A3B-L>ncaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1 Public Estate Auction Sat., Oct. 31,1998 Time-9AM Located In Perry Co., approx 7 miles west of Newport and 2 miles west of the village of Skyline Corner on Middle Ridge Rd. Antiques-Collectibles-Furniture-Primitives Two (2) oak china cabinets, 1-w/bowed sides & the other w/lg bowed door; 6-oak pressback chairs; oak high chest of dwrs w/mirror; oak dresser; washstand w/butter print; oak Morris chair w/lion front arm supports; square top, turtle top, & painted oak strands; 2-oak framed mirrors; dbl pedestal 1-dwr oval Empire library table; Mission style library table; fancy Singer treadle sewing machine; country telly cupboard; wrought iron marble top table; dbl seat 1-room school desk; Hoosier style cabinet (needs repair); church pew; expansion din table w/10-legs; behind-the couch table; 1930's vanity, dresser, & dbl bed; various side chairs; modem Boston rockers; dbl floor bookcase; brass bed (needs repair); China & glassware-Indian Tree china (svc 4-8, 52pcs); 27 pcs of oven proof brown china; pcs of Row Blue, depress, Fire King, ruby glass, clear pat tern; Iris pattern pcs; Blue & White Colonial print china; large creamer & pitcher collection; primi tives- spongeware pitcher; Watt No. 17 pitcher w/flower (not perfect); granite coffee pot; cast iron mush pot & skillets; E.S. & B. 4-gal jug; crock w/ball handle & lid; pine needle baskets; sm. dome trunk; blankets & comforters; sm. wooden document box; Enterprise #l2 grinder; Enterprise sausage stuffer; 2-iron butcher kettles (rough); egg baskets; apple & strawberry crates; blue canning jars; counter jars; 2-Buffalo Twp history books; guns- Stevens 94E s/s 410ga; wooden long rifle stock; Rival Oak No. 7 coal/wood stove; sm cook stove... Note-both stoves need work; Camp Curtain Trust coin bank; Ig amt of knickknacks; early picture frames; advert, tins; early tools-(9)wooden molding planes; wooden tool boxes & caddies; 1-hole com sheller; old grain windmill (good cond); Ontario grain drill (needs work); Ig platform scales; hand grindstone & hand tools; Ottenheimer Bros 201 b scale. Household-Tools-Misc Planter Jr. cultivator w/gas eng.; Dynamark shp frt end tiller; Murray shp, 22" cut mower; 2nd frt end tiller; HD screw jacks; Craftsman 10" radial arm saw; Belsaw sharpen-all; elect, cement mixer; tire changer; Miller oil furnace (64,000 btu, good); oak rug loom; Singe treadle cabinet; bee hives (many); 3-chicken brooder huts; old school bus w/flat head six eng; scrap metal pile. Auctioneer notes—As the bam is prepared for auction, there's bound to be more interesting items found ,M Plenty of off road parking! Some shelter will be provided if raining. Auction will begin w/smalls from the house. Some furniture will be mixed into auction beginning at noon. Terms: Cash or approved check only. the Fern M. Albright Estate Perry Albright, executor D. Magee, AA-2387-L Nevin {M) AU 2553-L FAHNESfOCK’S 8565 Auction Service 2727 All Batteries In Stock - ■ mm 343 CHRISTIANA PIKE CHRISTIANA, PA 17509 urth Annual Autumn E - Through November 10 10% OFF 0% Discount On All Propane Heaters n Comfoxt ' Vented & Vent-Free | Fireplaces, Space I Heaters, Tank-Top r Heaters Industrial Heaters For High Bay Commercial and Industrial Application. Six Models - Ranging from 20,000 to 120,000 Btu. Efficient zone control directs the heat exactly where it is wanted. Handle the hard-to-heat jobs where other heaters fail town ★★ ★ ★ uucs KILE Selects Sheep Breed Champions (Continued from Page A 29) SaVnar. 2. Jodi Chapman. 3. Callie Chap man. SALE FALL LAMB: 1. Kyta Fauvar-Stout. FALL LAMB; 1. Patience Care Montad. SALE SPRING LAMB; 1. Weston Farm. 2. Weston Fami 3. Weston Farm. EARLY SPRING LAMB: 1. Cavey Family Montada 2. Cavey Family Monlada 3. Little Rest Farm. LATE SPRING LAMB; 1. Hughy & Karen SaVnar. 2. Hughy A Karan SaVner. 3. Craig A Kendra Flack PAIR OF LAMBS; 1. Hughy A Karan Salf ner. 2. Cavey Family Montada. 3. Weston Farm. CHAMPION A RES CHAMPION EWE: 1. Hughy A Karan SaVnar. 2 Cal lie Chapman. EXHIBITOR'S FLOCK 1. Hughy A Karen SaVnar. 2. Callia Chapman. 3. Cavey Family Montada. RAM. 1 YR. A UNDER 2 1. The Brasada Spur. 2 Ruth Ann Curtis. 3. Charles King A Family. RAM, FALL LAMB: 1. The Brasada Spur. 2 Ruth Ann Curtis. 3. Ruth Ann Curtis. SPRING LAMB: 1. Jerry Frame Family. 2. The Brasada Spur. 3. Jerry Frame Family. PAIR OF RAM LAMBS: 1. Ruth Ann Cur tis. 2 The Brasada Spur. 3. Jerry Frame Family. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. OA 5... .Cl im ofTaneytown, Md Farm Tractors, §£T S f UN Farm Equip, Industrial Equip, and r?u VL AM n ,que F l irni ‘ Hawn equipment Edgar Bohrer, h e 'w ? ectlbl u' Antiqu f s ,ro T Tony Quarnck, Sam Walters, the old Mayes House in Lemont, auct i Pa From Harrisburg take Rt 322 ■ Wto State College, take bypass to JUES OCT 27 • 12 30PM Short 2nd exit, make right and go to light k Sn c l rum ’ at Sheetz and turn nght, follow to H . on ? ?' Pa .,^!? q ]f bur ?> Llve ' next light and the auction is on the slock Auction, Middleburg, Pa — right By Ronald Dague Ron J & SAT OCT 31 - SAM Antiques, Ron S Gilligan, aucts collectibles, furniture, primitives In SAT OCT 24 -10 AM Furniture, Co , approx 7 miles W of household godos, farm supplies Newport and2milesW ofthevil 34HomlesMillRd .Creamßidge MJ Rt 537 to New Egypt Traffic d . Th ® Ta rn A M Albright .itt, north on Holmes Mill, approx Es a e Fahnestock s Auction Ser ) miles Allen's Auction Service Sick Allen, aucts pmmmmh SAT OCT 24 -10 AM Municipal Surplus Auction Basement of old Northampton Borough Garage, .aubach Ave & Smith Lane, Northampton, Pa Off Rt 22 at 387 N N to Rt 329, left on Rt 329 lo Northampton Lett onto Laubach Ave look for signs By Peter Krall Auction Co M' lON OCT 26 - 9AM Taneytown ■ami Equip, Rt 194,1 mile North 25th Doll, Toy, Teddy Bear, Beanie Babies, Barbies & Star Wars Show & Sale Sun., Nov. 1-98 10:00AM-3:30 PM York Fairgrounds, York, PA Approx. 300 tables admission $2.50 with ad. Inf. 717-442-4279 gggSSL: Heaters Also On £ale At Nippenose Stove & Chimney Rt. 3, Box 367 Williamsport, PA 17701 717-745-3253 Marine Is The Mandatory Pork Checkoff Working For You? Since the pork checkoff became mandatory the National Pork Board has collected $417,000,000. But has it helped hog producers? No! Here’s what has happened: hog prices have been lower in 8 out of 12 years; 207,000 hog farmers have gone out of " business; pork prices paid by consumers are 30% higher; while the hog farmer’s share of the consumer dollar has dropped from 46<t to 275. The Campaign for Family Farms is circulating a petition calling for a vote to end the mandatory pork checkoff. Farmers who have sold at least one hog since January 1,1997 and have paid into the checkoff can sign. To si v v Campaign for Family Farms PO Box 3016, Dcs Moines, IA 50316, CHAMPION A RES CHAMPION RAM: 1. The Brasada Spur. 2 Ruth Ann Curtis. EWE. 1 YR. A UNDER 21. Ruth Ann Cur tis. 2 Fitzpatricks. 3. Ruth Ann Curtis. PAIR OF YEARLING: 1. Ruth Ann Curtis. 2. Fitzpatricks. 3. The Brasada Spur. FALL LAMB: 1. The Brasada Spur. 2. Ruth Ann Curtis. 3. Kyle Fauver-Stout. EARLY SPRING LAMB; 1. Jerry Frame Family. 2. Ruth Ann Curtis. 3. Shady Hollow Farm. LATE SPRING LAMB: 1. Charles King A Family. 2. Jerry Frame Family. 3. The Bra sada Spur. PAIR OF LAMBS; 1. The Brasada Spur. 2. Kyle Fauver-Stour. 3. Ruth Ann Curtis. CHAMPION A RES CHAMPION EWE: 1. Ruth Ann Curtis. 2 The Brasada Spur. EXHIBITOR'S FLOCK 1. Ruth Ann Cur tis. 2 The Brasada Spur. 3. Jerry Frame Family. Top Lancaster DHIA Cows RBNNY DAISY JOY LUV PEAK PETALS DEHDRO CROTON EDWIN JOHNSON ELVA TINSEL TANYA GLEN DAUGHERTY PRBCIU HAZEL BESHORE FARMS JANIE JEANNA HC RAL DAIRY FARM 1850 'n the etition to end the mandate ork checkoff, write to: or call 515/266-5213 RAM, 1 YR. I UNDER 2: 1. Jackman Farm*. 2. Down Vallay Farm. 3. Down Vallay Farm. RAM. FALL LAMB; 1. Down Vallay Farm. 2. Jackman Farms. 3. Down Vallay Farm. RAM, SPRING LAMB: 1. Jackman Farms. 2. Down Valley Farm. 3. Down Valley Farm, PAIR OF RAM LAMBS: 1. Jackman Farms. 2. Down Vallay Farm. CHAMPION A RES CHAMPION RAM: 1. Jackman Farms. 2. Down Vallay Farm. EWE. 1 YR. A UNDER 2:1. Down Valley Farm. 2. Jackman Farms. 3. Down Valley Farm. PAIR OF YEARLING; 1. Down Vallay Farm. 2. Jackman Farms. 3. Springsbarry Farm. FALL LAMB; 1. Jackman Farms. 2. Jack man Farms. 3. Down Valley Farm. EARLY SPRING LAMB; 1. Down Vallay (lurn to Page A 39) (Continued from Page A 37) RH 3-9 294 28,070 RH 5-11 305 31,399 RH 5-3 305 27,318 RH 2-1 305 25,755 RH 3-3 305 25,637 4-5 305 23,341 2-4 305 23,730 2-0 305 25,047 AIRVILLE 6-5 6-7 4-6 BROGUE RH RH RH 305 305 305 GR-H GR-H 7-3 305 5-1 305 NEW CUMBERLAND 3- 305 4- 305 EAST BERLIN 3-8 305 GR-H Columbia 1007 1070 1140 27,154 26,233 23,852 3.7 4.1 4.8 26,698 25,135 27,483 26,221 27,361
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