JUNIATA COUNTY “COUNTRY” REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC AUCTION FRI. EVENING, JULY 24,1998 7:00 PM Property is located approx. 6 miles south of Port Royal, just off Rt. 75, Spruce Hill Township, Juniata County. Follow the sale signs from Rt. 75 at Spruce Hill Lunch. Real Estate will be offered for sale at Juniata Markets, Jet. of Rt. 75 and old Rt. 22 at the blinking lights, 1 mile north of Port Royal, Juniata County, or just off the Port Royal exit of Rt. 322. This cottage is just what the doctor ordered for a little R& R! With its location w/m walking distance of the Tuscaroara Creek, and only minutes from state game lands, this would make a perfect weekend retreat. It not only offers Ig. kitchen w/dinmg area, 2 bedrooms, 3/4 bath, laundry area, but a closed-m porch w/wood stove hook-up capable of heating the entire cottage. This home has electric baseboard heat, on lot sewage, a drilled well, and is situated on a 27,000 sq. ft. lot. If you have been looking for a small cozy place to call home, or just an affordable place to get away from it all, don’t miss seeing this one on the following show dates - SATUR DAYS' JULY 11 and 18 FROM 1-4 OR CALL (717) 436-8149 FOR AN ARPT. SUSAN J. PALM, Owner Clyde Bomgardner, Atty. TERMS: 10% Down, Balance Due In 45 Days, Other Terms At Auction LONG’S AUCTION SERVICE RAY LONG, AUCTIONEER AUOO7O2L (717)527-2405 Of farm Equipment Thursday, July 23,1998 - 11:00 AM AUCTION HELD ON THE FARM SOUTH ANNVILLE TOWNSHIP - LEBANON COUNTY - PA DIRECTIONS: From Route 422 in Annville go South on Route 934 for 1/2 mile to the farm on Right. LOOK FOR SIGNS. TRACTORS; Deut/-Fdhr DX 4 70 Turbo Diesel with cab, AC, Radio, 18 4 x 34 tires. Equipped with 540 and 1,000 PTO shafts, hydraulics, 3 point, only 1,299 hours Purchased new around 1985. (Nice Condition) International 684 Diesel tractoi with a Case IH loader. 18 4x30 tires, Hi-Lo Range, 3 point and hydraulics Deutz-Alhs 6150 diesel with Rops, hydraulic and PTO. Only 327 hours (Like New) John Deere 4400 combine diesel with AC. cab, stalk chopper, monitors, 2,348 hours Also has a Hmiker gram head and a JD 443 corn head FARM EQUIPMENT INCLUDES Sunflowci 1211 heavy duty offset disc, International 4500 vibra shank 13’ field cultivate)!, John Deere 1350-1450 4 bottom plow, Massey Ferguson 3 bottom plow. 3 wheel 4 Row Bnlhon 3 point cultivaloi, 14' Bullion cultipacker, John Deere 7000 4 row com planter with momtoi, liquid fertilizer tanks, hesston stack balei, Hesston stack movet, 462 New Holland 3 point 7' disc mower, Woods 214 batwing 14' mowei, 3 wheel New Idea 402 side delivery rake, International 3 point 7' sickle bar mower, Round bale movei, Smokei 24' hay elevator. Mow mover hay elevator, New Idea 3626 manure spreader with pan gale. Gchl hi throw blower, 2 Kill Bros 350 bin wagons with Gehl running gears, Stoltzfus wet lime spreader with hi-flotation tires, trailer mounted sprayer with fiberglass tank and 26' boom, 3 point spiayer with fibeiglass tank and 30’ boom, also extra sprayer pumps MIS CELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: John Deere 275 snow blower - 7 1/2 ft, pull behind mini pan earth mover, 2 row transplanter, 3 point post hole diggei, Cornell 3 pint hydraulic log splitter, New Holland buck saw belt driven, old hay wagon with dump, land roller MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: 1,100 gal lon polly fertilizer tank, tractors chains, handy man jacks, Sears 3 HP air compressor. St-ihl F5OB brush cutter, fuel tank with hand pump, front tine rototiller, tandem trailer axle, farm gates, buster bar, haid ware and other farm related items VEHICLES Not 1962 Chevrolet Dump with 7'xl2' Grain Box, 1970 Chevrolet Window Van Inspected Rusted Body. UCTION NOTE Farm has been sold which makes auction necessary All equipment in good condi tion and has been shed kept Not many small items We will be in the field at 12 00 NOON To sell machinery Cash or good PA Check, Out of state buyers must have bank letter of credit addressed to this TERMS auction NELSON L. EBERSOLE, AUCTIONEER LlC# - AU-001307-L PUBLIC AUCTION m**— ROY D. SHIRK, AUCTIONEER LICENSE # AU-003248-L PHONE: (717) 867 : 1119 FAX (717) 867-5606 ASSISTED BY PUBLIC AUCTION Farm Equipment —. Fri. July at 11 AM Between Northampton & Pennsville in the village of Kreidersville turn onto Howertown Rd. go 1/2 mile, turn onto Old Carriage Rd. go .8 mile to auction on left top of hill in field. Northampton Co., PA Tractors: Ford 9600 w/cab; Oliver 1850 Hydra Power gas, 3 pt & wf; Ferq 63 low utility gas w/multipower; Tillage: Ford #142 semi mtd 6 btm spring trip pi; JD 12' transport plowing disc; 16' transport harrow; 12' inside dual wheel transport roller harrow (needs rollers); Grain: Ford 642 sp combine w/4 & 6 re heads; White 6-30" r air c planter, liq fert & pump; MF 15 single disc gr drill; 2 AB BB auto ASC propane dryers; Spd King 57'8" transport pto auger; 32' 8" transport auger w/7.5 sp motor; Having: MF mower conditioner; NH mod 57 pto Rolabar rake; Int 430 baler w/#l5 Thrower; Pequea B’xlB’ metal bale side wagon; (2) old 14’ wdn bale side wagons; Misc.; (21 300 gal fuel tanks w/pumps, N. Idea two beater pto spreader (needs fir); 500 gal steel fcrt tank; 1983 Buick Estate Station wagon 143,000 miles, runs nice; 40 gal of Liquid Fish; plus many items not mentioned. Note: Equip is weather beaten & some has been used hard. Terms - Cash or acceptable check girl'll JWOVKH AuuilON CO<* too. 120 Oman It •Ka 2» (110) 30S-IOH FU (IK) MS-0221 FOOdnOM. n 10051-0215 TIWM SOHiCO UMO MSS’ ■ *>»i. [tions ry: Mrs. Naomi Kruger [NDUCTE] Selling For: Nina Koehler HJ-OOUOO-I ' ' * r - ~A H. ; v -.; "** -*•*■—, /' ■» - ~.'*r \ - --• ••&*••- Dairy and Livestock Sales Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. 6 - 7PM Middleburg Lvsf Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Graded Feeder Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners, 717-837-2222 SAT NOV 7 - Ithaca, NY New York Holstein Harvest Sale The Cattle Exchange, 607-746-2226 SAT NOV 7 - 10 30AM Mel’s Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 MON NOV 9-710 Schoeneck Rd, Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Real estate, 91 acre limestone farm w/limestone house By Pennfield Corp Aaron E Martin, Auct, 717- 733-3511 MON NOV 9 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc lion A & C Dinenbach Auction Inc WED NOV 11 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct FRI NOV 13-9 AM 100 W Jack son St, New Holland. Lane Co Pa Tractors, (arm equip &sup plies A&C Didenbach Auction Inc FRI NOV 13-12 Noon Middle- Burg Livestock Auct Sis,lnc Mid dleburg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717- ** * * SPECIAL * *★* HOLSTEIN OA ,RY SALE r °/So Ay * Tues -> July 7,1998 7:30 PM * To be mm Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales - Smoketown, pa This sale will include a lot of cattle, with a lot of quality & a lot of milk. Group #1 - Fancy load of Canadians mostly purebred including: ★ Fancy 3 yr. old Astre milking in the 80’s Dam Ex. Board Chairman with records to 5.5-364-24,654- 4.6-1135-3.6-895 Next Dam Ex-3E with records to 6.9-370-24,800-4.4-1100- 3.4-853. 3rd Dam VGB6 with records to over 26,000. ★ 2 Full sisters by Prelude - both 3 yr. olds. One milking in the 80’s, the other over 90. From the same Dam as the Astre above. ★ 3 yr. old Hanoverhill Lincoln milking over 90 lbs. Dam VGB6 with records to over 23,000 & 4% fat. Next 2 Dams both VG and over 4% fat. ★ Special 2 yr old Red and White dtr of Granduc Pro; tone Son of Cherry-Red) She is fresh and milking high 70's Dam over 20,000 lbs. in 305. ★ 5 yr. old Stardom milking 100 lbs. Dam 186,000 life. Next Dam 150,000 lifetime. ★ Fancy uddered Jr. 2 yr. old by Browndale Mariner (brother is Stardust) fresh 2 weeks milking 75 lbs. ★ Big, fancy 3 yr. old Skychief milking 85 lb. Dam - Lmdy Dtr. 2-0- 366-18,144-4.3-789-3.4-617. Next Dam 86 pt. Starbuck 5.11- 320-25,042-4.1 -1032-3.1 -772. ★ Fresh 2 yr. old by Emerald Acres - SA Tonic, milkm Dam by Jupiter with 3.3-331-24.513-3.8-933 ★ Big, Black, Jr. 2 yr old by Wa-Del Mystique with a fancy udder and milking 80 lbs. Dam - over 23,000 with 3 7 fat. Next Dam also over 23,000. ★ Fancy 3 yr. old Sunspark Destiny milking 75-80 lbs. with 2.1- 365-17,403-4.1-710-3.3-580 from a Raider - Dam Several Oth er-Registered cattle sired by some of the great ones, including Raider, Charles, Tiger Cat and Park. Group #2 - A super group of fresh 2 yr. olds that are all fresh within the last 2 weeks, with beautiful udders and lots of milk. Including some really nice Registered heifers from one herd with records on their Dams to over 30,000 milk - They are fancy. Group #3 - A select group of 2,3, & 4 yr. olds from New England - Mostly all fresh and milking heavy - The right kind. 1 Load of fresh Ist and 2nd calf heifers from Davey King. Fancy Grade Bull Ready For Service Anyone in need of some top replacements>or additions should be in Smoketown on the 7th “We ace small but can do it all. " lunch for the dairyman 1 hour before the sale - FREE Mel Hoover-Auctioneer AUOO3II-L Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 4, 1998-833 837-F97P FRI NOV 13-IPM 548 Alexan der Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. 717-249- 4511 FRI NOV 13-6 PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St. New Holland. Lane Co, PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717-354- 4341 FRI NOV 13 & SAT NOV 14 - Lebanon Area Fairgrounds Lebanon, PA Martin's Annual Fall Consignment Auction, carnages sleighs & antiques Consign ments welcome 717-354-6671 Martin Aucls. Inc SAT NOV 14 - Important North east Dispersal The Cattle Exchange, 607-746-2226 SAT NOV 14 - Lebanon Valley Lvst Mkt, 1 mi E of Fredericks burg, PA along Rt 22 Work, dri ving & riding horse sale Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers & Gerald Hoover, Aucts SAT NOV 14 -10 AM Finger lakes Livstock Exc 3865 Rt 5&20, Canandaigua, NY Feeder Cattle Sale 716-394-1515 MON NOV 16 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St New Holland Lane Co Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A&C Dinenbach Auction, Inc MON NOV 16 - 2PM From Rt 272 at Weavers Market, lake Rt 897 N towards Remholds, L onto Smokestown Rd to 227 Smoke stown Rd , Lane Co, PA Real estate, 128 acre farm w/stone house “known as the Fichtorn Farm" By Amos B & Nora B Hoover Aaron E Martin Auct Svc TUES NOV 17 - 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Mar ket, Inc. 717-249-4511 TUES NOV 17 - 7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- 4511 WED NOV 18 -10 AM Wolge mulh Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemulh Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED NOV 18 & THURS NOV 19 - 8 30AM 5174 Horst Rd Chambersburg, PA Lawn & gar den, misc (Wed), farm machin ery & tractors (Thurs ) Marion Auction Service, 717-375-4700 FRI NOV 20 - 9AM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Equipment Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk Owners 717- 837-2222 FRI NOV 20 - 7PM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg PA Feeder Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk Owners 717-837- 2222 SAT NOV 21 - 10 30AM Mels Stables, 834 Wallace Rd New Holland, Lane Co PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover Auct 717 354- 8397 SAT NOV 21 -11 AM Inter course Lane Co PA Quest for Excellence Sale The Cattle Exchange,6o7 746 2226 MON NOV 23 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St New Holland Lane Co Pa Hay gram & straw auc tion A&C Dilfenbach Auction Inc Miles- ihet 70-75 lbs FREE
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