C26-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 23, 1998 D FARM Dump Chief Silage or grain dump cart for loading truck Nl 800 Uni w/4WO Ford 9600 tractor, Nl 767 Super Chopper w/2 heads Nl 766,6’ grass pickup, extra nice (2) Nl 709 4 wheelers Adapters for 737 buskers, will take IH JD-MF corn heads Nl 818 combine Nl 801,4x4 w/excel. 818 combine Uni buskers grey 839, 737, and older JD 4400 diesel, ‘79 model Nl 6200 Chopper IH 843,4 R corn head Nl 708 2 wheeler Nl Parts: gear boxes, final drives, engine parts, for most Uni’s Deutz 1306 Deutz 8006 w/cab 3” irrigation pump V-belt drive Some “Cheaper” Uni’s w/huskers R.B. Lcaman 7X7/399-4037 Replacement Po%erYou Can Trust GCI6O 50 HP Sale Price $195 GlOO 25 HP $235 Gxl2o 40 HP $285 Gxl6o 55 HP JfflJßec, Elec $416 Gx2oO 65 HP $350 Gx27o 90# s49»Rec Elec $605 Gx34o Hi! HP $566 Rec Elec $660 Gx3Bo 13.0 HP $570 Rec Elec. $6BO Gtrfilff ttflPftnk/MufJßec $1135 Gx6lo lB HP F Pump/MufJßec/Ele $l2OO Gx62o 20 HP Tank/Mul7Ele $1295 Gx62o 20HPF Pump/Muf/Ele $1295 6 To 1 Clutch Reduction 540 RPM $795 All Units Have Oil Alert Except 2.5 & 5.0 HP FREE EPS Shipping Pa. Residents Add 6% Tax - Send Check With Order Blue Mt. Small Engine Service 1490 Three Sq. Hollow Rd. Newburg, PA 17240 717-423-5358 • (2) AC model C, hi/10. • (1) AC model C, new rear tires, manifold, lights. Both have hydraulics and run well , (717) 35*4779 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone:7l7-263-0705 <9JS» jBfeI\EWHOUAI\O Sales-Parts-Service I* Company _ IfWHOUAN) TRACTORS NH 8240 SLE, 4WD NH 8340 SLE, 4WD Ford 8630, Power Shift 4WD Ford 7910, 4WD Ford 7740 SLE, 4WD w/Cab Ford 7710 w/Cab Ford 6700 w/bad engine NH 411 discbme Ford 6640 SLE 4WD NH 415 discbme r- . NH 1411 discbme f^nbf^ D K W/Cab NH 01000 Baler 2x3 Bales S r Fords6oo ™ ?°2 oBa ' er - 4x4 Bales (2) Ford 4600 w/New Paint NH 499 Haybme Ford SCxEHSIw Paint NH 489 Haybine Ford 2600 JD 3650, 4WD w/Cab JD 2010 w/Kelly Ldr JD 1010 w/Ldr MF 275 Oliver 1955, WF GENESIS TRADE-INS MF 2745 Case IH 7110 Case 2290 Ford 8730, 4WD, PS Ford TW2S, 4WD w/Cab GRINDERS S MIXERS NH 352 long unloading auger extension Gehl 120, extra screens, nice LOADERS & SNOW BLOWERS JD 2010 md loader IH 2000 off 574 MF 246 QT loader wide QT bucket nice $3,500 9 extra loader buckets Ford HD Loader w/Pump & Valves $1 500 (2) Case Loaders Off 310 & 440 Case Kelly w/Hyd Bucket & Pump, Valves IH Fast Hitch Blades 7 & 8 Tractors w/Loaders Snow Blades tor Loader or Front Mounted Sauder Front Mounted Blades TRACTORS IH 574 row crop diesel, 52hp $4750 Ford 9N w/Slepup Gear IH 856 diesel WF, excel sharp Farmall M like new tires new paint IH Super M, runs good, new paint, $2,750 AC 7080 cab, air, weights front & back duals, 182 hp, $11,500, nice Farmall 706 NF.fcMMn diesel, A-1 Farmall 656 diesel MF 2244 crawler loader w/3 cyl Perkins diesel, 4NI bucket Oliver 770 gas, WF, flat fop tenders new paint $2,500 MM 5 Star, WF JD 530 roll canopy, WF, nice IH 966 diesel, tender tractor $7,250 Farmall 230 w/fast hitch, $1,850 IH 5488 diesel cab air, duals, 187 hp, $18,500 IH 4166 4WD 2400 hrs , original w/10' IH dozer blade & tire chains Nice, $l7 500 1928 AC Green 2035 on factory steel Farmall 300 utility, PS 3pt clean IH 1466 red cab diesel MF 1085 diesel w/cab MF 246 loader clean unit JD 630 NF, roll guard roof $5500 IH 706 diesel WF $4,500 JD high crop, WF sprayer w/dual belly tanks $3,850 IH 1206 diesel, 18 38 rubber & cab. new paint IH 400 gas, PS, $2 000 IH 300 forklift Ford 6000 diesel WF, $2250 HAYBINES NH 411 discbme, $4,850 NH 411 dsicbme, $4,250 NH 1495 Self-Propelled, diesel, cab, air, $6500 FNH 411 Discbme. extra sharp KEITER'S FARM MACHINERY Halifax, PA 17032 Rt. 225 20 mi. north of Harrisburg Mon.-Fri. 8-5 • Sat. 8-12 PHONE: 717-362-9574 POSITIVELY NO OUT-OF-STATE PERSONAL CHECKS Financing or Lease Available mi COMPACT TRACTORS Ford 1600 w/Loader IH 234, 4WD, 18 HP, Diesel w/Ldr Ford 4WD w/73offean J USED EQUIPMENT Hesston 8200 T, SP Haybine, 12’ Cut, 1.200 Hrs Hesston 1160 Haybine IH Crop Chopper NH 144 WindrA-f »11 ilrter SKID STEER NH L 553, 220 hrs NH L 775 NH LX665 NH 488 nice NH 488 nice $2 850 NI-IH 11707 .excel Case IH 3309 discbme 10, clean NIorIH? low ARFS IH 225 self-propelled w/cab, 10' (2) IH 1190,9 MF 725 7 bad roll real nice Case IH 1570 Hydraswing NH 499 Hydro Swing, 12’ Gehl 440 9' MC Rotary Scythe MF flail Mower JD1209,9 SPREADERS IH Cub spreaderlsa|9sl,ooo JD 450 hydro push, $2 250 Martin lift side throw, $l,OOO IH 595 tandem needs work $1,500 NH tank spreaders (3) Nl PTO spreaders MISC Nl 35' elivator, nice 4R & 6R 3 Pt. Cultivators MOWERS/ROTARY MOWERS Finish Mowers, Sickle Bar Mowers, Stalk Cutters, Batwing Mowers All different sizes WAGONS Myers like new bale wagon 1 year old Big side dump wagon like new, $4,500 tel Bale rack 9 New Stoltzlus 3 New Gravity bin Ne rack wagons (3) Used Gravity Richardson side dump DRILLS & PLANTERS IH 510 DO, press wheels & grass seed nice JD 7200 4R 30 ,$3OOO (2) Ford Planters, 309 2R 3 Pt Oliver 2R, 3 Pt (2) IH 620 drills w/press wheels & grass seed, $2,650/ea Bullion 10 grass seeder IH 800 planter 4R 30' dry fert IH 400 AIR, 4R BALERS & RAKES Ford NH 256 Rake, like new JD 640 rake, $1,450 NH 845 4x4 round balers Nl round baler NH 276 w/thrower NH 276 w/thrower, $2,250 Late Hesston 5540 round baler DISCS - HARROWS - PACKERS 1 CULTIVATORS IH 37 12' wheel disc IH 315 roller harrow, $3,500 JD 230 20' hydra fold, new paint $3,750 Krause field cult 28' hyd fold, $3,500, nice Krause 14 disc, $1,675 Rhino 24' rock flex disc, clean, $6 250 IH field cult, 24' White Oliver field cult, 26' IH 14' field cult IH 3pt 12' field cult Ren 10 14 rockflex 1H470,12 or 16 6 wheel disc 10'-14' Bullion roller harrow, inside wheels B'-10'-14' Cultipackers MF 4R cultivator IH 4R cultivator 271 White 20' rock flex oft-set $6500 nice IH 315 12 roller harrow, $2500 IH 475 hyd wing, 18’, sharp, $5500 IH 480 hyd wing, 20 nice, $3,800 IH 475 hyd wing, 18' nice, $4,200 White 271 rock flex, 20' offset, nice, $5,500 JD 220 hydraulic wing, 20' offset JD 360,14' offset JO RWA plow disc, 12' Kawanee 18’ field cul, hyd wings PLOWS A CHISEL PLOWS IH 720 spring reset 7b 18" on land hitch front furrow wheels field ready, $7,500 JD 3x16 3pt tor 2-cyl, $350 IH 10T chisel disc, A-1 $3,500 IH 416 trip, new paint Heavy Duty 3pt 12T chisel plow, new paint $1 650 Brady 10T trailer type chisel plow IH trailer type 12T chisel plow JD IH Oliver, 2-3-4 hot drag plows MF 3b 3pt 2 & 3 bottom 3pt plows White 4x16 trip IH 6x16 trip IH 5x16 trip JD 3x16 3pt trip IH 6x16 toggle trip, hill side hitch (2) IH 720, 5b 20”, 6b, 18” IH 450, 3b, 16 ’, 3pt spring reset (5) JD 450,4 b, sb, 16" S 18” 50-COMBINES 200 heads to choose from 1977 IH 715 hydro diesel, sharp Late IH 815 hydro diesel, real clean AC L 2 Diesel, 2300 hrs IH 715 hydro ijiesel, sharp MF gray cab 550 hydro diesel Late Model IH 715,310 diesel hydro, 1325 hrs super sharp WE DO NOT SHIP MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RD 1. Bechtelsville. PA 610-845-2911 SI WHITE NEW IDEA -4845 Round Baler 3718 Spreader w/Hyd End Gates 3726 Spreader w/Hyd. CM 400 Disc Mower End Gate Demo 4210 10 ft. Tedder GA 41 OOTh Gyro Rake 4217 17 ft Tedder MASSEY FERGUSON AGCO-WHITE- MF 261 2WD Tractor 6410 AWD Tractor w/Cab MF 240 2WD Tractor 6100 6RN Planter MF 1230 4WD Hydro w/BushHog Loader GEHL CB 1065 Harvester w/HA BU9BO Forage Box 1210 Head & TR3038 2345 Disc Mower 2R Cornhead Conditioner 3825 Skid Loader FB 1540 Blower 5635 Skid Loader 1312 Scavenger Spreader Agco Allis 8610,4WD, w/Cab Gehl 262 Rotary Rake Gehl 2170 9 ft. Haybme Gnmm PTO Hay Tedder JD 10 ft Chisel Plow Mohawk 3 pt Hitch Chisel Plow MB NEW IDEA* We Ship Parts - UPS $48,000 Late AC M 2 gear drive diesel (same as M 3) super nice, $13,500 Late AC F 2 diesel, heavy rear axle, super nice Late AC F 2 diesel hill side blower, nice 1980 AC F 2 diesel roll out auger, real sharp Late AC F 2 diesel, roll out auger, real sharp AC L diesel turbo Late JD 4400 diesel, real nice AC F diesel, just traded 1985 JD 7720 Titan II w/new 30 5x32 tires, 4300 hrs, clean $21,000 JD 45 round back, 10' head, nice IH 915 hydro diesel, sharp Late JD 4400 diesel, 2600 hrs, black seat, clean IH 1660 hydro diesel, specialty rotor, reverse feeder, 3200 hrs, sharp IH 1460 Rotary, new tires, 3600 hrs nice $19,500 1981 JD 6620 hydro diesel, 2800 hrs $17,500 AC K gas w/hill side blower JD 4400 diesel $2,600 in new parts, real clean AC M 3 hydro diesel w/hill side blower AC 315 flex & choice of corn heads, sharp 1981 JD 4420 diesel, 2071 hrs, super sharp JD 3300 gas White 8600 diesel Nl 706, Perkins diesel, 2650 hrs, w/717 combine, will separate Nl 801 hydro diesel, 4x4, with super chopper, 3R, 30" or 38" & pickup 2700 hrs Late NH TRBS hydro, new Cat diesel, $13,000 JO 4420 diesel sharp 2,400 hrs AC M 2, hydro diesel w/hillside blower AC G gas w/heads NH 975 gas, cab w/12' gram MF 550 diesel, nice AC M 2 hydro diesel Nl 717, clean Nl 717 combine Nl 717 Uni combine, harvester, 200 acres, like new Nl 702 gas w/767 harvester, 3 R head & pickup CORN HEADS & GRAIN HEADS 200 To Choose From 2,3,4,6 Row Corn Heads. All Size Grain heads, Flex & Rigid f-FERI NEW EQUIPMENT BRILLION BRH 440 Cultivator KUHN EL 35-130 Tiller JD 1020 Gas Tractor w/ Freeman Loader NI 3639 Spreader w/Hyd End Gate NH 1495 H Self Propelled Haybme w/ Rebuilt Ford Diesel Engine Nl 279 Cut Conditioner GEHL Ml 702 diesel w/767 harvester 3R corn i pickup Ml 705 diesel w/838 husker MF 540 gray cab, REAL CLEAN Nl 702 diesel w/combme JO 55 square back w/cab, 12 flex 3R 30" corn, 2R 38" JD 42 pull type w/10' head Late JD 7700 hydro dsl w/heads JD 4400 Diesel w/Heads AC K W/10' gram, 3R 30' corn Late IH 1440 Rotary Combine MF 510 diesel w/heads IH 315 Hydro , Gas. 10 Gram 3R & 2R 30' NH TR7O Cat Diesel, Hydro CORN PICKERS Nl 324 2R3B’ 12 roll bed, A-1 $3,500 (10) IR, 2R 30' & 2R 38' 8 roll beds & 12 roll beds Nl 737 husker w/teeder housing N12R38 12 roll bed, sharp Nl 325, 2R 30' 8 roll bed. $3 250 Nl 324 w/12 roll bed, 2R, 38' Nl 838 husker w/feeder housing Nl 323 JD 300, 3R Nl 325 2R, 30" 4 WHEEL DRIVE UNITS JD 5820 Nl 801 JD 7700 FLAIL CHOPPERS t HARVESTERS 50 heads to choose from Gehl Flail Chopper, $1,500 NH 782 w/heads JD 3800 2R. 30' & pickup (3) Nl 767 super choppers w/heads JD 3940 w/heads NH 892 w/heads IH 830 w/heads JD 38, 2R 30' or 38" & pickup (3) IH 720 w/2R 30" or 38" & pickup 2 NH 770 w/2R 30" or 38" & pickup NH 890 w/heads JD 5200 diesel hydro, 4WD, 3R, 30” corn & pickup head, gone over, new paint, $21,500 IH #8 flail chopper IH #5 flail chopper COMBINES FOR SALVAGE IH 1480,1460 rotary, 015,015,715,615,915,205,203, 503.403.303. 75.74. JD 7720, 7700,6020,5600, 4420,4400,3300,105,95,55, 45,40 MF 550,760,750,510,410,300,205,35,02,62, 72.00, 60,70, CO, 27, 26. «C Cllln.r, AC N 5, F, F 2, L. M, M 2, K, G, E, C. C 2, A, 50,60, Oliver 7600,545,535, 525,430,40,35,33 HI Uni, 602,700,710 Comblm, Nl 717, Huston 705, 702, 701, Comblm Shallin A Harvtsltn. Cam 1160, 060, 700, 660, 600 NH 1400, 075, 065, TH7O, NH TIIOS. MM 5297,3406, MM Uni, White 0000, WhHi 6600, White 6700, Field Corn. 7300, Musty 7SOD, Straw Spnadtn 6 Choppirs JD 7720, Motors, Transmlnlons, Tiros, Com 6 Grain boads, Grain Savon, 1964 JD 6620 Sldo Hill w/Htavy Slotting Alla TRACTORS FOR SALVAGE GOOD RUNNING MOTORS JD 5020 Clwpptr For Firtl. 1400,5440 SP HttYllltr NH It SO SF Fids For IH 1440,1400 RMaty* t Nl 717 ConiblM Nl aO2 W/Hirvisltr, JD 4425 600 Hit JD 0000 0 0020 Sldt Hills New Campbell Tire Chains Most Sizes Available DISMANTLING FOR PARTS' Balers Mowers Combines Pickers Cultivators Planters Discs Plows Drills Spreader Tractors
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