MAIL OX MARKET F R SALE 0 m 3 rabbit/dog .pens, 4 emprtmnts together, each box & run off ground, $lOO ea, 3 female goats, healthy, 6 mos , meat/milk/pet, $75 ea 609-758-7873 Burl. Co. Pumpkins for sale, all sizes, also gourds, Indian corn, goose gourds. Call Fred around 8 am, 717-687-7288 Lane Co Reg Suffolk ram lamb, $l5O 302-398-4680 Kent Co DE 140 JD garden trgefor w/48” mower, 22” Hahn mower, (4) 225-60-R 16” Goodyear Eagle tires, 12" & 20” McCullough chainsaws 717-665-5848 Lane Co AKC mini Collie pups, shots,wormed, males $150; females, $175, ready 9/21 717-966-2005 Union Co JD Killefer 7’W transport disc, $4OO, JD Van Brunt gram drill, 80, JD 2 bttm pull plow on spoke rubber, $175 215-646-3113 Used Hitzer wood or coal stove, 2 yr old skirting, like new, BO 1564 Slate Hill Rd, Peach Bottom, PA 17563 66C30 Chevy livestock truck, 9 ft bed, 350 eng., good farm truck, msp. bought larger, runs well, 1 st $l2OO. 717-626-8267 Lane Co /• Columbian choice kitchen range, needs new bricks, $2OO, 5 ton, 2 cmprtmnt bin, A 1 cond , $4OO Jacob P. Beiler, 1753 Noble Rd , Kirk wood, PA 17536 Lane Co Purebred Nubian dairy goats, milkers, yearlings, bucks, kids, show and milk 410-635- 6239 Carroll Co. MD Wood planer, 24" Oliver w/kmfe gnnder, 3 ph, $3850: Delta Unisaw, 3 ph, $800; Ig gang ripsaw, $l2OO. 717- 339-5777 North’d Co. Red Golden pheasants Want Royal Palm turkey gobbler. Stephen Esh, HCI, Mahoning Outdoor Fdbnaces WORKS FOR ALL EXISTING NOTICE: CARRY NO FURTHER THAN HERE I Box 10, Aaronsburg PA, 16820 Centre Co 1977 Scout II 4x4, air, cruise, tilt, auto $2OOO, MFG 19’ boat, 175 hp Mer cury. $5500 717-259-7187 Adams Co. 4 Pygmy Billies, 15 mos., $6O ea or all/$2OO 717-244- 7235 York Co. JD R manure spreader, exc cond., ground dnven, good tires, field ready, must sell now, asking $2OOO 717- 624-1533 Adams Co Gravley 10A comm, mow ers, snow plows, ground plow, snow blowers, sprayer, WC AC 1934 1.5 ton Chevy 1934 C motor 717-366-2729 Sch Co Stainless steel platform truck. $375, 60 qt. home made mixer, $6OO, Hobart auto sheer, $B5O, meat grinders, vanous sizes paces 717-749-7110 Fran kl Co. New JD backhoe attach model 9550, cost $19,000, sell $8500; galv bldg, sheet ing, 19 ga , 2'x2o’, 6000 sq. ft. $3OOO. 814-472-9348 Cambria Co. Lincoln welder, rebuilt Kohler eng., 150 amp, AC/DC, new battery, cables, rods, helmet, $lOOO. Andrew Lapp, 1202 Holt wood Rd., Holtwood, PA Lane. Co. 2 30x3-1/2 tire nms, T Ford radiators, 1914 coil box and coils, heating stove, fodder chopper, power saw. 717- 485-4690 Fulton Co Pygmy goat kids, bucks, tame, dehorned, 2 mos -5 mos. $35 to $5O 717-548- 3958 Lane Co AC 170 Gas W-F Ontero 13 disc drill MC Deermg 6 ft flail chopper MacCurdy gravity bin JD MT 717-786- 3618 Lane. Co Ear com, shelled com, seed barley, seed wheat, clover, alfalfa, timothy seed 717- 444-3968 Perry Co Farmall M, new rear tires, runs good, good paint, $2200, Farm H, good paint, VFAP SAFER) LESS CHANCE OF HOME FIRE. EFFICIENCY RATING .... NO CARBON MONOXIDE FROM fl 0 0 / m RK<V WARRANTY FURNACE IN HOME. 83 kTO 85% CUT EMISSIONS BY 90% runs good, $l6OO, siclkebar Nl, $3OO 610-749-0279 Bucks Co. 19' Aluminum dump box, 4’ cab, shield air gate w/pump hoist tank, good shape, $4OOO 814-628-2191 Tioga Co Woods 6 ft pull-behmd rotary, heavy duty mower in good cond., asking $lOOO 717-933-4304 Leb Co AC WC $BOO, 1975 Dodge 4x4 truck parts, BO; power trowel, $l5O, Ford ROPS, $150; Oliver combine parts, BO 717-987-3935 Fulton Co Nl corn picker, Gehl hi-throw blower, 45 ft of 8" pipe 717- 258-5512 Cumb Co Oliver 770 diesel tractor, wide front end, 3 pt hitch w/NI loader, nice sheet met al $3BOO 080 717-345- 1201 Sch Co 1985 Jeep CJ7,3 tops, 6 cyl 5 sp exc floors, runs & dn ves, plow blade & frame, $2400,1973 Int 4x4,9’ gram truck, 11,000 GVW $9OO 610-683-0730 Berks Co JD NOS pull-type combine parts, 3 sets, AP19726 & 4 sets AP19725 Rasp bars, $55 a set, 2 AP21952 sieves, $35 ea , 1 AP21504 shoe. $125 717-896-8349 Dau. Co G 704 Minn Moline tractor, 110 hp w/pulley, good cond, $3BOO 080 Christ Fisher, 807 N. Church Rd., Ehza bethville, PA 17023. 717- 362-9038 Dau Co. JD #5 sickle bar mower, good cond , $125. 717-629- 0849 Monroe Co. C butcher block table. $l5O 30” restaurant elec, grill, $165, Toledo comm'l 3 phase potato peeler, $250 717-467-2679 Schuvl Co Chihuahua pups, blk long & short hair males. 610-384- 7127 Chester Co. WOOD - COAL - OIL - GAS WASTE OIL Firewood, mixed hard woods, U-haul, $5O a p/u truck load. 610-948-9320 Chester Co. Engs., 6 B+s Vanguard 5 5 hp honz. new in box, $275 ea, roof Weedweevil, Bhp brush mower, EC $550 302-834-0918 Newcastle DE JD 50 series pedal tractor w/cart, $lBO 717-865-3253 Leb Co 10 yr old Qtr horse mare, appendix cert, well broke, trail rides, hauls, clips, $l2OO 717-758-3547 North’d Co Antique JD 3 bottom trailer plow w/spnng hitch, $425, JD No 8 sickle bar mower, $l5O, JD 110 $5OO. 717- 738-0717 Lane. Co 1995 Shoop horse trailer, 3 horse slant, ramps, dressing room, 7'6”H, 6'6”W FRP lightly used, exc cond, $9875 080. 717-259-7721 York Co. 14 Angus cross cows, all in good cond. w/spnng calves & rebred. 301-432-5596 Wash Co Crane 3 ton w/300’ track, $5500. 410-879-1981 Har Co JD cults, for MT $lOO, oper ators manual for JD 45 loader, $3O. 717-677-8682 Adams Co. Wheat straw, mixed hay, will not do for horses, clover stubble hay, can deliver, no Sunday calls 717-637-4887 Adams Co Eager Beaver 1-ton roller, elec start, hydrostatic, exc cond , asking $3500 after 5 pm 610-965-5266 Lehigh Co F6OO rollback, 2 car earner, steel bed, $4500, must sell, all offers considered, 18’, 5 ton gooseneck trailer 609- 893-6879 Burlg Co. Consolidated Dutchwesl YOURPOOL IDARD MODELS D - COAL 11-FUEL MODELS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998-819 wood and coal stove, good cond, some acces mcl $125 717-336-5298 after 6 pm Lane. Co Ford 801 Power Master, IH2O forage harv, 2 MH mounted picker, IH silo blower 410-452-5135 Car roll Co Ford hay baler senes 2510 Wisconsin air cooled 2 cyl with starter engine, model lETF 814-652-6586 Bed (ord Co 1880 Blymyer sugar cane mill, horse powered on cart w/2, 4 ft wooden wheels Cook evaporator and access Jon, 304-434-2245 Hardy Co Ong 4 pc front end weights for 520/730 JD, also 2 pc set tor 50, 60, 70 JD After 5 pm, 717-382-4639 York Co 1981 Ford F6OO rollback, heavy duty, carries 2 autos w/dock stabilized, runs & looks new, $6400 080, will trade 973-334- 2100 Morris Co JD 550 rototiller, heavy duty tines, exc cond., $l5OO 410-836-1140 Harford Co. OHV Kawasaki GE 4300 generator, 110-230 v, like new Amos Stoltztus, 552 Beechdale Rd, Bird-ln- Hand, PA 17505 717-656- 4374 Lane Co Farmall Super H loader, 3 pt hitch, snow blade, $3250 Ford 3 bt plow, $3OO, Ford 200. 6 cyl eng , $2OO 717- 599-5085 Dau Co NH skidloader, Air Boss wheels, 950 hr bucket forks, JD 70 diesel, ong very good cond , 6 pm to 8 pm 717- 530-0438 Cumberland Co Fiberglass cap, 8' Ford, $550, Dodge Aspen wagon, 76, over 100 k miles, runs good, $2OO, make offers 717-697-6882 Cumb Co Texaco Ertl truck banks. #1 2 pcs , #2,2 pcs . #3,2 pcs , #4, 2 pcs 12” compound mitre saw, 14" & 15” saw blades, brand new 717- 484-0119 Lane Co 85 Olds Cutlass Supreme. $3OO, belly mount sickle bar moyer, new, $5OO, 7 ft sub mersible pump, 3 hp $3O 717-933-8105 Gas engine, Witte throttle gov 3 np Wico mag $5OO Army trucks several to MF 540 combine, 1143 corn f ' rm ' I f w^ c ® s ' l o t fc L' 1 choose tram, all wheel drive, head, also have 23 1x26 n°^l e D n ?? S9 215 ' 862 ' 10 wheelers, turbo diesels, tire, 12 ply like new $5OO 9472 bucks oo $3OOO-$5OOO, call w/needs 717-799-5247 Col Co 215-598-8227 Bucks Co 3,000 gal steel tank, s’xlB . dltf ■ recen t overhaul, new 71 f ph rubber, paint 100%, $12,750 8N tractor, new tires, £250 717 865 3278 Let) k| mo wer, COQfin loon C r\rr\ TnHrtr '-'O _ rebuilt motor $6OOO. Sun- Elevator, Kewanee 500, 50 Wash Co line travel trailer mint ft L w/wagon dump, $5OO cond , wood stove 610- 717-359-5707 Adams Co .-- Weaverline #323 feed cart, l'* n ° row 3° “ rnh6aa rt 4x6 antique harrow $4O 24 bu new web, 1997, very nd MH 44D runs sheet Dune buggy, off road good cond , ready to go, £°nd ’ o mn| X' 7 m $3500, student saxophone $lOOO 717-445-4375 East 610 , 2 5 5 .4i 6 5 Chester Co e-flat alto, $225, bench top Earl, Lane Co ■ ■ < " 275-3452 Montg Co Polled purebred Simmental ' 9 l?i’ ah a fm 4 SAnn bulls and heders, can be expand to 40x 0° $4OO for Taylorway pull-type 10 tooth registered blk or red and N , nrthamntr , n chisel plow w/coulter discs, cow/calf pairs, docile 814- Nonnampton $lBOO Eves, 610-756- 733-4705 Bedford Co 6938 Berks Co incubator, $l5O 610-286- 8839 Chester Co Chevy Bonaventure Van, 85 Conveyor rollers appx 500 AC implements 3 pth sickle- 57L V 8 auto, 12 pass only pcs 27"Lx2 W $lOO 7 17 bar mower w/hydraulic cyl 42,500 Asking $5500 hurry 656-7924 Lane Co snow blade front mount 610-255-4432 Chester Co cult dumpraKe 7-432- 5419 York Cp New Perfection 3 burner kero stove w/2 burner Post driver Danauser MD6 attached oven good cond $l3OO 080 chamharrow, white After 2 pm, 717-757- pull-type, 10 ’x4, $4OO 080 1672 York Co 301-416-2340 Wash Co BUILDINGIHE FUTURE Stray Voltage? / Have you ever wondered it you have stray M voltage’ Or has someone told you that you M have stray voltage but you didn t quiet trust m them because they were trying to sell you W something’ g ISW your own highly sensitive voltage m meter with memory & printer Beads, / records & prints all stray voltage activity / over 32 hour period Call tor rental rates & availability 717-786-1475 If your farm shows stray voltage, we can suggest ways for you or your local electrician to fix it' Cleaned wheat seed, ced'd last year, Hoffman 89 and 95, also 10 qt. plastic calf buckets 717-463-3466 Jun Co. Australian shepherd pups 4 mos. ready to stad training, Merles & red, solid out of working parents 717-865- 0380 Leb Co Axeman Anderson coal stoker, hot water heat, $lOO 717-432-9046 York Co 034 Stihl saw, $5O, Leer fiberglass truck cap, Grey crown model, $125, Class 4 trailer hitch, GM $35 717- 627-3620 Lane Co NH cornhead, 822 off 718 harvester, good cond, $4OO 814-623-6485 Bed ford Co 1995 Ford F 350 "Power stroke” 4x4 XL, 5 spd 4 10s, 35x12 5 BFG, Mud terrains. 43.000 miles, bed liner, hitch, $20,000 080 610-682-2894 Berks Co Dion and Myer forage wag ons, tandem axles w/roofs, 2 yrs old, very nice, $5900 717-867-5633 Leb Co 21 acres mountain land, right away, spnng, electncity, 1987 Kenworth rollback, GVW 27.900 Farmall 706 diesel w/loader 717-726- 6641 Clinton Co NH rake 256, decent, ong paint, field ready $llOO 717-536-3241 Perry Co Marlin Goose, like new 12 gauge, $2OO 717-726-3440 Clinton Co 1982 Same equipment trail er 32,000 GVW good cond . $l4OO, 1985 GMC Astro semi-tractor for parts, $7OO 717-965-2008 Susq Co Reg. standardbred mare, 10 yrs old , Chestnut w/white markings, traffic safe 231 Peaceful Valley Rd , Berlin, PA 15530 Somerset Co 14x45 Ribstone silo, Patz silo unloader, Int hi-throw 56 blower w/PTO shaft 717- 945-5069 Wyoming Co Goats, reg Nigerian dwarf doe, 3 mos, dehorned, good blooclmes, $l5O, reg _ . _ , , , , . Fainting buck kids, 4-5 mos, Tractor Ford Jubi'ee, show $75 2 y d $7O 717 . ready, $4OOO tree digger 244 .0561 York Co Vermeer T-218 self-pro pelled. $6500, 700-16 Mili tary tred tires, $5 ea 717- 834-3705 Perry Co □ Hyd. pump w/15 hp 30 motor and controls, $3OO. 908-453-2088 Warren Co Old 2-horse sickle bar mow er, $250 & dump rake, $250, good cond , after 6 pm, 71 r -642-8516 Adams Co Behlem round corn crib apprx 1200 bu 717-665- 6997 Lane Co Antique dark pine drysmk, $5OO, pumpkin pine punched tin door hutch, old wood appx 25 yr old, $750 410-692-2766 Harford Co Bullion 3 shank sub-soiler, 3 pt. Ferguson rake. Beagle pups, tn-color. shots, wormed, Minn Moline power unit, 6 cyl, running 410- 795-4169 Carroll Co Used metal double laundry tub, $25 717-871-9177 Lane Co Like new, sth wheel stock trailer w/removeable sides 16' bed, T deck, 6' wide 717-398-1040 Lye Co 580 Construction King loader backhoe, shuttle shift, $5500 Eves, 717- 386-5678 Carbon Co 88 Cat loader, 931 C, exc cond, $14,000 717-364- 5404 Bradford Co 767 Unisystem chopper, throat and 766 hay head, $6OO, 774-N Unisystem 4- row corn silage head, good cond, $2OOO 215-679- 7145 Montg Co Cub Cadet 129, hyd drive, 12 hp w/snow blade and 44" mower, $7OO 717-938-6692 York Co 77 Dodge Shasta motorhome 45k mi new msp , 318 VB. AC. sleeps 6. $4OOO firm 610-377-1182 Carbon Co JD 4020 powershift locking
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers