C 16-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998 VcSiy Mias^ PAIR OLLIE'S Runs V.G. Has Trouble 1650 D $3,250 $5*,500 18500 $4 ' 500 1 Owner LP. P.S. 3 Very Straight & Nicer* $3,250 TA Slips $2,750 More Mechanics Specials Coming In: Ford 6600; Ford 27611 Bi Directional; JD 410TLB; IHC 350 w/Ldr; Old Deutz 4 Cyl; JD 450; IHC 966 (j-GOODRICH Delivery I 60^-642-3293 TOBIAS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. KM Halifax, PA 17032 Phone: 717-362-3132 1-800-362-3132 MEW EQMPMEMT H STOCK 9510 Sidehill 450 Drill 7810 MFWD Tractor 3970 Harvester 925 MoCo 1770 12 R Planter 820 MoCo 1560 Drill RAN Ford 3930 MFWD, Shuttle Shift, 2000 hrs $17,000 JD 3020 w/146 Loader, WF, Power Shift, Dual SCV $9OOO JD 855, 350 Hrs., MFWD, 60” Mower, 70A Loader, 403 Rotary Mower $15,000 White 2-70 Open Station Tractor $11,500 Ford 1720 w/Loader & Backhoe $17,500 JD 650 MFWD, 650 Hrs. w/60", 3 pt. Grooming Mower $7,500 JD 5400 MFWD, Open Station $22,500 USED GARDEN TRACTORS JD 317 47" Mower, Very Clean . $2,700 JD 725 w/54" Mower, 60 Hrs $7,900 JD LX 188 w/48" Mower $2,700 JD 210 w/38" Mower $1,850 JD LXIBB w/48” Mower & Snow Thrower $3,700 JD 265 w/48" Mower $3,500 JD 170 w/38" mower $1,995 Kwick Way loader for JD 400 series garden tractor, new condition $2,300 USED COMBINES JD 444 Corn Head $4,800 1996 JD 9500 Contour Master, 4WD, 160 Separator Hrs . . , $125,000 SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE NH 1495 12' SP Mower Conditioner, needs rolls JD 450 Spreader Woods 315 15’ Batwing Mower Woods Model 315 15’ Batwing Mower. . ... 54,950 JD 875 4R Minimum Till Cultivator, Like New JD 7200 12R Corn Planter w/Liquid, Unit Mounted Coulters $23,000 IH Model 700 sxlB plow, Side Hill Hitch $2,700 Unverferth 375 bu. Gravity Box on 14-ton Running Gear, New Condition $3,975 40’ Bale Elevator .... $650 Wu’s 4x4 Cart $2,600 IH 14’Chisel Plow . $1,350 JD KBA, 13’ Disc . ..$1,550 JD 8300 21x7 Drill $5,200 JD 8250 10’Drill . ... $2,975 JD 8300 21x7 Drill $5,800 IH 5100 10'Drill w/Fertihzer $3,900 (2) JD 653 A Row Crop Heads . ..$2,000/palr USED HAY EQUIPMENT NH 411 Discbme $6,700 NH 499 Hydra Swing $5,800 JD 1600 12’ Hydra Swing Mower Conditioner w/new Roll $7,500 JD 535 Round Baler $13,500 NH 271 Baler w/ Thrower $2,200 SEPTEMBER SPECIALS H&S 3302 H D Spreader w/Lid, 680 Bu Cap , New Condition $lB,OOO New Landpnde 1 550 Tiller $1 ,675 Ford 60” 3pt flail mower, never used $2,300 Landpnde 48” Over Seeder $4,000 1 1 1 yiu have st rage .ir ir items? If s w„ c~n hJ. . Ch-ck this ut! I Many Different Sizes Of: • Pallet Racking • • Shelving • • Cabinets • • Parts Bins • • New & Used Electrical Supplies • • Office Furniture • And many more Items. Diversified Lii juiilati irs 31 S. r - ‘ St. H_llm 17 ~ H urs: Mn. - Fri. 7: -5: S~t. ' y .. intm„nt l-OUU-UJMZOd 717-755-73511 I ( _ , _ I A I Nobody knows hay like MHESSTON 11 iUKUBOTH == .= ffvCiv fICA Nothing like it on earth"* USED EQUIPMENT field Queen Feed Roil Transmission 1 icid Queen Main Gear Bo\ Bradeo IIMD2 Kuhola Frame' Mount Hoe Bush Hog SIO9 9 pi cxee'llcnt Kuhn FC' VHJGDR 10 Dise Conditionei Vanmar 226 D u/Woods hell\ niowei LAWN & GARDEN MC 72 r l.nl Mimei »/Cali.her Cub Cadet 2182 21 hp Liquid Cooled 60 Cub C adet 1641 48 2(X) Hrs Cjiasshoppcr 72 I D 1997 70 his \v/eatehcr Giasshoppcr 721 D 1991 61 600 Hrs (irasshoppei 72S 1991 6i 1700 Hrs Snnp!ieit\ Sun Star 20 HP 60 Stcinei Boom Mowei Kubota 17 2400 72 4WD STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, PA 610-593-2407 Cl □ HERE'S THE STRAIGHT SCOOP ABOUT RICHARDTOR HIGH DUMP WAGONS Seems like some folks are always trying to catch up And sometimes they II do just about anything to get ahead But you know that for over 35 years Richardlon high dump wagons have been the best in the business and in the Held So get the best - HiUh up a Richardton IVagon today What the competition says .. . . . . T. ... The truth about Richardton High Dump Wagons about Richardton Wagons i -■ ■qqpiJ’ —— " »«iisupinmi,imii- $7,500 $4,000 $5,500 $3,850 300« rated standard black pipe fittings 3 1/2” x 3 1/2" slide tubes, steel on steel RICHfIRDTOn Multi-Purpose Dump Wagons I i I rg E e rs EJ I E E a ai w IT El H B w E E E E a I i h- I I Cylinders and cables Over two minute cycle time 12 GA. steel on entire hopper Internal braces welded to flat steel 1/4” wall material • Honest harvest savings • Tough, durable wagons • A fair price • The industry leader others imitate Hitch up a real wagon today at your Richardton dealer I I I T S s fi B S E I rz WHEEL LOADER Dresser 5208, cab, air, heat, 3,500 hrs., nice, $32,500. 410-833-9091 133 Rothsville Station Rd. (717)626-4705 mUtk P.O. 80x0395 1-800-414-4705 l®*P *** Lititz, PA 17543-0395 Fax 717-626-0996 g| f ai TANDEM SPREADERS; NH & NI, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 Ten Bottom White Plow, 18' Bottom w/Spnng, Loaded Coulders ; Also, 34' Folding Bnllion Culti- Packer (800)345-5808 TRACTOR PARTS: Engine kits, clutch kits, trans parts, TA, PTO clutch kits, combine belts, JD corn head rollers, etc. Pre-season Special: 3pt hitch snowblowers, 4’-9’. 717-286-7851. TUB GRINDER Sundance 1000 RPM, $5,500. 410-833-9091 USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS Hill- T Farm Sales - Service, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio 45346. 937-548-0718 WANT; 907 Ford mower, 3pth. Call (610)582-5127. WANTED; Aeromotor windmill and tower, any size or condition. 315/536-3192. WANTED: Old motorcy cles, minibikes, scooters, ATV's, etc. Private collec tor. 610/692-6079. Westfield B"xs6’ grain au ger, good condition, $lBOO. 717/367-9298. EXTENDED PARTS DEPT. HOURS EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1 THRU OCT. 30 To Better Serve You During The Busy Harvest Season MON. ★ TUES. ★ THURS. ★ FRI. 7:00 AM-8:00 PM WED. 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM; SAT. 7:00 AM -12 Noon IITVm rVctIITDCT 133 Rothsville Station Rd. 4 P-O. Box 0395, Lititz, PA 17543-0395 (717) 626-4705 1-800-414-4705 Fax 717-626-0996 EB Our exclusive patented lock cylinders ensure that the box won t tip over Our cable system allows vou to lop off a truck load with a partial dump You re not restricted to a full dump cycle You save time because there are no master/sl.ive cylinders to purge ALL cycle times depend on your tractor s hydraulic system* We designed our wagon to cycle in less than one minute Our 12GA steel construction is absolutely the most cost effective and strongest on the market It s that way today and K s been that way for over *5 years We II s>a\ it again - Richardton wagon components are the strongest and best built on the market 1 Flared hydraulic steel tubing with 5 000 PSI rated fittings are standard on Richardton wagons Our 1/4 walls withstand decades of hard use Just so you know, we use 5/10 or 5/8 w here necessary Others copy our original heavy duly nylon no grease slide system There is NO metal on metal at any time! PARTS Used - 50% Combines, Parts, Tires & Wheels WAGNER COMBINES, INC. 800/843-0522 UPS daily, Visa/MC -3*B- <«• v IH 606 Utility w/Loader, gas $ $ IH 42' Elevator, hyd. drive, nice $ v Vermeer 605 E Round Baler, $2BOO v SNH 850 Round Baler, Late Model, $l5OO | Gehl 1560 Forage Blower, lOOOrpm, $ w/Gandy Attach, $950 | JD 2500 hyd. reset on-land sxlB plow, $B5O | For Parts: § . NH 770, 880, 5717 Harvesters $ IH 830 Harvester . JD 216 Forage Box $ NH #8 Forage Box <. Badger 950 Forage Box $ All kinds of balers & haybmes $ Robert Keiter $ r . 3475 Back Road $ Halifax, PA 17032 $ x 717/362-9096 a *:♦; -sis*' n Plan n i i 1 1 1 >
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