10" PINE CUSTOM CLOCK ORDER BLANK Please send us the picture, choose one of ours, and/or indicate the writing or trade name you wish on the clock in spaces below. Remember the more writing the smaller - looks best with 1 or 2 lines and 1 small picture. Be sure and fill in your name and address below. Please cut and send this entire page. When sending a picture or drawing, make sure nice and clean and sharp, for best reproduction. Clock face will be in black & white; unlr 11 12 1 10 9 .white; unless you order the COLOR below on Order Blank. IMAL SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE NAME ADDRESS: (On PO Box, give street address also) •if address hat changed please give old address #1 #2 #3 or color picture printing - yours or from j Scanning your color photograph - aau Scanning is per picture used as many times as you wish. - j Not per clock if it uses the same scanned picture. Total of pINE WOOD Custom Clocks: $. Page 31 I C4B 0698 AHWCO / PINE WOOD Custom Clocks 10/01/98 CUS# Customer Number if known (Front Cover) CATE: 33-add $l.OO per clock Price eacl @ $2.00: 15.00 ea. ( NOTE. If you send your own picture - only 1 allowed per dial. Stock pictures no limit. Color printing is either color picture and or color type or both. NOT FOR OUTDOOR USE 5 4 Our Discount Prices- 10 PlNfc WOOD CLOCKS Aliy Ito 3 clock/s: $22.95 4 to 11 clocks - all same dials (each) -$20.95 12 to 47 clocks - all same dial (each) -$19.45 Larger Quantities on Quote £OO $l.OO PER CLOCK FOR COLOR PRINTING Price each: $ Total: $ 1.00 'rice each
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers