MAILBOX f.IARKF f FOR SALE Billy goat 3/4 Boer 2 yr. old, $l5O. Aaron E. Beiler, 1080 Whites Comers Rd , Ham son Valley, PA 16927 Pot ter Co 1949 Farmall M tractor, remanufactured governor, starter, generator, rebuilt car buretor. new battery, runs good, $1,600 609-459-0118 Cumb Co , NJ Pole bam 135'x45', all lum ber poles, nails out of all wood 610-385-7386 Berks Co Wheat straw, nice square bales, can deliver No Sun day calls 717-637-4887 York Co Mixed grass, small, square bales, $2 per bale, must pick up, buy all can store, no charge 814-652-2567 Bed ford Co. Western hats, 2 Stetsons, Gunsmoke 71/8", 1 straw QH crease, 63/4”, almost new; sportcoat sz 44, blue plaid on tan bg. very reasonable, 610- 827-7561 Chester Co 477 gas engine, A automatic transmission, CDL, GVW, 33,000, $6,000 080 717- 477-3612 Luz Co _ MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted! Check One: For Sale □ Notice □ Wanted CD- IS County - No Phone CaHs Please! Horse hay, Ig bales, no ram, $3/bale, nice bright straw, $2/bale 717-432- 3800 York Co. AKC 14 mo Sch, $l5O 080, also male Schnoodle puppy, 4mos old 717-365- 3109 Dau. Co Lumber rolls, 12’x30”, 10 pc, $3O ea. Jacob Stoltzfus, 19577 Sweetwater Rd , Dry Run. PA 17220 Frankl Co White chisel plow, new points, $9OO 080. Bnllion 12’ transport harrow, new teeth, $5OO, McCullough 2 man chainsaw. 717-286- 8866 Northumberland Co 87 GMC pickup 4x4 new hubs, Reading utility, cap w/ladder racks, good shape, 1,000 After 6 pm 609-662- 2741 Camden Co Clean 5 gal buckets, $5O ea., or $4O per 100 717- 354-5743 Lane. Co Hog waters hog feeder, cat tle scale, NH direct cut head cooler for 30x40 building wrapped & dry hay 814- 371-2289 Jefferson Co. Shoe repair supplies, sander, stitcher, sewing machine, good shape. John Fisher, 453 Maple Shade Rd , Kirkwood, PAA 17536 Lane Co AD FORM Attach Your Farming Mailii Here Small Int harvester corn husker on steel wheels, exc working cond , $5OO or trade on small crawler tractor. 540- 943-6087 Augusta Co Int harvester 5-6 hp hit miss type LB engine, 5-6 hp, best offer, all overhauled 610- 486-0469 Chester Co Krugar trailer 121/2 bed, dual axle, 4 wheel brakes, ramps, GVWR 8250 capacity, GAVW 3500 lbs , good cond 610-286-5885 Berks Co Alpine milk goat, first time fresh spring 98, 2 qts when fresh 717-738-1291 Lane Co 1970 Dodge Dart swinger at restorable paint poxy Goat 11, various colors, cattle racks for 8' pick-up, $B5 717-754- 4756Schuyl Co Feeder calves, good beef type, $175-$250 Angus X heifer calves, bottle babies, $75; Palammo stud colt, green, $475. 717-428-3124 York Co JD 630 Ip, 3 pth p s Oliver 88 row crop MH 30, 3 pth parting out, AC WD, JD A Oliver 70 717-546-8784 Lyc. Co §SB Perkins Sales & Service • Diesel Air Compressors • Diesel Hydraulic Units For Tunnel Ventilation • 7-160 HP Open Power Units • Cooling Compressor Units w/Air Motor or 12V Clutch ts/vVUy • Ice Boxes NEW 1 ~7 • Drydene Heavy Duty < Lubes ,N • Diesel Rebuilding LK SMUCKER REPAIR 125 LEACOCK ROAD GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Location: Peters Rd. & Leacock Rd., 3 Miles South of New Holland 717-355-2606 FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM! Requirements; 1) Subscribers allowed “one" free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mailing Label must be attached. 3) Limit: 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or wilt be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to-reject any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements. ** Phone No, Jamesway water bowls and lever stall yokes. 717-442- 8511 Lane. Co. Roger 44 mag. w/Leupotd scope, $595 or make offer Horse Pleasure harness, black w/brass, new, $495 717-445-8169 Lane. Co. Big Jim silo unloader for 20 ft 5 hp motor, $lOOO 080 717-322-7603 Lycoming Co 1969 tractor, front dump, 4 cyl, 4 spd, both directions, hyd steering & dump bed, good cond $BOO Fawn Grove area. 717-382-9811 York Co. Angus cross heifers, bed for March 99 calves, 4 head avail. $350 ea. or trade for hay. 717-927-9021 York Co Field hay rack, $lOO, barn fan on wheels, $BO, chain harrow, $lOO, 3 pt post hole digger, $lOO 610-869-0253 Chester Co. Flock reduction, Border Leicester ewes for sale, vari ous ages, colors, some cross es. $35 to $5O per head. 717- 284-3758 Lane. Co NI 768 3 row W/N, $875, Hercules silo unloader, $4OO 717-684-8923 Lane Co Mail To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Main St. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 No Phone Calls Please! Red patio bncks, 12x16x2, many available, $1 75 610- 754-6298 Montg Co Blue Lane sofa w/end recliners, like new cond . $450, 21" Zenith floor mod el TV, $125 717-293-9076 Lane Co Pollard Hereford bull, 15 mos , ready to breed, home raise, quiet sale, rent McCoy Cockeitiam 150 Planebrook Road, Malvern, PA 610-644- 0747 Chester Co 2 - 1,000 lb platform scales on wheels, choice $ll5, hog scaling troughs, $llO 717- 755-9418 York Co 24,500 bfu air cond , works {food, $350, boat seats, $lOO, chain hoist, $5O, 8’ truck cap, $5O 717-423- 6457 Frankl Co 1958 JD 620 NF RC PS, new rubber, 3 pt good tin, runs good 717-625-3845 Lane Co 235 Case IH $7200, 1045 Massey loader, 12,000, 1960 Willys Jeep, 1,000, Yamaha golf cart, 1,500, snow plows 71/2-12 717- 726-7545 Clinton Co 14,000 new tob lath, take a look, all or part, best offer, call eves 717-354-7687 No Sunday calls Lane. Co # Country Freezer Ice Cream Makers Add your favorite flavors and treat the whole family! Quality built, will last for generations. Pine bucket, stainless steel crank and ice I Stainless dasher 1 hardwood J scrapers. Optional motor or electric. Available 6, 8 or 20 quart size. Meadow Creek Welding 124 Meadow Creek Road • New Holland, PA 17557 717/355-0779 Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address Attach your check, $29.50 per year or $57.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $39.50 per year, $77.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■ When writing us about your subscription please attach your 1 Lancaster Farming mailingjabel here and mail the whole form to I LANCASTER FARMING I P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1998 PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV □ $29.50 -1 YEAR □ $57.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Name _ Address RD #J City Zip +4 _ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998-827 40 4x6 rubber stall mats, free, must take all, com silage in ag bag, $25/lon 717-665-7863 Lane Co 1978 24’ Shasta Camper, sleeps 6, fndge, oven, stove, sink, bath, toilet, dining, call for Justin $BOO 080 610- 754-6685 Montg Co 50 steel tube milking stalls, $5 ea, less 20% for sor more Appx 5x5x15 metal gram bin, $35, 3,000 sq ft barn for rent, $l9O 717-859- 5415 Leb Co Kubota diesel 18 hp, 4’ mow er, Yanmar diesel, 24 hp, 5’ cut, Ford 9N, AC both w/loaders and trailers, $2995 080 717-665-5243 Lane Co JD 336 w/baler, good cond , no thrower, $3OOO or reas offer, 717-656-9480 Lane Co. 1979 MF 750 Gray Cab combine w/15’ 1859 flex head: Hydro, 4 WD, straw chopper, 28x26 tires, good working cond , $l5OO 717- 733-0043 Lane Co Pygmy goats. 2 buckhngs, ready to go 7/21, $5O ea Also 2 adult does, $75 ea 610-582-2587 Berks Co Box’# State County Non-Refundable JD 332 diesel, 50” deck, 3 pt, 4 hyd. outlets, pfo, nice, $4250, No Sunday calls, 717-949-3007 Leb Co Oliver super 77, 3 pt hitch, PTO hyd , good cond , $1750, 3 pt bale spear, $5O, round wire com cnb, $175 717-445-4438 Lane Co Farmhouse bam & pasture, rent 1 year to own, 2-1/2 sty brick 3 BR, 2 BA, 10 ac , horse Dallastown, $198,000 717-244-1130 York Co Purebred Airedale puppies, shots & wormed, $lB5 ea Frank M Sensemg, 330 Akron Rd, Ephrata, PA 17522 Calf cages 4x5 w/bucket holders, $2O ea 814-448- 2971 Huntingdon Co Quarter horse, 5 yr old mare w/filly, colt, buckskin and fhorobred cross bred w/reg fhorobred, $l3OO 717-374- 5630 Snyder Co Farmall F2O $525, 60 ft new roller chain, $B/ft 717-597- 3480 Frankl Co JD 327 baler w/30 ejec tor, 800 gal Delaval milk tank w/automatic washer, good shape 717-865- 6836 Leb Co OTHER STATES □ $39.50 - 1 YEAR Q $77.00 - 2 YEARS □ RENEWAL
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