MAILBOX MARKET F R SALE D JD 336 baler, *3O bale elector, NH 489 haybine, Gehl 99 Hi-throw forage blower, all in good cond 717-274-3350 Leb. Co 4010 JD good cond., WFE 80% rubber, $5BOO, Oliver 17 disc drill, $350, 16 hp lawnmower, 43" cut 717- 966-3154 Union Co Perkins diesel 354 6 runs good, w/radiator, $9OO 080, JD flail chopper, $5OO, hay elevator w/motor, $250 717-726- 4364 Clinton Co 1" White Oak, 1,000 BD'1" Poplar, 2,000 BD ', 1V 2 " Red Oakl,ooo BD ', 10’/RS air dried 1V 2 ” Cherry, 500 BD’ inside 814-948-8122 Cambria Co Farmall Cub, new paint, tires, PTC, no attachments, restored 2100 Call any time, until 9pm 717-398- 2543 Lye. Co 2 hyd cylinders, one 3xB and one 4xB, $3O ea ; also 7 ft rear blade, 3 pt. Cat one $225, new. 717-652- 5412 Dau. Co Satan 5-650 G gas tractor, 6 ft White finishing mower, $4950; will separate Far mall H, 6 ft. pull type, Bush hog, $lB5O. 717-432-0006 York Co Ford 152 plow, 6 bottom 16” auto reset, semi mount ed 717-386-2215 Carbon Co 2 bottom swing over plow AC hookup, $3OO 080 over $2OO. Cement mixer, $5O 610-767-8122 North hampton Co. Roper 5000 btu air cond , used 2 yrs , $75; and 24” Fngidaire wall oven, used 3 yrs $75. 717-653-8436 Lane Co Seman tanks, Ml #lO spreader, 300 gal orchard sprayer, JD 440 w/loader, MF 2705 w/loader, AC-Dl7 Fox 900 chopper, 2-S U wagons 717-528-7747 Adams Co Reg Appaloosa gelding trails shows. 717-369-2755 Frank!. Go.. - . , 10 Southdown Wether u „ ...... lambs, plan ahead for 7 \Li P i^ ott T"' K.ILE, Louisville, PA er, $625; 600 gal tank on Farm Show Also breeding tra.'er used to water gar stock Scenic View Farm, 61 0-488-6861 724-459-5254 Indian Co. ' Berks Co - Agriculture - Residential - Commercial PAwBBTfW, *tnv« CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CONTACT AND SEE HOW AFFORDABLE ROY SENSBNIG CONCRETE WALLS CAN BE 717-355-0726 Authorized Dealer For Ke 1 J 2) (E) [£ HQ (£ CONCRETE i IPI IE EL WALLS, INC. Hobart auto, sheer, $850; meat grinder, comm’l. vari ous sizes, $l5O & up; 60 qt mixer, $6OO, Hand meat sheer, $l5O. 717-749-7110 Frankl Co Farmail 340 nice cond., com pl serviced, repainted and ready for work. 34 hp, $3400 080, ask for Warren, 717- 776-7620 Cumb Co 7mm German mauser rifle, $125, Delphian arms, 12 ga., dbl, $75; bright arms dbl. Damasus barrel man tel hammer, $5O. 610-582- 4214 Berks Co. JD lawn tractors, 140 48" deck, auto, 110,36” deck, 4 spd., both exc shape Savona, NY 607-583-2222 Stuben Co. Farmail M $1200; NH 770 chopper, 1000 rpm, 2 RN $1200; NH 450 mower, $9OO, Ontario drill 14-8, $3OO. 717-458-5139 Lycoming Co New Idea 2 rw Mtd. corn picker, 319 with 12 roll husking bed, $lOOO 080, good cond. 717-458-5189 Col Co Case hayblne, $3OO. 717- 286-6094 North'd Co. Hordi hy. air blast sprayer, $550; need repaired, Oliver 70 clean tractor, bush hog, lawn tractor w/equip. 717- 524-2408 Union Co. Clay barn cleaner unit, turns counter clockwise, $490. 973-875-6644 Sus sex Co., NJ M-5 D Aqua still water dis tiller; firewood $BO/cord, cut & split; 8 V 2 ’ high, old kitchen sink cupboard 717-367-6147 Lane. Co. 1000 s of good used plastic flower pots, many small sizes, under 6”, some larg er, make offer. Jim, 610- 777-5254 Berks Co. Pheasants, Reeves, Cop pers, Swmhoe, Goldens, Amherst, Elliots, Cheers, and others Call Ed Slater, 610-754-7545 Montq Co Player piano rolls, 2 row Oliver cultivator for “60" or “70”. Fickes concrete stave silo, 16x60' 215-536-2284 Bucks Co. ■White New Zealand rab bits, breeding stock, show quality, great confirmation, also cross bred, great for meat breeders. 717-865- 5511 Leb. Co'. iroved Manure Storai SCSAi 531 Hollander Rd.. New Holland. PA 17557 Int 140 w/loader, plow, disk, and cults , tractor in very good cond , $4750, call eves. 717-386-2833 Sch Co. Reg Angus bull, 2000 lb , 80 lb calves, great blood lines, great herd bull, 4 yrs old. 717-244-4999 York Co. Case 870 tractor, 3 pt, LPTO, 80 hp, good cond , $3BOO, 72 Quarry Rd , Par adise. PA 17562 717-687- 9701 Lane. Co 7140 Hesston harvester w/110vm diesel also I & J com binder, w/10 hp Hon da. Both exc 717-786- 7410 Lane. Co Maine coon kittens CFA champion bloodlines, well socialized, wonderful per sonality, $4OO. 610-869- 8883 Chester Co. McCormick Deenng sta tionary baler, hard rubber tires, w/6 head blocks 814- 623-5784 Bedford Co. Cured smoke dog bones, beam scales, track scale, pumping scale for hams, Hobart meat sheer, under counter refrigerator 610- 838-0480 Northampton Co Mobile home, 14’x50'2 BR, Liberty 1984, avail this fall. 717-664-2538 or 665-3150 Lane. Co. NH tedder, 575 NH baler, JD 1460 discbme, CIH 1896 CAM 1700 hrsr, Far mall AV, Cub needs seals, elevator 609-267-6071 Burlington Co.. NJ IH 56 blower, $250; hyd side dump cart, $275, NH7I7 harvester, 9 knives, $275, gravity B/wagon, $395; Glen co Field cult. $295. 717-653- 5926 Lane. Co. New Idea 3639 manure spreader, $3500; New Idea 323 Corn Picker, $1500; both good cond , slate, best offer 717-355-0196 Lane. Co. Cute loveable Rottweiler Lab mixed puppies, great markings, will make great pets. $25 080. 717-786- 0121 Lane Co. Dragline crane, diesel bucket, top cond , $4500 or 80, 2 Michigan diesel load ers, not articulated 80. 609-769-1497 NJ For All Your Concrete Walls And Construction Needs ie Facilii stone Concrete Products Florist display cooler, 3 door stainless unit w/new compressor, $750; Foley reel mower sharpener stand, best offer 610-983- 9550 Chester Co Corn silage, apprx 50 ton, $25 at silo Also Hi Moist Corn in 6 ft bag, apprx 10 ton 717-445- 7117 Lane Co Cherry & dropleaf table, Walnut dropleaf table, both antiques, stiffel brass lamps, 20” mountain bike, 2 lawnmowers, workbench, garage door 717-599-5508 Dau Co Hardie orchard sprayer, $500; 5/8 plastic baskets and bushels, JD spin spreader, $450 908-782- 3391 Remington NJ Gravely walk-behmd for parts, sickle bar, rototiller, rotary mower, grass mow er, snow blower, all need work, BO 973-543-1106 Morns Co, NJ Pedal tractor JD 20, restored, $525, also other pedal tractors, AC lawn garden tractor, 314 H mint cond., $2OOO 717-692- 4234 Dau Co Pheasants Elliots $65; Swlnhoe $65, Silver $35, Reeves, $35; Yellow Gold en, $35 per pair, some adults. Call Debbie, 717- 933-5144 Leb. Co. NH Blower, model 26 Super Lift 150 hp, PTO VGC, $BOO. 610-838-7271 Northhampton Co Hobart sheer, comml, $750, 1903 hand operated sheer, $BO 080. 610-767- 6453 Lehigh Co Used plastic chicken coops, Betw. 8 a.m & 5 p.m. weekdays, 717-626- 5466 Lane. Co. Locust deck boards, locust T & G porch floor, 1 ”xB’, deck, 1 x 6 radius edge 4'xB' long, plank Ash Oak floor 610-565-6038 Chester Co. 8' disk, very good, working good, $250. Eves, 410- 838-7571 Harford Co MD Hyd Kunkle arm boom w/o pump or controls, 15” wood planer, needs motor, Ig Antique apple press, first $5O takes it. 717-467-3921 Sch. Co. IH grain drill, “510” 10’ fert and grass seeder, good cond . $2OOO. 610-326- 5951 Chester Co. JD 4430 PS Cab/air, good cond , 5,000 hrs , $20,500, Case gram drill, 5,300, 16x7 soybean special, $5500 908-439-2203 Hunt Co., NJ Used semen tank w/semen, 16-wk holding time, mcl spirit, Jet Stream, Creek, 1-Star, Gay, Triune, R Maple, Starlight, $340 total. 717-898-2239 Lane Co 1966 Olds 4 dr Delta 88, 40,000 ong miles, exc running cond , body in A-1 cond reg as antique 908- 832-7145 Hunt Co.. NJ MF 1800 D WF loader, MF 200 WF MM Jet Star 4 loader, Oliver 777 gas WF loader 410-788-2074 Balt Co 8”x12” by 27’ red oak logs, sawed on two sides, 70 cents a board ft “New” Adm Hoover, 1280 Woodlyn Dr, Denver Lane Co Clark forklift, Mod C 50060 capacity 6000#, LPG, 20 in , cushion tires, 3-stage, 14 ft, lift, exc shape, $4BOO 06 0 717-354-5741 Lane Co NH 489 haybine, new wob ble box, new paint, good rolls, exc cond , $2700, 2 high powered 12v fence chargers. 717-530-0406 Frankl. Co. 4-P235x15 narrow White bias belt, $6O; 4L.78x15 wide White bias belt. $6O, 90% tread. 610-383-1696 Chester Co Polled Herefords, 1 bred cow, 1 bred heifer, good bloodlines, also 8 ft open utility body 717-689-2158 eves Wayne Co Snowplows, 12’ grader p/a, 11’p/aslooo ea„ 10' Mey er p/a $lOOO, 10’ Hyway $350, 9' p/a $6OO, pumps & frames, also avail Rich 717-726-7545 Clinton Co Quail: Bobwhite, Gambel, Coturnix, Button, Blue Scale, Hungarian Par tridge, buff nngnecks, blue shoulder peachicks, silky chicks, Emu chicks 717- 364-5812 Bradford Co Polled purebred Simmental bulls, and Heifers, cow/calf pairs, can be reg , blk or red, docile. 814-733-4705 Bedford Co 24 De-Laval stainless steel feeders, also good D-8 Cat Dozer, Cortland, NY. 315- ■696-8602 Service Tech On Call 24 Hrs 7 Days a Week Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 8, 1998-825 GE Refrigerator, pd $330 7/98 You save' §250 firm, Kitchenaid port dish washer,works well $5O 080, must sell, moving* 717-656-1230 Lane Co JD 328 baler w/#4O kicker, like new, big implement tires 814-695-1264 Blair Co Adorable loving AKC reg boxer pups, must see, mother on premise 717- 484-0108 Lane Co 1000 gal air tank, $650 Lv mssg , 717-768-3812 Lane Co Blk./wht pony gelding, 9/10 yr old, rides, was foundered, is sound, very gentle, to good home, $475 717-682-6793 Sch Co Arts way 450 grinder mixer w/scales, 3 ton capacity, $3,695, SS hog feeders 717-624-8124 Adams Co 1997 Dodge 2500 HD 4x4 Laramie SLT, 5 sp, leather mt, snow plow prep, c diesel, 5 nw. tires & wheels, running boards, sun visor 717-758- 3108 Northumb. Co GMC 69 bucket truck, air compressor & hyd , spe $3500; 79 Ford Box 22', alum, floor, roll-up, door $l5OO, needs work 717- 243-1281 AC CA w/2 bottom plow, $9OO 080 717-665-7392 Lane Co Ford 800 8 sp , good tires, runs good, $5BOO, Ford 850 5 spd , runs good, $3200 tractors on the farm 717-762-1323 Frankl Co Hamster ««■■■■■' -.inster equip , cages, tubes, waterers, toys, $2O, roller skates, ladies size 7, case, extra wheels, $lO 610-589-4445 Berks Co 2 Geil 960 forage wagons, JD running gear, shed kept 717-665-5033 Lane. Co Greenhouses for tobacco produce cattle, etc., curtain systems for dairy poultry barns. Amos Bailer, 2096 Mine Road, Paradise, PA 17562 Lane Co GMC 1976 Eleganza 11, needs compl restoration, motor/trans /zac/refr/all good $7OOO Call Ed Sr eves, 732-873-8840 Wmdmille heavy duty miniature, 9' tall, Green $750 717-445-7422 Lane Co T|KrSH€V MM MM EQUIPMENT CO, INC SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 717-393-5807 x 3050 FAX 717-291-1534 Rye small cleaned, $3 50 bu. 315-789-8859 Ont Co 4-71 Detroit diesel engine, runs good, w/straight clutch, $2OOO Isaac B Zook, 196 Chnstiana Pike, Christiana, PA 17509 Lane Co Western trail saddles, $2OO ea , Stubben Seigfned ger man model AP, fittings, real nice, sssoJUarttey close contact, $5OO 717-259- 7721 York Co Black Lab/German Shep herd, mixed puppies, born 6/23/98, $2O ea 471 Church Rd , Quarryville, PA 17566 Lane Co MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Flywheel and bell housing for 1977-78 Dodge 1-ton truck, w/big block 400/440,4 spd, or may consider whole truck 540- 694-6137 Patrick Co, WV Isuzu Trooper 4x4 w/diesle engine, must be in good cond 610-377-0372 Carbon Co Ford Fordsons display con testants, state plowing con tests OLDE TYME DAYS 98 show spectators, Manches ter, PA Aug. 27-30 717-266- 4409 York Co 1985 or newer Ford 12-14 ft box truck, need not tun, but be complete. 609-654-5070 Burlington, NJ One crank handle for White Mountain ice cream freezer W R Mitchell, 208 N High St, Duncannon, PA 17020 Perry Co. 25 breeding age or short bred Holstein heifers from your dairy herd for our bam 717- 445-4090 Lane Co - 50 to 100 gallon PTO dnve, 3 pt hitch sprayer 609-339- 9364 Salem, NJ Right final dnve, housing tor Super A Farmall or will buy whole tractor for parts After? pm 717-682-94595 ch Co Will buy hand hewn oak beams 10"x12", 10"x10”, 12”x12”, also hewn 8"x8" 22' long any species 717-677- 9698 Adams Co Bobcat 6438 skid loader for parts or repair, also 60 hp Deutz engine or tractor 717- 859-2797 Lane Co Savage Model 65 22 cal nfle, also 3 pt hitch for Far mallM 717-369-4855 Hours 610 SPM Closed Sat & Sun 39
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers