LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT COW COMFORT Now it is easy!! Introducing the Dynamat™ Can be used without a top cover Designed to be easily removed for cleaning and/or maintenance and returned to stall. The decision is easy when everything adds up! A comfortable mat at a fair price - Delivery & installation available Ova»»’*p : Allen Hoover Repair R. 1, Box 227 • Mifflinburg, PA 17844 I L. B . FEN CI N G ] i 305 Good Road, East Earl, Pa. 17519 \ I 717-445-4764 .Luke Burkholder ;Sl - 5 Specializing In All Types Of High Tensile Fence Stream Bank Fencing - Supplies And Installation All Types Of High Tensile Supplies Sold High Tensile Wire Fence Posts C.C.A. Pressure Treated (30 year) Pressure Treated Board Fence Available 4 to 5”x6’6” 5 to 6”x7’ 4 to s”B’ 6 to 6”B’ 5 to e”x6’6” 6 to 7”x6’6” Good Supply In Stock For All Sizes We Ship U.P.S or Deliver Unique two-inch thick matrix design employs reclaimed tire rubber to provide softness for cow comfort and long term durability for economy. Proven cow acceptance Durable construction Designed for easy installation and cleaning equals Phone 717-966-3821 Certified Tonsile Range 200,000 Psi Class II! Galv. 4,000 Ft. Rolls In Line Strainers, Spring Loaded In Line Strainers w/o Spring Strainer Handle (Zink Plated) 4” Tube Insulators (200 pk) 20" Wrap Around Insulators (10 pk) C2L Double Crimp Sleeves (100 pk) 50 lb 1 y.” Class 111 Galv. Barbed Staples 50 lb 2” Hot Dipped Galv. Staples, 10-47-6-11 Woven Wire Fence (330 Ft.) Heavy Duty Post Drivers For Sale By L.B. Fencing • 3 Pt. Hook-up • Skid Loader Mounts • In Stock Ready For Delivery Call For Price 717-445-4764 Features corrugated under surface to provide added softness and easy washing in place. Prices F. 0.8. KfataMabler miwiMMiMHinw Fresher, , Cleaner Water Easy to install, service, and clean The Thrifty King™ from Ritchie.® imm Rm imnr.u. Lower Your ' - * i7 Electrical Bill Without Lowering your Standards. Got -fcla.e latest in eleotrio-free teolmolosy from: Call or Write for Free Catalog LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT. INC OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE QQ GAP, PA 17527 ||||m| PHONE: 717-442-8134 717-768-8301 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL - Radio Dispatched Trucks CATTLE 16 Polled Hereford brood cows, make excellent foundation herd, pasture bred to registered bull, $650 each. 814-623-5382 Bedford Co. 1 Guernsey heifer, 1 Hols tein Jersey cross. Due to freshen soon. Will deliver. 717/328-2235. 25 Head Black Steers Weighing 700-900 Lbs. Ac climated, Good Quality, on Farm Pasture Program. Perry County. (717)536-3832. 3 Large grade springing, heifers A 1 bred, 2 due Nov. 1, due Dec. Berks 610-285-2414 SO Close Up Heifers due within 2 weeks; SO due within 30 days; also good tie stall herds available. Joe Olstelburger, 914/343-1726. 50 cow A-l sired Holstein herd. 20 cows due within 60 days, 15 more con firmed pregnant, 15 cows fresh or Just bred. Will sell 40-50. 717-284-3562 62 Holstein cows, milking 55/lbs per cow, 4.0% but terfat, AVAILABLE AFTER JAN. Ist 1999, make an offer. 410-398-6180 evenings. ' 6 Al Holstein heifers due to freshen soon, good size, out of good herd. Will de liver. 717/328-2235. 6 black Limo Club calves from a winning herd. 717-834-9795. 7 beef steers ready to eat, .55/lb butchering available. 717-385-4458. 8 Holstein cows due w/2nd & 3rd calf. All due to freshen soon, all good size. Will deliver. 717/328-2235. 8 head feeder cattle, beef type heifers. Will deliver. 717/648-2003. Angus Bulls, Cows & heif- 717/792-3216 York County. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 28, 1998-Dl7 Attention Cattle Feeders! I provide order buying, ser vice & trucking. Denzil Heishman 540-465-5785. Black Simmental yearling bull, reg., polled, calving ease, high EPD’s, halter broke. Add pounds to your weaning weight. $7OO. Also cattle & sheep dip pers, good condition, past 4-H member. 717/225-6279. Buyers - Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results! 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Charolais, Reg. bulls, open | and bred heifers from A-l breedings to top sires. CA MEO FARM (near Freder ick, MD) 301-831-9243 Custom heifer raising, F.M. Brown Sons, Berks County. 610-582-4591. FOR SALE OR LEASE: Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams re cords to over 30,000 M. Many to choose from. Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610/488-1965. For Sale 22 Angus Cows, Bred to Registered Angus Bull, Also One Angus Re glstered Bull. (717)367-9301. Fullblood Limousin bulls, all ages, calves to 3yo. Call Lenape Limous (215)723-2906. Full blood Simmental, ex cellent polled bulls, open heifers, bred females. Your Eastern Source! Also dis persal of purebreds; good buys. Can deliver. 610/469-1766. Grade and Registered V Holstein Heifers, also Ca- * nadian Herds. For further info, (717)671-5990. g Herd of 26 Holstein cows & heifers, 13 Istcalf, balance 2nd & 3rd calf. Heifers can be bought seperately. 717-965-2461 717-965-2659 717-673-3322 Herd of 32 Holstein cows { for sale 717-254-6566 1 Highland Cattle, Texas Longhorns, Liannas. All ages. Rag., excellent qual ity. 908/995-2323 leave message. Holstein Hlefers & Steers, 300-800/Lbs. FOR SALE! (717)266-5939 (York County) Improve your herd with HERITAGE ANGUS BULLS. Any cow + purebred Angus Sire - mostly black offspring and totally hornlessl Selling yearlings. $.90-$l.lO/lb. 610-693-5480 Large Dairy Wants To Buy Holstein Heifers, due within 3 months. 410-358-0412. LIMOUSIN CATTLE FULLBLOODS: Heifers and bulls of all ages. West minster, MD (410)857-0176. Polled Hereford calves 9 mo. and younger. 908-735-4019. Before 9 PM. Purebred Angus herd RE DUCTION SALE. Pairs, bred heifers, cows, bulls. Top A-l sires represented. 717-667-9817 home 814-865-5857 office Reg. Hereford females, quality seedstock, various ages, open/bred, $4504800. 717/249-8694. Reg. Holstein bulls. All sizes and ages, from Pre mier cow families of the holstein breed. Aden H. Keener 717-285-7426 Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. ces Reasonable pr (717)637-3090. Reg. Jersey bulls, 1-15 month service age, 1-6 month, from Premium win ning cow families. 814-466-6669 Reg. Seivice Age Holstein Bull: Dam EX9I 2E 32,870 3.9 1288 3.7 1226, next 3 dams VQ or EX w/top pro duction. Other' bulls avail able. 717/548-2597. Reg. Simmentals, bred cows and heifers, weaned bulls, steers, heifers. Hem lock Hollow Farm, Wayne Co.. PA 717-448-2074. Always Wanted complete Dairy Herds Have Immediate Buyers Waiting Give us a call also groups of open and bred heifers. Quality Herds for Sale at All Times Happy Hollow Farms John H. Wetmore 717-253-5329 house 717-253-6995 barn 717-470-3364 car BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. WELK-CREST HOLSTEINS Matthew T. Welk 717-548-2597 ■SS*' o*Tt? 0 * Tt? LONG DISTANCE OR LOCAL 1 Herd of 60 Holstein cows, 20,0001 b herd avg. 540/788-9885. Reg. Simmental cattle, red & white cow/calf pair, calf is a bull; also 2 very nice bred show heifers, 1 all black, 1 gray, good quality show cattle; 4 year old donkey. 814/832-3551 after 6pm. Scotch Highland Cattle. 301/245-4413, Accident, MO. TEXAS LONGHORNS. We lost the lease on some of our land; BAD DEAL for us. We have to sell alot of our cattle. We have them marked down tor quick sale; GOOD DEAL for you! 717/334-4908 office, 717/334-4136 home. Two Al-bred Dec.-Jan. springers, w/dams to 24,00G/lbs. for sale, good udder promise. Lancaster Co. 717-656-2995. WANT; ,500-800-1 lb open Holstein heifers. (814)542-2102 or (814)542-9507. WANTED: Heifers or dry cows to board. 410-692-0250 WANTED TO RENT FA CILITIES TO FINISH 200-500 STEERS. Feed provided. Lancaster or York counties. STAR ROCK FARMS 717-872-4058 717-872-2065 We will board your heifers, starting March 1999. Stras burg, Lanco. 717-687-8210 Ben King Will raise your baby calves till you want them back! 1-800-788-4597 access code 00 Fresh and Springing cows and heifers. Reg. and grade. 300 on hand. Perry Co. (717) 789-3241 Dairy Cows & Heifers Bought & Sold Freddie S. Smith 540/639-2262 After 8 PM
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