Annual Amish School Benefit Sale Saturday, August 1,1998 At 9:00 A.M. Located in Juniata County, 4 miles east of Mifflintown or 3 miles west of Thompsontown, PA, just off old Rt. 22 at the Village of Center. NEW QUILTS SELLING AT 1:00 P.M. Approximately 40 quilts in patterns such as Lone Star, Irish Cham, Ohio Star, and more, Wall hang ings; Crib Quilts; Craft Items NEW AND USED ITEMS SELLING - 9 A.M. New and used wooden furniture; farm machinery, farm related items, tools; antiques; collectibles; household; produce and much more 1 Please Note: There will be many items selling that are not known at this time. Anyone wish ing to donate or consign items contact: Urie Wengerd, R.R.2, Mifflintown, PA 17059 and Benny Petersheim, R.R.2 Box 152, Mifflintown, PA 17059, or bring to sale site Friday afternoon or early Saturday morning. Terms: Cash or Good Check. IF YOU ENJOY GOOD COUNTRY FOOD DON'T MISS THIS ANNUAL EVENT! Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer Phone 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L Sale Held in Tent • Not Responsible for Accidents FARM LAND AUCTION ESTATE OF RALPH B. GRUSHON 155.40 A. +-, With 14 Development Rights Emmitsburg Area, Frederick County, MD OWN A PIECE OF “STONEY BRANCH”, A 1754 LAND GRANT!! FARM LOCATION: The farm is located at 10029 and 10048 Four Points Rd , off Rt 76, near Motter Station, just east of Route 15 and Mount St Mary’s College AUCTION LOCATION: At the Rt 15 Auction Center, 9801 Hansonville Rd , Frederick, MD 21702' WED., JULY 29, 1998 AT 2:00 P.M. FARM TO BE OFFERED IN VARIOUS SIZE PARCELS: Ist OFFERING: The entire 155 40 A+- farm, with 14 development rights, 2 dwellings, bank barn This offer ing, in its entirety, consists of these separate parcels (#1) 133 38A , (#2) A and (#3) 2 98A MULTf-PARCEL OFFERING Your opportunity to buy the farm in parcels or groups, however the individual parcels must sell for greater than the entire farm bid to become effective 2nd OFFERING: Deeded Property, all tracts sold high bidder choice Tracts # 38A+-, with dwelling and bank barn, with 8 development rights, Tract #3 19 24A+-, with dwelling, and development nghts Tract #3-A. 278 A+-, unimproved property, and 2 develop ment rights 3rd OFFERING: High bidder may choose one or both tracts at high bid price Tracts #5 A 6: 72.7 A+, With dwelling and bank barn and 4 development rights Tracts #3. 3-A. 4 & 7: 82 7 A +-, with dwelling and bank barn and 10 development rights 4th OFFERING: All tracts sold high bidder choice, with the option of grouping or blocking after all tracts have sold tracts may be grouped or blocked as long as they are contiguous and open at a bid of the combined tract price plus 5%. Tracts #3 A 3-A: 22 25 A+, with develop ment nghts Tract #4: 29.00 A+-, with bam, and 1 devel opment right Tract #5: 29.00 A+-, with dwelling, and 1 development noht.Tract #6: 43 7 A+-, unimproved acreage, and 1 development right. Tract *7: 31.45 A+-, unimproved acreage, and 1 development right sth OFFERING: The combined prices of all tracts in Offering #4 Must exceed total of prices in Offering #4. NOTICE OF LEAD BASED PAINT INSPECTION. All potential bidders will be allowed by Seller at least a 10 day period prior to the sale date to conduct lead-based paint tests. Seller is not required to pay for these tests and bidders are not required to conduct them Seller will also provide bidders with any information that they have about lead-based paint contamination of the property and provide bidders ERA pamphlet on lead-based paint. TERMS: 10% deposit at time and place of sale Balance due within 45 days from date of sale. For full terms, showing or brochure, contact Jim Trout at 301- 898-9899 NOTE: Any announcements made on sale day super sede any printed matter Martha Jean Harner, Pers. Rep. of the Estate of Ralph D. Grushon 416 Prince Street Liftlestown, PA William E. Sauser, Esquire Sauser & Blair P O Box 548, Jefferson, MD 21755-0548 SINCE 1920 Vlrout if Auctioneers, Inc. "Expa/7anca Do*»n't Cost, tt Paytt" 9801 HansonvlHe Rd.. Frederick, MO 21702 Phona 301 *f96-9899'Ptx 301-BM-3SM PUBLIC AUCTION for CHARLES VISSER Farm Equip., Household, Carved Desk THURS., JULY 23,1998 @ 9:00 AM From Rt. 212, 1 mi. W of Pleasant Valley, turn onto Molasses Way, Three Maples Farm Household/Collectibles: Carved oak desk w/teardrp pulls, spool bed, oak caned rckr (hi back), Windsor chrs, rnd reed tbl w/4 chrs, wht dinette cab, stand, Singer elec sew mach, uprt Sears freezer, old wall telephone, appl peelers, wooden forks & rakes, block planes, bttr churn, pot belly stove, old Bibles & books, Sanitary store & beam scales, Columbia kitchen range, jugs, jars, wood tub. Farm Equip: 7’ Ford 3 pt sickle bar, Ford cul tivtr w/fertilizer attach, 24’ bale elevatr, 24’ Mayrath auger w/hyd motor, 14’ flat wagon, 3 pt PTO posthole digger, 3 pt screw wood splitter, New Idea PTO manure sprdr, sprgtooth harrow, push cultivator, cultipacker, Syracuse walking plow, 72” finish mower, 21” rotary mower, lawn vac & sweeper, 5 hp TruTest snow blower, swan sleigh, western saddle & horses, corn shelter, louver & panel shutters, oak dbl trees, neck yokes, bag truck, wooden whlbarrow, buggy jack, log chains, crsscut saws, 40’ wood ext Iddr, feed bunk, water trough, asst hand & garden tools. Note:” Smalls first, then farm equip. Refreshments. Conditions: Cash, Check, MC or Visa James W. Mohr & Son Auction Co. AU000627L 215-536-2324 or 536-1751 PUBLIC AUCTION of FLEETWOOD AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT S/S Kitchen/Cafeteria Equip., Metal & Wood Shop Power Tools, Weight Equip., Stack Chairs, Desks & Surplus Items on Saturday, July 25,1998 Located at the former Fleetwood High School, 409 N. Richmond St., Fleetwood. Just off Rt. 662, Fleetwood Boro, Berks Co., PA. Market Forge S/S 3ph. pressure ovens & 28” steam kettle unit; Hobart H-600 3ph. comm. fir. model mixer; Hobart S/S food chop per; 5 - 3 ph. ovens; Hobart S/S dishwasher; 32’ S/S serving line; S/S 12’ triple &8’ dbl. bowl sinks; 3 S/S portable warmers; 8+ S/S shelf units; chest freezers; kitchen carts; boilers, some S/S; Ig. muffin molds; cafeteria trays & dishes; 20+ 5’ round folding cafeteria tables & others. 2 - Logan 24” metal lathes; Burke horizon tal milling mach.; Delta metal shaper; Wellsaw cut-off saw; ROCKWELL: band saw, 10” radi al arm & table saws, 5” jointer, 2 - 30”x12” wood lathes; Lincoln 250 Idea-arc 3 ph. welder; Most equipment 3 phase. Miller spot welder; Johnson gas furnace; spray booth; Fairbanks platform scale; work benches; hand tools; & other shop items. Universal Gym & Universal Supine Mach.; bench presses; leg ext. mach.; Nissen 12+ 6’xl2' tumbling & some crush mats; toss backs; other exercise & weight training equip. 350+ chrome leg plastic seat stackable chairs; 50+ office/teachers metal desks, some wooden: 175+ fiberglass & 100+ wooden seat desk chairs: 30+ office/desk chairs; 15+ dbl. student drafting desks; 2 -6” glass display cabinets; book shelf & office cabinets; 6’ metal cabinets: library & folding tables; port, chalk & white boards: 4 drawer file cabinets; Apple 2E computers & printers; IBM monitors & drives; Singer & White Zig-Zag sew mach.; overhead projector; voting mach.; science equip.; teach ing charts; AV equip. & many more items. Sold For Fleetwood Area School District AUCTIONEERS I !>t Ij 610-689-5269 AU-300-L Sale at 9:00 A.M. Terms: Cash or PA Check Refreshments on Premises Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. IHURS JULY 30 - 9AM 116 Shaub. Inc. Auct 717-41 Bushong Rd , Quarrwille, Eden IHURS JULY 30-12 Noon R R Twp, Lane Co, PA Riding mow- #2, Box 260-B, Newport, Centre ers, snow blower, rototiller, lawn T wp , ra Real estate, appl, coll, equip, power & hand toots, boat, turn ,Hh goods, jewelry, guns, trailer & misc articles By William toys & trains By Beryl & Wilson H Brown Jr Estate Howard E PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 25,1998 9:00 AM Selling a collection reflecting both taste and quality from one of the most complete and picturesque horse farms in the area. Horse Equipment Furniture Antiques Coins Guns Italian Masi Racing Bike Located at 6600 Coffman Farms Road, Keedysville, MD On Route 34 West, go 3/4 mile past Red Byrd Restaurant turn right onto Coffman Farms Road, go clear to end. HORSE EQUIPMENT AND MISC. FARM ITEMS English saddle, eight sets of horse standards some with flower boxes, other misc tack; Gehl 135 PTO manure spreader, riding ring and pasture drag Five piece executive conference ensemble (Excellent) Entertainment center, televisions, VCR, refrigerator, dresser, chests, beds, misc rugs, mirrors, pic tures; bedding; linens; lamps; table, misc dishes, pots and pans, glassware, videos, file cabinets Lots of ladies new cosmetics and nail care items and other. EXCELLENT walnut, oak, Mahogany and cherry furniture Victorian mirror back sofa (excellent): sleigh beds; 5 piece hand-made cherry poster bedroom suit, Drury rug; Oriental rugs; oak wash stand, wicker porch and lawn furniture and planters; wrought iron set; old mirrors; several prints of horses and dogs, water and air prints; six Crys of London prints; Ira Lesher mantle clock, oil lamps, spool settee; floral painting on canvas, china, crocks and jugs, folk-art church. Victorian dollhouse; Nazi Helmet, U S. feed sack, Fodder boxes, ring anvil, anvil, dove-tailed boxes, decorative cast pieces, cast snow birds, black smith’s tools; corn shelter; iron fencing, grain cradles, store-type seed bin, horse sleigh, 2 fireplace mantles, German, Bavarian, Johnson Bros and English china, Marble base lamp with prisms, Early walnut extension table and six chairs, Gone With The Wind oil lamp, Crystal Hurricane lamp with glass prisms, walnut sideboard; 2 coffee grinders, marble top stand, large polled Hereford sign Indian head pennies, Morgan silver dollars; large cent, half dimes, approx 40 commemorative Civil War coins, mint sets, proof sets, 2 California Gold pieces, 2 Flying Eagles, 1925 commemorative and Connecticut, many silver coins and silver dollars, a 1990 $5 00 gold piece, many silver ingots, Kennedy, Eisenhower and Susan B Anthony dollars, books of various coins and more. Remington MB7O 12 gauge pump, Marlin M 25 22 with scope, Mossberg M4BO 22 with scope, Winchester M 1400 gauge shotgun, pre 1964 model Winchester 308 Feed carts, water tanks, 5' stone rake misc chains PTO seeder, 3 pt quick hitch, 3 pipe gates, one- and two-man saws, air compressor, misc shop tools, 12’ post hole digger, 3 pt stainless steel John Bean 100 gal sprayer with excel lent wand and boom, lawn and garden tools, Karcher power washer MANY OTHER VALUABLE ITEMS PREVIEW MORNING OF SALE ONLY Terms, cash or check, ID required, nothing removed until settled for, not responsible for accidents Auctioneer: C. Floyd Davis Clerks: Drury and Drury Phone 301-223-9761 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998-835 FURNITURE ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES COINS GUNS ITALIAN MASI RACING BIKE Farm Related Items Owners: JAMES AND ELLEN SAUNDERS 6600 Coffman Farms Road Keedysvllle, MD Hansbury Fahnestock's Auct Svc. 717-582-8565 THURS JULY 30-SPM 63Sun nyside Dr, Sch Haven, PA Con tents Ted Zuk, owner Dwight Miller, Auct THURS JULY 30 - 7 30PM Ben K Stoltzfus Farm Ist farm east of Intercourse, on Rl 340, Lane Co, PA PA Dairy Classic, fresh cows & heavy springers Man aged by Cattle Exchange & Stonehurst farm For info Dave Rama 607-746 2226 FRI JULY 31 - Near Bearlown Hill, Rt 322, Narvon, PA Real estate bilevel house on 4 acres By Richard L & Gwendolyn S Stauffer Aaron E Martin Auct Syc FRI JULY 31 - 14 acre Northern Chester Co Farmetle, personal property furniture, car 32 Saddle Wood Drive, from Morgantown take Rl 23 E to Knauertown turn left St Peters Rd approx 1/4 mile to Y, bear right onto Rock Run Rd to stop sign, turn nght approx 100 yds to Saddle Wood Drive, turn right David L & Susan M Newlon, owners Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts FRI JULY 31 - 8 30AM D «, S Nursery, 813 Rt 15 N Dillsburg PA Trees shrubs & plants ByO & S Nursery Art Pannebecker Auct Svc , 717-336-6983 FRI JULY 31 - 4PM Pennsbury Gardens, Rt 706 btwn Wyalus mg & Camptown, PA, Tractor w/quick hitch loader brush hog tiller lawn mower, potted shrubs By Mr & Mrs Ray Merritt Sham rock Auct Svc, 717-833-5913 FRI JULY 31 SPM Two Proper ties in Reading Pa Stalely Stone House, at 1400 Hampden Boule vard Reading Borough At 6 PM Office/Apt at 113 S Ninth Street Reading Borough Alderter Auc tion Co FRI JULY 31 - SPM Penns Val ley Livestock Centre Hall, PA Ridings Hitching spm tack 6 pm horses 7 pm PV Livestock, Auct FRI JULY 31 - 6PM Penns Val ley Livestock Centre Hall, PA Horse consignment sale PV Live slock, Auct FPI JULY 31 7PM 6633 Divi sion Hwy , Narvon, PA (Appx 4- 1/2 mi east of Blue Ball along Rt 322 at Beartown Hill, Lancaster Co, PA) Lg bi-level home Richard & Gwendolyn Stauffer, owners Aaron E Martin, Auct FRI JULY 31 4PM & SAT AUG 1 - 8 30AM 233 E Orange St Elizabethtown, Lane Co, PA License plate coll, jewelry watch es, knives smalls, hand & power tools, guns, mounts dishes furn 100 s of items By Fred T Lan caster Sr Keller Aucts
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