ER LAMBS 95.00-120 00; EWES - HEAVY 31.00-39.00, LIGHT 42.00-55.00. GOATS. STEADY. SMALL 25.00-35.00, MEDIUM 40.00-60.00, LARGE 75 00-140.00. HOGS- STEADY. 210-250 LBS. 34.0a36.00, 255-300 LBS. 31.0a35.00; SOWS - HEAVY 23.0a28.00; SOWS LIGHT 18.00-22.00. BOARS ALL WEIGHTS 7.0a9.00. Flexible Auger for Low Volume, Standard Volume, High Volume, as well as High Moisture (up to 25°) and pellet applications i s-: Feed Storage and Delivery Systems v»
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