Sale Reports YORDY SALE A Public Auction of personal property was held September 7 by William and Evelyn Yordy, 5 miles from Sunbury at the comer of Rt. 61 and Ross Road. Some prices received were: Ford tractor $2050, Case backhoe $12,500, Caterpillar backhoe $22,000, 1989 Cadillac $l2OO, 1987 Chrysler car $l5OO, Lionel train set $395 PUBLIC AUCTION FRYE COMPLETE ALL DAY DISPERSAL BACKHOE, CRAWLER-LOADER, TRACTORS, EMUS, SHOP TOOLS, HOUSE ITEMS, ETC. on farm 8 miles NE of Montoursville, PA. 2 miles W of Huntersville along Rt. 864. Auction arrows off Rt. 87 at Farragutt. SAT., SEPT. 19, 1998 starting 9 am w/house items Brief Listing Follows: 88 Fold Fl5O 4WD pickup w/snowplow. Case 750 550 loadci-backhoc, IH 464 utility tiactoi, Cuh 154 low hoy tiactor w/hclly mower, NH 450 hai inowci, gram atigci, bale spear, flat wagon Scotty mule hack cainpct. Alum bota, firewood, lots of othci smalls SHOP TOOLS (all like new ) 60 gal an com piessoi, shop cianc, watci pump, battciy pallet loik, an gtease gun, dull picss, tool box. battciy chaigci, sand bl.istei wood lathe, house paintci. hand gnndci. clamps, picks chain hoists, ladders, lenecrs, charcoal hog spit, chain saw. huge quantity ol wienches & sockets by Scats, Blue Point. Snap-on etc 20's Kssolene manual gas pump w/glass top, very unusual, nice 5 EMUS (2 Males. 5 Females) Quantity ol household goods, such as 6 pc dining room suite queen bed, watei bed, video camera, picnic table. Hob,lit meat grinder, produce scales, copper apple buttei kettle. Iced box, china closet, chicken crates, x-cut saws, Cl Hems, etc etc lots mote GUNS: Win 88 245, Win 94 Classic 50-50, Mailm 25 22, Mossbuit 20 ga. S&W 557 pistol. Win 12 12 ga, etc For larger list call Auctioneers. All day sale lots ol Hems Sale Order: House items, I 0 50 shop tools, 12 noon guns. Emus & big items at I pm lollowcd by bal ance ol sale Conducted By FRALEY AUCTION CO. Muncy, PA #RY7IL (717) 546-6907 Lunch available, Comfort station, tent it needed PUBLIC AUCTION of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Oak Furniture, Antiques, Collectibles, Pressed - Pattern & Dep. Glass, Linens, Jewelry, Agateware, Toys, Adv. Pcs., Tools Sat., Sept. 19,1998« 9 AM~| Real Estate: 2pm • Car & Tools: 1 pm 20 W. Penn Grant Rd., Willow Street, PA, Pequea Township Dir: Appr. 1 mile south of Lane, on Rt. 272 S. Turn left on Penn Grant Rd., first house on right. Real Estate consists of 3 Bedroom Bnck & Frame Rancher w/attached 2 car garage situated on a nice comer lot 100’ x 140’ m/1. Well Built Home - Nice Country Setting 1995 Buick Gentry 4 door automatic loaded. 1 1/2 HP Craftsman Router w/Table; 9” Craftsman Table Saw; 12” Craftsman Band Saw/Sander Comb. No Out-of-State Checks Not Responsible for Accidents Call for brochure #919 Sale For: (717) 687-6857 R o y & Verna Dagen TERMS: 10% down, balance on or before November 12, 1998. ATTORNEY: Robert F Musser, Clymer & Musser MILLER 8L SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (717)687-6857 AU-1723L hi »• and oak side by side $675. Hassinger and Court ney were the auction eers. ZIMMERMAN ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of items from a grist mill was held September 5 for the estate of Emma B. Zimmerman, 855 Martin Church Rd., New Holland, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 251 registered bidders at the Owners: Ted & Linda Frye sale. Some prices were; baby shoes $B5, a oak washstands $4OO & $25, Victor Weaver tins $l5 & $22, syrup tins $3O each, gas iron $35, early Red Run Grist Mill bag $l4O, 1928 “waterwheel” book $l9O, box of old mar bles $BO, old dovetailed cradle $250, arrow heads $55 & $6O each, 4 qt. milk pail $7O, fan ning mill $lOO, smut machine $l5O, grained blanket chest $275, ta ble saw $llO, irrigation system w/hosc $543, corck w/handlc $32, Lancaster peanut butter tin $3O, Penn Dairy tin $25, wooden butter chum $BO, Acme egg scale $4O, rotary tin tools $BO and $l2O and mandrels $35, $5O & $l2O. Roger Spencer, Pat rick Morgan and coor dinator Moses Smuck cr. HORST CONSIGN. SALE A twoday consign ment sale of early American and Pennsyl vania German imprints and German historical postcards was held Fri day and Saturday at Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Mote than 1,300 lots of books were sold. The items were cataloged by Clarence E. Spohn. The sale attracted 285 registered bidders each day. Highlights included: Adam and Eve Broad side book printed in Reams town $l3OO, al bum of 490 local post cards $ 1250,1798 book printed in Ephrata $975, 1763 book printed in Ephrata $7OO, 1792 book printed in Ephrata $l2O, 1791 book print ed in Ephrata $l6O, 1776 book printed in Germantown $lBO, 1768 book printed in Germantown $l4O, two Shaker reference books $l4O, Old Pewter Mak ers and Marks books $100,1884 6-vol. set on American medicinal plants $775, 1887 George McClellan book $lOO, Civil War regi mental history $l4O, three Pennsylvania Ger man Decorated Chests books $l4O, $230 and $330, Science Press keepsake book $lO5, Fraktur Pennsylvania German Follk Art book $275, I Lift My Lamp book $165, Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania book $lO5, Chonican Ephratcnse book $lO5 and 1856 Reading city directory $l6O. Also sold were: 1920 Penn State scrapbook $250, genealogical re cords from the Royer family $l5O, history of the Bixler family $l3O, 1803 Harrisburg book $l3O, 1720 Berlenberg book $9OO, two books written in Germantown $2lO and $250, 1831 Reading book $lBO, Adam and Eve Broad side book printed in Reading $230, 1846 New Berlin book $l3O, 1765 Ephrata indenture $4OO, Ephrata Cloister book $295, 1763 book from Philadelphia $250, four Taufschein prints from Reading $lOO, $2lO, $240 and $360, 1833 book from Harris burg $475, 1808 book from Lancaster $l7OO, 1763 book from Phila delphia $3OO, 1875 let ter from a calvary offi cer in Wyoming $3OO, Penn land grant $350, 1774 Bixler indenture $205, group of 40 Lan caster County cards $2lO, a group of 75 Pennsylvania postcards $125, old drawing book $425 and Civil War regimental print $l9O. The sale was con ducted by Horst Auc tioneers, Ephrata. BENTZEL SALE A Public Auction was conducted Satur day, August 29, at 1799 Altland Ave., York, for Sherman and Maijarie Bentzel. Real estate, consist ing of a ranch-style two-bedroom house with a large recreation room, two-car garage and a covered patio area, was sold for $lll,OOO to Kathy L. Alt] and. A few of the other items sold were a Toro mower $l3O, snow blower $lOO, two bird houses $l3O and $95, reclinet $l2O, cement rabbit $75, box of glass- ware $lOO and miscel laneous necklace $5O. The auctioneers were PUBLIC SALE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1906-829 Jacob A. Gilbert and Brian L. Gilbert from Forge Hill Road, Wrightsvillc. There were 125 bidders. TYSON SALE A Public Auction was conducted Monday at 16 S. Park St., Dallas town, for Anna M. Ty son. The real estate con sisting of a frame semi detached house with vinyl siding which has three bedrooms and bath and a one-car gar age, was sold for $42,000. The buyer was Connie Rioley Sr. Some of the other items sold and prices realized were: table and chairs $2lO, rocker $145, refrigerator $l5O, safe $290, drop leaf table $ 140,92-pc. set of Blue Willow dishes $260, Spatter cups and saucers $95, 48-pc. set of Liberty Blue dishes $l9O, Wallace Nutting print $125, miscellan ious toyo lot $l5O, Carnival vase $45, two blue bowls $95 and quilts $l3O, $l4O and Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. SEPTEMBER SAT SEPT 12 - Lebanon Valley Lvst Mkl, i mi Eof Fredericks burg, PA along Rt 22 Work dri ving & ndmg horse sale Consign welcome 717-866-5783 Keith Bvers & Geraid Hoover, Aucts SAT SEPT 12 - 219 S Market St, Schaefferstown PA Eliza beth Noll, owner Dwight Miller, Auct SAT SEPT 12-8 30AM Whitley Co 4-H Fairgrounds, Columbia City, IN Semi-Ann Whitley Co Fall Antqiue Tractor Auction, 250 antique tractors & misc parts & machinery King Auct Svc 219 723-4378 SAT SEPT 12 - 8 30AM Btwn Shamokm & Sunbury Fit 61 at Stonmgton, turn north to Holly Rd top of hill bear right, continue on Holly Rd to Private Farm Lane arrows from Rt 61, Northumber land Co, PA Antiques, col lectibles Hh goods butcher equip, 5 tractors, farm machinery By Glen W Frey, Linda L McDon ald & David L McDonald Mark J Jones & Jeff Dunkelberger, Auct 717-286-0052 SAT SEPT 12-8 30AM 757 W Ridge Rd, Elizabethtown PA Hh goods, barn items, guns & trac tors By Earl H & Ruth N Chap man Keller Aucls .717-653-8871 SAT SEPT 12 - 8 30AM 123 Front St, New Berlin PA Furm utre, antiques coll doll coll Ruby & Cranberry glass appl lawn garden archery etc & $l6O. There were 130 bid ders. The auctioneers were Jason A. Gilbert and Brian L. Gilbert from Forge Hill Road, Wrightsvillc. FISHER SALE A 1 '/i -story frame house on a lot sold for $73,000 Tuesday at a public auction of real estate and personal property held for Daniel Fisher, 414 W. Main St., Terre Hill. Carl Sauder, Lititz, was the buyer. Also sold were: re frigerator $l2O, Maytag washer $260, Frigidaire dryer $95, 3-pc-. bed room suite $420, box spring and mattress $l4O, card table and 4 chairs $4O, six folding chairs $42, hutch $lBO, John Deere lawn mower $55, Echo gas trimmer $7O and New Era kettle set $75. There were 100 registered bidders. The sale was conducted by Aaron E. Martin Auc tion Service, Ephrata. beautician supplies & equip By Mr & Mrs Roger Wolfe Wayne S Shively & Earl W Eash Aucts 717-966-0045 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 134 N Market St. Mount Joy Florin Ward, PA Antiques Hh goods, furniture 1977 Jeep Cherokee & more By Dan & Jean Jury, Aman da Darrenkamp Harold Abe’ Staffner’s Auct Svc 717-653 5689 SAT SEPT 12-9 AM 141 Horse shoe Rd Carlisle PA Antiques Hh goods prints woodworking & const equip, animal mounts an prints, tools bldg materials Bv Mr &Mrs Roger Myers, 717-249 0222 Kevin M Wickard Auct SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM Near Rehrersburg Berks Co PA from I-78 exit 6, take Rt 419 S approx 2 mi to sale on right 6th Ann Dunkhard Brethren Church School Consign Benelit Auct also craft & flea market sale Fo' info 717-345-6211 717-366- 2096 or 717-933 4743 Les Lon qenecker, Auct SAT SEPT 12 9AM 1550 Sandhill Rd Hershey PA Longaberger Baskets over 350 baskets Ziegler Auct Co 717 533-4267 SAT SEPT 12 9AM 59Millers Gap Rd Enola PA Real estaie collectibles antiques oeisona' prop auto tractor lawn equip 8 tools By Mervm L Witmer Esthe Rowe PDA 717 789-4102 Mark K Keller, Auci sAT SEPT 12 9AM i 1/2 mi north ot Rt 23 along Rt 625 o from Reading south 15 mi along Rt 625 East Earl Twp Lane Co PA 6th Ann Conestoga Nurserv Absolute Auct Fall inventors reduction trees & shrubbery Bv Conestoga Nursery 717 445 4076 Kline Kreider 8 Good Aults , 717 445 4309 SAT SEPT 12 9AM 902 Pottsville St Wicomsco Two Dauphin Co PA Antique turn & coll advertisements metal cast pewter & wind-up toys & games magazines books & papers china, glassware & dishes bubble Eum wing cigarette Nabusco iixie Cup Card coll By Late Howard & Grace Kramer Dave Deibler & Ed Shoop Aucts 717 896-8530 _ SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM Cornel ot Sand Ridge & Ferguson Valley Rds Lewistown Mifflin Co PA Barn farm equip Hh goods By Lynn & Dorothy Aurand 717 248-7647 Fred & Carol Rhmedelder, Aucts SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM Morrison Cove Produce Auct Rt 36 north of Woodburg, Bedford, Co PA Blair Co Benefit Auct on & Bake Sale to support The Clinic lor Special Children quilts crafts hay & straw toys & much much more For info 717-793 3634 Mark Swope, Auct SAT SEPT 12 9AM Fraley Farm 3 mi east of Muncy 1515 Kepner Hill Rd , Muncy PA Fra ley s Annual Fall Machinery Con sign Sale, tractors, skid loaders combines, trucks trailers gener al farm mach „etc Fraley.Auct Co . 717-546T0W •- * "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers