Colored Wool Growers Hold Six-State Show NEW DERRY (Westmoreland Co.) The Derry Agricultural Fair in New Derry was the site of the annual show for Region S Natural Colored Wool Growers Association held recently. Region 5 is made up of members from the six states of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, 0 4-H HAPPENINGS (Continued from Page B 18) costume contest. Karen Nicholson of Gettysburg, the goat club’s leader, said 14 youngsters are members of the group. While she noted that there is a huge mar ket for goat’s milk, most of the club’s members seem to enjoy their animals as pets. One noted they make great lawnmowers and another said they act as a watchdog. Katie Baldwin agree, explaining that she now has YOUR MANURE IS OUR BREAD & BUTTER USED/RENTAL LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT We also do custom design and installation Mid-Atlantic AgriSystems l ilniimfl Jl3 4019 Ashville Rd., Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Dealer in Northeast ’ „ ’ Last 5 Years BH] 000-«2Z-Z940 as Second Largest Houle . 7i7.529.2782 W Dealer In The World! # 1 South Carolina, and Virginia. Sheep clinics, wool and sheep competitions, shepherds’ leadline, and a Civil War reenactment were some of the highlights of the July 6-11th event Here are some pictures of peo ple who made this event a success. (Turn to Page B 20) goats because her brother Brian had one as a pet. Standing in a long red dress with white ruffles and looking at her goat which she had put in identical garb, Katie decreed her animal was now named Princess Pepper Ann for the costume contest. She, you see, had become Princess Katherine, Behind her was Hans Solo. And next was a shepherd... and a soccer player. The goat club youngsters hard work was rewarded with a bit of whimsy. Houle 8' vertical agi-pump, completely rebuilt $4,000 1998 Cadman 3250 irrigation reel $15,500 4411978 IH Paystar w/4,500 gallon tank $15,000 Region 5 Natural Colored Wool Growers Association and Derry Agricultural Fair sponsors the second annual leadline held at Derry Fair. From left are Jacob Penlch, 4; Sarah Penlch, 8; Ashley Hwostow, 12; Mallnda Nichols, 15; Blaine Nichols, 13; Tasha Hwostow, 7; and Erin Hwostow, 3. Houle 6,000 gallon tank 28Lx26 tires, brakes $20,400 (1)1997 Houle 42 lagoon pi $7,500 (1)1998 Houle 42 multi-pur| pump $ll 1997 Houle 42' Super Pump $B,OOO 1997 Houle 4800 Gal. w/28Lx26 Tires, No Brakes, Ex. Cond. $15,5 1992 Houle 4,250 gal. w/23.1x26 ...$11,2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998-819 # . ' * * 1 ***** i Jim Parlett, York, shows the grand champion ewe. Glen Emerick shows the grand champion yearling Columbia Ram dur- Ing the Natural Colored Wool Growers Association’s annual competition. * 4*
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