840-lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 ■ 13mi at Hess gas station, turn E for 1 block James W Mohr & Son, auct co Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be -updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. SAT NOV 7-9 AM 120 Acre M/L Farm Collectibles and Tools Real Estate, Personal Property At 3 Long Rd Lenhartsville, Pa Traveling on Okie Rt 22 in Kli nesvil'e turn onto Donat Rd To Little Rd Top Rd For Helen & Enda Stump David P Loeb, auets SAT NOV 7-9 AM Along Cold Run Rd , Geigertown, Berks Co, PA Real estate & personal prop erty By Estate of Margaret Moyer, Mary Baer, Exc Homing Farm Agency, Inc, 610-286- 5183 SAT NOV 7 - 9 30AM Farm machinery, collectibles and mis cellaneous items 1 1/2 miles N of 522 on Samuels Church Rd , 1/2 mile W of Churc, 2 1/2 miles west of McClure, Pa Decatur Twp, Mifflin Co Mr Paul E Wright, owner Jay E Lauver Steven Wagner, aucts SAT NOV 7 -10 AM 397 acres offered in 4 tracts antiques New Canton, Va SAT NOV 7-10 AM Real estate Village of North Fork, Harrison Twp, Poller Co, Pa Juddie S Hurlbert, Sr Estate Randy Jelliff Auct Service SAT NOV 7 -10 AM Real estate & Personal Property Off Rt 220, New Albany, Pa Shamrock Auc tion Service SAT NOV 7 -10 AM Mel’s Sta ble, Driving, Work Horse Sale Mel Hoover auct SAT NOV 7 -10 AM 41 Acre Farm for the Mina Farmer Estate of Delta, Pa at 1672 Paper Mill Rd, approx 5 miles NE of Della turn off Rt 74 at Della Family Restaurant & proceed to left on Lay Rd to left on Paper Mill Rd Sechnst Aucts SAT NOV ? -10 30 Real Estate Farm Equip & Household Goods in the M'le Hill area out side of Sunbury in Upper Augus ta Twp Northumberiond Co Pa Travel 2 1/2 miles on i lile Post Road turn right onto Mt Peasant Rd and travel 3/10 a mile to ajc tion site on left Owner David W Clark Roger A Lauver Dean E Longacre aucts PUBLIC SALE Farm Equipment - Ear Corn Orrstown Sleigh -Stone Crusher Saturday, November 14,1998 10:00 a.m. At 12701 Stonewall Rd., Shippensburg, PA Directions - From Interstate 81, Exit 9, take Rt. 696 North 4-1/2 miles (thru Shippensburg) Turn left onto Middle Spring Rd. Go 1/2 mile, turn left onto Cemetery Rd to Stonewall Rd., turn left. Go 8/10 mile to sale on right. Watch for yellow sale signs. International 1086 w/cab, air, turbo, T.A. dual hyd. and RT.O 4100 hrs.; John Deere 4020 turbo., N.F. side console, dual hyd. and RT.O. 4950 hrs., J D 2030 Diesel MFWD, 8 speed, Indpt. RT.O. 2100 hrs. - sells with J D 146 loader; J D. 2150 Diesel 8 speed, Indpt. RT.O. J.D. 7000 4RN no-till corn planter w/momtor, dry fert. sorghum cups; J.D. 3 pt. F 325 3-16” hyd. reset plow; J.D. 10’ cultimulcher; Bearcat IT cultimulcher; Bullion 14’ pull type wing field cultivator: Glenco 12’ 3 pt. field cultivator; J.D. 11l 12’ double offset disc w/c springs; J.D. 9’ transport disc; 9’ cultipacker; 3 pt. fert. spinner. J.D. 336 baler w/kicker; New Holland 489 haybine; N.H. 479 hay bine; N.H. 55 hay rake; Farmhand 5 wheel pull type rake; N.H. 25 whirl-a-feed blower; Grove 14 ft. 3 beater forage wagon w/roof; 3-flat bed wagons: N.H. flail chopper; 3 pt. 5 ft. rotary mower. Farmhand 835 grinder-mixer w. hyd. drive, 1000 R.P.M.; Hedlund Martin tandem axle manure spreader w/hyd. auger lift; N.H. 675 tan dem axle manure spreader; Farmco 24' feeder wagon; 3 pt. bale car rier; 3 pt. 7 ft. scraper blade; 6"x45' gram auger w/5 h.p. motor; new 200 gal. field sprayer tank. ♦ 1 HORSE SLEIGH - by S.B. WISE and SONS, Orrstown, PA Good Shape ♦ STONE CRUSHER by THE GOOD ROAD MACHINERY CO., Kennet Square, PA ♦ EAR CORN - approx. 25 tons m narrow crib Lots of misc. horse hitches, yokes, horse equipment poles; old license plates, crocks; misc. farm antiques. Cherry picker hoist; Century 225 amp welder; J.D. push mower; J.D. 200 series snowblade; head gate; tractor tire chains; wheelbar row sprayers: misc. farm tools. Sale Order: Small items, farm equipment, ear corn. (Sleigh and stone crusher at ITOO a m.) Out of state checks need current bank credit letter. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch served. Sale for: IVAN and ELLEN LEID 717-532-6146 Auctioneers: Andrew Martin 717-532-5382 Nevm Martin AU-1078L SAT NOV 7 - 10 30AM Mel’S Stables, 834 Wallace Rd . New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 SAT NOV 7 ■ 11AM Indian Arti fact Auction West End Fire House, Park Ave, Quakertown, Pa Use NEext Turnpike to ffxit 32 (Quakertown) then N on 663 to 309 S or I-78 to Rt 309 S tor Real Estate Auction 15.2 Wooded-Creekfront Acres Lot 6 Walton Lane North East, Md. Sat., Oct. 31 at 12 Noon This parcel of land is quite possibly the most beautiful approve building site currently available in the area. It is situated on a very private and secluded lane that is shared by only four other homes. The back of the property borders pic turesque North East Creek. The land is mostly mature woods and is absolutely pristine. No Homeowners Association. Yours will probably be the last home built on this lane. Contact our office for more info. Terms: A non-refundable deposit in the amount of seven-thousand five-hundred dollars in certi fied or cashiers check only will be due at the time of sale with the balance to be paid within thirty days. Directions: From US Rt. 40 in North East, Md. Take Rt. 272 North to Lums Rd. and turn right. Proceed approx. 1 mile to Walton lane and turn right. Follow Signs. UNITED AUCTIONS Wm. D. (Dave) Farmer-Auctioneer Elkton, Md. 410-398-3404 Auctioneers Note-We cannot say enough about this property. It is beautiful beyond belief. Stop out and see for yourself. TRACTORS TILLAGE - PLANTING HARVESTING ANTIQUES - TOOLS SAT NOV 7 -11 AM Lower AguslaTwp Northumberland co 7 Tracts or Scenic Country Side Courtney & Massinger, aucts SAT NOV 7-12 Noon Salunga Acres, 15th Anniversary Sale Salunga Acres, Mt Joy, Pa Over 50 lots of Superior Polled Here ford Females SAT NOV 7 -12 Noon Fur Dr, Damelsville, Lehigh Twp, Northampton Co, PA 131 Acre Tree Farm, 5 tracts By Becks Yule Tree Farm of Cherryvill, Gladys Beck, owner Doug& Tim Houser, Aucts, 610-799-2396 SAT NOV 7 - IPM Eighty-One Acres of Farm Land, in Salisbury Twp, Lane Co, Pa For The Slaymaker Family Petersheim Aucts Public Auction Estate of Stanley Gifford 22589 MeKinleyville Road, Rock Hall, MD, Wed., Oct. 28th At 10:00 A.M. Directions From Chestertown, Md. Take Rt. 20 To Edesvillc (Rockhall) Him Left Onto Edsville -Pineyneck Road. Turn Left On To Rt. 298 To Intersection Of MeKinleyville Road & Long Cove Road (Sign Posted). Real Estate: Two Story Frame Dwelling On A l/2 Acre Lot With 24x16 Pole Bam & Other Buildings Inspection: Sunday. Oct 18th From 1-1 PM Terms: 10% Down, Cash/Cerl Check, Settlement 10-60 Days (Subject To Immediate Confirmation) Farm Machinery I H 1486 Tractor With Duals, Cab, A/C (4,400 HR ) I H 1066 Tractor With New Tires, Cab, A/C, (1,556 Hi ), Case David Brown Tractor 885 With Model 80 Loader (2,900 Hr) 8 Ft 1 Pt Spnngtooth, J D 7 Bottom Plow With Buster Bar, J D 5 Bottom Plow 145 1 Pi 1 Bottom Plow, I H 496 Fold Up Disk !7Ft With Buster bar. Ford 1 Pt Bushog7Ft 906, J D 12 Ft Mower, Hardee Ditch Bank 6 Ft 260 N H Stalk Shredder, 8 Ft I H Drill, 16 Ft J D Flat Wagon. J D 494 A Com Planter, John Buher Snow Blower (BFt 1 Pt PTO), Woods 15 Ft Batwmg Mower B -115. New Idea Manure Spreader (80 Cu Ft ) Marine Engine With Trans Post Hole Digger Vehicles-BoaLs: 1977 Chev Dual Wheel Pickup Club Cab 76,000 Miles. 1968 Chev Deluxe Pickup 120,000 Miles, 1995 Toyota Camry V-6 LE A/C, AM/FM Tape, 1961 10 Ft Pacemaker Cruiser, sth Wheel Terry 10 Ft Camper, 1991 16 Ft 1 Axle Boat Transport Trailer, 1947 Steel Hull Tug Boat. 48 Ft Length 11 8 Breadth 6 0 Depth 12 Cyd Engine (To Be Sold Immediately After Real Estate) Tonis & Equipment: Scars 11 HP Riding Mower Scars Track Drive Snow Blower, Hi-Pressure Washer, Sprayer. Chipper, Lincoln Arc Welder WP 227-0-7 With Engine A/C-D/C, AO Carroll Metal Lathe 4 Ft. Small 2 Ft, Small 2Ft Metal Lath, chain Saws. Welding Tables, sharpeners, Victor Trim Mower, Sears Table Saw, Tire Changer Air Compressor Generator, Chas G Allen Double Head Drill Press. 1/2" Drill Press, Cham Hoist, 2 Model 225/12S Lincoln Welders, Hyd Jacks Chopsaw, Air Tools, Impact Wrenches, 20 Ton press. Grinders, Saws, Drills, Wrenches, Belts Parts Ladders. Yard Tools, Fuel Tanks, Log Splitter With Engine & Much More Household Four Rooms Of Furniture. Box Lots & Misc Lunch Will Be Served On Property. Sale Starts With Household & Furniturc.Thcn Tools & Small Equipment, Real Estate At 12:00 Noon, Followed By Sale of Tug Boat, Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Trailers, Etc. RUDICK SALES, INC. SALE MANAGERS, AUCTIONEERS, REALTORS P.O. BOX 220 GALENA, MD. 21635 PHONE: (410) 648-5601 1-800-772-5601 “Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, COLLECTIBLES & TOOLS Wed., October 28,1998 At 2 P.M. Sale to be' held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the corner of Rt. 322 and Durlach Rd. (approx. 2-1/2 miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA. FURNITURE: Antique Walnut Dropleaf Table; Cherry Dropleaf Table; Plank Settee; Blanket Chest; Cottage Washsland; Windsor Chair; Victorian Marble Table; MAHOGANY - FINE GOV. WINTHROP DESK Side Chair; Deco. Bedroom Suite; Cherry Ext. Table & Chairs; Maple Bedroom Suite, Lampstand: Mod. Decorated Dresser & Chest of Drawers, MOD ERN PINE - Corner Cupboard; Chest of Drawers; Desk/Bookcase; Dry Sink, Dinette Table & 2 Hitchcock Chairs; Glass Top Dinette Set w/6 Chairs; Wooden Butter Chum Table; Fine Pr. of Love Seats; La-Z-Boy; Fine Sectional Sofa; Painted Rocker; Box Springs & Mattresses; Lacquered Lamp Table; Fernery; School Bench. APPLIANCES: JENN-AIR SIDE x SIDE REFRIGERATOR (w/Ice & Water Dispenser, Like New); Auto. Washer & Dryer (Like New); Freezer; Color TV; Cookware: Rat Irons; Brass Lamps; Onyx Lamp; Gone w/Wind Lamp; CLOCKS - (2) Schoolhouse; French Slate Case; Seth Thomas Shelf; (2) Mantel; China Cased; EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH; Victor Table Top Victrola; (2) Singer Featherweight Sewing Machines; Stereo Viewer. CHINA & GLASSWARE: Lustre Teapots; Flow Blue Ironstone Tea Leaf Teapot; Sponge Spatter; Chocolate Set; Nippon; Stangl “Thistle” Tea Set; Set of Haviland Bavarian; China; Haldon Pitcher; Set of Haldon China; Bone China Min. China Teapots; Porcelain Basket; Stoneware; Dipple Jugs; Stoneware Dishes; Cut, Pressed & Pattern Glass; Heisey Glass; Enameled Water Set; Cap Cod Glass Goblets. LINENS: Fine Quilts; Post Cards; Baskets; Madge Smith Paintings; Prints; Marbles. TOOLS: Jig Saw; Sm. Table Saw & Jointer; Ladder; Sprinkling Can; Chain Saw; Wheelbarrow; Schwinn Bicycle; Antique Carpenter’s Tool Chest; Wooden Crates & Boxes; Copper Wash Boiler; Coke Cooler; Croquet Set; Set of Golf Clubs; Toboggan; Traps & Skinning Frames. No out of state checks unless accompanied by a current bank letter or prior arrangement with auction service. Horst AUCTS. T Glenn AU43BL I. uienn (717) 859.-,33!. (717) 738 -3080 Timothy G. Fax #(717) 738-2132 Thomas A. ■ voices of experience • PUBLIC SALE Of Valuable Real Estate 2 Acres And Guns Sat. f Nov. 7, 1998 Sale At 3:00 P.M. Located At 1520 S. CocaUco Road. Denver; West CocaUco Twp., Imcagtar Co. From Rt. 272 N. Of Ephrmta At FPL Building. Tkke Schoeneck Rd. About 3 MUes To 4 Way Stop In Schoeneck. Continue Straight On King St. Which Turns To CocaUco Rd. About 1 MUe. Watch For Signs!!! Real Estate Consists Of Block Ranch Type Dwelling With aluminum siding containing Rutts Kitchen With Stainless Steel Gas Stove, Living Room Wall To Wall Carpet, 3 Bedrooms, Full Bath, Attic Storage, Daylight Basement With Family Room. Shower And Tub, Central Air, Oil Hot Air Heat, Gas Hot Water Heater, Well And Septic System, Attached Carport All This Is Situated On 2 Acres M/L With 315 Ft Road Frontage. Beautiful Country Setting With Some Woodland. 10% Down Day Of Sale, Balance At Settlement For Inspection Of Property Call Or AI .SO TO RF. SOI DAT THIS TIME: GUNS: Smith And Wesson 36 Pistol With Holster, Springfield Double Barrel 12 Ga Shotgun; Winchester 22 Model 69A. TERMS BY: A 1 VClIa Steely Linda Heck, P.OA. A. Kilkuskie Att'y W 1 »4 #AUOOI476L Ml r 4 rmmBUBLRer 717-336-6983 717-336-2933 (Fax) MM uction Service i* rr v w .f"?. er Ben Habecker #AU001296-L Public Auction Sat., (let. 31.1998 ■ 9 AM it Bldg.. Tr; >uons< Due To Changing Of Operation, We Will be Selling The Following At Public Auction; LOCATION: 4900 West Market St., York, (Route 30), Pa. Approx. 6 miles west of York or 1/2 mile east of Thomasville, PA. Equipment. TVailers. 1974 R model Mack 5 speed transmission; 7 trail mobiles, 13'6" x 45'; 2 Fruehauf trailers with Essex Rollerbed system, 40' Stecko tandem flatbed trailer, 45' Brown trailer with side door; 43' single axle storage trailer; 12' x 55' Liberty mobile home (office); Duralite 24' box trailer with false endgate, 1986 Chevy Blazer 6 2 diesel with Meyer 5T90 power angle snowblade, 1/4 ton Army cargo trail ers; Allis Chalmers diesel forklift with adjustable forks; 1979 Terry Fleetwood 23' travel railer; 1993 Fludson dual axle tagalong trailer; Vermeer 440 trencher with six way blade and backhoe bucket. 1948 John Deere A rollamatic with loader; 1951 John Deere A with loader; 40'x40' STEEL QUON SET BUILDING, 2 years old; 1980 Scout traveler, David Bradley flatbed wagon; 14' flatbed wagon, 1979 Cadillac diesel; 72 Dodge; 62 Ford; 1979 Int Scout Traveler with 304 engine; 1977 Scout with plow; 3 Scouts for parts; Vermeer trailer; 3 cars for scrap; 1987 V 6 Ford engine with five speed trans mission; Int. V 345,5 speed engine; Allison medium range automatic transmission; Int. truck chassis with dump bed; 11.22.5 tires & rims; Aluminum 11.24.5 truck rims; Mack bumper; heavy duty engine hoist; SO'xlOO greenhouse plastic; tubing for greenhouse; 4'xB' advertising sign' 13x38 tire chains; misc. truck & auto parts; approx. 50 alu minum dolley carts with adjustable shelves; running boards; tow chains; bolt cabinets; ratchet straps; chain binders; roll of aluminum; roll-about ladders, pallet forks; one air ride seat; one Buddy seat; chairs and chair parts; office chairs; office tables; stack able glass front bookcases; Eckoustic audiometnc booth; 4 & 5 drawer legal and letter size filing cab inets; storage units; long handle tools; aluminum catwalk; 12' aluminum gates; insulated safe/filing cabinet; messenine decking; all kinds of shelving; Landscaping timbers; (railroad ties); landscaping blocks; steel tuck-away gate; aluminum tuck-away gate; scrap iron; pipe; etc., 7000 lbs. GVW car trail er; 1979 Maguris with 24’ van body with elect, lift gate; 1972 Fan motor home, Chevy 350; all types of used office equipment as Wetzel was a used ofc. furniture dealer for 20 years. TERMS OF SALE: CASH or GOOD CHECK. Any statements made auction day supercedes all printed material. Not responsible for acci dents. Refreshments available. owner: ROBERT M. WETZEL 4900 W. Market St., York, Pa. AUCTIONEER: MIKE STERMER, LIC. #2959L STERMER'S AUCTION SERVICE 6264 Big Mount Rd., East Berlin, Pa. 17316 (717) 292-2245 lonset Bli
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