C4-Uncaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon.. Tuee., Wed.. Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM BI farm EQUIPMENT 1070 Case fender. 970 Case fender. 110 Int. sil age wagon. 95 JD com bine, 3 heads, 2000 hrs. 10’no-till drill. 6501 H chop per, 2RN pickup. 12’ JD disc. Call 717-568-3451 16,000-Lb Capacity Clark Forklift, w/Cab & Heat, Also Dual Wheels $7,500 / o b o . (717)385-4613) 1941 JOB $1,050.; 1944 Farmall H $975. Evenings (215)968-4808. 1949 Farmall Cub, S' Belly Mower. 4' Front Blade $2,400. (717)684-2312. 1951 JD G. Perfect Tin, New Paint. Decals, Front Rubber Roll-O-Matic. S/N 48540. $5,500. Call (908)281-6966. 1955 JD D tractor, rebuilt, new paint, mower & blade, $7OOO. 516/537-5014, 516/537-7101. 1964 DODGE 700 DUMP TRUCK. $3,300 (717)367-5113 1971 Ford FlOO pickup, Bolens 16hp tractor, mower, snowblower, 21A mountain ground, water, electricity, wooded level ground. Chainsaw 16' bar, gas forge, close cab for farm tractor, ground-driven manure spreader, Farmall BN for parts. 717/726-6641. 1979 Ford 2600 tractor, diesel, 3pth, PTO, good condition, $5500. 717-564-2900 1979 Int'l Truck w/16ft Dump Bed and Sideboard. 589 V 8 w/5x2 Trans. (717)349-2611 1963 Gleaner F 3, super sharp, only 939 hours, fancy! $18,900 Extra nice 313 flex available. Zeisloft Used Eq.. 800-919-3322. 1983 J 06620 Sidehill, sharp combine, ready for corn, needs nothing, shell ing com now I Extra nice, always shedded. Zeisloft Farm Eq. Bloomsburg, PA 800-919-3322. 1984 IH 1480 Combine. 4WD, Electric-Hyd. Con trols, Gram Loss monitor, Very Good Condition. $18,700. Cumberland County. (717)352-3417. Evenings. 1987 Chev 4X4 Dumpw/ PA Snow Plow, Hyd Cin der Spreader & 8,000 GVW 16ft. construction trailer. $11,500 or will se parate. (610)857-5792 1988 1D6620 Titan II extra sharp, 2440 hours, excel lent, heavy duty axel. Zeisloft Farm Eq., Bloomsburg, PA 800-919-3322. 1997 Ford, static control, cruise, less than 100 hrs, $lO,OOO. 610/932-7646. 200-400 bushel gravity bins w/or without gear BUY. SELL 854 Badger Snow Blower, (2)loB6cab,air,s2oohrs., Excellent Condition triple remotes, 20.8x38. 1717)529-2330. 1066 w/cab. 18438, dual 234 IH mounted corn s* l3 * l - 886 4-post, dual re picker to mount on Farmall motes, real nice. Farmall 560, will fit other tractors, 888 • „P ®. “/H good condition. 717-966-3483 717-734-3372 84 JD 950, WFE, diesel. 2900 gallon top fill liquid 3pt hitch, new front end manure spreader, $2500 loader, excellent condition, 080. 717-872-9169 $B5OO. 410/658-2410. (2) Patz barn cleaners. Onan standby generator, 45XW. (3) coolers. (2) Buildings, 110’x45’ for rent/ lease. 301-582-1264 (3) New Lahman skid load ers, 20hp, w/buckets and auxilaiy hydrualic, $7900, $BOOO, $B2OO. 25 diesel, $9200. 38.6 hp, gas, $11,600. 41hp, demo diesel, $13,750. 20hp, used, 380 hrs., $5700. NH L22S. IH SuperC. Farmall A, $1575. Oliver 70. $1375. MFBS gas, (3)-MF 50. DON 933 CAT Traxvator Loader ERDLEY EQUIPMENT. $4,000/obo 717-524-2410 (301)253-4271. Evenings 3pt hitch snowblowers, s', 966 Cat wheel loader, $1395. 6’, $1495. Size av- $22,500 080. Thermo aiable, 4’-9’. Skid loader cooling tower, never used, snowblowers available. Ro(l-a-mill. Cultivators for Excellent pricing. A,8,530. Various 3-phase 717-286-7851 electric motors 4020 JD Narrow front, 215-234-0587 "f®** •JSLrt' e 8 j od AQ-CO Allis 4650, 40hp, $6200 080. No Sunday 4 W( j & 8’ Woods calls. 717-444-7772. Finjsh Mower> 300-Hrs, 4400 JO combine, good $19,500, Will Seperate. diesel engine & rubber. (215)795-2281. S n N hlow 9 B r hay hln e h Attention IH tractor owners! SHage blower, high Afe ou having Bhifting grower. NH2B Oliver 11 diffic '| tieB . reverse. sec disc, fair condition, on rub- naar hiflh ran ' fltc? be,. >4OO. 609-387-0029 S K 2M2SJJ 48* potato washer, rebuilt products available (610)286-9510. for most of these problems. Clip & save this ad! 402/374-2202. 4WO for 1480 Combine, Will Trade For 2WD. $4,000. (717)352-3417. Sl6 Massey-Ferguson Combine for parts, has Perkins Diesel engine. (717)724-2170 55ft. 3*-feed Auguer w/ motor $4OO/080, 6 Hog feeders 8-hole stainless steel bottoms $75/080, 3000 Ford Tractor, excel lent condition $5500. 717-834-3665. 5' Bush Hog. 6' York rake, very good condition. 609-758-1683 60’ Utility bucket from L4OO NH skid loader, like new, $350. 215/536-3321. 6600 JD Combine, Engine/ Trans Recently Re-Built. $5,900. (717)532-8733. 6600 JD combine, no heads. Delivery available, $3200. 717-534-1253 6V92T Detroit engine, run ning, $lOOO. Extra heavy duly PTO mounted on 5 or 6 speed Mack transmis sion, best offer. A&B GAR AGE 717-263-4139 6x28 Allied transport au ger, $7OO. 6x20 auger w/ hopper. $3OO. N 1329 super sheller attachment, $1350, 1200 bu. round crib, $5OO 717-836-5853 2 15X5X38's w/rims, 95% rubber, $550. (914)726-0903 Orange Co NY FOR SALE - Tag-A-Long Trailer 14’ long 7’ wide Steel Deck 2 (NEW) AXLES not installed $5OO MUST SELL (4io) 335-4700 www.HymanEquipment.com remote. 674, 540, 1000 8N Ford tractor, very good condition, $2300. Call 717-667-0435 8N tractor, new paint, no dents, lights, rebuilt en gine, new tires, new wheel seals, A-1 shape, $3500. 717-436-9795 Ask for Doug (Small farm tractor) 915 IH Combine com and soybean special recent concaves and cyclinder bars, good condition 717-922-1526. AV Tractor, Excellent Con dition w/Cultivators, Touch Controls. $3,500. (609)299-1585 Save Over 50% on used John Deere tractor parts newer than 2 cylinder. Save up to 40% on new replacement parts for JO and IH. We ship. Nelson Parts, (716)526-6705, (800)730-4020. JD 4400 combine, diesel, rotary screen, only 2300 hrs., $9OOO. 1971 JO 4020 diesel, PS, 8000 hrs, $BOOO. JD 3020 diesel. PS. 5400 hrs., $7500 215-679-8280 BACKHOE ATTACH MENT MFI2-. 3 pt, $1,200. 410-833-9091 BATWING MOWER WOODS 3240, 20’. new w/ warranty, demo, $11,500. 410-833-9091 Bale Wrapper; Anderson In-Line Wrapper; NH 853 Baler- Good Shape. $6,000. Vicon 3pt Twin Wheel Rake $500.; Nl 4116 Bar Rake- Like New; Gehl 450 10-Wheel Twin Rake $1,000; Kvernland 337 Disc Mc.ver/Cond.; Deutz Allis SM6ORC Disc Mower/Cond. $3,500.; Techno-Bale Self-Loading Round Bale Wagon; Benco 5 Bale Transporter. GLENN BEIDLER (717)539-8189. 7700 JD combine w/643 6R corn head, $B5OO. 215-348-5514 7 Gravity bins w/heavy gears, $775-$975; JO 12-tooth pull type chisel, walking tandems, $1750; tnt. 3X 16* plow, $675. 610/562-4464. BELTING; Wi fe specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-263-0573. NO Sunday calls. Better Bilt manure spreader, 3600 gallon. JLG manlift F4O. 717-263-3521 BROOM TRACTOR IH 444 w/rebuilt engine, new rub ber, 3 pt & power steering, $3,000. Will Separate. 410-833-9091 Brand new manifolds for tractors, 1930-1975. 507-433-0073 anytime. Brillion 7-Tooth Chisel Plow, 3pt High Clearance, $1,150; Nl 36’ Eleavator $5OO. (717)776-4261. CASE 18458, Dsl. Uni loader, New Tires, Aux. Hydraulics, $11,500 (610)488-6850 CASE 500, diesel, Wheat land, coming in from Montana, very nice condi tion, $2,750. 410-833-9091 CASE 900 Wheatland, diesel, 70 hp, PTO, dual hyd., good condition, $2,800. 410-833-9091 Cardinal grain transport auger, 6*xsl’, good condi tion. $550. 717-285-5030 Case 1816-C, 18HP, 1100-Hrs, 44-W, Excellent Condition. $4,500. (717)369-4115. Case 2294 & 2290, both power shift, overhauled, very good condition, orig nial owner. 301-582-4694 Case 0 tractor, 1948, WF, PTO, good condition, nice collectors tractor. $l5OO. 717/752-7131. Case/IH 485 MFD w/2250 loader, quick mount bucket (like a skid steer), 50HP (42PTO), 1310 hrs., 2pr. remotes, shuttle shift, ROPS, 7 pin trailer plug, excellent rubber, like new condition, professionally maintained, kept indoors $17,750 (610)469-6913. Case IH 7110 MFD; BAUR HARD HOSE Irrigation, 950' All Shed Kept. Exoel lantl (609)935-0348. Case IH 8420 Round Baler w/Hyd. Wrap. Like New, Baled Less than 1,000 Bales. $5,000. York County. (717)757-4238. Case Teratrack 600 track loader, diesel, $3OOO 080. 717-838-0609 evenings. Combine, 12 grain & com head, MF 2745 tractor, plow, cut harrow, packer. 609-267-5858 Cornheads & Grainheads JD, Gleaner and others Zeisloft Used Equip., Bloomsburg, PA 800-919-3322. IH 424, gas, 3,200 hrs., runs excellent, $3,500. Loader Available. 410-833-8091 IH 504 tri-cycle w/«1701 trip loader, $2,000. 410-833-9091 IH 806 diesel, w/turbo & duals. 475 disc w/mulcher 5 hydraulic wings. 14’ vibra harrow. 14' Brillion culti packer. 12' chisle. McCurdy gravity bin wa gon. 717-653-4748 IH 806 Wheatland w/cab, 540/1000, dual hyd., recent overhaul, good TA, no 3 pt, $4,500. 410-833-9091 IH. 826 w/cab, 3 pt., 540/1000, 90 hp, clean midwest unit, $6,800. 410-833-9091 IH 963 Com Head. York County. (717)862-3639. IH 966 fender tractor, good condition, $6,900. (814)467-8839. IH Model 93 combine, w/10’ Hume reel, self propelled, $l2OO ObO. 717-463-2372 evenings. IH Super W 6, gas, PTO, very straight, $2,600. 410-833-9091 Jamafa brussel sprout harvester, 3pt hitch, 540 PTO; FMC John Bean air blast sprayer, 500 gal tank, 35GPM, PTO pump w/2 heads, Wisconsin engines. Philip Tuthill, 2124 Bowers Beach Rd, Frederica, DE 19946. JO 1210 A Grain Cart, 400 bushels, exc. condition! $3,300. (717)677-9658 JD 1650, diesel, 4x4,60 hp w/JD #lOO loader, 750 one owner hrs., ROPS & canopy, nice, $18,500. 410-833-9091 JD 2020, diesel, 1,100 hrs. w/belly mower, no 3 pt, Live PTO, power steering, $5,000. 410-833-9091 JD 213 Ilex head, plastic fingers, new skid plates w/ plastic and flex seals, $3950. 10‘ Brillion hi clearance chisle plow w/ Midwest Busterbar, $950. Wamer-Swassey backhoe, 4WO, needs engine, $750. York Co. 717-292-6821 JD 215 Flex, Yellow Reel, rebuilt auger. Many new parts. $3,900 (717)463-3936 No Sunday Calls JD 24T baler w/#3O ejec tor, good condition, service 6 ready to gol $l6OO. Fah- nestock Farm 717-866-7066 lervice JO 2640, 8 spd, diff lock, flattop fenders, old style, 70 hp, runs excellent, ONLY $7,500. 410-833-9091 JD 2640 tractor w/HiLo, 2 outlets, new style, w/roll bar, 18.4x30 tires, new | paint, runs good, $9750. | Also JO 240 loader avail able, $2650. | IH I 717/933-1600. | tire.' JO 300 Corn-Picker, 2R | 30in. Good cond. Best of- Ba*' for. Chester Co. (610)932-8382 JD 300 Cr-Picker jom-t. >r, 2 Row Head, Field Ready. Call evenings (717)776-6350 JO 3020 Gas. N.F. Syncro, Canopy $5,500 or Trade for Round Baler or Large Flat Dump Bed. Adams County. (717)642-9199. JD 3050, same as 2955, cab, MFWD, HiLo, high hours, $14,500. 717/336-7375 No Sunday Calls. JD 347 baler with #3O thrower, repainted, good condition, $5500. 304-274-3412 JD 350 Dozer Outside Blade, Clean. $6,000. De livered.; JD 450 Loader, New Clutchers. Low Hours. $B,OOO. Delivered. (717)698-8311. JD 4010, diesel, cab, 80 hp, WF, 2 hyd., duals, aux fuel, very clean Midwest tractor, $6,600. 410-833-9091 JD 4010, diesel, 85 hp, fender, 18.4x38, daily worker, clean, $6,600. 410-833-9091 IH 1566, fender, 160 hp, 24.5x32, 3 pt„ 1,000 PTO, ready to work, $5,500. 410-833-9091 IH 1896 95 h.p. Tractor, I,6oohr>„ C/A/H, Weights, Radio, $25,000 (609)267-6071 IH 234 corn picker w/ sheller; IH 82 combine; IH 650 harvester; IH truck w/16‘ bed. 717/362-8597. Covered farm wagon- JD 14'x6’x9'high canvas covered peaked roof, open sides, 5-ton adj. running gear w/7.00x15 tires, used to display produce, pump kins, etc. at farm market, $675. 610/626-2555. CRAWLER TRACTORS for sale, Oliver OC-6 w/ loader $5OOO. Oliver- Cletrac BG w/dozer $3500. Cletrac AG w/PTO $3600. Clelrac E w/PTO $3OOO. Cletrac HG coming in soon. Zimmerman Oliver- Cletrac (717)738-2573. D 8 Dozer & cable pan, $3500 080. 12G Cat grader, $2500 080. 717-567-3113 Dismantling for Paris: Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. Dismantling for parts; Case, NH, Bobcat, IH, Hy dro Mac, Toyota and Mus tang skid loaders. New, used, reconditioned parte for Kubota, Ford, Wiscon sin, Perkins engines, Cessna, Vickers, Sun strand hydrostatic trans missions. G.D. Equipment, 717/859-3533. Gleaner L combine, shed kept, w/IS' grain head, 6RN corn head. 814-847-2402 Gleaner M 2 DSL, AC, mo niters, good cond. $B9OO Reduced) Zeisloft Used Eq. 800-919-3322 Blooms burg, PA. Gleaner M-2 hydro com bine, 15‘ floating cutter bar head, and A 630 com head, $13,500. 717-423-6188 Gleaner N 5 Combine with heads. Rebuilt, lots of new parts, Priced right. Zeisloft Used Equip., 800-919-3322. GRAIN AUGER - B"X4lft. Westfield, PTO, Running Gear. $1,650 (732)449-6031 HAY RAKE Nl 406, hyd, w/dolly wheel, $6OO. 410-833-9091 HERCULES. CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9651. Hesston 8200 12’ SP win drower. Nl 4264 tedder rake. 301-662-7086 HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 IH 1066 Rod Cab, Bad TA $5950 717-437-2604. I.H. 1066 (Turbo) Tractor w/Cab Good Condition. $B6OO. (717)768-7729. IH 1256 With T/A Wide Front Weights, Good Con dition. $7,800.; IH 1066 5520-Hrs, Bad T/A $6,300. (814)358-2217/2886
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