New Millennium Begins At 2000 Mid-Atlantic Fruit, Vegetable Convention HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.) There is no better place for fruit and vegetable growers in Pennsylvania to start the new millennium than at the 2000 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vege table Convention in Hershey Jan. 25 - 27. More than 1,800 persons, mostly fruit and vegetable growers from throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and other states, are ex pected to gather at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center. The event is jointly sponsored by the State Horticultural As sociation of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Vegetable Grow ers Association, the Maryland State Horticultural Society, and the New Jersey State Hor ticulture Society. The Grcam American Hall at the Hershey Lodge and Con vention Center will host the Trade Show with more than 130 exhibitors. Five and some times six concurrent education- QESi) GREENLAND SUPERF FERTILIZER SI AfiPSh SUPERFLOW SEEDER Spreaders are the most accurate broadcast spreaders in the world. The unique pendulum action keeps the spread pattern close to the rear of the machine while at the same time providing a symmetrical pattern on both sides. I t i 8 8 8 woih* • ). The pattern allows “back and forth” as well as “around and around” operation. The “truncated” pattern offsets inaccurate overlap problems, eliminating streaking. Stop By Your Nearest Dealer and See First Hand Why They’re Worth The Investment PENNSYLVANIA Clifford • North East Dist. & Equip. 570-222-9090 Glen Rock • Wertz Farm Equipment 717-235-0111 Grove City • McDowell Farm Implement 814-786-7955 Kimgerstown • Stanleys Farm Service 570-648-2088 CUMMINGS and BRICKER, Inc. l . a "" ■ ■ 7 Equipment Dealers Since 1961 I 1 100 Stover Drive, Carlisle PA 17013 717/249-6720 Distributed By al sessions will be offered on all three days of the conven tion. On the first day of the con vention, sessions on tree fruit, sweet com, basics of vegetable production, greenhouse vege tables. potatoes, season exten sion technology, mulches, la bor/regulatory issues, cole crops, and sustainable growing will be offered. Sessions on the second day will focus on stone fruit, direct marketing, straw berry plasticulture, processing crops, peppers, bedding plants, perennials, irrigation, alterna tive tillage, and fumigation/ pesticide application. The last day will feature tree fruit, to matoes, vine crops, small fruit, cut flowers, and value-added vegetables. A special hands-on comput er woricshop will be conducted throughout the first two days of the convention. Growers will be able to see firsthand demon strations of agricultural soft- i I ai m (frt«L 5 Mdth Leola • M.M, Weaver & Son 717-656-2321 Lewisburg • Don Erdley Farm Equip. 570-524-2410 New Berlmville • Erb & Henry Equipment 610-367-2169 New Ringgold • Eckroth Bros. Farm Equipment 570-943-2131 100-120 Lehigh Ave , PO Box 928, Batavia New York 14021-0928 71 6/343-5411 Orefield • Eckroth Equipment 601-366-2095 Peach Bottom ■ Triple H Equipment 717-548-3775 Sharon ■ Watsons, Inc. 724-346-6514 NEW JERSEY Pittsgrove ■ Schaper Bros. 856-455-1640 Hammonton • Rodio Sales 609-561-0141 ware programs and the use of the Internet. The processing tomato growers with the highest yields for the 1999 season will be honored at the annual Tomato Awards Luncheon on the open ing day, Jan. 25. That evening, Pennsylvania fruit and vege table growers will be treated to a reception hosted by the Penn sylvania Department of Agri culture and the Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association. The annual Fruit and Vege table Growers Banquet will folllow with recognitions and entertainment. For more information on the vegetable program and regis tration, contact William Trox ell, Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association, (717) 694-3596. For more informa tion on the fruit program and registration, contact Maureen Irvin, State Horticultural Asso ciation of Pennsylvania, (717) Rust free polyester hoppers, "DURA-COAT” enamel on painted components with stainless steel metering plates, precision adjustments, and a variety of spouts for a multitude of applications have earned Superflow seeder spreaders a world-wide reputation as the premier broadcast spreader. Grower and Marketer, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 11, 1999—Page 677-4182. Persons registered for either the fruit or vegetable program can attend all the ses sions offered (fruit, vegetable, and small fruit sessions)and the trade show. Registration either through the mail or at the door is required to attend both the trade show and educational sessions. Upcoming Meetings Bill Lamont, Department of Horti- trees, wreaths, and greenery products. These sessions are for anyone interested in adding income to their business through sales of Christmas trees and wreaths, not just Christmas Tree growers. Also important to this con ference is the vendor Trade Seeder spreaders are easily calibrated for extremely accurate performance. Versatile spreaders band material in vineyards, orchards and nurseries, as well as spread lime, and salt and sand for winter use. Conference Jan. 31-Feb.2 (Continued from Page 8) Zig Zag Wire Poly Lock accepts muMHayers, & muttl Zigzag Root Covers jßSmmmmißO WifOlOCk I Posi-Clasp wirelock is deeper ' ( Bow J) than most other wirelocks, to i jj allow several layers of material [ and several layers of wirelock for multi-directional attachment. End| Aluminum Base& Q/\iK Covefs Stainless Steel Wire OU Mr Alum. Bum- % .SC/LF ZlgZagWlra-$ .24/LF Lm* than *C. *dd 10% Visa/MC accepted Base S' long Wire 4' long can be UPS'd Base 12' long (ComnCarr only) . FOB PA iican Jersey Asparagus Farms, Inc. JERSEY MALE HYBRID ASPARAGUS Seed and Crown Varieties featuring Jersey Giant and Jersey Knight ‘Higher Yielding ‘Better Tasting ‘Quality Spears ‘Disease Tolerant EXCLUSIVE SEED RIGHTS TO ALL JERSEY MALE HT BRiDS STRAWBERRIES ■ Maryland Certil Program Discounts for Early payment Quality Dormant Plants Early, Mid, and Late Season varieties ■ Low prices ■ Disease Tolerant culture, Local December 7, 1999: Western Pennsylvania Vege table and Berry Growers Semi nar, Days Inn. Butler. Pa. 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Contact: West moreland County Extension, Eric Oesterling (724) 837-1402. January 19, 2000: Ctap (computer technology for agri cultural producers) Expo Sher aton Inn, Warrendale, Pa. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Contact: Don Fretts, Fayette County Co operative Extension (724) 438-0111. Show. For the 2000 conference, the trade show is being expanded. The trade show has room to add many more ven dors than in previous years and the conference committee and board of directors are putting on a push to increase the num ber of vendors and add different product lines to the show. For more information on the 2000 NYS Farmers’ Direct Marketing Conference, contact Diane Eggert at (315) 656-9977 or email her at diane99 @ por Umar foot for M LF or mom ADVANCING . I ALTERNATIVES " 717 Schuylkill Mountain Road Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 Phone 570-739-1034 Fox 570-739-1258 ■k. *NEWfor 2000* MliiWlli 'ation - Earliblue, Bluecrop, Coville - 3 year old Plants - High Yielding ACCESSORIES ■ Harvesting Equipment ■ GardenCarryAlls ■ Recipe Books 189 c
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