844-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. FRI NOV 13-6 PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc , 101 W Fulton St, New Holland Lane Co. PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717-354- 4341 FRI NOV 13 & SAT NOV 14- Lebanon Area Fairgrounds Lebanon. PA Martin s Annual Fall Consignment Auction, carriages sleighs 8 antiques Consign ments welcome 717-354-6671 Martin Aucts_lnc_ _ FRI NOV 13 12 Noon & SAT NOV 14 - 830 AM Real Estate, pers prop antiques, furniture glassware, toys car guns Wm ross S Hess trucks, banks 424 Linden St Terre Hill From Rt 23 take Rt 897 N to Terre Hill, turn left on Mam St turn right on Lin den St Charles M S Mildred L Shirk owners Kline Kreider S Good aucts SAT NOV 14 ■ 12701 Stonewall Rd Shippensburg PA Farm equipment S related items By Ivan S Ellen Leid Nevm S Andrew Martin Aucts 717-532- 5382 SAT NOV 14 Salem, NY Car olray milking herd & bred Heifer disperal 145 head By the Family of Rea 8 Brian Campbell The Cattle 607 746 2226 SAT NCV 14 - Lebanon Valley Lvst Mk* 1 mi Eof Fredericks burg PA along Bt 72 Work dri ving 8 riding horse sale Consign welcome 717-866-5783 Keith Byers 8 Gerald Hoover Aucts SAT NOV 14 - 8 30AM Arbelyn Sansome Estate former owner of Leb Daily News Berwyn Park Lebanon George & Sadie Wren Estate Jonestown, Elmer Zellers Sandhill Malcolm Garrett steel ton & local collections & estates AUCTIONEERS - APPRAISERS - LIQUIDATORS PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE AND RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Known As Intel Sandwich Shop "An Excellent Business & Income Producing Opportunity" With Store Front Business and Apartment Unit Wednesday, November 4,1998 REAL ESTATE AT 10:00 A.M. FOLLOWED IMMEDIATELY BY EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT: 1420 Elizabeth Ave , Laureldale, Reading, PA 1 Story Bnck-Frame-Block Bldg w/lstFl Store Front & 2nd FI Apt w/Off St Pkg. tor 10 Cars • Ist FI Store Front/Currently As Sand Shop w/Eat-In Area - Prep Aiea - Rest Rm • 2nd FI: Apt Unit w/LR-DR-Mod. Kit & Bath - 2 BRs, W to W Carpel • Full Cemented Basement • 6 Mo Old Roof • Rad Oil/Hot Air • Mumc Water & Sewer • Muhlenberg School Dist • Zoned Comm • Close To Many Conveniences Open House Date: 10/18 - 1:00 To 3:00 P.M. Or Call Auction Co. For Additional Appt. Contact Auction Co. For Detailed Brochure #4. THIS IS A SUPER CLEAN 2 UNIT INCOME PRODUCING PROPERTY THAT IS READY TO GO INTO BUSINESS THE VERY NEXT DAY A MUST SEE” REALTOR FEE PAID!! Terms: 10% Down Day Ot Auction. Bal In 45 Days Attorney: Jonathan Batdorf **RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT** “Exceptional Clean Line Of Modern Equipment” 3’ Long Ten Dish Baine Mane; 4-1/2’ Long Eight Dish Bame Mane With Two Side Drawers, 2 Counter Top Electric Baker's Pride Ovens (2-1/2’ x 1-1/2’) (1-3 Years Old), Umvex Commercial Floor Mixer (2-1/2 Years Old) Four Slice Toaster; Stainless Steel Table With Shelf (6'x2-l/2’); Electric Steam Table With Shelf (2-1/2’ x 2-1/2’), Four Drawer Bread Cabinet With Butcher Block Top (4’ x 2’ x 2-3/4’); Gas Grill With One Shelf Top and Two Shelf Bottom (4’ x 5-1/2'); Exhaust and Fan Attached To Grill; Sanyo Microwave; Electric 12 Cup Coffee Pot; Edlund Food Scale; 13’ Customer Counter Top, Front Counter With Two Shelves (9-1/2’ x3’); B’xB’Walk-in Cooler With Racks(s’x 1-1/2’); 18 Cubic Foot Chest Freezer (s’); 18' Cubic Foot Chest Freezer; I Berkel Meat Stacker Sheer On Table; Stainless Steel Table With Shelf (B’x2-l/2’); Globe Meat and Vegetable Sheer; Butcher Top Counter With 4 Drawers (4’x2-l/2’); Double Basket, 40 lb. Capi French Fryer (2 Years Old) - Gas; 2 Speed Exhaust Fan, 4 Burner Gas Stove Top (2 Years Old); 2 Tier Meat Cart; 6’ Stainless Steel Triple Sink (3 Compartment With Drainboard - Sinks 17” x 17”); Double Door, Double Drawer Cabinet (2’x2’); 3 Tier Wooden Shelves (3-1/2’ x I -1/2’ x 3-1/2’), Edlund Can Opener - Table Model; 4 Wooden Shelves (7-1/2' x 1-1/2’ x 6’); 3 Metal Shelves (7 1/2'xl 1/2' x 3 1/2'); 4 Metal Shelf (6’xl-l/2’ x5-l/2’); Small, Medium and Large Aluminum Stock Pots; Miscellaneous Silverware; Miscellaneous Dishware, Miscellaneous Bowls, Trays & Containers; 10,000 Brand New Napkins, Stirrers; 7-5 Gallon Buckets; 5 Round & 7 Square Tubs; Fry Pans; Paper Towel Dispenser; 3’ Round Table; 3 Metal Chairs; Two Tier Metal Cart (3’x2’x3’), Double Doors & Drawers Cabinet With Formica Top (3-l/2’x4’x3’); 2 Cork Boards, Wooden Five Tiered Shelf (3’xl-l/2’ x 5-1/4’); Hand Truck; 2 Tape Dispensers, 3 Five Shelf Chip and Snack Racks (3’xl-l/2’xs’); 2-1/2’ Square Table; 2 Picnic Tables With Benches; Miscellaneous Shelving and Racking; Miscellaneous Small Wares; Four Drawer File Cabinet; Metal Office Desk; 5 Ton Central Air Conditioner, Outdoor Changeable Sign With Letters; TERMS: Payment In Full Day Of Auction. Cash Or Approved Check. Removal Of All items Must Be By Nov. 7th auction for: Corinne Woods AUCTION BY: Pennypacker-Andrews Auction Centre, Inc. Cathy M. Pennypacker-Andrews Lie. #AU-001254-L Luke R. Witman (610) 777-6121 or 777-5890 P.O. Box 558 • Shillington, Pa. 19607-0558 Klemfelter's Auction Room, 105 Chapel St. Leb. Pa SAT NOV 14 - 8 30AM Toys and Hh items, 128 Weaver Rd, Lancaster, PA By Jay Richard Low Estate Witman Aucts PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE (To Be Sold At 1:00 P.M.) 56.1 ACRE FARM Wed., Nov. 11,1998,12:00 Noon Located At 550 Stackstown Rd. between Marietta & Bainbridge Pa. Take RL 441 to Engle rd. Proceed 1 mi, on Engle to Stackstown Rd, then left 2 1/2 story framed-log house, w/kitchen, dining room, living room, 4 bedrooms, bath, basement, well and sep tic. Large bam with hip roof and attached com bam and tobacco shed Property has an agricultural conservauon easement. Terms: 10% day of sale, settlement on or before Jan. 11. 1999. To inspect property, call 426-3736 or 653-5678. Open House Dates: OcL 17,24,3 Land Nov. 7, l-3p.m. Elizabeth Grove Estate Scott Albert, Attorney Harold "Abe" Shaffner's Auction Service Auctioneers: Harold "Abe" Shaffner 829-L (717) 653-5689 Marty Fleck, Apprentice (717) 367-9672 tty^uc^trf^wtlrwi 14-9 AM Shi tools, supplies, guns.f ishing & golfing items, collectibles & per sonal property Estate of Paul H Yost Deibert, aucls SAT NOV 14-9 AM Pequea Bat tery Going Out Of Business Auc tion From Lancaster take 30 Eto Rooks turn left on Ronks Rd to sale on right By Emanuel B & Nancy Fisher Mel Hoover, aucts SAT NOV 14 - 9AM Antique fur niture, lamps, glassware & china, general antiques, collectibles At Spnngetts Fire Co Social Hall, 3013 E Market St, York, Pa For Gerald Warnecke of York, Pa Jacob A Gilbert, Brian L Gilbert, aucts AUCTION SAT., OCT. 31,1998 @ 9 AM LOCATION: 20777 Barrens Rd S, Stewartstown, York Co., PA; Rt. 24 - 2 mi. south of Stewartstown, sale on left. TRACTORS, FARM EQUIP, MILK EQUIP, SILOS, ETC. IH 756 D tractor - 3 pt., cab, WFE, 1 owner; IH 656 D tractor - 3 pt., WFE, good rubber, 1 owner; IH 2000 loader; manure fork; NH 479 haybine; IH 440 wide baler w/#lO thrower; IH 730 4 btm. auto reset semi mtd. plow w/hillside hitch; 7’ gang disc; IH 370 11’ transport disc; Oliver 12’ transport disc; 11’ Bush Hog rotary mower; IH semi mtd. sickle bar mower; IHC 7’ PTO trailer sickle mower; IH 60 trailing 3x16 3 btm. plow; NI 217 manure spreader w/hyd. endgate; Lily 3 pt. fert. spreader; bin wagons; 16’ flat wagon; B’xl6’ hay wagon; McCormick flat belt roller mill; IH 53 3 pt. 4 row workers; Century 200 gal. sprayer; IH hay rake; 12’ cultipacker; 3 pt. grass seeder; 3 pt. 6’ blade; Winco PTO generator - 15KW, on trailer; Snowco grain cleaner; 34’ King Wyse com elevator w/drar; 32’ hay elevator skeleton type on truck; s”x2o’ alum, elevator; 16.9x38 snap-on duals; M&W super snout grill for mtd. picker; IH front & rear wts; tractor tire chains; Zero 500 gal. milk tank; Surge pipeline milker units; Surge I 1/2” glass pipeline; Surge Alamo 2 HP vac pump: vac pet cocks; 2 16’x50’ concrete stave silos; 16’ Silomatic silo unloaders (rough); 6” silo pipe; 9” gooseneck silo pipe; AC 4’ snow blade; AC roto tiller; push cultivator; port pump; post vise; farm jack; barrel pump; misc. long handle tools; scythe; platform scale; 36’ wood ext. ladder; bam fan; wheelbarrow; cross cut saw; fuel tank & elec, pump; hyd. lift gate for van/truck; pipe vise; wood hand truck; power washer; metal imp seat; Scott lawn spreader; cast hog trough; chick crate; 100 egg elec, incu bator; Dole 400 moisture tester; Stihl 015 chain saw; cedar shakes; snow fence; fencing. HORSE TACK, HOUSEHOLD, COMPUTERS long wood horse imp. tongues; western saddle; harness; blinders; horse collar; horsehair fainting couch; decorated flair back rocker; oak swivel office chair; wicker seat rocker; oak office desk; drop leaf tables; cherry BR suite - bed, dresser, vanity, bench; cherry twin beds; maple twin beds w/bookcase headboards; Kranich & Bach upnte piano; maple arm & straight chairs; love seat; 50’s davenport; stuffed chair; coffee tables; side tables; Lazy Boy recliner; (school desks; roll-£ way bed; Andrew Wyeth framed print; bedside stands; smoking stand; card table; Singer sew mach; magazine rack; pics & frames; old globe; vaporizers; photo equip; easels & oil painting supplies; lamps; pots & pans; Wilton tiered cake pans; baskets; flatware; American Heritage, National Geographic, & Nature magazines; lug gage set; Home milk pasteurizer; treadmill; child swing; vac cleaners; fans; desk items; sheets; linens; misc. household items; adv. ther mometers; cast skillet; cast bath tub; IBM 2 disk computer w/Amdek monitor; IBM compatible 286 computer w/Viewsonic 2 monitor; ++ more. TERMS: Cash or good check. Not responsible for accidents. Refreshments by Center Presbyterian Church. OWNER: KATHRYN JORDAN FRED JORDAN, LATE Auctioneers: Kenneth Keeny AU2797L 727-993-3448 M Marietta Thomas AU32SIL * , - „. v*HWS!9»?;» SAT, November 14th LANCASTER, PA at the "FARM & HOME CENTER” Service Road Off route 72, behind Conestoga Boats & Jones Honda dealers mm 9:ooam till -2:oopm Repair parts, '99 PA Farm Show samples, Winross Club display. Weber's NEW 1H Display, Cabin Toys & parts, Harke, and Construction SAVE sss $l.OO off show admission with this Ad. • iM Nice older and collector series farm toys, most all brands included Including pedal tractors, HESS trucks and a few others. Auct-R. Stoltzfus and R. Harry. To consign call (717) 656-8919 %*/* ARGEST AREA SHOW FOR FARM TOYI AUCTION MON., OCTOBER 26th 9 AM TANEYTOWN FARM EQUIPMENT ROUTE 194 1 MILE NORTH OF TANEYTOWN, MD Selling Farm Tractors, Farm Equipment, Industrial Equipment, and Lawn Equipment TRACTORS- AC WD4S w/Loader, Farmall Cub wAVoods Belly Mower, Farmall H w/Side Sickle Mower, Ferguson TO 30, Ford 3910 Diesel New Tires and Rims, Ford NAA, Int 1456 Diesel W/F 3 pt, 2 Remotes, Int 2400 w/Loader, Int 504 NFGas, JD 1010 Gas, JD 300, MF 35 Two Stage, Ford 6610 2100 Hrs Rollbar & Canopy, Ford 4000 Gas, Int 706 Diesel, (2) Farmall Super H, Farmall Super M, JD 401 Ind, Loader, MF 50 P/S, JD 2550 w/245 Loader Nice COMPACT TRACTORS- MF 1030 w/Loader 4x4 1600 Hrs, Case 275/Loader 4x4, Ford 1310/Loader 4x4, MF 1010/Loader 4x4 580 Hrs, JD 1050 4x4 P/S, Kubota 86100 4x4, Ford 1310 2WD Nice, IH 244 w/240 I Owner Hrs, Yanmar ISSD4WD w/4’ Snow Plow LAWN & GARDEN- JD 216, Ford LTII, Ancns 11 HP, Power King I4HP w/Mowcr, JD 455 Diesel 60’’ Deck, JD 430 60" Deck, JD 935 Diesel Car & Snowblower, JD 332 Diesel w/50” Deck, Ingersoll 3118 18HP 48" Deck Blade Bagger 75 Hrs, Jacobsen 6417 Diesel Front Cut, 8 HP Billy Goat Leaf Vac, Troy-Bilt Tomahawk Chipper/Shrcddcr SKID STEERS- JD 575 Diesel, NH L 553 1989 2300 Hrs INDUSTRIAL- Case 580 C Tractor Loader Backhoc, Ford 4500 TLB, Bandit Chipper Model 200 80 HP JD Diesel, MF 204 Forklilt, hit 3414 TLB VEHICLES- 1981 Chevy Silverado 4x4 Auto Air 350 C I 33,000 Original Garaged Miles, 1994 Chevy Silverado Ext Cab 350 Auto PW PDL Cruise Tilt Air 67K, 1981 Chevy I Ton Dually 454 Auto 79K Miles, 1987 Ford F 350 Diesel PW PDL 10’ Contractors Dump I Owner Garaged From New 13,526 Miles 1 , 1976 Cadillac ElDorado, 1975 Chevy C 65 Dump 5 & 2 Trans Air Brakes less Than 10K Miles On Motor EQUIPMENT- Bush Hog 3126 10’6” Mower, Woods 214 14’ Pull Type Mower, NH 273 Baler w/Thrower, NH 850 Round Baler, Gehl #99 Blower, Five Shank Chisel Disc, JD 3Pt Chopper, NI 325 2RN Picker w/314 Shcller, AC 4 Row Planter, White #5400 4 Row No Till Planter, 4-5-6-7-S-9 3 Pt Blades, Kuhn 7’ Disc Mower, Kuhn 7’ Discbme, JD 8300 16x9 DD Pi ess Wheels, JD 210 Disc, JD 310 Disc, White 12’ Transport Disc, MF 8’ Disc, 28 Blade 3 Pt Disc, NH 157 Hay Tedder, Hesston 1150 12' Hydaswmg Haybmc, NH 469 9’ Haybme, JD 1209 9’ Haybuic, Case #99 Ground Drive Sprejide/, Gehl2sQ PTO Spreader, NH 308 Spreader, NH 791 Tandem Spreader, NH 5676 Tandem Spreader, NI 213 Spreader, NI 224 S Spreader, 4-5-6-7-S Pull & 3Pt Mowers, Bush Hog GT 42 Mower, Plows, Shaver HD 8 All Hydraulic Post Driver, BH PHD, Danuscr PHD, 2 Ford 501 Sickle Bar Mowers’, MF Balanced Head Mower, 3 Shank Subsoiler, IX Subsoilcr, 3 Pt Sweepster, Grimm Hay Tedder, 5 Ft Used 3 PT Tiller, Int 35 Rake, Woods 360 Finish Mower 3 PT, NH #55 Rake Like New, Bnllion 14’ Transport Harrow, Ford 13’ Transport Disc NEW EQUIPMENT- 4-5-6’ Mowers, Scraper Blades, PHD. Post Drivers Being Sold Absolute SHOP EQUIPMENT- Snap-On Tool Box, Snap-On Vacuum Sand Blaster, Snap-On Mig Welder-Misc Snap-On Tools Too Numerous To Mention Inc Air Tools and Wrench Sets lECT TO I*RH items sub. MANY MORE ITEMS lENTS AC >NSIGNI BOHRER. TONY OUARRICK. ED< WALTERI >R SALE :pecti :epted iERVED ■UCTI %
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers