Subject to Confirmation Live Where You Flay -THE POCOHOS -36 Residential Building Lots Will Be Sold ABSOLUTE J Minutes from Jack Frost, Big Boulder & I Pocono Raceway. Easy access from Tpke. j & Rte. 80. Public Sewer & Indiv. Wells. I 3 Commercial Lots & 150 +/- lots will be l auctioned. Lakefront lots are available. AUCTION: EXCESS INVENTORY SALE Auctioneers: Terry L. Shetter AU-002951L Kelly A. Shetter AA-002110 Ph: 717-264-3885 MON. EVENING, SEPT. 21,1998 Beginning at 5:00 p.m. SHOOTER’S DELIGHT (Former Starr’s Honda Bldg.) 1390 Edenville Rd., Chambersburg, PA Take Franklin Street from Rt. 30 West approx. 1 mile to Edenville Rd. GUNS: Approx 50 new RIFLES & shotguns include Remington, Winchester, Rugcr, Browning, Mailin. Mossbeig. Savage (some stainless/20 ga thiouah 12 sa/ 22. 243, 3006, 280. 300, 308, 7mm, Tmin 08, 25-06, etc ) SCOPES: approx 30 new scopes to include Leuopold, Simmons, Tasco ACCESSORIES/BOWS: lull line oi new archery supplies to include sites, quivers, knocks, cents. Retching, arrows, a few new bows will also he sold NOTE: This is an absolute sale ol EXCESS INVENTORY to include new firearms and equipment Guns to he sold at 600 p m All items subject to change due to daily business All state regulations apply on sale day PA sales tax will be applied Not lesponsible tor accidents Sale undci tent - bring your chairs Lunch stand icsci vcd For a complete listing of guns, call: 717-267- 3770. 2 ACRE M/L COUNTRY PROPERTY Between Manheim and Mt. Gretna Near Mastersonville PUBLIC AUCTION TUBS., SEPT. 15, 1998 Auction Time 7:00 P.M. DIRECTIONS: From Manheim take Route 72 North turn left onto Cider Press Road go 4 miles and turn right onto Colebrook Rd , go 'k mile and turn right onto Creek Rd to property on left Beside Tree Top Golf Course, Mt. Joy Township, Lancaster Co , PA a» » • ... w /. 1434 Creek Road, Manheim, PA 3 Bedroom Brick Rancher Large 15’x24' family room with modern kitchen and dining area, large living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms with large closets, full bath, full basement - partially finished with 4 rooms and a full bath, large screened porch, oil hot water baseboard heat, large yard, privacy, 2-car attached garage, only 33 yrs old • Hardwood floors • Well & septic system 24’x46’ BARN with electric, water & heat plus attached 1 -car garage, great for horses, stream on property, zoned Ag NOTE: A great properly bordered by a small stream & golf course Be prepared to buy, owners are moving out of state OPEN HOUSE: Sat, Sept 5, 1 00 PM to 300 PM or by appoint TERMS; 10% down payment day of auction, balance at final settlement on or before November 2, 1998 ATTORNEY Walter Whitmoyer Auction by LIAM A. & CHRISTINE F. PATERSON (717) 665-2727 Rr*(*»»lon*l ) p"°" ( AUCTIONEERING I Martin auction service j ) ) 410 West Church Rd V J ~* ,L J Ephrata PA 17522 (717)733-3511 MON SEPT 14-10 AM 3701 St Pa J*fsburg. Chester Nazareth Rd, Easton, PA Co, PA Food Bank Super Thrift, Restaurant equip , furnishings, L , JS!H re ®’ re 9 n 9 ’ BC I UI P 300 seat dinner house, & more shelving, compressors, baler & By H W Crossing Restaurant l T or . e 8 Son, Mark Baranowski, Auct, 717- Aucte , 215-634-2500 657-2317 TUES SEPT 15 - 9 30AM Charles Town, WV Dolly-Van den Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Dispersal By Stanley Dunn Jr Walnut Grove Auct & The Cattle Exchange, Aucts, 607-746- 2226 TUES SEPT 15-10 AM 700 W Farm Machinery Auction Sat., Sept. 26,1998 9:00 AM SHARP!! Selling for Kenneth Tallman, 1167 C Hedding Road, Columbus, N.J. DIRECTIONS: NJ Turnpike to Exit 7 to 206 South to Hedding Rd. turn Right. Following sale signs. AC7030 w/duals- JD4030, JD3020 diesel side consol; JD 3020 (gas) tricycle. JD4OIO, JD4O loader; AC “M” combine NH1037 & 1038 bale wagons, (2) JD347 wire balers;JD 12’ cut har row, Bnllion 12' cultipacker. Case 6bt plow; N 15209 diskbine Kuhn hay kicker; NH4B9 hay bine, (2) NI hay rakes w/double hitch, Mohawk 880 roto beater; JD3OI spinner spreader, AC 9 shank chisel plow w/culters; CASE IH 5100 grain drill, 16’ Bearcut rollei harrow, 8’ Woods scraper blade, (3) 20’ flat wagons, (3) gram wag ons; (2) hay elevators, (2) 16’ bale conveyors, silo blower, set duals 15 5x38, 6’ snow plow, NI sheller unit tot 324 picker, milk tank, 3pth sprayei, bunk feeder, mol tank, platform scale, (2) 500 gal fert tanks, Ibcams, Century welder, bolt & paits bins, shop tools Miscellaneous arti cles too numerous to mention Seller or Auctioned are not responsible lot theft, injury or accident of any kind on sale premises All articles sold “AS IS - WHERE AS” Lunch available on premises TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK- NOTE Out of state checks or IDs must be accompanied by bank lettei of guaranteed payment L. PARKER SALES INC (609) 758-8603 (Daytime) Lee Parker, Auctioneer (609) 723-2010 (Nights) Public Auction Valuable Personal Property Fri. Sept. 18,1998 @ 2:30 PM 2250 Lititz Pike, Lane. Co., PA (South of Neffsville, between Delp & Sunrise) Furniture; 2 kneehole desks, oak bedroom suite, book shelves, twin bedroom suite, bedroom suite w/twm electropedic beds, 10 pc dining room suite, round kitchen table, 4 modem arrow back chairs, chimney cabinet, small country table, dou ble bed, 1930's dresser, wooden folding chairs, cedar lined wardrobe, oak chest of drawers, par lor table, breakfast nook, blanket rack, library table, oak desk, 2 pc living room suite, iron crib, 3 Zenith TV sets, blanket chest, end tables, lamps, treadle sewing machine. Brother sewing machine, wicker porch rocker, living room lamps. Appliances: GE washer and dryer, Westmghouse freezer, various small appliances. Misc. Items: Saddlers vise, pump trough, iron kettle, coal shovels, crocks, jugs, tools and tool boxes, fireplace items, variety of 78 and other records, work bench, 2 chase lounges, wooden extension ladder, kerosene heater, Christmas dec orations, harness makers tools and tool drawers, variety of wooden boxes, wicker doll coach, var ious tamps, scooter, train platform, used lumber, file cabinets, jacks, lawn and garden tools, small compressor, stereo and speakers. Glassware: depression glass, china, variety of attic treasures, cook books, every dishes, Smithsonian books, linens, religious books and old Bibles, scrap books, lap robe, old oil stock certificates, misc. books. Note parking in rear of property Auction by order Canon L. Raffensperger Extr. J.C. Raffensperger Estate "THunruf /4ecet£oHA, *!mc. Lititz, PA (717)626-2636 -Aum TUES SEPT 15-11 AM Chesa peake Bay Seafood House, 9183 Roosevilt Blvd, Phila, PA Com plete auction, restaurant liquida tion Affiliated Aucts, Inc, 215- 743-6000 TUES SEPT 15 - 6PM Horst Auct Ctr, comer of Rt 322 & Durlach Rd, Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Com Sale, 11 pcs gold bulk AHHi Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998-831 tots, mint & proof sets and more —" ' 1 HorstAucts,7l7-859-1331 ' TUES SEPT 15 - 6PM Appalachian Dr, Grantville, East Hanover Twp Lebn Co , PA Real estate, A-Frame home w/41 acres By Wayne & Shelby Herr Nelson L Ebersole, Aucts, 717-867-5221 TUES SEPT 15 - 7PM Btwn Manheim & Mt Gretna, near Mastersonville, from Manheim. take Rt 72 north , left to Cider Press Rd , 4 mi turn right onto Colebrook Rd 1/2 mi turn right to Creek Rd to property on left, Mt Joy Twp , Lane Co , PA 2 Acre country property, 3 bdrm brick rancher By Laim & Christine F Paterosn, 717-665-2727 Aaron E MantnAuct Svc TUES SEPT 15 - 7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA feeder cattle sale Carlisle Lvst Mkt, Inc, 717-249-4511 Public Auction Mon. Sept. 14,1998 @ 3:00 PM Murry Auction Emporium 23 N Water Street/Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-2636 Household: dishes, glassware. Guardian cook ware. small appliances, silverware, linen, games, collectibles, jcwcliy and jewelry boxes Furniture: queen size black artistic metal bed frame (new), twin white metal bed w/beddmg, 2 sets queen bedding, king headboard, walcrbcd headboard, nice Bioyhill drcsscis and night stands w/mirror, oak end table, oak .di op leaf sofa table, numcious end tables and stands, wiought iron coffee table (modern), leather rcclmcr, desk, sofas, chans, dining room table w/glass top and 4 chairs (modern), white washed octagon table w/l leaf (new), wrought non patio sola and chairs, patio glidei, papasan chair and ottoman, laige whitewashed oak mnjoi (new), large oak mirror (new), laige Bioyhill wing mn ror(ncw) Nice lot of furniture M Other: golf clubs, table lamps. Hoot lamps, books, pictuies. radios. TVs, woik pioccssor speakers, poitable sound system, ctoss walk training machine, Crosley air condition, shop vacuum Appliances. Maytag washei. GE and Whnlpool refrigerators, miciowavc Outside: box lots, hardware, lawn & gaidcn tools. 21" Lawn Boy mowei, B & D electric mulchei mower, Toro electric snow blower, tan dem bike, ladies 26" Schwinn 10 speed bike, carpet, wood stoves, wrought non railing 'THtWUf, /4uctio4t&, COMPLETE PUBLIC AUCTION BUILDING MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT SALE FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 1998 - 9:00 a.m. DIRECTIONS Rt M 2 to Milleistown Exit \i the Square turn onto Rt 17 cast Continue 1 miles to auction on vour right ORTakeßts 11 Ac 1S to Livupool Twin west onto Rt 17 and continue 7 miles to the auction on voui led Watch lor signs Oxer 150 Malta Wood with Vinyl Clad Windows. 6 Different Si/ts Anderson & Peachtree Vinyl Replacement Windows Barrier Vmvl New r Construction Windows MORE BUILDING MATERIALS. ETC. Large Quantity ot Vinyl Siding & Accessoncs White iN Colors Softitt Fascia Lumber - 2x4 2\6 2xB 2xlo 2x12 New T&G OSB Shingles B\ The Skid Man> Thicknesses V4’ Colors la Choose From Fell Papei Steel Doors •12 14 16’ w/Sidehghts Patio Doors me 1 Anderson K Fiber Classic VO Entry Doors Hollow Intenor Doois 9 Light 6 Panel elc Bilolcl Doois PT Doors Sk>lights Sheeted Insulation: Skids ot Vinyl Prefimshed Drywall Paints Stains Lots ol Moldings: Stainless Steel Sinks & Counter Tops Cabinet Doois Toilets: Vanity Tops Lots ot Vin>l Shutters Ceramic Tile New Vinvl Windows: Paneling Ridge Vents Shower Surrounds Fireplace Mantels Fireplace Inserts Root Cement Vents Finger Joint Hand Rar 1 ’ ' - - - Lots of Galvanized & Painted Tin Over 1 000 Sheets 8 20' Sizes A Verv Large Selection ot Nails & Strews 6xB White Pine T&G Logs for Log Homes & Log Siding Cub Cadet Lawn & Garden Tractors & Equipment A Huge Selection of Nails and Screws PEMS LISTED BELOW ARE SUBJECT 2 40 Box Stoiagc Traileis 19 Flatbed CMC Delioit Diesel Engine cuirently running & inspected 1989 Peterbilt Cahover Tractor w/Air Ride Air Conditioning & Air Mnroi in excel lent shape currently running &. inspected 40 Flatbed Trailer inspected Ac running' ‘ All Trucks & Flatbeds base good tiros and are in good shape 8 Galvanised Commercial Range Hood AND MANY MORE ITEMS NOT LISTED HERE DON’T MISS IT! OWNER: T.B. Lumber Liverpool 717-444-7230 Tenns Cash oi Good PA Check Material Musi Be Removed From Site Bv Sept 19 1998 Not Responsible loi Lost oi Stolen hems Olhei Terms l)a\ ol Auction NEIL A COURTNEY R D #1 Box 230 -i, jL Richfield PA 17086 (717) 539-8791 w AU 002651 L KENNETH E. MASSINGER RR 02 Box 985 McClure PA 17841 (717) 658 3536 AU-001532 L Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. WED SEPT 16 - 9AM Point of Rocks, Frederick Co, MD Fred erick Co Plant Closing, equip , trucks, forklifts, excess bldg sup plies, modular home, manufact equip . trailers, office equip & turn. etc By North American Housing J G Cochran, Aucts 301-739-0538 WED SEPT 16 - 9AM 50 Monarch St, Littleslown, PA Tools, gram equip & parts By ■AU-648-L- SERVICE wood towers Stambaugh Gram, Inc, 717-359- 7598 Rentzel'sAuct Svc WED SEPT 16-9 AM NE Cor ner of Milford, IL, 2 blocks east of Rt 1 under the Silver Water Tower Mowry Auct Co Hugh Machinery Auction combines comer heads, platforms tractors tillage, equip & misc Mowry Auct Co. 815-682-4223 WED SEPT 16 - 9AM 1988 Drexel Ave Lancaster PA Antqiues furn jewelry, postcard album Fiesta Ware quilt, linens books, watches Chian glass, sil verware crock tools, riding w/bager By C W Jack Clarkson Miller & Siegnest Aucts 717- 687-6857 WED SEPT 16-9 AM 84 Savo Ave, Lancaster, PA, (oft Rt SCU just north of Overtook Golf Course) Antiques Hh.goods tram sets, tram yd articles toys, airplane kits mechamcal'banks & tools By Madeline Eckenrode Howard E Shaub Inc , Aucts 717-464-3541 WED SEPT 16 -10 AM Ridge Fire Co, along Rt 23 btwn Rt 100& Phoemxvilie PA Antiques Auct, furnishings, paintings rugs political coll tool Hh goods & more Kathy Maurer Auct 6'o - WED SEPT 16 10AM Wolge muth Auct 109 N Maple Ave Leoia Lane Co PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth Auct WED SEPT 16 2PM Horst Auci Ctr corner of Rl 322 & Durlach Ra Ephrata Lane Co PA Antqiues Hh goods coll tools JD garden tractor By Grace Spillman Estate iiorst Aucts 717 738 3080 WED SEPT 16 3PM Rt 35 to Richfield at County Li ne Rest left and go 3 mi to Watts School turn left &go past Mt Zion Church to sale on left Richfield PA Real estate personal prop antiques & coll By Dorothy Felt man Neil Courtney & Kenneth Massinger Aucts 717 658 3536 WED SEPT 16 & THURS SEPT 17 - 8 30AM 5174 Horsi Ro Chambers Ping PA Lawn & garden tractors, misc (Wed ) farm equip , tractors misc tires posts, etc (Thurs ) Marion Auc lion Service, 717-375 4700 THURS SEPT 17-12 Noon Resource Recovery Ctr corner of Yerkes & Church Rds King of Prussia PA Sealed Bid Sale trucks, garage equip machine tools, shop equip air compres sors, forklifts contr tools elec equip valves pump blowers plotters computers office equip & misc Sealed Bid Services Inc 215 699-5833 THURS SEPT 17 2PM Area dia Carnival Grounds, MD Mary land Steam Historical Society s Consign Auct Consignments wanted antiques coll, gas engines tractors, lawn & garden tools For info 410 239 3785 or 410-239 823, THURS SEPT 17 3PM 156 W Willow Rd Pequea Twp Lane Co PA Real estate furn glass/chma, Hh goods barn items & misc Roy& Eric Probst Aucls 717-464 3190 THURS SEPT 17 4 30PM Jer sey Shore Lvst Auct south ol Jersey Shore Rt 44 PA Feeder Cattle Consignment Sale 814 349-8760 THURS SEPT 17 SPM 2201 E Castor Ave Phila PA Antiques & coll figurines plates dmnerware pottery prints music & other Affiliated Aucts 215 743-6000 FRI SEPT 18 8 30AM 25 mi south of Harnsubrg PA along Rt 15 turn onto Old US 15 Rd sale on right Southern PA Con tractors Auct trackloaders doz ers excavators loaders skid steers, backhoes scrapers rollers forklifts, tractors paver misc equip car crusher tub grinder dumps cab chassis trucks trailers sea containers vehicles & misc Wolfe Ind AuctsJ3ol-89e 0340 Man> Calc FRI SEPT 18 9AM Rt 322 10 Millerslown exit at square turn to Rt 17E go 3 mi to sale on right PA Bldg materials & equip con sign sale By IB Lumber 717 444 7230 Neil Courtney & Ken nelh Massinger Aucls FRI SEPT 18 HAM smi wesi ot Allentown Exit 14A oft I 78 toward Trexlertown approx 1 mi to property on left behind Marsteller Grains Lehigh Co PA Commercial Slaughter House Equip Auction By Marsteller Grains Inc Zettlemoyer Auct Co 610-395 8084 S\I,K FRI SEPT 18 2 30PM 2250 Lititz Pike south ot Neffsville Otwn Delp & Sunrise) Lane co PA Furniture appliances glass ware & misc By J C Rat tensperger Estate Elmer Murrv Auctions Inc 717 626 2636 FRI SEPT IB 3PM F'om Blame Perry Co PA Rt 274 W 3 mi turn ielt toward Centei Square 8 mi and turn left to Jet fries Rd follow to sale Signs Real estate Perry Co Hunting Cabin personal property tools & lawn equip By Frances Brenne man 717-792 9143 Mark K Keller Auct 7177893616 181 Ml If itt uJidi-, V I nil t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers