C2B*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998 •Cab ForIHlO66, A/C, While. •IH 1086 Cab & Air . .. 1H1066 Cab IH 686 Fender IH 806 Enoine Rebuilt • JD 855 Tractor, 2WD, w/Loader, Showroom Cond $9,900 •IHB26Cab, Nice' $8,750 Gehl 860 Harvester, nice Gehl HAIIIO grass head, like new Gehl TR3O-38 2R corn head . ... Case IH 520 loader, like new, self-leveling, bucket w/valvess,loo NH 565 Baler (like new) $7,800 New Idea 323 Corn Picker (like new) . .. $3,000 —liquid Manure Pit Pumps ■ Simple controls * Dual agitation H>draulic lift *^mvca Best Buys In Used Equipment CALL FOR SPECIAL DEALS - NEW TRACTORS Case 1840 uni-loader (2) Case IH 5230 Maxum tractors, cab, 4WD TRACTORS Case IH 2096, 2WD, cab Farmall M Tractor Case IH 5240 2WD, cab Case IH 7110, 2WD w/duals Case IH 7230, 4WD, cab, duals, 1140 hrs Farmall Cub w/cultivator, plow & snowblade IH 5288 w/duals cab, an COMBINES & HEADS JD 6600 cab, diesel Case IH 1640 combine, w/1020 gram head, 15’, 1800 hrs, Case IH 1640 combine, w/!o2ograin head, 15', 1290 hrs, (2) Case IH 1640 combine w/1020 gram head, 17 1/2' IH 1420 combine w/l 5'820 head New Case IH 2166, 2WD, 17/' 1020 head, 270 hrs (demo) New Case IH 2166 4WD 20' 1020 head 240 hrs (demo) IH 844 com head, 4R, 76 IH 815 combine, vs/820 giain head, 17’ White 8600 w/gram head HAY & FORAGE)) IH 45 baler (W) Fox 2310 Foi age Harvester, 2R (W) NH 425 Wire Balei (W) NH 718 Forage Harvester (W) Case IH 7650 Round Baler (S) NH 282 Balei w/throwei (W) LAWN & GARDEN JD STX3O w/baggei Cub Cadet 1720 w/46” mowei deck & bagger JD tillei fits on JD 110, 112 tract™ IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Everßam hard hose, 3-l/2"xlOOO' Capan D2/50 PTO pump Case IH 4390 power unit MISCELLANEOUS Woods RM372 finish mower, 6’ Woods XT 148 rotary cutter, 4' Case 1H 4500 field cultivator w/Bustei Bar, IT IH 45 field cullbMlUl 18’ Cub 1 bot plow for fast hitch Unverferth Rolling Harrow 11, 27’, like new Unverferth Rolling ESZii H, 28’ Case IH 568 seed bed conditioner, 4R Bnllion 24’ crow foot packer IH 140 4X16 rol 1 over plow MF 620 disc harrow, 20’ IH 800 plate planter 4R, 36” w/fertihzer, gramular insecticide FMC Sprayer, DO6O, 600 Gal Tank, 72’ Hyd Boom Fnrm-Rilc. Agricultural equipment, SuppDus • SurvicM 122 Old Cohansey Rd. 109 E., Avenue Shiloh, NJ 08353 Woodstown, NJ 08098 1-800-752-6373 1-800-848-5051 1998 CASf CORPORATION , Visit us on the Internet at hltp /sm tv caso< Ofp com CASEIN CiVif IH is d n'ljislfn'il Ir.idi mmiV ot L ist 1 (. .irjinruTinn MILLER’S REPAIR 1 Mile North of Bird in Hand 8 Miles East of Lancaster Ph. 717-656-6109 E-Z Trail Bale Racks s9oo $12,900 E Z Row Gravity Boxes $8,900 $8,900 Meyers 3516 Forage Box Miller Pro 16 Forage Box Hay Tedder King Kulter 8 blade Hesston 3750 17 Rake Tedder Hesston 540 Round Baler Hesston 1320 Disc Mower Conditioner Hesston 4550 Square Baler Hesston 1120 Mower Conditioner Hesston 5220 Manure Spreader $7,900 $3,200 $2,200 $1,400 Used Equipment NH Forage Box 3 Years Old Excellent Lamco Forage Box 16 Case 1825 Skid Loader good condition 492 NH Haybine 27 years old 489 NH Haybine Nl 555 Square Baler w/Thrower Excellent Condition Nl 484 Round Baler 1986 Model Good Condition Mortl Sickle Bar Mower IH 1190 mowditioner Little Giant 38 Elevator w/11-2 hp Motor Exc Cond 2R corn Planter Pittsburgh 12 disc excellent shape Cub Cadet 1450 Hydro 44'Deck 44' Blade chains & Weights Cub Cadet 2284 1996 Model 22 hp PS 54'Deck Cub Cadet 2140 42'Deck 40'Snow Blower Cub Cadet 1715w/46* Deck Cub Cadet snow blower fits 100 series Ingersoll 114 Y Mower w/Blade JD 175 Hydro 38’ Deck VALLEY EQUIPMENT (814) 422-8805 Spring Mills, PA 16875 Monday thru Friday 7 AM-6 PM Saturday 7 AM-Noon 53 WHITE E-z Trail Oib Cadet 717-865-7575 Mk I E 1 Q Specializing in Quality Used Compacts L E>i9 PO Box 399 Rt. 22 West, Fredericksburg, PA 17026 Iff t To Harrisburg NICARRY " vf TRACTOR New Equipment [AJI ,SS! f**c6li J eSttxet® 0W' e * <?■ Unleash the Beast — the JAGUAR * From CLAAS® 9x16 51 250 9xlB $1 399 220 bu $799 300 bu $1 399 $7 199 $7 499 SI 399 $899 S 4 899 $ll 900 $l3 500 $13499 $9 299 $4 999 $7 900 $1 200 $7 500 $8 000 $2 900 $3 899 $3 900 $1 499 $4 500 $1 400 $2OO $2 500 $1 499 $5 999 $2 000 THE JAGU • 4 models • 340 hp to 503 hp • Mechanical 4-wheel drive MV • In-cab knife sharpening, M shearbar adjustment • 4- to 8-row heads • Spacious, comfortable, full-view cab $1 399 $599 $1 000 $1 200 ====== Mil == MEYERS IMPLEMENTS, INC. Serving Agriculture Since 1937 400 North Antrim Way Greencastle, Pennsylvania 17225 Tel (717) 597-2176 Fax (717) 597-5349 NOW OPEN AT OUR NEW LOCATION We Are Now 1/2 Hour From Harrisburg /1/2 Hour From Reading 45 Min. From Allentown OPENING SPECIALS ON ALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS Meeting all your harvesting need: 7-865-7676 ry were
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