Page* 10—Ag Progress Section 1, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15, 1998 ROCKSPRING (Centre Co.) How did we light our homes to “keep out the night” before electricity? How did we cool our food? Visitors to Penn State’s Ag Progress Days, August 18-20, can tour the Pasto Agricultural Museum and get a taste of what life was like before gasoline engines and electricity. “The museum is like a hands on history book,” said Jerome Pasto, museum curator and associate dean emeritus in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences. “There’s a story behind every item.” The museum houses more than 300 implements used for farming and homemaking. Items range from a 6,000-year old clay sickle used for grain harvesting, to a charcoal-heated clothes iron, to a dog powered treadmill used to churn butter and wash clothes. “Everything is operated by power from the muscles of humans and ani mals,” said Pasto. Sections of the museum are devoted to harvesting grain, cut ting and handling hay, planting and harvesting corn, plowing and cultivating soil and caring for animals. One display focuses on ice harvesting, which provid ed winter work for rural people. Using horse-drawn ice plows, checkerboards were scored on frozen ponds, then cut in perfect Seedway E 6 Select Sires DLTI Semex U.S.A., Inc DLT2 Servis-Rhino/M&W W 2 Shims Truck Equip W 5 Shivvers Inc W 3 Shoup Mfg. Co ETT Show-Ease Stall Co W 9 Sire Power DLTI Sloan Express ETI Smith, L. 8., Inc Wll Snook’s Equipment W 6 Solar Barns DLTI Sotlenberger/Star Silos W 4 Sones Grain Systems W 5 Stine Seed Company ET2 Stoltzfus, C.U. Mfg., Inc W 6 Susquehanna River Basin Commission.ETl Sustainable Forestry Initiative of PA ETI Tam Systems, Inc Taurus-Service, Inc Tech Mix, Inc Teejet - Northeast Inc, Telmark, Inc Tico Mfg., Inc Timber Harvester, Inc. Tomco U U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. University Area Joint Authority University Realty Sim CENTRELINE Dependable farm equipment since 1945 |HIH —SILAGE BAGS See Us At Our New Booth Ag Progress * Days m: nr Aug - 18 ’ 19> 20 ‘V West 11th Q ' B *«gLt*J s Street ADAM’S SUPPLY P.O. Box 821, Brownstown, PA 17508 717-656-6508 Pasto Museum Is Hands-On History Book At Ag Progress Days blocks, “Ice harvesting was a huge business at the turn of the cen tury,” said Pasto. “Trainloads of ice were shipped to Philadelphia and New York City to keep food cool in ice boxes. The horses wore nooses while working. If a horse fell in, people pulled the noose tight, leaving air in its lungs so it would float like a bal loon. Then, everybody would grab the rope and haul the ani mal quickly to shore.” Household displays include devices for washing clothes, from primitive wood plungers to “modem” clothes washers with lever-operated tubs and wringers. A collection of irons for pressing clothes includes flat irons with heated inserts, some that bum charcoal and have chimneys and adjustable drafts, and one that is gasoline powered with a tiny carburetor. Also on display is a hand cranked ice cream freezer, invented by Mary Johnson in 1834. “It’s one of three items in the museum whose concept was so great that it’s lasted over 100 years,” says Pasto. ‘Today’s ice cream makers still work on the same principle.” The Pasto Agricultural Museum is arranged in chroni cal sequence to show technologi cal progress. Many artifacts have been restored to working Ag Progress Days Exhibitor List For 1998 (Continued from Page 9) Legendary for Livestock ES . DLTI . DLTI ETI ' ES W6 W3 ET3 GET „W 9 ..W5 Durable Aluminum Undercarriage - an Eby exclusive! Gooseneck models in lengths 14’ - 32’; widths.7’, 7’6”, 8’ and 8’8” Bumper Hitch models in lengths 12’ -18’ Radial tires standard Full custom options <»O ce I 9J # mr The Trusted Name in Agri-Transportation Equipment order so visitors can turn the cranks and pull the levers. The museum will be open to the pub lic during all three days of Ag Progress Days. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the museum, everyone who has donated antiques to the museum (over 100 living donors) has been invited to the Ag Alumni Annual Meeting and luncheon on August 18 at Ag Progress Days. If you can’t visit the museum, you can order two new educa tional videotapes narrated by Dr. Pasto as he walks through the museum. “Farming in the Old Days: Small Grains” reviews the production, harvest ing and threshing of small grains from 6000 B.C. to the 19305. “Farming in the Old Days: Corn” covers planting methods used by early Native Americans and pioneers and traces progress in corn planting and harvesting through the 19305. For more information about the videos, contact Ag Information Services, The Pennsylvania State University, 119 Ag Administration Building, University Park, PA, 16802; phone (814) 865-6309; FAX (814) 863-9877. Price is $35 for one video, or $5O for both. Allow three weeks for delivery. Make checks payable to Penn State, or Unverferth Mfg. Co., inc USA Body, Inc USDA-Farm Service Agency USDA-GIPSA-Federal Grain Inspection Venture Products, Inc Vermeer Mfg. Co Vigortone Ag Products, Inc Penn State Ag ftin] 19 9 8 include a purchase order. Penn State’s Ag Progress Days features more than 500 acres of educational and com mercial exhibits, tours and machinery demonstrations. It is held at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rockspring, nine miles south west of State College on Route 45. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. .WO ~W 4 ,ETI ETI W 4 W 4 Z DLT2 Zetor Tractor Zimmerman Mfg. Corp Zimmerman, Paul 8., Inc. aVS Where's your mustache? “ Walters Buildings Wengers of Myerstown Westfalia Dairy Systems, Inc Williams Ag Group Wood-Mizer Woods Equipment Co., 1nc.... EBY leads the industry in the design and manufacture of rugged all-aluminum livestock trailers. Blue Ball, PA (800) 292-4752 West Jefferson, OH (800) 752-0507 Tuesday and Thursday, with extended hours of 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday. Admission and parking are free. For more information, call (800) PSU-1010 toll-free from July 13 to August 20 or visit the Ag Progress Days site on the World Wide Web at ~..ETI WS ES W4 W2 W3 ~..W2 ~..W2 ~..W9
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