Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 22, 1998, Image 21

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    DHIA Service Center, Orchard Road, University Park, PA 16802
Dog Days Of Summer
Co.) The dog days of summer
are upon us once again.
How to keep up milk produc
tion becomes a problem this
time of year. One way to allevi
ate this is to make sure that
your fans are in working order.
First make sure that you have
enough fans to cool your cows.
Here are some reminders
about your fans.
1. Check and tighten all V
sprinklers at a feed bunk should
encourage longer feeding time,
resulting in an increased dry
matter intake or at least prevent
a reduction in intake during the
really hot stretches.
belts. Replace cracked or old
2. Clean fans regularly.
3. Each fan should be able to
move air about 10 times the
diameter of the fan. A 24-inch
should be able to move air 24
Randall G. Renninger
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feet. Don’t over stretch the
capacity of the fan.
4. Be sure that the fan angle
is positioned properly for maxi
mum effect on the cows.
5. Fans in combination with
Average Farm Feed
Costs For Handy
To help farmers across the state
to have handy reference of com
modity input costs in their feeding
operations for DHIA record sheets
or to develop livestock feed cost
data, here's last week's average
costs of various ingredients as
compiled from regional reports
across the state of Pennsylvania.
Remember, these are averages,
so you will need to adjust your fig
ures up or down according to your
location and the quality of your
Com, No.2y 2.54 bu., 4.54
TOWANDA (Bradford Co.)
The public is invited to attend a re
ception honoring Bradford Coun
ty Extension Dairy Agent Jacob
Guffey on his retirement from
Penn State Cooperative Exten
Guffey retired July 31 after
working as county agricultural
agent in Bradford for
more than 40 years.
During this time he provided
education to adults and youth in
volved in the dairy industry. He
was also actively involved with
the County’s 4-H Youth Develop
ment Program.
For the past 14 years he has
Wheat, No. 2 2.30 bu., 3.83
Barley, No. 3—1.39 bu., 2.98
Oats, No. 2 1.38 bu., 4.30
Soybeans, No. 1 5.33 bu.,
8.90 cwL
Ear Com 80.00 ton, 4.00 cwt.
Alfalfa Hay 111.50 ton, 5.58
Mixed Hay 115.75 ton, 5.79
Timothy Hay 112.50 ton,
5.63 cwL
lt!‘ 1 V.V /.
Reception To Honor Dairy Agent
served as the county Extension
The reception will be held on
Sunday, Sept. 13 from 2-4 p.m. at
the Wysox Fire Hall.
Special presentations will be
given starting at 2:30 p.m.
There is no reservation fee,
however, the planning committee
requests persons planning to at
tend make a reservation by Sept.
Contact the Extension Office at
(717) 265-2896 or e-mail Brad to make your
Contributions are being ac
cepted for a gift Persons wishing
to contribute may drop off or send
the contribution to Reception,
Bradford County Extension Of
fice, P.O. Box 69, 701 South
Fourth Street, Towanda, PA
ALBANY, N.Y. Dairy farm
ers who supplied regulated milk
dealers (handlers) under the New
York-New Jersey marketing or
ders during July 1998 will be paid
by handlers on the basis of a uni-
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 22, 1998-A2l
July Milk $13.53
fe •* » .. i-i. » 1
A book of letters and notes are
being complied into a notebook
for Jake. If you would like to in
clude your message, please send it
to the above address.
The planning committee is ar
ranging a picture display for the
reception. If you have a picture of
Jake that you would like to share
please send to the Extension Of
Be sure to include your name
and address on the back so the pic
ture can be returned, and include
information on when and where
the picture was taken and names
of other persons in the picture.
The planning committee would
appreciate all reservation, contri
butions, letters, and pictures to the
Extension Office by Sept. 4.
form price of $13.53 per hundred
weight (29.1 cents per quart).
The price for the corresponding
month last year was $11.67 per
Market Administra
tor Ronald C. Pearce
also slated that the price
was $13.41 in June
1998. The uniform price
is a marketwide weight
ed average of the value
of farm milk used for
fluid and manufactured
daily products.
A total of 9,718 dairy
farmers supplied hand
lers regulated under the
New York-New Jersey
marketing orders with
1,014,547,421 pounds
of milk during July
1998. This was a de
crease of 1.4 percent
(about 14 million
pounds) from last year.
The gross value to
dairy farmers for milk
deliveries was
$137,211,627.04. This
included differentials
required to be paid to
dairy farmers but not
premiums, deductions
authorized by the farm
er, or assessments.
Regulated handlers
used 390,877,780
pounds of milk for Class
1,38.6 percent of the to
{tal. This milk is used for
fluid milk products such
as* homogenized, fla
vored, low test, and
skim milks. For July
1998, handlers paid
$13.30 per hundred
weight (28.6 cents per
quart) for Class I milk
compares with $13.12 a
year ago.
Handlers used
156,150,625 pounds of
milk for Class II prod
ucts, 15.4 percent of the
total. Class II products
include fluid cream egg
nog, ricotta and cottage
cheeses, ice cream, and
' yogurt. Handlers paid
$ll.lB per hundred
weight for this milk.
Milk used to manu
facture Class HI prod
ucts including butler,
cheese (other than ricot
ta and cottage cheeses),
and whole milk powder
totaled 448,802.349
pounds (44.2 percent of
the total).