COMPLETE PUBLIC AUCTION WED., OCTOBER 21, 1998 1:00 p.m. SELLING PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE KATHY MORRISON, MARKET STREET, BEAVERTOWN, PA DIRECTIONS; From Middleburg travel Southwest on Rt. 522 into Beavertown. Auction is on left. TRAVEL HOME-VAN-TRAILER 1981-V!’ Coachman Travel Home-Complete/Awning, 74,000 mi. 414 Engine, 1991 Dodge Catavan S E 111,000 miles, 24’ 1 Axle Heavy Duty Trailer/BeaverTail, Ball Hitch, Square 50” High Electric Gasoline Pump PERSONAL PROPERTY Queen Size Water Bed, 4 Air Conditioners, Washer & Dryer - Washer Almost New Fridge, 10” Electric Range, 25 Cu Ft Chest Freezer, Microwave, 2 Like New Sofas & Chairs, Several Over Stuffed Chairs, Several Wing Back Chairs, Duncan Phyfe Drum Table, Brass Set of Shelves, Several TVs, Cherry Gate Leg Drop Leaf Table, Chest of Drawers, Touch Lamp and Others, Life Style 1500 Exerciser, Asst Frames and Prints, Colonial Furniture Cherry Room Stands-One Drop Leaf, 2 Oval & One Rectangle, Sofa, Love Seat & Chair Suit, Modem Cherry Bow Front China Closet, Pet Taxis. Office Equipment-Lots of Computer Desks and Tables, Office Desks, Chairs and supplies. Computers, Printers and Related Items, Intellifax 980 M, Plain Paper Copier, Smith C xD4900 Word Processor, Cannon NPIB2O Copier and Stand, 2 & 4 Drawer File Cabinets, Baby Items Modem Cnb and Changing Table, High Chair, Gilded Mirrors, Bell & Howell 12" Floor Model TV, I Octagon Aquarium & Others, 1995 Longenberger Basket. Sad Iron, Eureka Upright Sweeper, Mantle Clock, Alpine Tracker, Flatware, Coffee Pot & Other Small Appliances. Oak Dining Room Table and Chair. Picnic Table, Lawn Furniture, Gas Gnll, Shot Glasses, Repo Peanut Butter Jar, New Jewel Box Cabinet, New Dehydrator, Craft Books, Plastic Storage Containers, Lots of Craft Items-Many of Them New, Yarn and New Cloth, Lots and Lots of Home Interior, Princess House and Mary Kay Items-New Still In Boxes, Lots ot Statuary-Many of Cowboys and Related, Cast Banks. Lots of Ruby Glass, Green Glass, Counter jar. Ceramic Birds, Stemware, Pressed and Pattern Glass, Plus KENNETH E. MASSINGER RR 02, Box 985 R D #1 Box 239 McClure, PA 17841 j Richfield, PA 17086 (717)658-3536 .(fl'h (717) 539-8791 AU-001532-L AU-002651-L a.* PUBLIC AUCTION S-Xi McNeal’s Auction House Firehouse Road, Grantville, PA It MON., OCT. 26,1998 Xinic* 5*30 DIRECTIONS: from Hairisburg/pA*. Take 1-81 North To The Grantville Exit #2B. Turn Left Going Towards The Penn National Race Track, On Rt. 743. At The Penn National South Gate, Turn Right Onto Fox Run Road. 4th Road Right Onto Firehouse Road. 4th Building On The Left. Signs Posted. LOTS OF MISC. HOUSEHOLD AND COLLECTIBLES ITEMS 5 H.P. MTO - Snow Blower 2 Stage GUNS & RELATED ITEMS 50 Cal. Flint Thompson Center, Browning 12 Ga. BPS SP .28, Winchester Mod. 50 12 Ga. Marlin Mod. 81.22 LR, Russian 91 Moison 762/54R, Win chester Mod 12 20 Ga. Czech Mod 98 8 M.M., Tau rus PT22 22LR, Norinco Walther TT Olympic Tar get 22 LR, FN .32 ACP Auto, Stevens Mod. 94 12 Ga. Single Barrel, Dairy Power -Line 856 .177 Cal Pellet/88, Ruger Mod 10/22 Carbine .22 LR Cal iber With Bushnell Sportview Scope, Winchester Mod 94 30-30 Cal With Bushnell 4X Scope, Stevens Mod 22-410 Over/Under, Ithaca 20 Ga Double Bar rel, H&R Mod 999 22 Cal Top Break Revolver, Crossman BB Gun Mod 338 Auto Pistol, Colt Mark HI 38 Special Revolver, J.C. Higgins Mod 2012 Ga. Pump, Barrels (Mod 37 12 Ga 2 2/4”, Winchester 12 Ga 2-3/4” Full, Remington 12 Ga 2-3/4” Multi- Choke, Remington 12 Ga. 3” Multi-Choke), 16 Ga. MEC Loader, and a Browning Compound Bow. PATCHES PA Game Patches (1984 to 1995 & Ross Leffler Class Patch), PA Game Commission Decals, PA Fish Commis sion White Hat With Paper, 1996 Ned Smith Chipmunk, 1997 Ned Smith Grouse, PA Fish & Boat Commission Trout Stamp Patches (1991 to 1999), PA League of Angling Youth (1980 &81,1983& 84.1986 & 87,1989), and Eastern Sport Show Patches (1991 to 1995). BOATS & JET SKI 1994 Carver 28 Ft. Cabin Cruiser With 2 Palmer Ford 302 Engines (needs work-absolute sale), 1990 21 Ft. Baja 210 Sur Open Bow Boat With 350 Mer cruiser 1/0 260 H.P. and Depth Finder & Trailer (nice), 18 Ft. Tri-Hull Boat With 135 H.P. Johnson Ob and Trailer, 16 Ft. Tri-Hull Boat With 80 H.P. Mercury OB and Trailer, 12 Ft. Aluminum Duranant Boat and Dilly Trailer With 5 HPEvenrude Motor & Electric Shakespear Motor With Oars & Fuel Tank, and Kawasaki Jet Ski Sts. NOTE: Household & Collectible Items Starting At 5:30, In The Main Room. In The Back Room, Start ing At 6:00 P.M. With The Boats Followed By The Guns, Then The Patches. TERMS: Cash or Approved Checks. No Out of State Checks. All Merchandise May Be Inspected The Day Of The Auction. AUCTIONEERS: Richard and Rick McNeal and Jessie Berkeblle Lie #S AU-001380-L, AU-002188-L & AA-002563-L 717-545-5911 or 717-469-7599 SERVICE PUBLIC SALE Of Valuable Real Estate 2 Acres And Guns Sat. f Nov. 7, 1998 Sale At 3:00 P.M. Located At 1520 S. Cocalico Road, Denver; West Cocalico Twp., Lancaster Co. From Rt. 272 N. Of Ephrata At FPL Building. Take Schoeneck Rd. About 3 Miles To 4 Why Stop In Schoeneck. Continue Straight On King SL Which Turns To CocaUco Rd. About 1 Mhe. Watch For Signs!!! Real Estate Consists Of Block Ranch Type Dwelling With aluminum siding containing Runs Kitchen With Stainless Steel Gas Stove, Living Room Wall To Wall Carpet, 3 Bedrooms, Full Bath, Attic Storage, Daylight Basement With Family Room. Shower And Tub, Central Air, Oil Hot Air Heat, Gas Hot Water Heater, Well And Septic System, Attached Carport All This Is Situated On 2 Acres M/L With 315 Ft Road Frontage. Beautiful Country Setting With Some Woodland. 10% Down Day Of Sale, Balance At Settlement For Inspection Of Property Call Or ALSO TO BE SOLDATTHLSTLME: GUNS: Smith And Wesson 36 Pistol With Holster, Springfield Double Barrel 12 Ga. Shotgun; Winchester 22 Model 69A. terms by: A 1 verta Steely Linda Heck, P.OA. A Kilkuskie Att'y fl r* Pannebecker **uooi47tL ■ 1 1 rmiliaoWßßr 717.33MM3 717-336-2933 (Fax) Ruction Service NEIL A. COURTNEY Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Estate Public Auction Fri. Evening, Oct. 23,1998 5:00 PM Located in Fayette Township, Juniata Co., along Potter Rd. across from Meadow Lane, 2 miles east of Cocolamus. Follow Meadow Lane signs off Rt. 35 at East Juniata High School. Potter Ridge Farmett - 7:00 P.M. A peaceful countryside comer lot ottering 1 1/2 acres more or less thereon erected a two story, 5 bedroom frame dwelling, kitchen with all built in appliances, lull bath, family room, sun porch and more Dwelling also has oil heat, standard sewage, drilled well, picnic pavilion, 12' x 24’ above ground pool and small animal barn with corral A Must See Property For Inspection Or More Information Phone 717-463-9766. Real Estate Terms: 10% down, balance in 30 days. Automobile, Gun, Woodworking Power Tools 1984 Plymouth Voyager, MTD 11 hp 7 spd lawn trac tor with 38" deck, lawn sweep, Rem model 514 22 SS bolt. Craftsman 10" deluxe table saw, Craftsman 4 1/2" planer/jomter, Craftsman 10" radial arm saw; B&D miter chop saw, AMT 12" planer, Duracraft 12" band saw. Craftsman 16" scroll saw, Shop Craft belt and disc sander, Central Machinery belt sander, Delta belt sander/gnnder, Rockwell sander/gnnder, Craftsman 8" drill press, power tools, dnlls, saws, etc., wood gluing clamps, levels, elec, staplers, portable twin cyl air compressor, Craftsman router and table, Craftsman 12" electronic band saw with tilt head, bench gnnder, framing clamps, lots of hand tools, garden tools, saw blades RR jacks; bolt bines, refin ishmg table; tinners vise, cant hooks; drain snake; sm. Craftsman chain saw, alum step ladder, sm lawn cart; fishing rods, kerosene cans; galv tub; antique tools, broad axe, adze, wdn mallets, etc., old Stanley 78' plane; and more' Household & Collectibles Whirlpool washer, bradford dryer. Zenith and RCA console TV's, Thomas elec, organ, pine frame sofa and chair, rechners, trestle table and benches; single iron bed, pine chest of drawers, sm. dresser, dbl. bed, mod. pine wood box, sm. dry sink; white wrought iron porch furni ture; office desk, 1930 Co. 44 hunting license; telescope; Lightning Guider sleds. Teachers Whiskey wdn. box, sm. wdn keg; washboard; match tin; bracket lamps, old cof fee and tobacco tins; old paper pack tobacco R.J Reynolds - Our Advertiser; Kauffman I qt milk bottle, mini oil lamps; sm, elec, appliances, Electrolux and Dirt Devil sweepers, cook books; bakeware, Stoneware, sil verware, kitchen utensils; Keystone 30 food chopper, amber glass, sm. iron griddle: FAvorite cast iron bean pot, cast iron stew pot; Cobalt & Amethyst glass violins, wdn lawn ornaments and craft items, dried flower arrange ments; shop display tables; baskets, and much more' Terms: Cash or Good Check. Lunch Stand Estate Of Norman J. "Junior" Ehrenzellers Joy Wilson, Executrix Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer Phone 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L "Not Responsible For Accidents" TUES. OCT. 27 - TPM. Fauquier Lvst Exch . Inc, Marshall, VA Graded Feeder Cattle Sales, calf & yearling. Grey H Puckett, Jr, Manager, 540-364-1566 TUES OCT 27 - 7 ISPM West- minster Lvst Auct, Hagerstown, WED OCT 28 -10 AM Antiques MD Feeder Cattle Sale, 410-848- & Collectibles. Approx 40 miles 9820 _ N of Harrisburg, PA, in Lykens, PA along Ht. 209, at Kevin’s Place, take ttie Tower City Exit WED OCT 28 - 109 N Maple #33 off l ' Bl and continue on RL Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Farm 209. Into Lykens. Lee Dockey Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auct Service Auction. 717-656-2947 1“ COMPLETE PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., OCT. 24, 1998 - 9:00 A.M. Selling A Very Fine Collection Of Antiques For Jean Beamenderfer, Sassafras Street Extended, Selinsgrove, PA Having Lived A Time In The Selinsgrove Area, She Is Now Moving To Be Close To Relatives In New England. DIRECTIONS: From Harrisburg, travel North on 11&1S to Selinsgrove Exit (Susquehanna University). Turn right. Proceed North on Market Street, Selinsgrove. Turn left on Sassafras Street (at Coastal Mart) and continue on to Auction on the right. Jelly Cupboard/D T Drawers, Dry Sink Old Bottom New Top, D T Blanket Chest Altered Old Cupboard Top, Walnut Dropleaf Table/D T Drawer, Oval Marble Top Walnut Stand Caned Chairs, Walnut Side Chair, Victorian Arm Chair, One Drawer Stand, Corner Chair/lnlays, Flour Chest, Converted, Small Walnut D T Blanket Chest/TIIII4 1/2”x11 1/2" x 27 1/2 Old Platform Rocker, 1/2 Spindle Plank Chair, 5 Early Hitchcock Chairs Gate Leg Dropleaf Table pine Chest of Drawers/Wooden Pulls Bookshelf, Large Plank Rocker, New Decoration, Parlor Stand, 2 Flat Top Trunk' Large Braided Rug, Wooden Bench, Fruit Still Life, Misc Baskets, Deep Walnut Frames Fok An Frames, Wooden Shoe Molds, Tiny D T Chest, Pencil Box, 2 Mantle Clooks/Time & Strike Kero Lamp, Machine Hooked Rug, Brass Candle Stick, Turned Leg Square Table, Brass Floor Lamp Oriental Rug, 28"x48" New Mexico Rug, 26"x50", Old 3 Tmed Wooden Fork, Wooden Foot Stool Wooden Butter Churn, Brass Bucket Sofa & Chair & Other Upholstered Items 2 Card Tables One Wood, Sm Oak Library Table, Maple Coffee & End Tables, Fireplace Set, Large Sewing Basket Hammered Aluminum Ice Bucket, Milk Can Cast String Holder, Brass Ladle, Butcher Forks, Iron Ladles, Butter Bowl & Paddle, Several Exceptional Butter Presses, Pineapple, Star Wheat Sheave German Book Printed Harrisburg, 1833, History of PA By Dunaway, 1857 Birth & Baptism Oil On Canvas By Hilda Kamoll, Oil On Canvas Hudson River School: Finger Lamp Cast Book Ends, Cast School Bank 95% Paint, Horse Bank, Hand Bells, Coffee Grinder Brass Scoop Open End, Tin Coffee Pot, Early Pewter Mason Beaker, Signed Gerardi, Ornate Silverplale Tea Set Pewter Candle Sticks & Other Pieces, Rye Coil Baskets, One Round 7-1/2’xl3” And One Oval 5- 1/2"x16"x3”, 2 Brass Skaters Lights One Dietz Racket, Toy Carbide Canon, Ivory Mah-Jongg- Chmese Variations of Dominos, Preserve Jars, Crockery Jugs, Nve Coverlet-Lebanon Co Quilts. Tree of Life, Snowflake, Multipatch & Several Other Great Quilts, Whale Oil Ship Lamp In Pewter Betty Lamp, Trivets, Gramteware Pitcher, Stag Handle Carving Set, Sad Iron Tin Spice Set Complete, Counter Jar, German Stem, Exceptional Blue Sponge Milk Pitcher Jon Lyons Boston Crock Jug, Dropping Tulip Preserve Crock Weir 1882 Preserve Jar Bulbous Redware Crock, Dog Salt Dip, Hand Blown Decanter & Cruet, Limoges Celery/Salt Dips & Other Pieces R S Prussia Hat Pm Holder, R S Prussia Plate w/Open Handles-Tulips, 3 Pc Cranberry Glass Early Open Compote Bavarian & German Pieces, Mocca Waste Bowl, Zamara Tea Pot Nice Ruby Mug Glass Slippers Cut Glass & Pressed Glass, Iron Stone, Plates. Quimper, Ironstone Transfer, Flow Blue-Shapoo 8- 1/4" 1865 Oriental, Redware Slip B', Slip Dish 8-1/2”x3-1/2' Redware Mold Dish, Excelsior Flow Blue Royal Munich, ABC Plate “Dost Thou Love Life Then Do No Squander Time There Will Be Sleeping Enough In The Grave”, Brush Stroke Flow Blue Cup Saucer & Plate And Much More Tent Will Be Provided And Heat H Necessary KENNETH E HASSINGER RR 02 Bo* 985 McClure PA 17841 (717) 658 3536 Alf -001532 L 498 ACRES 498 ACRES "Absolute Land Auction" SAT. OCT. 31, 1:00 P.M. Town Of Howard - Steuben County, New York (Between Bath - Canisteo and Homell) Auction to be held at the farm located on Steuben County Road 27 (Stephens Gulch Road) 7 miles northeast of Canisteo; 8 miles east of Hornell; 4 mile south of Rte. 17 Expressway Exit #35 at Howard. (Follow auction signs from Howard.) Parcel #1 HOME FARM: Frontage on Stephens Gulch and Burleson Roads. (Finger Lakes Trail Runs east and west along north boundary from Road to Road ) 282 acres (more or less) Tax Map #169-01-022 2 157 acres lies between the two loads, balance west ol Stephens Gulch Road 32x40x14 steel shop building, 40x96 machine sled, 50x64 storage with concrete llooi, 3 Harvester 20 ft diam Silos 50,60, 70 ft tall, 75 head slanchion/tie stall dairy barn Stream, woods, open woik lands gentle rolling to steep side hill Parcel #2: 40 acies (more oi less) boarding Stephens Gulch and Builcson Roads adjoining the south boundaiy of Parcel #1 18 tillable acres, balance of woods, stream, side hill. Parcel #3: 110 acres (more or less) on top of hill along Spencer Hill Road 53 tillable acres, balance in 2 woods, vacant pasture lands, plus old 2 stoiy wooden hay barn. Parcel #4: 62 acres (more or less) along Spencer Hill Road about 28 tillable acres and balance in woods. Parcel #5: corners of Stephen Gulch Road and Spencer Hill Road 91 8 acics with 2 story wood frame Victorian style house. 5 upstairs bedrooms, down stairs kitchen/pantry/dming room/hvingroom/parlor and full bath Sells with life use retained by Wilma Kent. OPEN HOUSE AT FARM SUN. OCT. 18, 1:00 To 3. 00 P.M , WED OCT 21,9:30 TO NOON; or by appointment ESTIMATED VALUE OF FARM IS One Hundred to Three Hundred Dollars per acre! Be prepared to buy on Oct. 31st Excellent hunting, snow mobile, recreational or farming lands! TERMS: All parcels sell absolute to the high bidder on Oct 31, 1998' All sales final' Properties sell free and clear 1 Taxes prorated to closing dale Closing m 60 days or less. Parcels sell per tax map ID. no survey provided Upon Acceptance of the highest bid, Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000 00) in cash or certified funds (make check payable to yourself) (loi each parcel purchased will bp icquired as a non-rcfundablc pail «l the purchase puce, balance in cash at closing. One check required for each parcel' NOTE: Machinery and barn equipment sells immediately allci, watch loi listings! Owned by Diane Kent and Paul Kent. For Info Contact Janies P. Pirrung Auctioneer/Licensed Salesperson 716-728-2520 THOMAS P. WAMP, BROKER Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 17, 1998-833 WED. OCT. 28 - 9AM fummiture antiques, colelctlbles, china & glassware. Irons & beddng, toys Lawn Chief riding mower, tools 28 Echo Valley Lane, Netfsville Pa, Manhelm Twp, Pa For Emily Elchelberger Miller &Siegrlst a nets WED OCT 28 -10 AM Estate of Stanley Gifford, 22589 Mckm- leyvilla Road, Rock Hall, Md From Chesterotown, Md taka Rt 20 to Edesvllle turn left onto Edesville. Pineyneck Rd Rudmck Sales,lnc WED OCT. 28 -10 AM ISOGIick Rd . Narvon, Caernarvon Twp, PA 50 Acre faim, 3 acre bldg lot, farm machinery & personal prop erty By Alvin W & Edna M Ringlet, 610-286-9176 Kline, Kreider & Good, Aucls WED OCT 28 • 10AM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland. Lane Co, PA Dairy Sale & Sale 717- 354-4341 SERVICE NEIL A COURTNEY R D #1 Bo* 239 Richfield PA 17086 (717) 539 8791 AU 002651 L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers