C4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998 Retailers To Work With Growers On Hypoxia ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Retailers have a great opportunity to help educate their customers about hypoxia and other nutrient management issues. That is the conclusion or the Agricultural Retailers Associa tion's hypoxia task force, which met for the first time on March 19 to determine the role retail ers will play m resolving hypox ia and other nutrient issues Hypoxia is a problem m the Gulf of Mexico It is due in part to an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus. Those nutrients feed sea algae. Too much of this algae can cause reduced sun light penetration, loss of aquatic life, and a decrease of oxygen in the water Some scientists believe the excess nutrients are carried to the Gulf from the Midwest by the Mississippi "Hypoxia is a big issue. It s really about nutrient manage ment," said Dr. Jerry Hatfield, director of the National Soil Tilth Lab, USDA-ARS, in Ames, lowa. Hatfield gave the group a sci entific look at nutrient manage ment and shared research that helps define the problem. "We’re dealing with a com plex ecosystem with a lot of checks and balances," said Hatfield. There are tile-drained soils with high amounts of nat ural organic matter producing nitrates, which are very mobile buy sell trade on rent through the PHONE 717 626 1164 or 717 394 3047 FAX 717 733 6058 Mon Tues Wed Fri BAMto 5 PM Thur» 7AM to SPM FARM EQUIPMENT 1050 Badger Wagon, Ex cellent Condition. $5,000. (410)775-7519. 1086 cab, air, 5200 hrs, triple remote, 20.838. (2) 1066’s w/cab, 18438 dual remote. 674, 540, 1000 shaft. 886 4-post, dual re mote, real nice. Farmall 300, PS, F/H. 717-966-3483 1580 Gehl blower, 1000 RPM, good condition. Le banon Co 717-867-2648 1937 WC Allis Chalmers w/ spoke wheels front and rear, nice original condi tion, $1,425. Lancaster County, evenings, (717)336-1282. 1939 Farm all F-20 NF, ex cellent condition, good rub ber, new radiator, $2,500. (717)985-1680, 1942 JD U, excellent condi tion, $2500. 717/864-3202. 1949 Farmall H, excellent condition, $2,500. (410)840-4026. 1967 International lime truck, needs some repair. 717/224-4662. 1970 JD 5020, cab, 2 hyd„ weights, clean tractor, $6BOO. 609/769-4025. 1974 Austin-Western Grader, Garage Kept, 5000/Hrs, Tires Good. Parts, Inventory Included. (610)298-8651/ (610)298-2315. 1974 IH 1066, 3355 hours, dual wheels, new front tires, $B5OO. 16' White disc, $lBOO. 302-335-5979 1975 JD 4230, 3900 hrs., SGC, quad range, $16,500, 1717)424-9083. in water. The issue is complicat ed by its direct correlation to precipitation, which produces a great variation among the years, he said. "Our job is to determine how these weave together into a story that explains how the soil, nutrients, rivers, wetlands and precipitation all fit together." Hatfield said "Retailers play an important role in nutrient management," said Paul Kmdmger, ARA CEO and president. "They have the most contact with farmers. To get information across to grow ers, we will work with retailers because farmers will continue to buy goods and search for infor mation from their retailers. The educational process should start with the retail community." Larry Thomsen, executive vice president of agronomy for West Central Co-Op, agrees that retailers are critical in getting information to growers. "Knowledge transfer is an important aspect of our role in the industry," said Thomsen. "The goal now is to help keep producers in business, not just sell product." "The 21st century farm sup ply business will be built on relationships," Thomsen said. "Working with customers on issues such as nutrient manage ment will lead us into the next century." 1975 JD 4400 combine, rotory screen, best offer. (717)424-9083. 1976 JD 4230 Tractor w/ Cab. $1,500.; 1995 Farm- Lund 3PT Round Bale Wrapper $4,500.; White 548 Plow 5-16 $2,500. (814)479-4692. 1976 JO 6600 combine, hydro, dial-a-matic, AC, new tires, $7OOO. 908/689-1231. 1979 IH 1460 combine, re built thrashing area 1985 w/15’ 820 flexhead, $17,500. DMI 3-shank sub soiler, $3900. 330-482-9 XI 1981 JD 6620, extra sharp cond., been thru JD shop & ready for gram, $21,500. Zeisloft's 800/919-3322. 1982 Gleaner N-5 com bine, reconditioned in 1996. Lots of new parts. Used on our farms last 2-years, $21,500. ZEI SLOFT USED FARM EQUIPMENT, Blooms burg, PA 1-800-919-3322 1988 Fox 2310 chopper w/2R cornhead, grass head, electnc controls, nice pnoe, $lB5O. ZEISLOFT'S 1-800-919-3322 1989 JD 643 corn head, 10-tm, oil drive, $B5OO. 609/769-4025. 1990 JD 3155 w/260 loader, good tires, clean tractor, $29,500. 609/769-4025. 1R Nl com picker on steel w/englne mount & stalk shredder. 717/949-2723 7:30-Bam. 1R PTO Oliver potato dig ger, $3OO. 2R Oliver PTO potato digger, $5OO. JO 2R potato digger, $6OO. All good condition 215-679-9010 200-400 bushel gravity bins w/or without gear. 717/665-4743 (2) Ag Bag Machines, (1) H9O, (1) motorized. 717-665-3445 717-865-9234 717-626-6910 (2) Gleaner F 2 diesels, long tails, AC, monitors, $8950 & $lO,BOO. Zeisloft Used Eq. 800/919-3322. (2) JD 2R cornheads for picker or combien, $950-$ll5O, ZEISLOFT'S 1-800-919-3322 2 JD 716 Forage wagons with roofs and tandem axle. JO 3800 chopper 2 row narrow head & 5' hay pickup. JD 65 blower 70' Lancaster belt feeder. 610-948-4658 330 com head, sieves, pul leys and plates for Olean der K, $BOO. 716-335-3201 3622 Nl manure spreader. 545 gallon Sunset bulk tank. 717-253-2357 4400 JD combine, good diesel engine, good rubber, $2OOO. 125 JD silage wa gon, 3-beater, tandem wheels. NH #2B high throw blower. NH 489 hayblne. 609-397-0029 492 NH hayblne, excellent condition, must sell, best offer. Kewanee disc, 16’, excellent condition. 717-445-7417 660-328-6220 4845 Nl round baler, excel lent condition, red, 2 'A years old w/kni(e. Call (717)437-2811. (4) JD 643, 6R cornheads, 1-oil bath, 10-tm. ZEI SLOFTS 1-800-919-3322 500 Series Myers forage wagon, roof, 12-ton tan dem running gear. 717-653-9487 5130 Maxxum, power shift, cast wheels, 18.4x38 tires, excellent, $20,500. No Sunday calls, (717)597-5623. 5300 JD, 4wd, Tractor w/ Bucket, One Owner,; Also 455 JD, Hydro-Push Man ure Spreader. Both in Ex cellent Condition. (814)367-2348./ (717)935-2287. shp 220 V 200 psi air com pressor; shp 220 V 25' con veyor belt; hyd. 2-headed produce bagger; hyd. port able screw press 3'xB’ stainless hopper. Paul 717/442-1262. 60’ Utility bucket from L4OO NH skid loader, like new, $350. 215/536-3321. 6 Cyl Diesel Power Plant, 75 KW, 859/Hrs. (814)448-2670. 8300 big box grain drill, $l,BOO. (610)746-1824. B'/i Badger Snow Blower, Excellent Condition (717)529-2330. 890 NH forage harvester w/2RN Snapper head for high moisture corn, field ready, excellent condition, must go! $3OOO OBO; 12' Rissler conveyor w/motor, best offer. 301/432-2974. 9115 Automatic roller mill mixer w/scales. 717-597-8654 No Sunday calls. 9N Ford, new paint, tires, very nice, 3pt, PTO, $2200; M&W 5-shank ripper, gauge wheels, coulters, $3500. 717/532-6367. AC All combine, flexhead, 3RN corn heads, (one re built), chopper. (717)899-5668. AC WD4S w/loader, new tires, VG condition, 3pt hitch, snow blade, cultiva tors, wheel weights, w/ original owners manuals. Must see. $3350. 717/229-2527. AG-Bagger, Older Model, Makes 9' Bag $3,800. Jef ferson County (814)328-2380/ (814)328-2382. All tillage, corn planters and gram drills reduced for Fall Clearance Sale. Call now! Zeisloft's 800/919-3322. Save Over 50% on used John Deere tractor parts newer than 2 cylinder. Save up to 40% on new replacement parts for JD and IH. We ship. Nelson Parts, (716)526-6705, (800)730-4020. BATWING MOWER WOODS 3240, 20', new w/ warranty, $12,500. 410-833-9091 Backhoe: 4500 Ford, runs good, backhoe needs welding, $3,850 080. (610)383-5241. Badger BNIO3, 60hp, 10' manure pump w/hydraulic motor for fitting, good con dition. 610-593-6481 BELTING; We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-263-0573. NO Sunday calls. Best Equip. Co. Tamper New 2cyl Engine. Excellent Condition! $l,OOO. (610)399-5184. Bobcat 763 Aux. Hyd. 77 Hrs, 1997 Model, Same as New. $16,900. (717)369-4115. BROOM TRACTOR IH 444 w/rebuilt engine, new rub ber, 3 pt. & power steering, $4,800. Will Separate. 410-833-9091 Brand new manifolds for tractors, 1930-1975. 507-433-0073 anytime. Brillion 9 shank, 11 foot front discs, walking wheels, chisle plow, less than 90 acres. Call after 6pm 610-759-3306 CASE 1394 4wd Cab Trac tor, 954/Hrs, Excellent Conditionl $20,000.; MODEL 450 Case, 16- Plow, Auto-Reset, 3-Bot tom, Excellent Condition sl,6oo.; MODEL 440, Case, 16* Plow, Manual Reset, 3-Bottom, Excellent Condition- $800.; WOODS 6', 3pt Single Spmdel Mower, Excellent Condition- $750. For Infor mation Call (717)739-2373. CASE 830, diesel, NF, Eagle hitch, Case-o-matic trans, one owner, 63 hp, nice condition, $3,400. 410-833-9091 CASE 970 w/cab, dual hyd., 85 hp, $5,750. 410-833-9091 CAT 933 Very Good Parts Machine, Many Parts Inter change w/Cat D 2. $1,500. (717)834-9861. Calumet 2250 gallon liquid vacuum spreader, one owner, very good condi tion, $5,900. (717)425-2194. Case 530, case-o-matic, eagle hitch, original paint and tires, $4,375. Lancas ter County. (717)336-1282. Case 930 tractor, 8-spd, new clutch. Ammon J.Stoltzfoos, 939 Bartville Rd„ Christiana,PA 17509. Drop me a card and I'll call you. Case IH 1044 4R corn head, good condition. Lo cated in PA. 413/584-0488, evenings 413/584-9081. Case IH 7110MFD;BAUR HARD HOSE Irrigation, 950' All Shed Kept. Excel lent! (609)935-0348. Case IH 7250, MFWD, 2,100/Hrs. Duals, Weights, 20x42 Factory Warranty. $59,000.; Case IH 7140, Duals, Weights, 6000/Hrs. EXCELLENT! $27,000. (724)667-8820/ (724)667-8613. Case IH Maxxum, 5130 MFWD C/A/H 3400/Hrs, Power Shift w/510 Loader. Excellent Condition. $32,900. (717)369-4115. Case IH Model 496 20’ disc, good condition, ask ing $B4OO. 717/943-2019 Schuylkill Co. Case International hay bine, model 8830, 14' head, less than 200 hrs., oversized drive tires, excel lent condition, shed kept. Columbia Co. 717-437-2118 Cat D6C Dozer 12' Blade. Dual Tlit Cylinders, ROPS, Like New Track Pads, Chains, 60% Good Run ning Machine. $15,500. (717)834-9861. CHOPPER 680 Nl. Grass & Corn Heads, Lightly Used, $6,900. (610)681-4134. DlOO NH backhoe, 8' reach, 10" & 16’ buckets, was on NH L 445 skid loader but could be made to fit tractors or other load ers, very good condition, $2500. 215/536-3321. Deutz 6206 for parts 717/530-9459. Dion & Myer forage wa gons, tandem axles w/ roofs, 2 years old, very good condition, $5900. 717-867-5633 Dismantling for Parts: Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. Dismantling for parts: Case, NH, Bobcat, IH, Hy dro Mac, Toyota and Mus tang skid loaders. New, used, reconditioned parts for Kubota, Ford, Wiscon sin, Perkins engines, Cessna, Vickers, Sun strand hydrostatic trans missions. G.D. Equipment, 717/859-3533. Fancy Gleaner M-3, used on our farms, 1983 model. As nice as there is' like new rubber, $23,500. ZEI SLOFT'S 1-800-919-3322 Farmall 230 VGC, new tires, fast hitch, plus 3pt conversion w/cultivators, platform carrier, loader, sickle mower, 2B FH plow, $4200; Ford 908 3pt rotary mower 5’ $400; 8' drag disc $3OO. Lane. 717/285-1391. Farmall 560 diesel, NF, FH, 300 hrs. after overhaul. Broken crankshaft. You fix or salvage. $1,200 080. John Petersheim, RR#2, 80x135, Mifflmtown, PA, 17059. Farmall BN restored, new tires, excellent condition, Lancaster, (717)872-8936. Farmall H, runs and good shape, $1,500. NH 23 blower, $250. (717)292-9382. Farmall H w/fenders, new paint, $2,000. Farmall M w/ fenders, new paint, $2,500. NH 268 kick baler, works good, $2,000. Northamp ton County, (610)258-6854. Farmall Super M w/mower, excellent condition, asking $3500. 814-448-2188 Farmers - Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. FMC high pressure 600 gallon sprayer, bean pump model 60D, 80' SS booms, ceramic tips, $9,900. 302-653-8289 FMC Rotomist Model #lOO Sprayer. Stainless Steel Tank. Good Shape $3,500. (732)591-2726. FNH 939N6 6R corn head for forage harvester, good condition, best offer. 717/445-6156. FORD 3600, diesel w/side sickle, ROPS, good rubber, $5,500. 410-833-9091 FOR RENT: NH 900 and 892 choppers with proces sors, $1.50 per ton, plus $2O per day. These chop pers for sale after harvest. Lancaster Co. 717-445-6825 FOR SALE; Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade ins wel comed. NH mowers, rebuilt and guaranteed, engines, hydraulics, crimper hoo kups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR, 550 Coopers DR, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B:3OAM. Forage wagons: (1) #216, (1) #214, 3 beaters, roofs, JD gears w/11L tires, tele scoping tongues, $3OOO/each 080. Delivery possible. 908/689-1231. Ford 2000 tractor, 6-spd trans, 374 hrs, includes Great Bend front end loader #330, plus hyd. lift, $7300. 61Q/754-7217. JD 5400 w/540 Loader, Bradoo 11 HD Backhoe 400/Hrs $31,800.; Ford 3930 45HP 4X4 Shuttle Shift Transmission, Re mote Valves 75hrs. $21,500.; Landpride Power Rake. New Bearings $3,500.; McMillion 1350 Auger New Pump w/18" Auger Extension Mount ings for Skid Loader & Tractor $1,900.; Vermeer Tree Spade TS3O 4 Blades $5,700 610-857-9810. - • ■ ■ :U*" r ■ "i ■ •- :• <*m* Agco Allis 4650 200 Hours, 40 HP, 3 Cyl. $13,000 » 717/548-3486 ELEVATORS: Nl 40’, PTC drive; Zimmerman 28' electric motor' 717/258-5224. FARMALL 460, gas, NF power steering, fast hitch' good rubber, clean' $2,400. 410-833-9091 Ford 5030 4x4 Tractor/ Loader, 60hp, 260/hrs Like New $21,500. Financ ing & Hauling Available D&B Farm Machinery Inc, Smithsburg, M D (301)824-2348. Ford 7210, loader 4 bucket, Joy stick controls, 3 years old, like new, $3400 717/386-5449. Ford 8240 Power Star SLE MFWD Power Shift 2400 hrs. W/7413 Loader, Sharp $38,500 (717)369-4115. Ford 850 Tractor, w/sspd Good Running Condition' Call Mornings 7:30-10:00AM (717)949-3769. Ford fenders, new, w/ brackets, 2N, BN, 9N, WF TE2O, TO2O, TO3O, $95 plus shipping (814)467-8839. Forklift masts, $5OO and up. 410-335-4700 Fox 2200 harvester w/table & Ford engine, complete unit ready to go, $2500 John Lapp. 771 Brown RD., New Park, PA 17352 Fox 2310 2R 8-kmfe harvester $l,OOO. Parts from Super D chopper, De troit 4-71 engine, $l,BOO 3RN head $5OO. Deutz 80hp engine, rebuilt $3,000. Deutz 50hp $2,400. Irwin Nolt, (717)354-7267, Fox 3000 forage harvester w/2RN com head and 6' pickup. All or separate (717)548-2877. Fox 7334 3R chain-type adjustable corn head, fits all late Fox harvesters, $3,500. (717)548-2877. Fox Super D SP chopper, 3RN com, $5,000 080. JD 343 Snapper, $3,000. (410)775-7176. FRONT CUT MOWER Hustler 275 w/72“ deck, water cooled engine, $2,800. 410-833-9091 Frick Ol sawmill w/471 De troit power unit and many other extras! 304-538-7325 after 7pm Gehl 1060 chopper, metal stop, tandem axle, hyd tongue, electnc controls, auto-max, 2RN corn & 7' pickup head, $BBOO or trade w/smaller harvester 717/530-0406. Gehl 4610 Skid Loader, Cab Enclosure, Bucket w/ Tooth Bar, Runs Good. $6,200. (717)369-4115. Gleaner F 3 diesel, low hours, one owner. Zeisloft From Bloomsburg, PA 800/919-3322. Gleaner M 2 diesel, AC, monitors, clean machine, priced right $B9OO. Zei sloft’s 800/919-3322. Grass head and 2R com head for JD harvester (717)529-2862. HAY RAKE Nl 406, hyd. w/dolly wheel, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 Haines Potato Grader, 26' Picking Table, 36' Con veyor, Excellent Condition. Lancaster County (717)665-6908. Hardy sprayer, 500 gallon tank, 35’ boom, $4,200. (610)746-1824.
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