828-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 Sale Reports CRAMER & HOOVER SALE A Public Sale of anti ques, household goods, collectibles and tools was held Wednesday at Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. There were 489 registered bidders in at tendance. Items sold included: Coca-Cola bottle ma chine $l2OO, oak china closet $950, oak shav ing stand $B5O, 5-pc. bedroom suite $450, Stickley wardrobe $175, express wagon $l7O, child’s rocking chair $100,2-pc. wicker patio set $375, 2-pc. wicker patio set $375, 2- living room suite $175, drop leaf wall ta ble $l3O, washstand $220, sofa $270, 5-pc. Waterfall $2OO, maple dinette set $290, oak hanging wall cabinet $135, brasas and iron bed $270, dining room table and chairs $l6O, 3- stacking bookcase $350, 4-sec tion stacking bookcase GEIS FARM DISPERSAL THURS. EVE. AUG 13,1998 ASPER (STEPHEN CO.) NEW YORK Sale to be held at the farm on Waight Road and State Rte 36 about 4 miles south ot Jasper and |ust north of the Jasper/Troupsburg Townline App 15 miles north of Penna Slate Rte 49 at Knoxville (PA Rte 249 becomes NY Rte 36 at Slate Line) Farm sold, discontinuing farming, selling will he 60 HEAD INTERSTATE READY COMMERCIAL DAIRY FREESTALL AND PARLOR TRAINED! 38 Milking Agc-laige Si?e-Good Working Condition Cows are averaging 50 lbs in the tank Bred lor yeai aiound freshening with 5 heiters spnnging lor sale time. 10 head fresh since May Ist. 8 due through end of Nov A nice R&W grade Double Triple Threat sells, and a nice grade Cleitus daughter Theie are 3 Jeisey crosses and 1 Jersey A Triple Threat herd sire was used tor 5 years' 6 Bred heifers. 5 open yearlings, 2 Jersey started calves, balance arc Holstein Heifer calves Also selling a 2 yr Old purebred Holstein and a 2yr Old Jersey herd sires Pregnancy checked, interstate read, and inocu lated against shipping fever Catalogues at ringside' HARVESTORE AND FEEDS: 20x70 Harveslore with new style roof to be removed between October sth and January Ist Goliath model 74 unloader recently rebuilt remove Oct 1-5, Selling as ONE LOT will be App 30 ft of treated 1997 crop corn silage and app 25 ft 1998 haylage from Harvestore to be removed by Sept 31 st, App. 8 ton of dry shell corn m pile of bam floor. 1 ton protein (soy, extuded soy, distillers, minerals), Badger XP24 16 ft unloader with s s bottom and good 5 h p motor. Some square bales of last years hay, Plus expecting some new second cut round bales' 7 , MILKING EQUIPMENT: Surge 600 gal (cal to 5590 lbs ) round painted bulk tank (bulk headable); Surge 75 plus vacuum pump, DeLaval 2 h.p vac uum pump. Water softener; Water heater, Mueller NBO freeheater, DeLaval 2 m lowlme s s parlor pipeline system with 6 CIP units; Harvester roller mill, 12 tt x 4 m auger, round bale feeder; 3 yr. Old Kelly wooden feed ele vator, Complete Westfalia computer feeder system with 2 (duofeed) feed sta tions and 45 transponders, computer model 486 IBM compactible, 120 M Byte hard drive, 16 meg ram, 16 modem fax, internet access, Epson printer, and all programs such as Office, Word Perfect, Quicker, Microsoft Word, MACHINERY: I.H. 1066 diesel tractor, 1 H cab, 3 pt„ 2 remotes, 18 4x38 radial tires. LH. 300 tractor with loader and backhoe; Farmall “M” n.f e tractor, older Bobcat skid steer with Wisconsin engine. Forage King hay bas ket wagon, like new, N H. 166 windrow inverter, like new. N H tandem axle running gear like new, N H 1495 sp. haybme with Ford gas engine. United 5 ft rotary mower, J D 450 hydropush spreader with end gale. Bush Hog 13 shank "soil saver' like new', Hyd Fold 3 pt 15 ft. field cultivator with dan ish teeth, A C 2000 5-b plow, backblade; subsoiler; transport elevator, skeleton elevator, N H cutditioner, N H 890 chopper with 2-row com and hay heads. I H 56 4-row planter. Full 500 gal NH3 tank, 2 Badger 3 beater forage boxes with roofs, on tandem gears. 2 A C blowers. ALSO: Wood cook stove with reservoir and warming oven. Dining room set, 3 wall shelf units, chest deep freeze, firewood and a selection of misc items' APP. SALE ORDER: H H and Misc at 6 00, Machinery app 6 30, Barn Equip and Feed app 7 45, Cattle app 8 00 Terms: CASH or honorable check from known and established customers' Others bring bank letter guaranteeing payment or leave purchases until checks clear"" OWNED BY JOHN AND BETTY GEIS Auction Conducted By James P. Pirrung and Associates PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. P.O. Box 607 Wayland, New York 14572 Phone 716-728-2520 Fax 716-728-3378 $275, jelly cupboard $2BO, color TV and ca binet $155, component stereo and cabinet $l3O, 2-pc. walnut bedroom set $250 and dining room suite $250. Also, modem rolltop desk $275, an RCA re frigerator $295, RCA side-by-side refrigera tor $475, railroad bell $275, small wooden chest $l5O, two wagon wheels $225, Barbie doll and case $460, Blue Willow china $2lO, ice cream truck Farmersville Auction Located in Farmersville, 3 miles east of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. PA General household goods, Antiques, and Collectibles of all kinds, Too much to list! Tues., August 11,1998 1:00 P.M. Furniture sells at 7:00 p.m. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, MAC, accepted Consignments Welcome Call Larry E. Rutt 717-354-5095 Auct. Lie. #AU-2455-L 6:00 P.M. $2lO, art pottery vase $lOO, two Penny rugs $250 and $l2O, blue and white check linen $2OO, Santa $270, books $ 160, juice tumb lers $l6O, four locks $l5O, display case $250, Rolling Rock dis plays $240, Duquesne Beer clock $2OO, Hess traiing van $l6O, brass bleeder $l4O, Kola tray $4OO, glass owl light $420, Mido robot clock $650, Rohrer’s whiskey bottle $l4O, rye straw basket $l5O, dog clock $3OO, two iron horses $320 and $lOO, Uncle Wiggly bank $l2O, doll in dome $l7O and pro hibition clock $2lO. The sale was held for Eugene Cramer, Anna buildings for stonage Hoover and others. and was sold for $61,000. The residential prop- ESTATF SAI P Crty ° f 114 aCreS with 3 * , AL c E . 4-bedroom, 2-story A Pubhc Sale of real j, ouse was so id for estate was held July 29 500 south of Selinsgrove Hassinger & Court ney were the auction- The 2.37 commercial real estate contained PUBLIC \ AUCTION V OF REAL ESTATE CAR, TRUCK, TOOLS BEE AND ORCHARD EQUIP., QUILTS, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE SAT., SEPT. 12,1998 AT 9:00 A.M. Real Estate at 12:00 noon Vehicles at 12:30/Furniture 2:00 P.M. Located at 1387 Cider Press Road, Rapho Twp., Lancaster Co., PA.. 6 miles NW of Manheim. Corner of Cider Press and Shumaker Roads Brick Rancher on 1.6 Acres Erected thereon a brick. Ranch style home on 1 6 acres ot ground in beautiful Rapho Township, Lancaster County This home is a well built and main tained home with 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths dining area, large living room, beautiful kitchen with Cherry cabi netry, plaster walls garbage disposal cential vacuum, large closets, cedar lined closet, laundry room and bree/eway, full basement with fireplace and wood stove, cold cellar large open attic 200 amp sen ice. porch with a beautiful view. 2 car gaiagc with openers Mr Greiner built this home m 1968 and has resided here ever since The propeity is accented with many fruit trees, bluebcines, raspberries nut trees and flowerbeds This is a pristine house in one of the finest areas of Rapho Township. Please take the time to examine this wonderful home that we will offer for auction! Persons wishing to view the property may do so on: Saturday, August ISth 1998 from 10:00 am. - 2:00 p.m., Saturday, August 22nd 1998 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.. Or by calling 717-665-5365 for an appointment. Sale by: STANLEY GREINER YOUNG & YOUNG ATTORNEY Auction By: Shenk Auction Co. 717-664-4574 #AU-000-3704-L “Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE Antiques, Household Goods, Collectibles & Tools Wed, August 12,1996 At2PJVL Sale to lie held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the comer of Rt 322 & Duriach RtL (approx. 21/2 miles west of Ephrata, Ephrata, Lancaster Co, PA. FURNITURE: Grained Blanket Chest (w/3 Drawers), Flour Chest, Softwood Blanket Chests, Empire Chests Of Draweis, Dry Smk;Wood Wardrobe, One Drawer Stand, Dough Tray, decorated Rocker, Chairs (Plank Bottom & Arch Back), Oak Washsland; Lampstand; Arm Rocker, Maible Top Stand, Trank, MAHOGANY - Dining Room Suite; Tea Cart, Station Cherry Bedroom Suite, Chary Dining Room Chairs, Pine Chest Of Drawers, Pantry Cupboard, Onental Chests of Drawers, Set Of Twin Beds, Floral Love Seats, Box Spnngs & Mattresses, Desk, Filing Cabinet, Quilting Frames, Quilt Rack, Mortised Bench APPLIANCES: Freezer, Sony Color TV, Camcorder, Canon 35 mm Camera, Oscillating Fan, Cookware, Lamps, Figural Lamps, Cloisonne Pcs, Gray Agate, Sad Iron CHINA AND GIASSWARE: Snowflake Domed Coffee Pot, Stoneware Pitcher & Crocks, Nontake & Onental China. Aynsley Dish, Figunnes, Lladro Figunne, Bone China, Collection Of B & G Chnstmas Plates, Cut, Pressed & Pattern Glass, Glass Rabbits. Dogs, Horses & Pigs, Glass Baskets, Rayo Lamp, Crcssolene Lamp, Kerosene Lamps, LINENS Antique Quilts, Lace Tablecloth, Blankets (Indian Type, Wool). Fancywoik, Hooka! & Braided Rugs, Sewing Supplies, Books, Baskets, Inlaid Wooden Items, Dolls, Stracto Dump Truck; TOOLS: Snowblower (4 HP), Air Compressor, Router, Belt Sander, Bench Gnnder, Finishing Sander, Jack Plane, Auger Bits, Hand tools, Floor Jack, Homehte Weedeater, Wood Ext Ladders, Wooden Tixil Cabinets, New Weathervanes, Anvil, Schmtz Dryers, Wooden Ammo Boxes, Orchard Baskets, Fnosde Root BeierCase No Out Of State Checks Unless Accompanied By A Current Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. Horst AUCTS. T Glenn AU43BL I. uienn (717) 8 5 9 - 13 3 i. (717) 738-3080 Timothy G. Fax # <717) 738-2132 Thomas A. "voices of experience • AUTO AUCTION CARS, TRUCKS & CAMPERS THURS., AUG. 13th at 5:30 P.M. ALLEN’S AUCTION BARN LANDING STREET, VINCENTOWN, NJ SELLING FOR BURLINGTON COUNTY TRANSPORTATION, PROSECUTORS OFFICE AND OTHERS. 1985 Old Cutlass Ciera 1988 Chevy Beretta 1989 Ford Taurus 1986 Chevy Caprice 1986 Chevy Caprice 1986 Mazda RX7 1984 Honda Accord 1988 Plymouth Reliant Wagon 1988 Plymouth Reliant Wagon 1984 Ford LTD 1988 , Plymouth Reliant Wagon 1985 Ford LTD 1988 CMC Food Delivery Truck 1987 Ford Bronco 1987 Chevy Celebrity 1987 Chevy Celebrity 1990 Chevy Suburban 1987 Dodge Van 1985 Ford Pick Up Truck - #lB 1985 Ford Pick Up Truck - #2B 1985 Ford Pick Up Truck - #35 1985 Ford Thunderbird 1985 Lincoln Town Car 1986 Monte Cailo 1989 Hyundai Excel 1986 Chevy Specti urn 1987 Dodge Daytona 1985 Honda Civic 1985 Pontiac Firebird 1978 Yamaha Cycle 1976 Tn Spitfire 1976 layco Pop Up Camper 1986 Chevy Cavalier MORE VEHICLES ARRI\ 'INC DAILY ALLEN S AUCTION SERVICE RICK ALLEN • AUCTIONEER 609-267-8382 BALDWIN FARM AUCTION DAIRY EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY TUBS., AUG. 18, 1998 @ 6:00 PM CAMPBELL (STEUBEN CO.) NEW YORK Sale to be held at the taint across horn the Campbell School on the Old Campbcll-Savona Road Fiom Rte 17 Expiessway Exit #4l at Campbell go into the Village and stay straight through about 1 mile to farm Having sold the dairy and taken oft farm employ ment, selling will be 1991 Westfalia 2 m welded stainless steel pipeline milker system with 260 ft of pipe, 7 DeLaval claw milkers with alternate pulsation, 1991 DeLaval vacuum pump, RPS 2800, Mueller “OH” 900 gal Tank, calibrates to 8256 lbs , (Ser #70506), Good heat reclaimer unit, 50 cow plate cooler. Two (2) A.C. 185 diesel trac tors, both with 2 hyd Remotes and 18 4x30 tires. Like new 2 yr Old H&S model 235 single axle manure spreader with gate and slippery bottom, Nice N.I. 5 yr Old mower/conditioner, N.H. 275 baler with thrower, N.H. 56 rake. Two (2) wood en rack kicker wagons. Flat rack wagon, 28 ft transport elevator, 8 ton N H running gear, 3 pt Broadcast spreader, 3 pt Bale spear, J.D. MT narrow front tractor with cultivator and l-b plow. Like new H&S 501 4 yr Old 2 beater open top s u wagon on H&S gear with flotation tires, N.H. 718 chopper with grass and 1-iow corn heads, J.D. 1240 4-row planter, Good A.C. 2000-3-b semi-mt Plow, J.D. 10 ft transport disk, I.H. 12 ft drag, 3 pt Subsoiler, 3 pt 6-row side dresser with Cole units, Brillion 12 ft double cultipack er, 3 pi. 4 or 6 row cultivator. Spray tank and trailer frame, Hammer mill. Yellow Devil trailer sprayer, 400 gal Poly tank, Ford F-600 farm truck with hoist See you Tues the 18th at the Baldwin farm, lunch available, comfort facility on site TERMS: CASH or honorable check night of auction Acceptable I D required for bidder card Nothing to be removed until settled lor in full sale night Auction-Conducted By James P. Pirrung and Associates PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. P.O. Box 607, Wayland, New York 14572 Phone 716-728-2520 Fax 716-728-3378
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