A3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Fanning Staff NORTH CORNWALL (Leba non Co.) A 4-year-old Holstein owned by Dale-Pride Holsteins of Annville last week was named grand champion of the Lebanon Area Fair open division Holstein show, held at the Lebanon Fair grounds, in North Cornwall Township. Not only did the Dale Hostetler family show the grand champion, 4-year-old Jamesholm Ram Almond A, to win the Albert Moy er Memorial Award, but repeated a 1996 fete of capturing both grand champion titles. The reserve grand was senior 2-year-old Dale-Pride Mandel Carmel, also named best bred and owned of the show. It was bred and owned by Dale Hostetler. Dale and Thelma Hostetler’s sons Alan, Jeffery, and Kurt Hos tetler exhibited and owned some of the animals included in the farm’s pedigree. The Hostetler families involved with Dale-Pride Holsteins also were winners of the show’s pre mier exhibitor and premier breeder awards, a dual honor that has eluded them since they won it three years in a row, from 1990-92, and several years before that. In the meantime, they have been consis tently at the halter of at least one of the annual Holstein show’s champion animals. The grand champion was also the recipient of the best bred and owned award, presented by Gregg Morrissey of Morrissey Insurance Inc. The junior champion of the show was a winter yearling, Son nen Stardust Kaybee, bred and owned by Adam J. Sonnen, of Son nen Holsteins in Richland. (Adam and his wife Lisa Sonnen own Son nen Holsteins and recently served as a host for part of the state Hols tein Association’s junior judging school.) Adam showed the grand champ ion last year, an aged cow, that was bred by his father Malcom. The reserve junior champion of the show was a winter calf, Sonny lee Luke Leah, owned by Nelson Ebersole of Lebanon, bred by Harvey E. “Sonny” Bomgardncr of Lebanon. The judge of the show was Michael Health of Westminster, Pa. Heath remarked that the show was challenging, and noted the depth in the classes that kept him on his toes, especially in placing some of the classes. For years, show judges at the Lebanon open division Holstein show have noted it for its quality and size. There were almost 170 From the left, Alan Hostetter holds the halter of the best bred and owned Holstein of the Lebanon Area Fair open division show, also named reserve grand champion, and receives a plaque from award sponsor Gregg Morrissey of Morrissey Insurance. Dale-Pride Holsteins Shine At Lebanon Area Fair Showing the champion Holsteins of the Lebanon Area Fair open division show are, from the left, show judge Michael Heath, Lebanon County Dairy Princess Heidi Fini cle, Lebanon Area Fair Queen Rebecca Shirk, county Li’l Miss Royell Bashore, Larry Moyer and Roy Moyer sponsors of the Albert Moyer Memorial grand champion award, Kurt animals exhibited in the show, with veiy few scratched entries. LEBANON AREA FAIR Dairy Show HOLSTEIN Open Divieion SPRING CALF' 1 Troul-Spnng Farm. 2 Chelsea Horst, 3 Kraig & Meranda Sellars. WINTER CALF. 1 Nelson Ebersole, 2 Scott I Karen Noll, 3 Kendra Reist FALL CALF. I.Nathan Seller; 2 Wmedale; 3Trout-Spnng Farm. SUMMER YEARLING 1 Nelson Bom gardner; 2 P Dustin Homing, 3 Kraig & Mer anda Seller SPRING YEARLING I.Kevin Bomgard ner, 2 Troul-Spnng Farm, 3 Eric Shollenberger. WINTER YEARLING-1 Sonnen Holsteins, 2 Melissa Moyer: 3 Katie Lentz FALL YEARLING 1 Margaret Bomgard ner, 2 Scott S Karen Noll, 3 Kurt Hostetler JUNIOR CHAMPION Sonnen Holsteins, winter yearling, Sonnen Stardust Kaybee RESERVE JR CHAMP Nelson Ebersole. winter call, Sonnylee Luke Leah JR BEST THREE; 1 Nelson Bomgardner, 2 Trout-Springs-Farm; 3 Scott & Karen Nolt DRY COW. 4 & YOUNGER I.Melinda Hossler, 2 Trout-Spring Farm, 3 Jay D Bomgardner DRY COW, 5 & OLDER: I.Klmedell Farms, 2 Nelson Bomgardner JUNIOR 2-YR-OLD 1 Jeffrey Hostetler; 2 Brenda Peitfer, 3 Hannah Bomgardner SENIOR 2-YR-OLD 1 Dale Hostetler, 2 Lynncrest Holsteins, 3 Justin Troutman JUNIOR 3-YR-OLD. I.Troul-Spnng Farm, 2 Brennan Johns. 3.Drem-On Holsteins SENIOR 3-YR-OLD- 1 Jadyn Troutman, 2 Trout-Spring Farm, 3 Sonnen Holsteins 4- 1 Dale Hostetler; 2 Timothy Vail, 3 Dale Hostetter 5- 1 Jeffrey Hostetter, 2 Scon & Karen Nolt; 3. Dale Hostetter. AGED COW. t.Dale Hostetter; 2.Scott & Karen Noll, 3 Scott & Karan Nolt. 125,000 LB COW: 1 Scott & Karen Noll; 2 Doyle Stump SENIOR CHAMPION- Dale-Pride Hols terns, senior 2-year-old, Dale-Pnde Mandel Carmel RESERVE SR CHAMP. Dale-Pnde Hols lems,4-year-old. Jamesholm Ram Almond A GRAND CHAMPION- Dale-Pnde Holsteins RESERVE GRAND CHAMP Dale-Pnde Holsteins SENIOR BEST THREE 1 Dale-Pride Holsteins, 2 Trout-Spring Farm, 3 Doyle Slump DAIRY HERD I.Dale-Pnde Holsteins, The Hostetter family behind the breeding and dairy farm of Dale-Pride Holsteins gathers to receive the premier breeder and exhibitor banners of the Lebanon Area Fair open division Holstein show. In the front row, from the left, are Lebanon Area Fair Queen Rebecca Shirk, Lebanon County Dairy Princess Heidi Finicle, County Dairy Maid Laura Blauch, Li’l Miss Royell Bashore, Dale and Thelma Hostetter holding the premier exhibitor banner, Alan and Robin Hostetter holding the premier breeder ban ner and Gail Hostetter. In the back row, from the left, is Bryan, Kurt, and Gregory Hos tetter, Adam Wolfe, and Ernie Hostetter. 2 Scott & Karen Nolt, 3 Kendra Reist. PROUDCE OF DAM- I.Klinedell Farm. 2 Scott & Karen Noll: 3.Amy Moyer DAM, DAUGHTER. I.Jeffrey Hostetter. Champion Market Lamb NORTH CORNWALL (Leba non Co.) The grand champion of the Lebanon Area Fair market lamb show was a crossbred animal exhibited by Kyle Fleener of Robesonia. The win made Fleener a dual winner in both the fair's market lamb and breeding sheep competi tions. Earlier last week, he showed the supreme champion breeding sheep. Then he came back to win the market competition, vying against 77 other entries. Judge for the show was Rod Krone. Showing the reserve grand champion, also a crossbred animal, was Wendy Atkins of Lebanon. The grand and reserve grand champions both weighed 125 pounds, and were the champion and reserve champion of the heavyweight class of the show’s crossbred market lamb division. The Lebanon Area Fair compet ition recognizes purebred market lambs, as' well as crossbred ani- Hostetter holding the halter of the grand champion, Alan Hostetter holding the halter of the reserve grand champion, Kirby Horst sponsor of the reserve trophy, Adam Sonnen of Sonnen Holsteins with the junior champion, and Alisha Myers with the reserve junior champion. 2 Horst/Nolts; 3 Stumps. telns, 2 Ju-Vmdale Holsteins; 3 Trout-Spring BEST UDDER: I.Scott & Karen Nolt, Farm S-year-old: 2.Timothy Vail, 4-year-old. PREMIER EXHIBITOR 1 Dale-Pride OLDEST COW. Doyle Stump, 10-year-old. Holsteins, 2.Country Path, 3Trout-Spnng PREMIER BREEDER' 1 Dale-Pride Hols- Farm Fleener Exhibits Grand mals. The champion and reserve champions of each division then compete for grand champion. In the purebred market lamb divisions, Melissa Risser of Leba non showed the champion Corrie dale, while Laura Martin of Annville showed the reserve champion. In the Dorset breed, Ann Leed of Myerstown showed the champ ion, while Angela Decker of Jonestown showed the reserve champion. In the Hampshire breed, the champion market lamb was exhi bited by Susan Leed, also of Myer stown, while Cassandra Schaeffer of Myerstown had the reserve champion. In the Montadale breed, Dee A nna Ebling of Newmans town exhi bited the champion, while brother Derek Ebling showed the reserve champion. MILK Where's your mustache? “ In the Southdown breed, the champion was exhibited by Matth ew Brown of Myerstown, while sister Katie Brown showed the reserve champion. In the Suffolk breed, Nathan Tice of Lebanon showed the champion, while brother Joseph Tice the reserve champion. In the rest of the crossbred market lamb division, the light heavyweight division champion was shown by Kyle Fleener, while the reserve champion was exhi bited by Cassandra Schaeffer. The chapion medium weight lamb was shown by Susan Leed, while the reserve champion was shown by Angela Decker. The champion lightweight lamb was exhibited by Heather Fuls of Richland, while Tabitha Kohr of Myerstown showed the reserve champion.
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