DE • 3.2 cu. in., 3.3 HP • Inertia Chain Brake • 16”-20” Bar recommended • Decompression Valve for easy starting . $3l d 95 jl W I "r(l6*bar) • 2.2 cu. in., 2.2 HP • Inertia Chain Brake , • 16” Bar Standard $ 189 95 (prices may vary by dealers) *Ja ir Injection model 55 DAVE’S LAWN & MASCOT SHARPENING & GARDEN SALES 158 Doe Run Rd 434 Newport Rd, Manheim Pa 17545 Ronks Pa 175723 717-665-5501 2 ' miles East of Rte 23 (on Rte 772) 717-656-6486 Ans. Serv. Ro =°c^^ WN ZIMMERMANS MW SERVIGE HARDWARE 2208 Wood St 306 Hartman Bridge Rd Rohrerstown, Pa strasburg Pa 17579 717-394-7617 717-687-8695 EARLY AMERICAN STEAM ENGINE SOCIETY 41st ANNIVERSARY STEAM-O-RAMA OCT. 1,2, 3 & 4 1998 SHOWGROUNDS LOCATED NEAR WINDSOR, PA From 1-83, Exit 7 take Route 124 East for 7.5 miles to Manor Road turn right onto Manor Road for 1.3 miles to Show Grounds. EXHIBITORS WELCOME/FLEA MARKET SPACES AVAILABLE DRAWING FOR 5 FREE MEAL TICKETS EVERY DAY ADMISSION $l.OO PER PERSON DONATION UNDER 12 FREE. FRI., OCTOBER 2- 6:00-10PM - PIGEON HILL STATION SAT. OCTOBER 3 -11:00-2:00 - COMPETITIVE HORSE PULLING SUN., OCTOBER 4 -STEAM ON PARADE DAILY- Zoo • Antique Cars & Trucks • Flea Market Pettin L 55 Air Infection FEATURING: ALL THINGS DEERE 2:00 - FIDDLIN’ COUNTRY 4:00 -? - GARDEN TRACTOR PULLS 6:00-10 PM - COUNTRY SUNSHINE BAND 9:30 AM - COUNTRY CHURCH SERVICE 12 NOON - EMIGSVILLE BAND 4 PM - DRAWING - 1953 JD 40 STANDARD FOR GENERAL INFO: Sue Knaub • (717) 244-2912 FOR JD INFO: GLORIA PETERS (717)244-2954 FOR FLEA MARKET INFO: RICHARD REICH ARP (717)235-1353 MAILBOX MARKET FOR SALE Herd of Holstein & Jersey Pot bellied pig boar, 2 bot cows, good flow of milk, tom 14” Oliver trailer plow. 717-965-2461 717-838-0898 Leb. Co. Young male blk. swans. Man dann ducks, Egyptian geese, Golden & Silver pheasants, reg. Fainting goats, doves. Chinese geese. 717-733- 2425 Lane. Co. MF1250 30 hp tractor 4WD 72”, 72” mower, like new, 250 hrs. $19,500. After 5 pm. 717-733-7074 Lane Co. Reg. Jersey bull, breeding age, pedigree avail. $600; Valley Stream Silver Bea con sire. 717-523-0123 Union Co. JD 3940 chopper, 2 row, 30” cornhead, 2 Gehl chuck wagons, all in VGC 610-589-2282 Berks Co. Eaton Oshkosh truck rears. SSPerkhis Sales & Service • Diesel Air Compressors • Diesel Hydraulic Units For Tunnel Ventilation • 7-160 HP Open Power Units • Cooling Compressor Units w/Air Motor or 12V Clutch • Ice Boxes NEW 1 ~7 • Lubes' 16 HeaVy ° Uty 5 LubeS ZL. STOCK - V • Diesel Rebuilding LK SMUCKER REPAIR 125 LEACOCK ROAD GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Location: Peters Rd. & Leacock Rd., 3 Miles South of New Holland 717-355-2606 RS4BO ratio 5:43, new $5OO ea., make offer, take all 4 717-762-3449 Frankl. Co Cooling compressor, 5 hp w/2 elec, motors, 3 yr. old. $1000; milk goat, 2-4 mo. old nanny goats. Isaac King, Alrville, PA 17302 York Co. 12x60 mobile home, 2 BR, WD hookup, incl fridge, stove, skirting & oil tank. 717-741-1720 York Co. Gallon grader, no motor, whole or parts, appx. 1000 lb. soft lead; 82 Olds 3.0 L V 6 or whole car. 717-266- 3859 York Co. RR ties, $6 ea , 1955 Ford 1-1/2 T dump tk. $500; 12” fiberglass pipe, $4.50/ft., slurry spreader, 3150 G $4750. 717-266- 5558 York Co JD 2 rw narrow yellow corn head, nice, $1995, 2 NH forage wagons, #6, good $6OO 717-665- 7155 Lane Co 85-23' Travel Villa sth wheel RV, new fridge & tires, battery clean, no pets or smoker, 4”-21” gram auger 717-838-4508 Leb Co. Jd 643 Hirtm corn head, 18 4x26 combine tires & wheel 717-784-6799 Col Co 1969 Jd 110 tractir, rebuilt 8 hp Kohler 38" deck, exc. cond., $BOO. 717-354-3155 Lane. Co. 3 breeding age Holstein hiefers, $6OO ea. I-beams. 8x14x15, 3-10x10, 12-15’. 10/lb. Amos Stoltzfus, 58 Picadilly Hill Rd., Quar ryville, PA 17566 17' old town canoes, $375 & up; 8 canoe trailer, $650 717-687-6817 Lane. Co 50 Boumatic computer feeder neck tags; also 3 compl. feeder stations for parts. 717-235-2380 York Co IH H tractor, god rubber, #3ll Nl corn picker, wide row Troy 8 hp tiller, good 717-292-1111 York Co. IH 1466 on steel 145 hp, $9000; JD 38 harv w/table, $l9OO, IH ground drive corn bmer, $7OO. 717-354- 5802 Lane. Co. Hand hewn Chestnut logs, various lengths, make offer, 23' Ideal camper, fully self contained, VGC $2200 717-927-9727 York Co. A 1... Troy Bilt lawn tractor, 42' 77 Ford F 350 cattle truck, AKC Siberian Husky dec y k 12 hp motor. 5 spd bed in good cond., runs pups, Blk /Wht blue transmn , exc cond . $950 good, $l5OO 080 717- eyed, ready 9m 717- 717.786-4337 Lane Co 837-3137 Snyder Co 664-2538 Lane Co 7—: Badger 1600 gal liquid JD 1209 havbme, exc manure tanker w/chisels & cond, $l2OO, MFI24 baler vacuum/pressure pump, held ready 950, 78 Dodge $lBOO 080, p/u ladder p/u, 318 no rust, must see rack. $5O. 717-776-3108 1200 717-589-7486 Perry Dumb Co. Co le 525, 12 ft. Oliver combim Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products • Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal, Oil or Gas Adapts 10 any existing heat system Installation & Accessories Asailable 95' White Star IV ■A?*-**** r. i«* Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 12, 1998-821 gram head & 531 3 row corn head. 717-837-3231 Snyder Co. JD 4010 80% rubber 18.4- 34 110 hp diesel WFE, good cond., $5800; 17 disc gram dnll, good, $350.717- 966-3154 Union Co. 3 pt. bale forks, 80, want 6 cyl. Deutz tractor w/bad motor. 717-866-2827 Leb. Co M&W 5 shank ripper, trip reset gauge wheels coul ters, $3500; Vittetoe chaff spreader, $4OO, 9N ford tractor. $2200 717-532- 6367 Cumb Co 3 sets of 4 wheels for scaf folding, $75/set, exc. cond. like new 717-275-4252 IH 234 mounted corn picker, shed kept, works good, $6OO. 610-683- 3827 Berks Co. Pullets, ready to lay, brown pullets. 610-754-7073 Montg Co (2) 8-1/2 ton feed bins w/blower pipe & stinger to prevent separation good shape, $350, both $650 717-786-9070 Lane. Co JD 60 PS 3 pt new paint, $4BOO, Oliver plows, 348 3x16 auto reset, $l7OO both exc cond 717-944- 9155 Dau Co Ayrshire bull, reg halter broken, Soldier x Trident born 4/4/97 Ready tor heifers. 717-933-5447 Berks Co OA" JD 720 dSI PS. SI6C Stall, f?I e n S ° n l° n T f $4OOO, want pair of good *l°'\° r J B °’J 3e . a /f shp used 18 4-34 tires 717- rear tine tiller, like new 007 ecu vr*rv rn 717-799-5210 Col Co York Co Snow plows, 12' grader, OPEN BOAT APRIL THRU NOV. DAILY 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM ,PT. FROST CAPT. RAY ETTI 609-494-0425 609-494-1462 16th and Bay view Barnegat Light N.J. p/a, $1200; 11’ p/a $1100; 10' meyer, $1000; 10' 1- way, $400; 9' p/a $6OO, B', 7-1/2', 7’, frames, pumps. 717-726-7545 Clinton Co. Ml 323 1 rw. com picker op. steel, good cond , $9OO 717-284-4583 Iv msstf Lane. Co 105 Int. combine, running, $llOO. 610-678-3253 Berks Co AC gleaner K combines com & soybean special 10 ft. gram & 3 row corn head #330, $2300 717-792- 4004 York Co. Soda machine, six selec tion, 12 oz cans, new com pressor, a real money mak er, $3OO 717-763-8194 Cumb. Co Service age Al sired purebed Holstein bulls, dam is scored ex-90 w/records to 27,800 m Priced to sell. 717-328- 5487 Iv mssg. Frankl. Co Accordion 120 bass , com pact, color pearl, exc cond., $290 w/Case. 610- 693-5624 Berks Co. Massey seed wheat combine, run bulk $3 50/bu, del pss., 98 gooseneck 20' flat trlr ramps &24” sides. $2900, wood coal & gas stove w/waterjack et 717-799-5425 Cot Co 1-1/2’ pipeline milking equip w/pumps new motor & 4 milkers for 8 cows, glass, $2500 717- 532-5671 Frankl Co Great companionship pony, 12 hands, 6 yr old, grey gelding, exc pasture manners 717-897-7799 Northamoton Co 40x50 bank barn to be removed 717-733-3438 Lane Co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers