842-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. FRI SEPT 18-7 30PM Carlisle Lvst Mkt k, Carlisle, PA Dairy Heifer/Feeder Cattle Sale brood cows & calves & dry cows SAT SEPT 19- Along Rt 322,1 mi east of Blue Ball, Lane Co PA Real estate, Hh goods & antiques By Robert & Jeanette Mellmger Nevm Martin & Sons, Auct SAT SEPT 19 - SAM Lincoln Fire Hall Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Hh goods antiques & old coins By Richard & Jane Domes Dale L Putt Auct SAT SEPT 19 - 8 30AM Leola Produce Auct Barn Leola, Lane Co PA All Day Auction to Bene fit The Clinic For Special Chil dren Danny Lapp Auct, plus other local aucts willing to lend a hand SAT SEPT 19 9AM 71 Truce Rd New Providence PA take Rt 272 11 mi south of Lancaster, turn east to Truce Rd approx 3 mi to sale on left Antiques Hh goods By Ella S Mast Estate Kreider Kline & Good, Aucts SAT SEPT 19-9 AM 771 White Horse Rd Gap Salisbury Twp , Lane Co PA Real estate, antiques (urn, Grandfather clock, car, lawn tractor & Hh goods By Leroy G Lapp Estate Barr Davis Aucts 717-442 9221 Of Stone Farmhouse, Tenant House, Barn & Other Outbuildings On 5 +/- Acres, Antiques, Precious Gems, & Collectibles (Including Guns & Musical Instruments); Automobile; Household Goods; Equip., & Tools August 15,1998 - 9:00 AM From Reading follow Rt. 422 E to Wendy's. Left on Shelbourne Rd. Follow to Jacksonwald, take Oley TUrnpike Rd. to 2nd left, Church Lane Rd. to right on Wegman Rd. to property on left. OR: From Reading follow Friedensburg Rd. east to Five Points, turn right on Five Points Rd., left on Wegman Rd. to prop erty on left. Exeter Twp., Berks County. Exeter School District. REAL ESTATE - SOLD AT 11:00 AM 1986 Subaru Sedan, 3 guitars (I w/case) (ex cond ), old banjo, Hammond elec organ, CIVIL WAR BUGLE 12 & 16 ga shotguns, World War Colt 45 Model Pistol, 357 German 6 Shooter Western Pistol w/holster, M-l Springfield rifle, Marlin 30-30 rifles. Weatherby 22 call auto rifle (never fired) w/Bushnell 4-9 scope, bow & arrow, ammunition, SHETTS OF $29 ELVIS STAMPS, #1 Issue 1964 SUPERMAN & 1972 TARZAN COMIC BOOKS, Very good Bxlo Oriental rug, bookcases, high chair, nice gun cabinet, wooden rockers, dining rm suite w/table, 6 chairs, hutch & buffet, claw ft piano stools, nice high wooden stool, complete depression era bdrm suite chest of dr & dresser w/mirror, love seat, winged back chair, 2 wicker ham peis beau Ig wooden icebox, nice framed sketches & pictures, full sized pool table 3/4 slate w/retuin, pool sticks, Sony color TV. stools, wall hat rack, Wicker den turn mcl sofa 3 chairs, 2 end tables & coffee table, needlepoint hassock, inlaid wooden caid table w/4 chairs, rechncr & reclmei locker, poolside equip & furn , clam steamer & lots of picnic equip, poich & lawn swings & furn , dry sink, 2 sm wooden cabinets oval dining table, lots of wall mirrois, Lance jar w/lid, clothes rack, bai equip & accessones mcl old peanut dispenser w/warmer, liquor bottles in stand w/ke\ lots of bai glasses & stemware, etched glasses & stemware, old metal gladta loi head tadio etched wine bottle, lamps, dishes table linens, lot of knick-knacks, lots of iccords vases jeweliv box, mg beatei. lots of toys, oil lamps, tins, books, Chnstmas deco , misc kettles, exercise bike, leather bags, window fans, misc lug gage phone tables, veiy good shoe roller skates, misc beds, roll of insulation. Flexible flyer sled, Pepsi cooler, Ig coffee makei, digital scales, 101 b & 201 b cop pei kettles w/paddles & stoves, bikes, various pcs exercise equip, picnic chests; gym set, oldei type Click hoise trader, utility tiailei w/title, end snowmobile trailer, 275 gal gas lank. Sears Super hatchery incubator, wagon wheel, step ladders & ext lad deis saw horses, 220 elec welder, elec fencer, 220 Miller Thunderbolt, railroad jack, CB sets, tlooi sate, acetylene torch w/cutters, 2 elec wall water fountains, cast iron troughs, lumber mcl redwood, oak beams, bay doors, gal tubs, iron spool hold er, new 3 pt post hole digger, 2 Lawn Boy mowers, wooden gates, hand mowers, chains, wooden rakes, lantern, lots & lots of tools mcl picks, axes, vises, oil cans, wrenches plumbing & elec tools & equip, saws, sanders, threaders, pipe tools, etc , ice sciapers, cabinets of nuts, screws & bolts & many items not mentioned GEMS: 29 sct yellow sapphire, 26 ct topaz, 13 15 ct aquamarine, 23 sct star sap phire, 946 a tourmaline, I ct emerald, 10 76 ct bi color tourmaline, 7 81 ct bi coloi tourmaline, 63 ct cats eye tourmaline, 26 ct blue sapphire, 995 ct star sap phire, 4 66 ct pink tourmaline, 7 4 ct bi color 12 ray star sapphire, 3 22 ct pink sap phire, 9 9 ct star rose quartz, 2 3 ct sphene, 4 9 ct triangle rhodelite ruby Gems will be sold with reserve No out of state checks. hFFTZf* HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC SAT SEPT 19-9 AM 13 mi east of Lane, 3 mi west of Gap, turn off Rt 30 in Kmzer, 12 S Kmzer Rd, Kmzer, Lane Co, PA Hh goods, antiques & car By Roy M I Ellen R Grotf Robert E , Jef frey R, & Michael L Martin, Aucts, 717-656-7770 SAT SEPT 19 ■ 9AM Rt 15 Flea Market, Lewisburg, PA Quilts, cattle, grin, firewood, fresh meats, crafts produce and more Maranatha Mennonite Christian School SAT SEPT 19-10 AM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton SI, New Holland, Lane Co. PA Horse Sale 717-354- 4341 MON SEPT 21 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co , Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Diffenbach Auction, Inc MON SEPT 21 & TUES SEPT 22 - 8 30AM 1 Stonehurst Ct, Pomona NY, 35 mi north of New York City Liquidation of Speci men Nursery Stock, in-ground & container stock, over 2000 lots By Howard Kellerman, MD ReimokJ Bros Auction & Market mg Service, 1-800-772-7653 TUES SEPT 22 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co. Pa Quilt, craft & supplies A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc Public Auction Terms By: Rocco and Mary Perate (610) 779-8566 Merle Eberly AU-2417-L Alvin Horning AU-0433-L Elton Horning AU-0434-L Route 23, Morgantown TUES SEPT 22-6 PM 33 Lime rock Rd, Lititz, Warwick Twp, Lane Co, PA From Lititz, take Orange St, pass Warwick MS, turn nght on Limerock Rd to farm on ngnt 30 Acre limestone farm, 4 bdrm, 3-1/2 bath stone & vinyl 2 sty house, limestone bam By Jeffrey & Tracy Rohrer Kline, Kreider & Good, Aucts, 717-733- 1006 TUES SEPT 22-TPM Fauquier Lvst Exch , Inc, Marshall, VA Graded Feeder Cattle Sales, calf & yearling Grey H Puckett, Jr, Manager, 540-364-1566 WED SEPT 23 - 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auction, 717-656-2947 WED SEPT 23 - 9AM 100 W Jackson SI, New Holland, Lane Co , Pa Quill & craft auction A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc WED SEPT 23- 10AM Wok muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct THURS SEPT 24 - 8 30AM Noville Penna, Inc , R R #4, Honesdale, Wayne Co, PA, 30 mi NE of Scranton, PA Liquida tion Auction, 45,000-50,000 Blue Spruce & Fraser Fire & other vari eties Remold Bros Auction & Marketing Service, 1-800-772- 7653 THURS SEPT 24 - 9AM Take Rt 472 south to Oxford, PA, turn south to S 3rd St, go thru the Borough approx 1-1/4 mi, turn left to Waterway Rd to property on left Carpenter tools, antiques &Hh goods By Robert M Brown Estate Kreider, Kline & Good, Aucts THURS SEPT 25 -4PM Btwn can Angus Hall of Fame, 816- Lancaster & Leola, turn off Rt 23 532-0811 near Summit Valley Motel, south cppt on - IPM 548 on Hartman Station Rd to 950 XleUndlr Spnng Rd Carlisle Hartman Station Rd, Lane Co, PA Farm ftlawn equip many me, oMools, guns 717*240 4511 Martin Robert Martin? Randall Ranck. Aucls FRI SEPT 25 ■ 6PM New HoF cm qppt 9c Nmh Fteid Cow tend Sales Stables, Inc ,101 W FonnftT Ame* Fulton St, New Holland, Lane FRALEY’S Annual Fall Machinery Consignment Auction 3 Miles East of Muncy, PA at 1515 Kepner Hill Road, Muncy, PA 17756 SATURDAY, Sept. 12,1998 STARTING 9:00 A.M. Advertising coverage must be received by Aug. 28, 1998 by calling (717) 546-6907 We will be accepting items Sept. 7th thru Sept. 10th. Small Items are Limited, Please Call I SMSSt Consignment AncflO* Co. Auction Lie. # RY7IL Public Sale Sat., Aug. 15,1998 9 A.M. Sharp Valuable Tractors, Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Items, Tools, Primitives, Antiques, Guns, 3-Wagon Loads Smalls Etc. 901 Farmdale Rd. Lower Paxton Twp, Harrisburg. From Camp Hill Get On 581 Cross River Go N. on 83 to Exit 30-E Get on 22 Go E. Past Colonial Shopping Center To Red Light Devonshire Rd. (Sutliff) Turn R. 1 Mi To Devonshire Hts Rd Turn L. Go End 5900 Block Turn R. Into Lane & Sale. Signs Posted. Tractors-Farm Machinerv-Horse & Ponv Items- Tools-Etc. M H Pony Tractor OK, Single Ro\v Corn Planter & Plow, Snow Plow, Int C Tractor As-Is, Farm Wagon w/1932 Wooden Spoke Wheels, Manure Spreaders; Field Mower Sickle Bar; Farm Wagons, Walk Behind Plow, Cub Cadet Yard Tractor; Yard Trailer; Troy Built Rototiller SHP OK; Power Lawn Mowers; Gravely Mower, 2-Trailers; Feed Bins, Iron Hog Troughs, Lots Scrap Metals; Wooden & Metal Step & Extension Ladders; Wooden Wheelbarrows, Old & New Lumber; Boards, Shutters, Fence Posts, 3HP Go-Cart w/Fiberglass Body; Railway Station Express Wagon; Horse & Pony Sulkys: Big Wheel Pony Cart; Horse & Goat Shafts; Pony Harness; Western Horse & Pony Saddlers; One Horse Buggy; Wagon Wheels & Seats; Corn Sheller; Berry Boxes & Crates; Tool Boxes & Tools; Anvil; Grain Cradles; One Horse Sleigh; Old Wooden Well Pump Excellent; Grindstone; Bob Sled & Tobaggon; Milk Cans, Iron Butcher Kettles; 3-Foot, Wooden Martin Bird House, Doors From Penn Harris Hotel; 3-Wagons Loads small Items Found Around Barn & Shop Antioues-Primitives-Furniture-Guns Etc. Table & 6-Chairs; 4-Leg Dropleaf Table, Iron Floor Lights; Iron School Bell, Large Shop Cabinets; Sad Irons, Wall Telephone: Victrola & Records, 4- Decorated Plank Chairis; Bookcase; Wooden Benches; Wooden Porch Posts; Tables; Desk; Pictures; Clothes Trees; Wooden T\ib; Candy Case; Small Deacon Bench; Old Dressers; Cider Press; Butter Churn; Peddle Toy IVuck; Butcher Block; School Desks & Bench, Wooden Work Table, Plank Benches: Sewing Machine Base w/Glass Top, Tin Tray, PO Mail Sorting Box, Store Counter, Air Conditioners, Italian Imported Mirror, Metal Lawn Chairs; Bear Skin Rug, Steamer Trunk, Plus Many Other Items. Large Gun Cabinet; 10 Rifles & Shotguns (Winchester Model 42 Pump 410 GA; Winchester Model 12 Skett Pump 28GA; Browning Over & Under 12GA Pump; Lcfever Metro Spec D.B. Goose On Side; Stevens 20GA; Remington Gamemaster Model 760; Remington Model 722 w/scope; Winchester 25 Nickel Steel Lever AC; Ithaca 22 Rifle Lever AC: & Others); Old Fishing Lures; Aluminum Canoe; Only a Partial Listing Lots More Of Everything; Good Sale; TERMS: Cash Or Travelers Checks; 9 A.M. Wagon Items; 12:30 P.M. Guns Followed By Furniture; Donald Allison Owner, Phone 717-545-8491. AUCTIONEERS: George Harr Lie. AU-377-L & Ray Lecrone Lie. AU-533-L, Phone 717-432-3815 ?«j4i FBede CaWB 830 717 ‘ SAT SEPT 26 ■ 8 30AM Off Rt -yw-'kwi 30 west 0 f York, turn south on Rt FRI SEPT 25 - 7PM Finger- 616, thru York New Salem apr lakes Livstock Exc, 3865 Rt pox 2mi to Walters Hatchery Rd 5&20, Canandaigua, NY Feeder on right, turn nght, go 41 mi to Cattle Sale 716-394-1515 wi ' SAT SEPT 26-707 West Penn on right, arrows, PA Antiques Ave, Robesonia, Berks Co, PA glassware, collector tractors, old Hh goods, antiques, power & tools & horse By Ray & Carol hand tools By Lorraine Matthew Lehr, 717-225-1094 Rentzel's DaleL Pull. Aucl Auct Svc SAT SEPT 26 - Sauders Nurs- SAT SEPT 26 - 8 30AM - Tack ery, along East Earl Rd, Imi SE 11AM Horse Sale Middleburg of Blue Ball, Lane Co, PA Nurs- Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, ery stock Nevm Martin & Sons, PA Clarence Shirks John Shirk, Aucts Owners 717-837-2222 Wolgemuth's Annual Fall Consignment Auction Sat., Sept. 5,1998 9:00 A.M. Located at 2101 Valley Road, Manheim, Lane. Co. PA. Take Rt. 283 to Manheim-Mt. Joy exit, turn East onto Rt. 772 then left onto Brenneman Rd. (Landis Bros.) to Hossler Rd. I\irn left, then next road right (Valley Rd.) TRACTORS-TRUCKS-ALL KINDS OF FARM EQUIP.-LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. ***FREE ADVERTISING*** Call us by Aug 14 to advertise your consign ments. Turn that unused equip, into cash 1 NO household or junk accepted. New tires only Receiving Aug 29-Sept. 4, 8-5 pm NO Sundays For information call- Wolgemuth Auction Service Manager-Bob-lic #1534 (717) 665-6684 WOOD PUBLIC AUCTION SAT.. AUG. 15, 1998 • 10 AM Farmington Hill (Just off Elkhtrn Rood), Tioga, PA (Tioga County). Signs off Rta. 287, Just touth of Tioga and off Rta. 49 at Naltan, PA TRACTORS - WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT - LAWN TRACTOR - TOOLS - LUMBER Ford 1910 Compact Diesel 4x4 Tractor w/Loader (1-owner, very nice!), A.C. 914 Garden Tractor, M.F. 1051 3 pt. 5 ft. Brush Hog, 6 ft. 3 pt. Back Blade, 10 ft. Land Roller, 3 ft. Lawn Roller, 3 pt. Platform, 2 Farm Utility Trailers, A.C. 2 Btm.-Mtd. Plow, Ford 110 1 Btm. Plow, 5 Ton Flat Bed Hay Wagon, 3 Sec. 3 Pt. Drag, 2 Sec. Drag, Dump Rake, Buzz Saws & Blades, Tractor Tire Chains, Draw Bar Seeder, Troy-Bilt Comp. String Trimmer, Sm. String Trimmer on Wheels, Child’s Coaster Wagon, Barrel Composter, Coal/Wood Stove, Grizzly 10 Table Saw, Craftsman 12” Planer, Craftsman 6” Jointer, Floor Mod. Drill Press, Craftsman Disc/Belt Combo Sander, Floor Jack Buzz Box Welder, Craftsman 1-1/2 HP Router, Batt. Charger, Sm. Air Compressor, Shop Vac, 5 hp Wood Splitter, Oxy/Acet. Torch Set, Makita Recip. Saw, 16” Scroll Saw, Angle Grinder, Sanders, Saber Saws, Circ. Saw, Drill Bits, Qty. of Nuts-Bolts- Screws, etc., C & Pipe Clamps, Stihl 041 Chain Saw, Craftsman Chain Saw, Router Table, Metal Cupboard, Levels, Squares, Mauls, Axes, Shovels, Rakes, Stove Pipe, Hand Sled, Push Mower, Wheel Barrows, Tow Behind Lawn Spreader, 25 Gal. 2 HP Tow Behind Lawn & Fruit Sprayer, Picnic Table, 12 ft. Panel Gate, New Cement Block, A-Frame w/Porch Swing, Misc. Iron & Pipe Pile, 8 ft. Alum. Truck Cap (Dmgd.), Shop Creeper, Approx. 4 Face Cord Seasoned Hard Wood (cut & Split), Approx 4 Tons Hard Coal, Berry Baskets, Greenhouse Trays, Qty. of Pine Rough Lumber, Cherry & Walnut Craft Lumber, Much More Not Listed. NOTE: Due To The Unexpected Death Of Her Husband (The Late Roy Wood), Mrs. Wood Has Commissioned Us To Liquidate The Above Items and More At Public Auction. Everything Has Been Well Maintained And Is In Good Working Order If You Have Need For A Compact Diesel, This Ford Is A Creampuff - Come Prepared To Buy! TERMS: Cash or Approved Check - I.D. Required. OWNER: Pearl (Mrs. Roy) Wood Professional Auction Management and Appraisals By /! <r" i) /£uiff rlneTiotJ 'JfAv/cL ~ Tioga, PA 1548-L 717-535-4214 The Area's Foremoat Real Estate Auctioneers! di idi In im lei tear mai re iv< n\
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