820-LtncMtef Firming, Saturday, October 17, 1998 MAILBOX MARKfT F R SALE E Australian Stock Saddle Company, 22” fully fitted saddle. Beautifully crafted, used 4x, paid $1250, asking $650, super bargain. 410- 744-8692 Howard Co. JD 1950 M/T compl restored, runs & looks great, $3695 After 5 pm, 302-427- 3555 New Castle Co. DE Alfalfa haylage. 4x4 bales. $5O ea.; wheat straw, 4x4 bales, $l5/ea; square bales $1 50 ea.; at bam, 717-279- 7455 Leb. Co 1989 Bronco, full size Eddie Bauer loaded $5000: 1983 Chevy Celeb, good, $700; BN, clean, $3200 215-234- 9240 Montg. Co Pygmy goat kids, $60,2-1/2 yr old Billy, very good breed er, $4O 717-528-8280, Adams Co Seed wheat. Penmoore, cleaned, treated, good straw length 610-683-9540 or 8549 Berks Co 1990 GMC p/u, 271 off-road pkg, all options, ext cab, 86k mi great shape' $9500 firm 717-786-2639 Lane Co Tractor weather break, new never installed, fits many models JD, paid $230, sell for $2OO 215-968-3348 Bucks Co 163-4”x12 ft treated poles, $6 50/ea 39-3’’xl2fl treat ed poles, $6 50/ea 610- 367-8496 Berks Co Rifle 1863 Springfield muz zle loader w/bayonet, excl cond , $lOOO. Eves , 716- 637-4013 Brockport. NY, Monroe Co Reg blk. Simmental heifer, 15 mos , shown as 4-H pro ject, $625 717-225-5902 York Co 3-pc white girl’s bedroom suite, boxspring & mat tress, VGC, $lOO After 530 orlv mssg 717-626- 4598 Lane Co 19 year Tenn Walker, black old straw, 1991 Beretta FT, 60,900 5 spd Ranger short bed truck liner 717-425- 2398 North'd Co Wisconsin 19 hp eng, rebuilt twin cylinder, $7OO, 12 tt cultimulcher. $9OO Want safe pony for children 717-445-5103 Lane Co Farmaster 100 TMR mixer 108 ft Rissler Toperbard bunk feeder, compl 717- 530-1317 Cumb Co. 3 seat bobsleigh, new seats detatchable wheels, $l5OO, Studebaker carriage, side spnng, new wheels. $l5OO, 2- 24” dress collars, $l6O 302-628-0100 Sussex Co DE AKC blk Lab female, 2 yrs $75 DW Lapp, 91 N Soudersburg Rd., Gor donville. 717-687-8159 Eves Lane Co 40x80 tent, $B5O, 30x40, $450, other avail 200 fold ing metal chairs 717-759- 9591 Luz. Co Asplundh Whisper chipper, 1981 12” drum. 6 cyl Ford, extra blades, good cond asking $4,700. 908-234- 2366 Somerset Co Safe wards Meilmk 16-1/2W 23D, 22-1/2H fire resistant, $3OO, VGC 410-235-8352 Balt Co 1947 Dodge 3/4 ton stake body, good cond, dual wheels, $l6OO firm 717- 235-2480 York Co Limousin reg bull, 2 yrs., reg Tabiano paint, blk & wht stud, $5OO breeding fee 717-244-9281 Dwarf bunnies 717-786- 1746 Lane Co Black Angus feeders. 5 Kittens, CFA reg beautiful, steers, 5 heifers, avg 500 little purr-babies, silver & lb, 60/lb. 717-366-2024 brown tabby, all shots, ready Sch Co to go. $3OO 717-569-3934 1960 Cushman Super Lane. Co Eagle, beautiful new Int 56 4RN corn planter, all restoration of long stored fiberglass boxes, dbl disc motor scooter, red pain, openers, new shoes, always windshield, $4,750 080 shedded, exc cond 717- 610-689-8544 Berks Co 584-4954 Lvc Co 1965 Int dump 542, air, Farm! MD $2400, nice cond. goodtk needs paint, $1250. AC WD4S $l2OO, JD R, nice JD plow 3 bttm like new, cond , $3200, 1988 Chevy s £® d $B5O 717-786-2275 Lane p/u4x4,6 2dies $6500 717- Co 432-8225 York Co Kln 9' 610-857-3407, Yom 00 Coatesville, Chester Co 1968 R-model Mack tractor, 39,300 ong. miles, W-Lme, shed kept, easily restored, $6500, Model A Ford dump bed, $250 717-987-3551 Fulton Co. 1988 Chevy p/li K1500,4WD, V 8,350 EFI, 5-spd., new style body, 90K, air cond, AM-FM, Pa msp. $6595 717-741- 3974 York Co. Track steel wheels, 64’’H, 18” W, $l6OO, 3 pt JD com planter, $200,10 ft. DJ disk, Oliver drill. 717-445-4890 Lane. Co. NH 962 4 row wide dom head 717-456-7375 York Co. Bridgeport tracer mill w/Tru-trace hyd system & 2-2 hp variable speed Bridgeport heads, plus all controls, $2500. 610-367- 4139 Berks Co. Gravely Pro-8 w/attach ments, finish, brush, saw. blades, Roto-Tiller, hole dig ger, row disc, 141 hrs, $l5OO firm 610-682-2392 Berks Co JD 950 tractor w/belly mow er. 500 hr, exc., $B2OO wooden swing set, $375 treated wood 717-484- 2652 Lane Co Certd organic corn, high moisture or dry, Barley, NH 254 grinder mixer, 5’ JD rotary mower, hauling avail 610-562-2334 Berks Co 1988 Plymouth Reliant 5 spd , runs good. $5OO After 5 pm 717-362-9791 Dau Co 3 White tail buck, 8-pomters 610-562-4314 Berks Co Chevy Blazer, no motor, had a 4 3 that went bad new tires, body fair, $2OOO 080 After 5, 610-488- 1855 Berks Co Gehl 315 Scavenger 11. VGC, $3950, 2 new 900.20 trucktires, tubes & liners, mounted on rims, $125 ea 610-589-5489 Berks Co 326 Nl picker, 17A manure spreader, 6’ Woods mower, 6 ton tioist 717-648-7998, lv. mssg. Sch. Co Harman coal and wood boil er compl w/controls, exc cond $B5O, model 360 610-754-6329 Berks Co Plastic buckets w/handles, 4 & 5 gal W Dagenhardt, HCB7 Box 93, Franklin, NY 13775 607-829-8739 1200 bu round com cnb, $5OO 080, Van Dale TMR mixer w/beam scale, $1750 080. 717-867-4575 Leb Co Windbreaker heater for Cub Low-boy tractor, good cond $5O 717-566-2133 Dau Co Majestic coal stove, fair cond , $175 080 717-445- 4829 Lane Co 55 ft 3' teed auger w/motor, $4OO 080 6 hog feeders, 8 hole stainless steel btlm $45 080, 300 Ford tractor, exc cond . $5500 717-834- Restored Farmall H & Far mall A w/hyd , MF 135 ring gear & pinion, rear axle, housing, fenders. 814-793- 4311 Blair Co Int. field culti, vibra shank, new shovels, $1875; 235- 75-16 tires 717-626-8257 Lane. Co Keystone hot air stoker, 12 pair blk. vinyl louvered shut ters, 4-8 ft. alum porch posts, all good cond. 717- 743-6911 Snyder Co Angora goats, flock disper sal, 16 adult does & bucks, kid does & bucks, 1 blk buck. Reg. & color factored. $BOO 717-382-4111 York Co. New steel decking for con crete floor, 5 nb, 20 ft L, 30 in. W, $25; 41 avail After 7 pm, 717-356-7413 Col Co ir, 8 h| Bed- N Chop $300; 7-10 McCul lough chainsaw, exc runner, $75. 717-744-2582 Bradford Co. Victor oxy-acetylene brazing welding tips, sizes, 1,2,3,4, 5. Brand new, $l5O value, 25 per set, via mail 215-536- 9672 Bucks Co. Lesco silt seeder, new cond. 2 hr. run time, $lB5O 080 or will trade After 3 pm, 410- 761-7173, A.A. Co.. MD 1940 Buick special conv apart for restoration. $5OOO 1947 Chrysler Windsor conv., needs restored, $4OOO 080 717-966-1249 Union Co Oliver 1650 gas hydro over under 3 pth, quick disconnect hitch, good rubber, asking $3500. 215-679-2726 or 723-8173 Bucks Co. Asst, vinyl picture casement Awning, jalousie windows, alum, storm windows 717- 386-5138 Carbon Co Pheasants, 20 nngnecks & 24 hens, 18 wks. old After 6 pm 717-758-1781 North'd Co Anvil w/Hardy, apprx 100#, $l5O, child’s antique wagon, Bradley Jr, wheels & sled runners, $3OO, Globe meat slicer, $lOO 717-589-3876 Perry Co Home raised feeder cattle, 1 steer, 4 heifer cross, 60 cents, LP gas heater, fuel tank, elec., like new 717- 273-6018 Leb. Co. 1994 bison 4 horse slant load gooseneck combination, stock rear tack, 7’H, 7'W, dressing room 814-349- 8038 Centre Co Diesel Kohler generator, 12kw, 20 hp Yanmar 4 cyl eng, skid mounted, low hrs., $1800.609-691-0526 Salem Co 10’ cultipacker, good cond, ready for field, $425 717- 299-2126 Lane Co 3' and 4' steel shelving w/peg board, used wood burning stove 304-846-2691 Nicholas Co Thomas potatoe harvester, field ready, 2 row cult all in good cond , must sell 717- 786-4309 Lane Co Sacrificing compl poultry processing setup, auto scalder, auto picker, 200 ft shakle line, exc cond., mcu bators/brooders 218-253- 2291 Red Lake Co MN Harvest special fox SP chop per. 4-71 GM. 3RN p/u or long table & new kernel processor, field ready, $7900 610-944-7475 Berks Co Farmall M w/hyd , runs good, $l6OO, kid pony for ndes, or cart, 15 yrs old, $4OO 215- 343-7276 Bucks Co Butchenng kettles. 1 w/stove sausage stuffers, grinders, ladles, stirrers, horse farm wagon, doctor’s buggy, horse cart 301-845-8650 Fred Co Ln^n Or ,K ,eeder Kitchen stove, bums coal or 400-500 lb range 1 965 wood white Columbian sn4B n 48 3m6 *150; AACA books, vd. 21 to $4500 080 717-548-3006 60 good cond _ si so . 717 . Lanc 9°- 797-3793 North’d. Co Mott frail mower, litUeford tar Kettle, tow type 225 gal cap $2OO pcs 080 908-454- 6089 Warren Co. Compressor rotary screw 150, runs good, $l2 Farmall H, nice runner, ong sale bill, $lBOO 908-221-9142 Moms Co. 1930 Model A coupe, restored w/rumble seat, good running car, $7500 610-79- 2066 Bette Co. Accordion. 120 bass w/case VGC, $275 made in Italy 610-693-5624 Berks Co Chi/Angus and Maine Anjou/Angus cows w/calves, also Club calves. 717-949- 3701 Leb Co Round com cnb, 14’W, 16'H, down and ready to go, NH No 8 forage box for parts 717-336-2068 Lane Co Desk all wood office type. 42'x36’', $75, small Singer portable sewing machine, $95, restored platform scales, $135. 610-274-8706 Chester Co 2 13.6x28 tractor tires w/tubes, 50% rubber, $5O, Billy Goat leaf vacuum, $ 150. 717-427-4533 Carbon Co. sth wheel camper w/hitch, clean, msp., sleeps 6, towing mirrors, fit Chov. GMC, Dodge 1/2 ton. Buckwheat coal. 717-838-4508 Leb. Co. Pygmy goat kids. 3 to choose from, nice colors, cute, $5O to $75 No Sunday calls, 717- 336-0710 Lane. Co. Sleighs, 1 -horse, Albany wicker, Portland Cutters, $595 & up. Eves.,-301-271- 3012 Fred. Co. 10 ft. snowplow, IH 400 air corn planter, many new parts, 1-ton roller 610-767- 2217 Northampton Co. 1990 Shoop 2-horse trailer, used very little, $2500; 10 ft Bnllion cultipacker. 610-932- 5791 Chester Co. AC 6080 4WD cab, 1500 hrs , $14,000, 1986 South east gooseneck trailer, 26 ft. bed, $3200; Woods 850, 3 pt blade. $1650. 215-257- 3852 Bucks Co. Kelley 815 backhoe w/12” bucket and hyd. pump, $3500; Locke mower w/Brig gs & Stratton motor, $lOO. 610-469-8619 Chester Co Rye seed for cover crop, field run. 717-445-6568 Lane. Co. 3 pt. wood splitter, $350.717- 677-7265 Adams Co 3 yr. old blk. standardbred gelding; 16 hands, good built, traffic safe, good broke, trot ter. 717-445-0664 Lane. Co. MH 44,3 pth, gas, runs good, rear hyd , live PTO. $l5OO 717-786-1682 Lane Co Bx7’s" steel flatbed stake pockets. $250 Cub Cadet part wanted, Cub Cadets, Farmalls & parts 717-446- 3411 Lane. Co Clean bright wheat straw, no ram, $l2O/ton at farm 717- 786-9070 Lane. Co 2-seat Menn carriage on steel wheels, being sold at Clyde Horse sale, Oct 21, 1998. 717-445-5970 Lane Co 1977 Scout 11, 4x4, air, cruise, tilt wheel, auto, $2OOO 717-259-7187 Adams Co Oliver rear wheel weights, 1 set, $95 717-244-0362 York Co Oil burner furnace, Dunkirk Radiator Corp , mdl T 42 87,000 btu, cast iron, ho' water coil, $B5. 717-528 4166 Adams Co 1988 F 350 4WD dua.'y dump truck w/2 ft toolbox; 6 cyl Ford wood chipper 610- 488-0455 Berks Co Ml mounted compicker, 8 roll husking bed, fits Oliver or Farmall, field ready, $250 Eves,, 717-933-9328 Berks Co 7 Angus cross-beef type feeders, 450 lb avg., 3 super nice Simmental cross feed ers, 650 lb avg. 610-670- 2439 Berks Co. Field run Rye, small gram, $4.50/bu 717-866-6288 Leb. Co. Ford 8N incl scraper blade and 3 pt. Woods finish mow er, good cond., $2OOO. 717- 362-4343 Dau. Co 2 4-H champion fall yearling milking shorthorn heifers, due in March 717-837-5742 Snyder Co. 1979 CJS Jeep. $1000; chain hoist, $5O; truck cap, $5O; house trailer windows. $5 ea., boat seats $5O 717- 423-6457 Frankl. Co. Sex Sal Links pullets, laying brown eggs. $4.25. John Kauffman, 204 A Bell Rd.. Christiana PA 17509 Lane. Co MF 63 com head, $2OOO, Nl 305 com picker, $lOOO 717- 356-2484 Col Co Nl chopper w/eng., Nl crimper, JD 1240 corn planter, 3 Percheron geld ings 717-365-5920 Lukens Co Thomas register compl set of 1997 catalogs, 80, Grave ly snow blade, $l5O 717- 776-5730 Cumb Co 8 yr. workhorse, strong, tame, good worker, $l5OO. Aaron Z. Hoover, 499 W, Maple Grove Rd., Denver, PA 17517 (E. Fivepointville) Lane. Co Warm Morning heater 400 A, good cond , $l5O. 717-445- 7113 Lane. Co. McCormick 1 PR picker, Md. fight bottom hayloader; Fnck 22x36 threader. JO 336 baler, NH 69 baler 717-656- 9733 Lane. Co #3ll Nl 38” 2 row picker, pull type, in good shape, portable, cattle loading chute. 717-292- 1111 York Co. Dairy goat herd, does, year lings, kids, 80 head total, Alpine & crosses. Moses K Renno, R.D. 2 Box 942, Mif flinlown, PA 17059 Die filling machine, $l5O, 1/4 ton elec, hoist, $lOO. 717-464-5610 Lane. Co. Restorable IH units, 1956 SlBO truck, 1956 8160 truck; 1962 C-100 p/u, Far mall M tractor. 814-839- 9440 Bedford Co. Male pygmy goats, 8 wks old, white w/blk. markings, good w/children, also 1 gray & black. 717-867- 4098 Leb. Co. - JD 7720 4x4 combine, field ready, 643 low tin head. $6500; 215 flex head, $1750; gravity* bin wagon, $6OO. 215-536-5182 Bucks Co. Snapper rear eng., riding mowers (3) all need work, $225/all; toolbox of leather craft t 0015,565. 908-236- 2297 Hunterdon Co NJ Int Cub lowboy w/fast hitch 60“ mower, wheel weights, chains, clean ong. tractor. 215-234-4973 Montg. Co. 3 Ig Zimmerman fans, Grasshopper mower, needs work, old corn sheller, Monarch coal & elec, cook stove, JD cultivator, 4 row 610-933-4989 Berks Co. Lincoln arc welder, 225 amp elec food sheer, home mod el, never used Lv mssg 732-462-5188 Monmouth Co,NJ Holland 3pt 1 row trans planter, $250, IH 3 pt. 2 row corn planter, $200;-JD 999 planter $75 215-968-4808 Bucks Co Rmgneck Pheasants for sale, Quakertown Area 215-536-7145 Bucks Co 106,10 hp 42” mower, $675, Good used flower pots, all Waterloo, Dandyboy, Sim sizes, have lots, make offer plicity 2-wheel tractors, no lots of plant trays. Jim, 610- en 9 s - $75 ea. 717-567-3549 323-8545 Chester Co. Perr V Co Hesston 7012 blower, AC 3 beater forage box 12T tan dem, 2-beater AC Box 8T gear, WIC 45 power cart, nice' 717-729-8219 Wayne Co 12 ft Delray slide-in p/u camper, sleeps 6, $lOOO 080 610-584-5719 Montg. Co Transfer pump for gram feed, etc., 5 hp, 3 ph motor, 6” inlet, $l5O, sewing machine. Singer. 3 ph motor w/table, $l5O 717-282- 1047 Lacka. Co. Gehl 315 v Scavenger II manure spreader, nice, $1250; Gehl 2350 Discbine hyd tongue, field ready, $2450, can deliver. 609- 769-4159 Salem Co. 3 yr. old reg. standardbred mare, broke, needs driving Fireproof vault door, safe and 610-942-3873 Chester Co file cabinet; Stihl 350 demo exc. size and frame, can 79 Chevy truck C 70,27,503 see sire & dams, polled GW. good motor, 10.00 20 Herefords. 610-584-6975 tires, Ig. box, side door, roll up Montg. Co. door, $2900. 717-748-5047 Clinton Co. Your Mailbox Market listing will also appear on our Lancaster Farming Internet Web Site. This web page is updated every Saturday evening. Check Us Out at www.lancasterfarming,com Email addraat ItrmlngOlancaattrtarmlng.com 3 female Lab Retrievers, AKC yellow 2 - four-yr.-old, 1 - one-year-old, must sell, make offer. 717-484-4688 Lane. Co. 24’ tobacco ladder, no gear David Stoltzfus, 2861 Kissel Hill Rd., Lititz, Pa 17543 717-569-4245 Lane. Co. jD 400 grinder mixer, VGC, 2-bttm., 12” plows, 3 pt har row. 3 pt. 717-837-3673 Sny der Co. Yearling mute swans, $100; 6 pc. 3'x6' blackboard & cork board. $2O. 717-532-3055 Frankl. Co. MF 4 row narrow com head, also parting out MF 410,510, 550, 750 combines. 717- 328-5414 Frankl. Co NH 6’ flail chopper, Ferguson tractor, tobacco lathe, AC 170, gas, 3 pt. W.F. gravity bin. 717-786-3618 Lane Co. Bobwhite quail & chukars, flight-conditioned, various ages. Call for pnees. 717- 687-5143 Lane Co. LP gas heater, wall mount, vented, thermostat control, 29,000 BTU, used very little, like new cond., $275. 717- 687-5143 Lane. Co. 1991 GEO Metro convert ible, 57,900 miles, 1 owner, auto, radio, a/c, $4300; Fer guson 2-bttm. plow, $225 717-755-8068 York Co D4D 78 Cat, $6500 080, IH 1086 3 remotes, new paint, nice, $7600 080. 717-354- 0595 Lane. Co. Farmall Cub cultivators, full set, spring tooth, hillers & side shields, $3OO, rear rock shaft, $5O 610-759-5314 Northampton Co. Boiens. H-16 hydro lawn tractor, 16 hp lawn mower, snow blade, new valve job. paint, belts. $1350 080 717-684-3129 Lane Co Compl. 1930-31 Model A Ford, running gear chassis, $5OO 610-488-6177 Berks Co. Potbelly pigs, Highland heifer, 1 yr, Highland bull calf, Brahma heifer, 2 yrs , w/heifer calf 717-898-7502 Lane Co. Rye for cover cropping, $5 25/bu , poss deliv, dry ear corn. After 4 pm, 717- 658-5125 Snyder Co JD 110 $375. Cub Cadet Donkeys, miniature, 29-33 in., gentle pets, will hold till Xmas 610-582-7289(Day), 582-4434(Eve) Berks Co 100 ft. baseboard heating panels, w/extra tubing, $l/ft; 2 - 60”x36" replacement win dows, $65 ea D B Zook, 160 Salem Rd . Bethel Pa Berks Co Dickey incubator & hatcher, $225 ea. or $4OO both; all ages emus 814--267-4606 Somerset Co New JD backhoe attachment for3soC 24” bucket, adapt to other machines, cost $19,000, must sell, $B5OO 814-472-9348 Cambria Co. Stoker coal furnace VanWert Anthratherm VABOO, good working cond., $5OO 080. 610-269-2899 Chester Co. saw. 717-845-2350 York Co. Gravley snowblower tractor, 1934 Chevy 1-1/2 ton truck; AC tractor loader & snow plow: 1933 & 34 Chev. eng., transm., clutch. 717-366- 2729 Sch. Co. IHC 1,600 truck, PTO dump, 14’flatbed, 17,942 miles, tip top cond. 717-222-3709 Susq. Co. Tow bar for cars & p/u trucks. $65. 610-261-1015 Northhampton Co. NH #6 self-unloading wag on w/heavy gear flotation tires, front & rear unloading, nice cond. 717-665-7155 Lane. Co. White Oliver all-terrain, fork lift, 3500 lb. lift, 21 ft mast, working cond., propane, $l5OO steel wheels w/shocks for above $BOO. 717-442-9451 Lane. Co. 1983 Grumman alum, step van truck, 138 k, set up w/shelves and tool drawers, new paint. $7BOO 717-776- 7117 Cumb. Co. Chevy 86 Capnce, V 6, AT, AC, msp. $l4OO 080 717- 548-2307 Lane. Co. 2-1/2 to 25 acre lots, some approved for in-ground sep tic system. 717-244-9768 York Co. Farmall C tractor, asking $1175, good shape, good rubber. Near Spring Grove. Tim, Sr., bef. 9 pm, 717-225- 6122 York Co. 4 year old Belgian gelding team, 18+ hands, broke to all farm machinery, used in parades & weddings 717- 458-6168 Lye. Co Mower deck, 48", $350, 3 pth, $175 from Case 648. both good cond., 2” portable submersible pump, $2OO 610-965-2336 Leh. Co 300 JD com picker Surge 2” glass pipeline for 30 cows, vacuum pump & washing system 717-898- 6121 Lane. Co. Cosch elec jackhammer w/pomt & chisel, $5OO, runs good. After 8 am, bef. 8 pm. 717-266-3546 York Co New Zealand white rabbits. $1.15 per lb 2 rabbit cages & feeders. Chris Martin, 455 Linden Rd., East Earl, PA 17519 Lane Co. B Badger mdiv calf stalls in series, elevated w/slated floors and bucket holders, $2O ea. 717-665-4239 Lane Co. Westmghouse air com pressor, 2 stage or trade for small hit & miss gas engine. 814-764-3734 Clarion Co. Brown egg layer pullets, 20 wks. old, laying good 610- 926-5547 Berks Co Belsaw swing type buck saw, good cond , $lOO, Sears 30" bucksaw w/lg sgl. phase elec motor dri ve. $350 717-838-3158 Leb. Co Dbl. five parlor stalls, 5 uni versal milkes pulsators, 2” laulme receiver group, cheap rebuilt surge 100-t-, $BOO 080. 717-733-3565 Lane. Co. Used Agway hot air oil fur nace, good, working cond, $lOO. 717-776-5357 Cumb. Co. AKC Oalmation pups, shots, wormed, papers, 8 wks 610-593-2981 Chester Co. 1995 Ford 150 XL, exc. cond., VB, 5 spd., air, AM/FM/Cass., cruise, trail er hitch w/elec. brakes, cap, best reas. offer. 610- 469-6070 Chester Co.
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