CS-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juno 13, 1998 TANDEM SPREADERS NH & Nl, $l,OOO 410-833-9091 JD 4430, CAM, new rub ber, 3 pt., dual hyd. quad, $12,500. 410-833-9091 JD 530 3pt, WF, power steering, new paint, runs good, $4,500. JD 336 baler w/thrower, good working condition, $4,000. Susque hanna County. (717)278-1910. JD6030 Excellent 4VG ra dios, 20.8X38 duals, looks and runs very good 716-526-5347. JD 630, single wheel, 3 pt. arms, from Wyoming, $4,500 410-833-9091 JD6600 Combine, 3900 hrs., 500 hrs. on motor, big tires, 1977 model, runs good, $5500 717-741-0657. JD 6600 diesel, hydro, w/2800 hrs., 215 rigid head, 216 flex head, stain less steel floor, electric height control, $7,500. (717)658-7251. JD 7000. 4RN, dry insecti cide, moniter, no-til planter Good condition. (717)933-4656. JD 9500 combine loaded, 1991 model, 1800 hrs., 920 flex head, cut 300 acres, 643 low tin head, 444 corn head, two header carts, $95,000 Inverferth 480 bushel wagon w/brakes, like new, $4,000. (717)359-5614 JO 950 32hp, diesel, ag tres, runs good, $3,950 (717)369-4115 JD Ml. Oliver HG crawler, Befco 10 wheel pull V-type wheel rake Saxonbutg, PA, (724)352-1081 JD Round Baler, model 375 like new, baled maxi mum of 300 bales, $12,000 717-528-4495 717-528-4138 JD R runs good, pony runs good, $2,950. JD A hand start, runs good, $1,650. Before Sam or after Bpm, (518)766-2927. JD self-propelled chopper, drum kits to convert 9-knife cutter head to 40-knife drum. Knives & hardware included, $3OOO. Installed at our shop, $3500. 717-249-2317 John Deere 2440 tractor with 146 loader, good con dition, new starter, batte ned, clutch, seat, etc , $1 2,900 080. 717-292-0560 York Co Jones PTO tub grinder, nice shape. (215)345-1368. Kubota tractor, 4x4 and backhoe, 2,000 hrs., $15,000 firm. Leave mes sage, (717)686-4104. L 2050 Kubota, 18hp, 6' fin ishing mower, good condi tion, ready to go, $7OOO 717-286-7851 Large Low-Boy trailer w/ 5-wheel and dolly to pull w/Farm tractor. Good shape. $2,450. 215-256-9343/ 215-256-1642. LOADER ATTACHMENT IH 2000 w/2 buckets, nice, $1,400. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT JD 158, $2,800. 410-833-9091 Loader, 4x4, articulate. Walden 40hp, good, $6,800. (814)467-8839. MANURE SPREADER Nl ground drive, nice, $BOO. 410-833-9091 Manure Spreaders, New Idea ground drive. Buy, SeU, Trade, Repair. Lan caster Co. 717/786-3387. Massey Ferguson 410 diesel combine, cafe 13' platform head, 4R adjust able corn head, $3OOO. 814-495-4253 Massey Harris Jr 101 trac tor, bucket loader, needs motor, $750. (717)675-3328. MF 1130, tfuai remotes, good mote/, $5,500 080. (301)334^5860. r NEW/USED/RENTAL 1 LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT read Houle 3600 Gal Spreader, 23 1x26 Tires, 98 RENTAL Call Houle 4300 Gal Spreader Steering Axle, Brakes, 28Lx26 Tires, RENTAL. $16,100 Houle 5300 Gal , 28Lx26 Tires, 1/4’ Tank & Brakes RENTAL . . $16,600 Houle 4050 Spres4wtJtekes, 23 1x26 Tires, RENTAL . .. $13,100 Houle 6300 Gal Spreader 28Lx26 Tires, 2 Steering Axles, Brakes (Avail for Rent) Call Pumps Houle 42 ft Lagoon Pumps RENTAL $8,200 Houle 32ft Lagoon Pumps, $7,800 Houle 32 Ft Multi Purpose Lagoon Pump, RENTAL . . $9,700 Houle 12 ft, 3pt Verticle Pump NEW Cal) Used Husky 30 ft Lagoon Pump, 1000 RPM (ex cond ) $3,900 J-Star 8 Ft Vertical Pump, Good Cond $3,500 Houle PTO 1000 RPM Irrigation Pump RENTAL —Financing Available — “We're Here To Serve You” SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD 3, Box 130, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 717-966-2736 Ask For Ernest or Dean A 3000 Series Reel Less pressuri FRICTION, AND WEAR ... Faster mixini AND BETTER FEI QUALITY... All features OF THE KnIGH Reel Auggie 3000 S FEATURE THE FO Model 3170 Reel Aiiggie Mixer with EZ 210 Scale List Price $10,395 SPECIAL $8.832 • Ska* tmtlj Ml*, Ihifllat aari tuuMag the mUk bad, n*iclic dx tine, pawer r*irireawal. MtHu war, Mi dead • Aweadve upper id fewer utter with harriesed, repfeccabfe kdna, far thereufh eari aad4*ead •Shear ufk far both the upper tad fewer wiper • Staple side trey er three wiper dtetheife avelkUe 1 Oil bath rirtvc with catena! greaae beak* CaaaUM Vetehy PTO with felcgrai dip chart Hay-Mea Kit epdaa far halter break-up ef new fey yd u.ik rr feu low, suck laoupfed, aod datusaiy unite frcea 147 to 000 oibk faat Sim/U? ... efa Sue Other KNIGHT products available including the KNIGHT PRO-TWIN SUNGER Spreader 1 ■ Salr»s l< Service . . ■. ROVENDALE AG & BARN EQUIP. WATSONTOWN, PA 17777 717-538-9564 OR 717-742-4226 E xlt 31. 1-flO 10 I IPO VAit sent own F xit Hours Wun Fr( (I to S Sat 6to 12 $4,500 ILLOWING advantages: • m^SSSSSSS Van Dale 3300 Slinger Rental Unit. 3 pt. Hookup Also Lagoon Pump For Sale or Rent« Leasing Available MILLCREEK FENCE AND FARM SYSTEMS 2285 Old Phila. Pike • Lane., PA 17602 717-396-8987 patz Miller-Lake, Inc. 4567 E. Main St. _ [Ugllll Belleville, Pa. 17004 GEHL. (717) 935-2335 USED EQUIPMENT JD 7720 Type II Combine w/Flex Cutting Platform, 4310 Hrs , Dial-A-Matic, 1985 525,000 JD 630 Gas Tractor w/NF $4,500 JD 620 Gas Tractor w/NF $2,500 JD 60 Gas NF $2,500 Ford 801 w/Loader $5,000 Ford 8N .$2,500 Farmall Cub w/Plow, Cult, Sickle Bar & Plow $2,500 JD 6758 Skid Steer $9,500 JD MT Tractor w/Plow & Cultivator $3,000 JD 3970 Harvester w/New Knives & Shear Bar & 2 Row 30” Head . $16,500 JD 2 Row 30" Yellow Head $2,500 JD 1219 MOCO . .$2,500 NH 1469 S P Haybme. $2,000 NH 489 Haybme . $2,500 NH 478 Haybme . . $1,500 NH 855 Round Baler $6,500 NH 258 Hay Rake $2,200 NH 791 Spreader w/New Sides $3,500 Nl 602 Forage Blower $9OO JD 210 14 ft Disc. . . $l,BOO JD 420 w/60” Mower . .. ..$6,500 JD 265 w/48” Mower... $3,500 JD 214 w/46” Mower $1,500 JD 111 w/38” Mower . . $825 “Will buy JD tractors" JD 7800 cab 4x4 PS (rant, 3100 hrs $54,000^ ► JD 4055 PS 4\4 tab 1 owner nice $41,500 JD 4255 cab 4\4 PS trans good work horse $36,500 A i JD 4055 cab 4x4 PS (rans radial tires $35,900 ►JD 4450 cab 4x4 PS trans low hrs sharp 1 $35,000 A JD 4050 cab 4x4 PS trans sharp $33,500 ►JD 4250 cab QR trans 2 hvd nice $24,800 2 JD 4440 cab PS trans 2 hvd axle duals $22,500 I ►JD 2940 cab air hi/lo 2 hvd nice $16,800 J JD 2355 md PTO roll bar 2boo hrs nice $14,800 A JD 2355 md FTO flat-lop fenders ong $13,700 ►JD 2350 md PTO w/JDl46ldr new paint $13,500^ JD 2155 turf tires excellent condition $12,800^ ►JD 2550 TSS trans roll bar 3100 hrs $12,500 j JD 2140 75 hp same as JD 2750 $11,900^ JD 2030 w/new loader &joy stick $ll,OOO ► Case 1845 C late model new tires $lO,BOO A JD 2040 125501 cab Ind PTO hi lo $10,500 ►JD 2630 hi lo rack & pimon wheels new tires Sharp $9,300 A JD 2840 hi/lo 2 h) d . 4800 hrs , gd cond $9,200 4 JD 4020 PS trans 2hvds diff lock ocerhauled $B,OOO j JD 2440 hi/lo 2 hyd 1 owner 5140 hrs $7,500 A Y JD 2030 diesel hi/lo new paint $7,100 ►JD 2130 diesel 65 hp 239 engine new paint $7,100 A JD 2240 md PTO 38 R&P wheels $6,500 ►JD 1120 ind PTO new'paint good $6,000 96 Model 721 Grasshopper o turn radius mower $5,500 A I Case 870 PS Trans Diesel Fender Tractor $4,800 ► 344 Nuffield Levland dsl tractor good cond $3,250 A Farmall H w/Recent Overhaul $1,500 ►JD factorx WF for 3020 thru 4020 new $1,350 2 JD 18 4x38 10 bolt axle duals for 3-5/8" axle $B5O 4 NEW 5 3pt King Kutter mower $790 J Turbo kit for JD 4020 s6oo^ Y JD roll o malic for 3020 thru 4020 complete $450 ► JD 4020 or 3020 toplmks brand new $176 et. A Woods Idrs & snow blowers in stock at 20% off ► ► ◄ Zimmerman Elevators, Hay Tedders Wagon Gears ft Forage Wagons Farmco Metal Feeder Wagons, Bale Bodies ft Country Boy Gravity Bins JD Front ft Rear Weights J&L Hay Savers Reiff Farm Service i » 275 Goodhart Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257 r Interstate 81, Exit 10 174 East, Goodhart Rd Right ► Financing & Trucking Available M Phone or Fax J NH 853 Baler w/Bale com Kuhn 300 GT Rotaiy Rake Gehl 450 Twin Rake Ml 4116 Bar Rake Agwrap Wrapper Kverneland 7335 Wrapper Anderson Inline Wrapper Vermeer Twinrakes - New Vermeer 504 I & 504 L Baler GLENN BEIDLER Freeburg, PA 800-774-0796 >ArA7ATATATATATATAT47A v i STOUFFER BROS. INC 1066 Lincoln Way West, Chambersburg, PA Phone 717-263-8424 | FORAGE Gehl 1560 Forage Blower IH 781 Harvester 2 Row, NH 716 Forage Box Pick-up 2 ■ Gehl 940 Forage Box JD 3960 Harvester w/Attach. Gehl 2170 Mower Conditioner Hesston 6200 Self-Propelled 12 Ft.-V. good cond. Case 680 E Backhoe Ford 5558 4WD, Backhoe (3) Gehl 4610 Skid Loader Case 580K4WD,Std. Hoe (2) Case 580 SE Loader Backhoe Gehl 3825 Skid Loader JDI2S Skid Loader JD 450 C Dozer Case4soßCrawler/Loader Case 580E4WD Ext Hoe (2) Case 1840 Uni Loader Gehl 4625 Skid Loader (3) NH 455 Sled Loader Gehl 6670 Skid Loader Gehl 315 Spreader NH 680 Box Spreader Artsway 8008 Mixer Feeder Schuler 175 BF Feeder Nl 382 V Spreader Wagon David Brown 1212 JD 4010 Tractor Case 224 Tractor w/Mower (3) Case 220 Mower John Deere 525 Front Mower White Field Boss 16 (2) Cub Cadet 1863 Tractor Kubota B62OOHSD Mower w/Mower Kubota 81700 HSDB Mower IH Cub Cadet 682 Mower w/Loader w/44” Mower Kubota Gl9OO w/60” Mower Kubota 87100 HST Mower Kubota G5200H Tractor w/Mower 4^4aV i^aV v V''V 1 Sales, Pats & Service For...* case utiuty^gehl •VICON* KUBOTA* SAME With (MiIWP INC. BALE WRAPPER Stop By For A Demo! Hesston 1150 Mower Conditioner (2) Kubota L 2900 w/Loader Case 2094 Tractor JD 317 Mower (2) Kubota Gl9OO w/60” Mower & grass catcher Cub Cadet 1811 Mower Wheel Horse CBl Mower
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