D22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 FOR SALE; Meadow Hay. early season cut, fine stemmed. (717)933-8302. Good grass hay for dry cows and heifers, $65/ ton. Delivery available. (717)485-3619 Grass hay round, 4x4, $25 at the barn, stored inside 717-398-1739 Lycoming Co HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. We de liver L J HAY, INC 1-800-622-9902. Hay and Straw For Sale, Stump Acres 717-792-3216 York County Haylage for sale out of field Morgantown, PA 610/286-2895 High Moisture Shelled Corn Out of Harvest or Silo Lancaster County PA (717)872-5620 High-Moisture Ear Corn $7O/T on Haylage $35/Ton, Corn-Silage $2O/Ton Chester County (610)869-2527 High-Moisture Ground Ear Corn from AG-BAG. $9O/Ton, Can Deliver! Also Alfalfa Hayledge, & Corn Silage, NO SUNDAY CALLS. Adams County. (717)624-8123, High quality corn silage for sale $35/ton at farm Lan caster County (717)786-3080 IDAHO'S BEST ALFALFA delivered direct to you. Ida- Best Hay Co. 800/558-2378, ask for Darren LIVESTOCK BEDDING Clean sawdust up to 70 cu yd $4 25/per cu yd , plus delivery GIFT LUM BER CO, INC Douglass ville, PA 610-689-9483 7 30am-4pm. Mixed hay for heifers and dry cows 717/258-5224 Mixing salt, $9O/ton Free Delivery within 60 miles of Gettysburg 717-632-9144 MUSHROOM SOIL for sale Delivery available or pickup 610-939-9193 Organic soybeans for sale, roasted or raw Also oats (717)582-2730 ROLLED CORN SILAGE $2O/Ton at the farm, delivered w/trucks equiped to unload directly into the blower Tractor and blower available Dale Good Southern Lebanon County 717-949-2371 Seed oats for sale Cleaned & bagged STUMP ACRES 717/792 3216 York Co Seed Wheat, field run, $3 50/per bushel Ben Kauffman, 2400 Compass RD , Honeybrook, PA 19344 Shelled corn & soybeans organically grown, no chemicals used Lanco 717-354-5092 TMR DELIVERED, & blown into your silo TMR consists of haylage, corn silage and high moisture corn All you would need yet, is additional mineral/ protien Dale Good South ern Lebanon County 717-949-2371 Top quality mixed hay $3 00/bale at barn 717/865 4650 Top quality corn silage- Chopped w/JD chopper w/ roller mill Can deliver w/ self unloading truck and blower or tn-axle dump truck- Call for price and analysis Star Rock Farms (717)872-9152 (717)392-6854 WANT damaged or moldy corn and barley Hauling available (800)433-6236 WANTED Damaged or moldy corn, grain or soy beans. 717/733-4516. Wanted to buy 18 ton of organic alfalfa hay, prefer second cutting hay Call 973/543-9655 evenings IT TO BUY: Moldy Grain, Feed, or Bi- Products. 410-526-6892 Weaver Line 430 Feed Cart. Stainless Steel Hy drostatic. Also, Gehl 940 & 920 Forage Wagons. Best Offer. 717-866-6859. Wheat straw 70 ton 3x3 bales, also alpha hay (300 tons) phone 610-767-2409. Wrapped balage for sale, good quality, made in May. 301-264-4662 COTTON SEED CITRUS PELLETS | COTTON MEAL SOY HULLS Triple S Farrn 5549 Old Philadelphia Pike Gap, PA 17527 717/768-7529 t SELLING { A HIGH 1 \ MOISTURE h ~ \ corn } t 1 will Deliver ) | HIGH MOISTURE ( LUKE H. KURTZ i SMELLED CORN \ 610-944-0263 i | $BB/ton } Berks Co. \ t Out of Harvester II 800-634-0081 i| ask for Todd York Co j; Alfalfa Seed Taking Orders. • Tested for germination and purity •Will ship UPS • $1 92/lb , • 50 lb bags Homestead Nutrition Inc. (717)354-4398 FOR SALE HIGH MOISTURE SHELLED CORIN out of Harvestore Delivery Available John Wiker Conestoga, PA 717/872 4209 WANTED Mulch Hay, and Straw, round or square bales Call eve. (610) 593-7317 in Bought and rites p!iid for torn and sovl with prompt pa>ment laily quotes. \sk about out co-paq trucking program hady Lane Farm: David L. Fite Quarryville, PA 717-786-1725 TOP QUALITY CORN SILAGE Chopped with JD chopper with roller mill, Have anal 1 Can deliver with self-unloading truck & blower or tn-axle dump truck. Call for price STAR-ROCK FARMS 717/872-9152 717/392-6854 Silage^! Irrigated, Rolled Call For Price Morgantown ' (610) 286-9510^ BLm). AfeJl C. M. SCHNELLE Buying Delivered Racetrack Quality Hay & Straw 302/999-1201 Alfalfa Balage Lab Tested 3x3 Mid-Size Squares 1-888-4BALAGE {new higher j \ PRICES J p Giorgi Mushroom j r Company » h is now purchasing i ( mulch hay in \ K round or square >, f bales. i \ Please call f % 610-926-8811 ; IT ext. 634 ,) t for our latest price ■) V and delivery ' information FOR SALE 200 ton high moisture shelled corn, in harvester silo. Tower City, PA 717-647-9492 'sis availabl ORGANICALLY GROWN HAY!!! Oidei 1998 hav now 0.C./.A. certified Alfalfa Shipment in Truckloads Directfiom Nehiaska to vow faun Call in Maryland Cohen Feed 410-563-8855 * j/ Livestock Pre-mixes Blender & Dist. • Feed Ingredients " Ask About Our Dairy Program Try Our Liquid Energy tor _____ Appetite and Efficient Digestion s Hy-Ration Dog Food Ronald S. Keener Grain Buying and Selling Ear and Shelled Corn and Soybeans 60’ Trailer Scales Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-631)9 Home 717-653-5254 Elevator WANTED MULCH HAY Square or Round Bales! No Alfalfa! Bodman Farms * Gerald Bodman. 717-437-2076 BUYING • Shelled Corn • Soybeans • Wheat Drying & Storing • Corn Silage Delivered For Sale! • Dry Shavings /0 WEBB’S • PRODUCTS m c Mill Hall, PA 17751 (717)726-4525 *3> -c S- rtaveG» a ' 1 ' X NELSON L. ROHRER | X Extruded * Soybeans £ Bagged 80 lb. or Bulk ? y Shelled Corn, Ear Corn and S X Soybeans - Barley & Wheat Buying - Drying - Contracting £ % (717) 569-7929 £ % (717) 569-4383 . £ HoHfaod, Penna. Buying Corn, Beans, Wheat, & Barley 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 Bloomsburg, PA Now Receiving @ Mainville Ag Grain (717)784-6922 Round Bale Plastic Supplies Bags 4 ft 15 per roll 5 mil Blk 556 50 sft 10 per roll 5 mil Blk S5O 00 Sleeves 4ft 25 per roll 4 mil Blk S3B 00 4 1/2 ft 25 per roll 4 mil Blk S4l 50 sft 25 per roll 4 mil Blk 552 50 Bate Wrap 20 in x 6K $52 50 to $55 50 30 in x 5K $6B 00 to $72 00 Same Day Shipping UPS Hay Bag & Cover P.O. Box 297 Portersville. PA 7t051 724-568-8188 i*W^| «» BUYING EAR CORN \ / Shelled Corn & Soybeans I ‘ Contract or Daily Price # 1 Picked Up At Field • J Or Delivered To Manhelm J (717) 665-4785 | ) (717) 665-9463 I \ NOLL GRAIN | Trailer loads of ! j Mushroom Mulch available S j &&&&&&&&&&&&&& & KILN DRIED WOODSHAVINGS & ■"BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER 2 8 1 (I. 1 28 Cu Ft Papcr/Plaslii. Bale 2 s To 1 C omprcssion Qk Gt.idc ol fine Medium or Tlakv Woodsha\mes C* Year Round Suppl) Foi Ycai Round Customers Pistnhuiot \ VC l( owed APPALACHIAN SHAVING QUEBEC CANADA Tel. 514-425-0835 / iti Deh\creil w I OB Blum pm < * Fax 514-425-8871 ,<«<• <«• «j J ATTENTION KENNELS J •' Try Our Hy Pro 27%-12% Meat 'J $ Base With Rice Soy Free § Dog Food § v Other Formulations Available v Truckload Pricing Upon Request 717-799-0192 * $ "»> <«* >»>’ Hay S Straw Fill Your Barn Now w/Ncw Crop Grass Hay • 5-10 ton loads sound, small square bales $lOO/ton • Alfalfa & alfalfa grass mix $l2O-150/ton • Timothy horse hay $ 120/ton • New crop grass hay 4x5 round bales $BO/ton • Straw square bales $l2O/ton Clarence Bange York Co. (717) 292-6595 * HIGH PROTEIN RYELAGE * 21.6% Protein 67% TDN 30.4% ADF 54.7% NDF 67% Moisture .69 NEL Currently being fed to our dairy herd averaging 91 lbs. of milk per day Delivery available w/self-unloading truck & blower or tri-axle dump truck Call for Price Star Rock Farms 717/872-9152 717/392-6854 a a
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