828-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 17, 1998 Farm Complete uispertxii m *’ : Malvern, PA Ernest Pyle, owner Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M, WED OCT 21 -10 AM Wdge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED OCT 21 -10 AM Real Estate, 3 bdrm rancher w/detached 3-car garge, person al property 2188 Old Phila Pike, from Bird-m-Hand, Rt 340 W past Locust Grove Menn Sch to property on left, H Lampeter Twp, Lane Co, G Sylvan & E Kathryn Homing Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts WED OCT 21 -10 AM Bankrupt cy Auction Farm, Construction & Forestry Equip Rt 33 Deltaville, Hardyville, Va Estate of Thomas Gilbert MAC! Auctioneers, Int'l WED OCT 21 - 10 30AM Han nahs Distillery Springs Farm Complete Dispersal 3603 C Jef ferson Pike, Jefferson, Md Chris Hill, auct WED. OCT, 21 - 11 AM 82 Hd Herd Dispersal From Schaefler stown take 897 S to Klemfel tersville, turn left on MiHbach Rd to sale on Right fo from New manslown take 419 S toMillbach Rd, turn left to sale on left By David & Mary Peachey Mel Hoover, auct WED OCT 21 - IPM Travel Home, Van, Trailer, Personal Property Estate of the late Kathy Morrison, Market St, Beaver town, Pa From Middleburg travel SW on Rt 522 in Beavertown Auction on left Kenneth E Has smqer, Neil A Courtney, aucts WED OCT 21 - 2 PM Antiques, household goods, pnmitives, col lectibles & Tools Held at the Horst Auction Center, at the cor ner of Rt 322 and Durlach Rd, Ephrata, Lane Co, Pa Horst Aucts WED OCT 21 - 3PM Tractor, Farm Equip, Riding mower, antiques, house items, mics From I-83 exit #1 take Rt BSIW 0 2 mi Turn R onto Mt Airy Rd for 1 1 mi, turn R onto Plank Rd lor 1 1 mi Turn L onto Mt Olivet Rd for 1 mi, Turn L onto Ridge Rd for 0 8 mi Turn L onto Bnll stnek Rd for 0 3 mi Turn R onto Mont Rd for 04 mi to sale on L Cora I Whiteley Rick Foreman, Rlaph Brenneman, aucts WED OCT 21 - 6PM Antiques Auction Milton J Dance Co, Inc Towson, Md Steve Dance Auc lions WED OCT 21 4THURS OCT 22 - 8 30AM 5174 Horst Rd, Chambersburg, PA Lawn & gar den, misc (Wed), (arm machin ery & tractors (Thurs) Marion Auction Service, 717-375-4700 WED OCT 21 & THURS, OCT 22 - 9AM Antiques, household goods, Stangl dmnerware - crocks, B&G collector plates, serv 6 sterling silverware set, toys, children's books, antique tools Held at Hoffman Communi ty Bldg, Legion Park, Quarryville, Lane Co ,Pa By Mr & Mrs Melvin D Graybill Howard E Shaub. Inc, auct WED OCT 2" IPM & THURS OCT 22 - SAM 2 Day Fall Firearms Auction, plus antiques & collectibles AkJeder Auction Cen ter, 501 Fairground sRd, Hatfield, PA Sanford Alderfer Auction Co THURS OCT 22-LancasterCo, PA East Coast Breeders Invita tional The Cattle Exchange, 607- 746-2226 THURS OCT 22 - Ja-Lene Farm, Centre Co , PA Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Dispersal Sale Managed By Klmg's Auc tions, Inc Landisburg, PA 717- 789-3883 THURS OCT 22 - 9AM House hold Goods, antiques, guns, JD riding tractor car & van East end of Intercourse along Rt 340 at 3 Royal Circle Lane Co, Pa For Wilbur S & Betty Boyton Robert E, Jeffrey R & Michael L Martin, aucts THURS OCT 22 - 10 30AM 80 Head Holstems 4148 Bull Frog Rd, From Rt 15 take 140 E five miles to Bull Frog Rd on left, go one mile to sale on left Frederick O Roelecke, owner C Floyd Davis, auct THURS OCT 22-11 AM 90 Reg istered Guernseys Bndghtside AUCTION WV Contractors Auction Sat., Nov. 7,1998 At 9:00 AM Selling - Construction Equip., Farm Equip, Sea Containers, Cars, Trucks and Tools - Tractors, Trailers Martinsburg WV Consignments Now Being Accepted Reasonable Rates Call 1-800-869-2433 or 304-728-4179 MT'UmOS*. m IiVJW • VALUABLE t 4 ANTIQUES, HOUSEUOLD C^ddS corns, wms& mm itiQo W&mmwt mnkf JmBPIWI Auction § AM. Loc: 238 Red Hill Rd , Pequea, Pa Take Rt 272 So of Lancaster app 9 mi go through under pass turn nght onto Miller Rd go 1 mi turn left onto Rawlmsville Rd go 1 mi turn right onto Slump Rd go 1-1/2 mi turn left onto Red Hill Rd , Penn Manor Sch Dist 2-1/2 sty frame house w/5 bdrms , 2 baths, mod kit, dining rm , living rm , family rm , laundry, hardwood floors, split bsmt, hot water heat, septic & well 32'x67’ Frame 2 sty barn, 2nd fl stor age, Ist fl stable, attached corn cnb 36'x24’ Frame 2 sty tobac co shed w/stnpping rm 25'x26' Frame garage 12’x50' 1972 Catalme 2 bdrm mobile home Zoned agricultural, clean and green program, approx 11 acres tillable 10% Down bal 45 to 60 day RE offered at 1 PM 717-284-2062 6 Leg Cherry Drop Leaf Table; Marble Top Washstand; Oak Ice Box; Wicker Fernery & Sewing Stand, Rope Bed, Camel Back & Flat Top Trunks, PB Chairs & Rocker, Childs Wicker & PB Rockers, Doll Cradles, Old Blocks, Comic & Big Little Books, Hubley Holster Set: Hublev Mini Six Shooter & Cap Pletol: Hublev Lock: Humpty Dumpty Egg Carton, Post Cards & Albums, Picture Frames, Tin Type Pictures, Milk Bottles: Elmer Huber tqt Martiville, Queen Dairy 1/2 Pt & t Qt Lane, Penn Dames 1 Qt, C L Harver 1 Pt Drumore, Greenfield Dairy 1 Pt Lane, WW Pfluntner, Coudersport, Spring Valley, Columbia 1/2 Pt, 2 Milk Boxes, 2 Engle Lane Bottles, Waneth Coca, John Treeter Lancaster, Boston Reddish Brown, Whiskey, Wine & Avon Bottles, 1913 SC Stevepson Calendar Plate, John Alden &' Pnscille, Slaffonshire Plate, 2 Plates Cross Swords, Bradford Exchange China Plates, 2 Annie & Sandy Plates #115347 & #l 13180,Sound of Music Senes 1,2,3,4,5, Baseball Cards, 2 Old Quilts, Unique Tin Nursing Bottle: 23" Armond Msrsllla Klopelsdorf Thurinaer Dolls: Shirley Temple Dish, Ironstone, Sherbets, Salt Box, Glassware Childs Tea Set, Carnival Glass, Copper Tea Pot, Silver Plate Tea Set, Costume Jewelry, 2 Derby Hats, Stove Top Hat, Oil Lamps, Gone w/the Wind Lamp, Wooden measures, Dressel Arlington. NH R&R Lantern: Waoak Iron Skillet H Wheat Butter Print, Miners Lantern Ladles, Ice Cream Dipper, 2 Lrg Iron Kettles w/Stands, Brass Pot, Fairbanks Bal Scales w/Wts, Postal Scales, Milk Cans, Crocks, Tin Biscuit Box, Pnnce Albert Cans, Cash Register, Iron Bank, Flat Irons, Wooden Wheel Barrow & Pump Trough, Sizing Box, Single Trees, 6 Sets of Names, Sheaf Fork, Hay Rake Fishing Rods, Almanac's, Mt Nebo Lodge Pins, 5 Wmross Trucks, RH Golf Clubs, Roller Blades, Remote Controlled Cars, US Army Flag Kit, Civil War Books, John Pe Muth Pre Civil War Precision Muzzleloader: Win Model 12 Pump Shotguns, 12,16 &20ga,Win 22 Rifle Model 06 Pump app 100 yrs old, J Stevens Little Scout 22 Long Rifle, 32 Cal S&W Colt Revolver, Sam Colt Revolver, Artifacts,Farmall A Tractor w/hyd Lift, 2 Way Plow, Cultivators, 11 hp Craftsman Riding Mower, Lawn Chief Riding Mower, Rototiller, Cherry, Walnut & Pine Lumber, 10 2x9xB Planks, 2 12' pc's Power Track,Truck Camper (as is) w/Heater, Gas Stove, Sink, Refng, Bed Coleman Stove, Tarp & Lamp, Coffee Set, Feed Chest, Hog Feeder, B&D 10" Table Saw, E&D Power Shop Table Saw, 15" Planer, 6 1/2" Jointer Planer, 3"x10" Belt Sander w/Motor, 12" Band Saw Sander, V'Belt Sander, Stanley Router,Socket Sets, Wooden Planes, Monkey Wrenches, 18" Jig Saw w/Molor, 36" Wood Lathe, Metal Detactor, Coins: 1910 $25 00 & 1924 $2O 00 Gold Pc MS, 1884 Indian Head Cent PR, 1913 Buffalo Nicle Type IMS, 1928 Buffalo Nicle MS, 1934 D & 1936 S Mercury Dimes MS, 1942 Washington Quarter PR 1940 WL Half Dollar PF. 1945 D, 1947 D, & 1950 half dollars MS, 1878 5 1891 S, 18975, 1904 O & 1923 Silver Dollars MS Commeratives Half Dollars, Oregan 1926 MS, Md MS 1971 Eisenhauer Proof Sets,Lots of circulated coins, Robt Fulton token, Fulton National Bank No Out Of Stale Checks Start w/sm items 6 tools 10 a m Coins, guns, milk bottles TERMS BY Kreider Kline & Good Aucts WILLARD G. and 717-786 3394 a. JANE TOMLINSON Lie #SI3L #499L #2116L ’ Kenneth Howard Atty KREIDER. KUNE A GOOD Manager Guernsey Marketing service & PA Guernsey Breed ers THURS OCT 22 -11 AM East Coast Breeders Invitations Held at the Edwin J Landis Farm, Lampeter, Pa 1 mile N of Lam peter on Lampeter Rd, directly across from Pioneer Woods apts Stonehurst Farm, Cattle Exchange AUCTIONEERS tui (DC /VT 09 11 AM Uilkhvi SEaled Bid Sale At the PECO w«rH R j? Energy/Sated Bid Services cSihS , R? Resource Recovery Sate Center. aa 411 Yerkeaßd., comer of Yerkes 322 at Potter's Mills, go Non 144 ■ Rric In Kino of Prussia 2 mi. turn right on Sinking Creek “Church Rds ,in King or Prussia, Rd ,2Mi to the second (arm ™ ___ „ ■. John & Evalene Ishler, owners THURS OCT 22 -130 PM Kimo’s Auctions, Inc _ 120+/- Acres 9° R*. 222 between THURS OCT 22 -12 Noon Kugtt> wn PUBLIC auction Antiques, Collectibles, Cherry & Oak Furniture, Collect, of PA & Reading Railroad Memorabilia, Remington & Currier & Ives Prints, Milk Bottles, Appliances, WWII Helmets, 4 HP Riding Mower w/Bagger, BBQ Gas Grill (like new), Tools, 1988 Olds Cutlass Supreme, 2-Dr., Auto, AC SAT., OCTOBER 24,1998 • 9 AM| Car IPM A 1 Starr Fireman’s Building, Willow Street, PA Dir. Rt. 272 North directly behind Willow Street Fire Hall No out-of-state checks Not Responsible for Accidents Call tor brochure #1024 Sale For: (717)687-6857 Ada S. Fisher, Emma Beiler, & Earl R. Baringer MILLER & SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (717)687-6857 AU-1723L PUBLIC VALUABLE 13 DATED 17' CTO ABIC C FRAMC 9 / Crt O B AC? fill V * 1 ■ \J- TOlwiCS o L** A HOMI PERSONA! FARM. TMTTPQ nrT OQ IQQQ aJmUma9»| mi*9+ X«7«fO Auction Time 10:30 A.M. Real Estate HP.M. LOCATION: 1055 Hearthstone Rd , Lancaster (Millersville) Manor Twp From Millersville Rt 999 W (Blue Rock Rd) approx 2 mi turn left onto Hearthstone Rd , past no outlet sign to private dnve Watch for auction signs Real Estate consists of large 2-1/2 story 1764 dated limestone & frame dwelling w/5 bdrms, 1-1/2 baths, eal-m kitchen w/comer stone wall for stove, formal dining rm, Ig living rm, summer kitchen, laundry & mud rm Full attic & partial bsmt w/arched cel lar Oil forced air heat On lot well & septic BARN is frame limestone bank bam 90'x48 < w/enclosed shop & 2-car garage area LAND consists of 13-1/2 acres w/approx 2 acres woodland & pasture Land joins Little Conestoga Creek NOTE: House has wide window sills & many built-in interior fea tures Approx 11 acres Zoned RH & approx 2 acres Zoned RL Public sewer available Property joins the established Shadowstone Development This is truely a unique farmette w/subdivision potential Great home site or investment Terms 10% down, balance 60 days For details, picture brochure, financing, etc call Auctioneers at 717-445-4309 or 717-733- 1006 Inspection by appointment or open house on Sats , Oct 10, 17 & 24 from 1-4 PM Farm Machinery AC 015 Series II Tractor w/N F Snap Coupler less than 100 hrs since complete overhaul -“1 Owner, A.C Front Wheel Wts, A C Side Mount 7’ Sickle Bar Mower, A C Snap Coupler 9' Rear Mt. Blade, A C Snap Coupler 2B Rollover Plow, A C Snap Coupler 2B Plow, A C 8-1/2 Trans Disc, A C 77G Hay Rake, A C 5' Rotary Mower - Pull Type, A C Ground Drive Manure Spreader, A C 3 pt Adaptor, IH 437 Bale w/Chute, JD 999 2R Complanter, Bullion 9' Cultipacker; 9' Spring Harrow, T Drag Disc, Smoker 16’ Hay 4 Com Elevator; 2 Flat Wagons 16’ 4 14’, N.H Saw Buck w/Blade 4 Belt, 14 9 Chains, Brave 20 Ton Vert/Honz Wood Splitter w/5 HP Motor, IB Horse Plow, Hyd Cylinder; 22' Tob Ladders ■ No Wagon, 32' Wood Ext Ladder, Wood Bag Wagon, Approx 2500 Tob Lath, Wire Fencing, Firewood, 32 Hot Bed Sash, Iron Troughs, Keystone 2-Hole Comsheller, JD *3OO Hydro Lawn Tractor 16 HP Kohler w/46" Deck, Bu Baskets, Chicken Crates, Chicken Feeder & Brooder, Platform Scales, Elect Fencer. Sheep Related Items, Hinges, Pulleys: Wheelbarrows, 70’ Towing Cable, Balance Scales: 2-Man & Crosscut Saws; Clover Seeder, Personal Property - Furniture Duncan Phyfe 10 pc Mahogany Dining Rm Suite, Oak Sideboard w/Beveled Mirror & Claw Ft, Washstand, Maple Single Bed, Metal Bed, Wardrobe, Bureau, 2 Cnbs ■ 1 w/Wheels, Playpen, Sinclair Globe & Gas Pump, Bookcase w/Drawers, Kneehole Desk, Waterfall Vanity & Bench; Prizer Sm Cookstove, Old Bissell Sweeper. Oak Commode, Quaker Oil Heater, Milk Bottles Including - Manor View, Queen Dairy, Warner & Price's, 2 Tob Sizing Boxes, plus other items NOTE: Not alot of sm. items. Sale order Sm wagon & house hold items followed by furniture & equipment Most if not all Items will be sold before Real Estate Terms are cash or good Pa check Food stand Terms by PAUL M. & CORA E. KILHEFER Auction conducted by Randal V Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers Lie #2116, #499 #513 717-445-4309 M 717-872-7055 Kevin - 717-872-4464 Brian Black, Ally. KUNE, KREIDER * GOOD LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, COSTUME JEWELRY, CARS, BOAT, WINROSS TRUCK COLLECTION & SPECIAL GUN CONSIGNMENTS SAT., OCTOBER 24,1998 at 8:30 A.M. (Preview Fri. Eve. from 6-8 P.M.) Auction to be held in the Chanceford Community Center, 7 miles southeast of Red Lion, York Co., PA, oft Rt 74 turning at the Brogue Post Office & proceed 1 blk. iman ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & COLLECTIBLES: Lot of good furniture, appli ances from several homes. LAWN & GARDEN TOOLS: Simplicity 16HP hydro lawn tractor w/mower, Craftsman 11 HP tractor mower; air compressor & air nailer; lots of good tools & hardware. CARS & BOAT: ‘9l Olds SW, good cond; ‘B2 AMC Eagle 4WD, runs good, current msp; 18’ Larson fiberglass boat w/115 HP Johnson motor, fully equipped w/trailer & all acc. WINROSS TRUCK COLLECTION: Over 100 Winross trucks, some Nascar, Alison & Kulwncki clocks, Hess trucks, etc. 75+GUN CONSIGNMENT including entire gun collection of Kenneth L Boyer Estate, and Clarence Enfield of Stewartstown & many other consignors. Lots of ammo, hunting knives, hunt ing acc. & clothing. SALE ORDER: Small tools, lawn tractors, car & boat selling between 8:30 & 10 A.M. Winross collection at 10 A.M. Gunn auction at approx. 11:30 A.M. Household goods & collectibles all morning. Furniture at approx. 1:30 P.M. TERMS: Strictly cash to strangers & out-of state buyers. Not responsible for accidents. Good food. m MMiiif m Radlcrv PA /I Auctioneers J\ Ph 717 244459 S FARM EQUIP. & SUPPLIES - HOG EQUIP. - TOOLS 73 ACRE M/L LIMESTONE FARM EPHRATA AREA PUBLIC AUCTION MON., NOV. 30, 1998 Auction Time: 9:00 AM Real Estate 11:00 AM DIRECTIONS: From Rt 272 at Ephrata take Schoeneck Road to Ist crossroad, turn left at Ephrata Mennonite School onto Stevens Road go 1/2 mile to farm on right, Ephrata Township, Lancaster Co, PA 562 Stevens Rd., Ephrata, PA. 2-1/2 STORY LIMESTONE HOUSE with large eat-in kitchen, living room, family room, parlor, laundry & playroom, 1/2 bath downstairs UPSTAIRS has 4 bedrooms, full bath, attic storage, basement w/open pit spring, 200 Amp service, attached 3-car garage and small truck shop, macadam dnveway 44'x410’ CHICKEN HOUSE for 40K pullets in need of some repairs 14’x70’ MOBILE HOME: with 3 bedrooms and a detached 14'x 28’ garage presently being rented out LARGE BANK BARN: approx 80’x30' with an addition built on with a bunk feeder for 150 steers, plus 2 other addi tions to the mam barn to feed 500 hogs SILOS: 20’x70’ Lancaster, 24'x80’ Fickes, 10’x40’ stave. TOBACCO SHED: 32'x80' partially scaffolded, lower level of the shed redone for farrowing with 40 farrowing crates. HOG BARN: 36’x144' set up for 180 sows, 40 farrowing crates, 128 gestation crates, 3 - 3 ton feed bins HOG BARN: 50’x200', with 1100 head finishing capacity with attached 46’x56’ nursery. GRAIN FACILITIES: 21,000 bushel & 6500 bushel gram silos with a 75 foot grain leg w/3000 bu @ hr dump pit plus a 40' gram leg and 7 grain bins from 4 to 24 tons each IMPLEMENT SHED/SHOP; 50 x76’ with insulated shop area & small office, underground 500 & 2000 gal. fuel tanks NOTE: Farm has a stream through the pasture, approx. 60 Ac tillable, bal for pasture & buildings. Road frontage on Schoeneck Rd. & Stevens Rd. Farm has productive soil and it has ag preserve easement. A must see farm' Be pre pared to buy, owners are planning to sell l TERMS: 10% down payment, balance at final settlement on or before February 15,1999. OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, November 7th and 14th, 1 00 P M to 3.00 PM. Balance of farm may be seen anytime For a private showing or help to obtain financing call Aaron E Martin, Auctioneer at (717) 733-3511 ATTORNEY: Michael P Kane 299-5251 Pr*l««tJ*nal Auon Martin auction service auctioneering Ml—— L J Auction By MERLE S. & CHERYL M. KURTZ (717) 738-1964 410 West Church Rd Ephrata PA 17522 (717)733-3511 York PA Ph. 717 741-440 T
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