Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication HPUBLIC AUCTION PUBLIC AUCTION!! KANES AUCTION IN ASSOCIATION WITH MARTIN AUCTIONEERS Of New Holland Pa. IS PLEASED TO PRESENT SATURDAY, JULY 11,1998 @ 9 AM at The BA RE VI LEE Fire Hall PART 2 OF THE HERBERT J ROSS ESTATE OVER 2000 items to be sold without Minimum or Reserve M Moie than 100 lots o( ANTIQUE VICTORIAN OAK & WICKER 'i&te/AbA FURNITURE, including, 19thC hand painted Firescieen, Hoover cabinet, Oak Tables with ovcrsi/ed claw led, Mahogany walnot, Oak scrvei. Sets of Oak Chans, PR ol |9thC handpainted chairs, " m headed Rockci, etc LEADED LAMPS. HUMPBACK inks, COLLECTION OF 19th CENTURY WALL CLOCKS, & iBLE CLOCKS, 19th C OIL PAINTINGS, HAND CARVED OODEN PMNPINGS by the late Steven De Rosa, OVER 1000 ITS OF ANTIQUE’ TOY SOLDIERS. & pre 1914 ME PAL FIG IFS including Bi mans. Baiclay, Grey Iron, Manoil, Happy in, Haitland, Amencan Metal. Seveial BOY SCOUT Figures, s Ethiopians, Black Poilcis, chefs, etc ANTIQUE TOYS & ST IRON BANKS, (mechanical & still) I9lo's MICKEY, (USE ITEMS, COLLECTION OF OVER 100 ANTIQUE iLLLCTIBLF, DOLLS, including closed mouth Kestneis, use, chaiactei babies, Alexandeis, Ellanbee Honey, nple, Black, Cloth, Slulled Animals, etc DOLL Accessories, . * ERLING SILVER CIVIL WAR OFFICER S SWORD, , v , V . SIGNED & SIGNED BY TIFFANY, RARE CIVIL WAR J, fi Sft ft TOP REUNION CANTEEN, COLLECTION OF MENS VIN- u*. , ,GE WRIST WATCHES, SIGNED PR DECOYS, DEPRES- ■pM* SION GLASS, Green, Pink, Yellow, cleai etc PRIMITIVES, CROCKS, JUGS, COPPER TUBS, ANTIQUE OAK VOTE BOX, PE.RFUME BOTTLES, Antique, Commercial & Avi COSTUME JEWELRY, VINTAGE HATS, ORIGINAL, AUT' GRAPHED MICKEY MANTLE PHOTO PLUS OTH' I - ■ fw SIGNED BASEBALL MFMORABILI V TIFFANY STERLI kl SILVER TEA SET, OVERSIZED TIFFANY GOBLET, FRAM SmiLM) ANTIQUE SAMPLERS, L'mquc Ten piece antique MURAI Wvflf GLASS Tl A SET with etched nnnuied tray. Complete ROY DOULTON set ol Dishes, Semce lor 12, HIIMMELS, VINTAGE'' LINENS, ANTIQUE CLOTHING PORCELANES. OLD ADVERTISING ITEMS, PAPER EPHEMERA, plus HUNDREDS OF ITEMS IN GREAT BOX LOTS This is an absolute auction, eveiy thing must and will be sold Photos available on request lor additional into call 71 8-59 1 -4979 oi 717 754-6671 PREVIEWS: Friday, July 10, 4PM till BPM Saturday, July 11, SAM till 9PM Bareville Fire Hall: 211 East Main Street, Lcola, Pa. (approx 6 miles East of Lancaster on Route 23) or (25 miles West on Route 23 from Morgantown Exit of Pennsylvania Turnpike) Watch for Signs. Terms: Cash or check with current bank letter of guaranteed payment. 10% Buyers Premium Pa Au 0001863 L ' Pa Au 000144 L SAT JULY 18 - 9AM Valuable real estate limestone mill 1 acre oak/ome furniture, cralts lawn/piavqroun'i furniture 4887 Newport Rd from Intercourse taken 772 E pastPequeaValley High School to property on left Amos E & Anna S Fisher Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts SAT JULY 18-9 AM 404 E Sec ond Ave Litilz Lane Co , PA Furniture mcl tables, chairs, clocks, BR suite, TV, floor lamps, and misc items mcl china, dish es. prints, linens, baskets, shelv ing, tools, dryer, etc Jay Wennch, owner EM Murry Assoc. Auct ——r 7. ; . ——7-7 esiuio, uuinm luinu , neeieia, SAT JULY 18 - 9AM 2001 Lor- display cases, butcher equip & rame Road, Hampdan Heights, acc ( slaughter, kettle & smoke Reading Household goods room e q Uip | awn m ower antiques & lot of books Mrs School Benefit Quilt & Consignment Sale Annual Sale Sat., July 11,1998 9:00 AM At Shermans View School, Perry County, located 3 miles West of Loysville, 1 mile South of Centre, Off Route 274, 35 miles Northwest of Harrisburg. Appioxiniately 50 Quilts (12 TOPM) Lots of different style Quilts, Crafts. Flowers, and many other miscella neous items including Deacons Bench with Toy Chest Clothestree, Bookcase, Breadbox, Dry sink, one new two seated Sprmgwagon with 12V lights fiom Conoco Coach & Woodworking Load of new Door & Windows (seconds). Lunch Stand. Chicken B B Q Soups Sandwiches, and Homemade Baked Goods Sale to be held under Tent, we will sell your items on commission. For more Information Call 717-759-9258 or 717-536-3433 Sale by Perry County Amish Parochial School Grace (Jan) Deelman owner Dale)- Putt, Auct SAT JULY 18-9 AM Hoist Auc tion Center, corner of Rt 322 & Durlach Rd , (Apprx 2-1/2 mi west of Ephrata) Furniture, appli ances, china & glassware, linens artwork & prints, toys, tools Horst Auct SAT JULY 18 -10 AM New Hoi land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co PA Horse Sale 717-354 4341 SAT JULY 18-10 AM 1038 POW ells Valley Rd, Halifax, PA Real mt 'Sj -L blade/motor & misc By Charles Karen Radel David Deibler & Ed Shoop, Aucts _ SAT JULY 18 12 NOON, Local ed in Turbetl Twp, Juniata Co 3 miles S of Port Royal along Mountain Rd Tuscarora Mt Log Home & Acreage Estate of Leona J Youtzy Bryan D Imesjiuct MON JULY 20- 10AM 100 W Jackson St New Holland Lane Co , Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirlenbach Auction Inc _ _ TUES JULY 21 ■ 548 Alexander Spnng Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cal tie Sale Carlisle Livestock Mar ket. 1nc.717-249-4511 TUES JULY 21 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co , Pa Quilt, craft & buggies A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc TUpS JULY 21 - 9AM 114 Har vey Ave, Pennside, Reading Household Goods & Tools Joseph Grande Estate Dale L Pull, Auct TUES JULY 21 - 4PM 590 Mar tindale Rd, Martmdale, Lane Co , PA From Ephrata, Rl 322 east to Hmkletown traffic light, turn left to Martmdale Rd thru square in Mar tmdale, property on right Person al prop. antiques, tools NH & PUBLIC AUCTION 14ACRE NORTHERN CHESTER CO. FARMETTE PERSONAL PROPERTY - FURNITURE - CAR FRL, JULY 31, 1998 AUCTION 11 AM 1 ,QCATIOM: 32 Saddle Wood Drive From Morgantown lake R( 23 East to Knauertown turn left St Peters Rd approx 1/4 mile to Y, bear right onto Rock Run Rd to slop sign turn right approx 100 yds to Saddle wood Drive turn right 1-1/2 story log & stone house dating back into 1700 s (partially restored), 3 bdrms , 2 baths, country eat-m kitchen w/oak kitchen cabinets, living rm w/stone fireplace, family rm & Ist floor laundry 2 Sty stone & frame spring house and 2 yr old barn/garage 24x24 w/2 horse stalls 14 1 acres wtih fenced pasture & Rock Run Creek dividing the land, and outdoor riding ring NOTE: Vary secluded & private larmette w/stream rustic setting only 30 minutes to King of Prussia, Exton & Reading Property must be sold' Sellers relocating out of state For details picture brochure call Auctioneers 717-733-1006 Terms 10% down bal ance 60 days Inspection by appointment or Open House Sats July 11, 18 &25 from 1-4 pm Real Estate sold at 1 PM Auction Conducted By DAVID L. & SUSAN M. Randal V Kline Lloyd Kretder NEWTON and Roy Good Jr Auctioneers Lie *499L 513 L 2116 L 717 733 1006 KLINE, KREIDEB t GOOD Saturday, July 11,1998 - 9:30 AM Located in Wheatfield Township, Perry Co. along Paradise Rd., 1/4 mile off Rt. 274 midway between Meeks Corner and Duncannon, PA at the end PERRY COUNTY FARM - 12:00 Noon A secluded 42 acte larm overlooking Sulfur Spunks Valley having '() ,iuo till able larmground 12 acres woodland with mountain slieam and I aim pond Iheieon elected at 7 bedioum two story log home lull hath, hung mom with dhl Inepl ice modem kitchen, dining mom. laundiy mom and moie Dwelling also has lull b ise men! oil hied heating system drilled well standaid sewage atlached single c lie gaiage bank bam wagon shed and othei outbuildings Real Estate 'lerms: 10% down payment, balance 60 days. Showing Dates; Saturday, June 20 and 27 from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 pan. or by appointment. Phone 717-834-6864. VUIOMOBn.ES, TRAC I OR. F\R\l MACHIMRV & RET VI ED 11 EMS A lestoied Ids'! lord f 100 Pickup tiuck 289 1984 C heuolel C onceision c in 70s 128 000 mi 194UD I A mils complete engine o\eih.ini s sickle b.u mouci mounted plow culti\atois ck. chains ten LA 111 740 utility n tcloi w/(i 1 1 cun mount snoyy plow and chains lluskee IM 600 7 pi PIO lolaiy mowei like new toi cl pull typePTO balei Ml 7 beater manure spieadei Mc( oimick Deeime 11 single disc giam dull I old single mw pull type com pickei 1H 2s. 1 4 7pi plow 1112rownd mg com plantei 2JD spike harrows JD X diag hainnc McCoimick Dcemig iidmg mower side dehveiv lake dump take 3 hanow 8 diagchsc sin wagon ch isms sm hum cans LUihly nailer potato plow Lawn & (iarden Wheelhoise 8 h p lawn liactoi Wizard nding and push mower push moweis & pails lototillci llomehle 77() and McCulloch mini Mach chain saws SD Lee 270 amp weldei iwm cy hndci an compiessor oyy-acetylcne torch, power, hand, auto body dt mechanics tools 961 Sludebaker 2X9 engine othei Studebakei paits automobile pails and emblems x Itbeiglass tiuck cap 2 8 alum tiuck cap woodworking tools table saw hand saws log chains floor jack, shop since & much moie 1961 StarCiall 14 boat w hi.nlei and Mercuiv 3*5 h p outboaid motor 16x24 above ground scumming pools complete w/pump needs liner and many other items not listed ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD Old Road Mastei hovs bicycle (' rune solid scat tockei piesshatk side chans steamer trunks, maple high eh in diessci diy sink console steieo w/Mik hieaklast set metal desk queen si/e waleibed 2 quills PR R I interns Rahs <V Hie Ren clocks, new dock pails laces glass spnngs etc stiaighl la/ois RCA \ ictin short wave radio airline Hooi model uidio Supenoi Instiumuil Co tube testei haidwood oak Rooting skis bicycles windows doois Manila Stew, til stonew.ue dishes cut nmg pus baskets elec lamps household items and much mou 1 Irain Sets: Stieam line steam type elec tiainsetbvl Mai\ diesel type elec train set by \lai\ 1 lonel elec #II SSO steam Ircighl li.un set tin type tiain cats Wl 20102 caboose NYC coal cat Meichanchse Sercice PRR car, & Raltimoie <N Ohio 24170 S cat other trains car pails and Pact frainmaster type KW tiansloimei and moie 1 I’erms: Cash or (iood PA Check. Lunch hy Snyders United Methodist Church Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer Complete Auction Service Phone 717-527-2449 AU-001656 - L Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 4, 1998-827 Case lawn tractors By Ivan G & Mary E Witmer Kline Kreider fi. Good Aucts , 711:445-4309 TUES JULY 21 6PM 130 S lo bers Dam Rd Stevens West Cocalico Two Lane Co PA Real estate 2 sty log home w/horsebarn on 2 2 acres By Min am Snyder Keith Snyder Auct 717-933 4247 TUES JULY 21 7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 717-249- 4511 WED JULY 22 - 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co, PA Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auction 717-656-2947 WED JULY 22 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland Lane Co, Pa Quilts craft auction ASC Diffenbach Auction Inc WED JULY 22 -10 AM 1080 Chambersburg Rd, Gettysburg PA Sheet metal fabrication equip S supplies By Warrens Heating S Cooling Equipment Liquidators Whse Auct CO . 717-233 5773 WED JULY 22 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction 109 N Maple Ave, Leo'a Lane Co PA Wolgemuth (610) 469-0611 Linda Kling, Atty. AUCTIONEERS Public Auction of Weldon Drive, Mrs. Glenn Kauffman, ownf.r Hay Sale uenms wuiycm u Auc' THURS JULY 23 11AM From Rt 422 in Annvilie go soulh on Rt 934 tor 1/2 mi to farm on the right Lebanon Co PA Farm/ quip tractors combine tillage > quip vehicles S more By Mis Naomi Kruger Roy Stvrk S Nelson Eber sole Aucts 717 867 1119 FRI JULY 24 IPM 548Alexan der Spring Rd, Carlisle PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 717 249 4511 FRI JULY 24 - 6PM 1854 Lan caster Pike, Peach Bottom PA take Rt 272 6 mi S of the Buck properly on right Real estate 1 69 acre 3 sty barn, known as Olde Barn Furniture & Crafts Gift Shop By Black Bear Structures Inc Kreider, Kline & Good, Aucts FRI JULY 24 - 7PM Property is 6 mi south of Port Royal just off Rt 75, Spruce Hill Twp Juniata Co PA Offered for sale at Juniata Mkts |ct of Rt 75 and old Rt 22 at the blinking light, 1 mi north of Port Royal or just off the Port Royal exit of Rt 322 Juniata Co PA Country real estate cottage w/2 bdrms By Susan j Palm Longs Auct Svc Ray Long Auct, 717-527-2405 FRI JULY 24-9 AM & SAT JULY 25 9AM York Fairgrounds (Old Mam Bldg) 334 Carlisle Ave York PA Antique furniture glass ware china kerosene lamps antique lamps mm kerosene lamps, general antiques Sher man & Maqone Bentzel, owners Gilbert SGilbertAuct FRI JULY 24 5 00PM Pine Grove, PA Contents Bob Zerbe Owner Dwight Miller Aurt SAT JULY 25 8 30AM From Harrisburg Rt 225 N to Halifax continue Rt 225/Armstrong Val ley Rt) to Mountain House Restaurant turn right onto Mt House Rd turn right onto Straws Church RO 1/2 mi to sale site (watch for signs) Construction farm equipment trucks antique cars trailers misc equipment Grosser and Steigman Inc own ers Rick Foreman & Linn Lenker Auct SAT JULY 25 8 30AM Tack 11AM Horse Sale Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc Middleburg PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk Owners 717 837-2222 SAT JULY 25 8 30AM 202 Bauchman Valley Rd Westmm sler Md Farm machinery dozer backhoe butcher equip Randy L Hilker Auct -Not Responsible for Acciden
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