COMBINE PARTS KftiSamios 60 Dublin Rd. Lansing, NY 14882 607-533-4850 607-279-6232 Mobil Open By Appt. 7 Daj We Buy 108 Years Serving All jCfe Your Equipment Needs HO South Railroad Ave • New Holland, PA 17557 • Telephone (717) 355-2122 Call Toll Free 1-800-346-8319 Harvest GRcer big spring twine ** Sisal baler twine CAI IT POWER-TV MAY 1 st THROUGH MAY 30 The Last Thing You Need During Hay Season Is Downtime Due To Second-Rate Twine. Check Our Prices and Quality. HEW HOLLAND PLASTIC ,| I TWINE \99999il I Parl# Length Knot Reg Sale Bales Bales 7 Strength 5-10 11-Up J 9624795DS 20000' 125 lbs $2156 $21.25 $20.85 $20.50 - - -- HARVEST GREEN SISAL BALER TgHßßwesrGfW] TWINE (. mimw I Part # Length Knot Reg Sale Bales Bales K TTZ / Strength 5-10 11-Up ((U ~y 7200 S 7200’ 180 lbs $2125 $21.00 $20.75 $20.50 9OOOS 9000’ 145 lbs $2145 $21.15 $20.85 $20.50 10000 S 10000’ 130 lbs $2145 $21.15 $20.85 $20.50 16000 S 16000’ $23 45 $23.00 $22.65 $22.25 MWBlfjr a POWER-TY PLASTIC TWINE Part# Length Knot Reg Sale Bales Bales NtS*S Strength 5-10 11-Up 4000 P 4000’ 350 lbs $2175 $21.25 $20.50 $19.95 7200 P 7200’ 170 lbs $l9 50 $19.10 $18.65 $18.15 9000 P 9000’ 130 lbs $l9 50 $19.10 $18.65 $18.15 9600 P 9600’ 170 lbs $24 50 $24.10 $23.50 $23.00 20000 P 20000’ 110 lbs $lB 75 $18.45 $18.15 $17.75 28000 P 28000’ 110 lbs $25 00 $24.50 $24.10 $23.65 CALL AND CHECK OUT OUR PRICES ON NEW HOLLAND SISAL TWINE TO ORDER AFTER HOURS - CALL OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER 1-800-346-8319 NEW ADVANTAGE SERIES TRACTORS BIGGER, STRONGER, QUIETER 945 Rotary MoCo, 13 Ft 1 In with Hydraulic Header Tilt (1 only) $20,990 5 5% financing avilable tor additional cost John Deers 945 Mid-Pivot MOCO HYDRA PUSH SPREADERS LAST CALL! John Deere announced the discontinuation of the Hydra Push Spreader Line May 31 st is the last day John Deere vfill accept orders before they are closed out. CALL NOW! /Sc\ (( GROFF} AN«n»YouCinTruil 1 Jff ilhiMi—> | i , USED PLOW PARTS li~ - ~ „ mmmmmm / i Jg ■ J°hn Deere. IH, White 818 A u Oliver, MF, AC 11Lx1Stires $2,175 I Auburn 7is BxlB Farmco w/88 gear and /Jl/l I Ithlca / s;| Benton Plow Parts used 15” truck tires $1,925 111 HI f 3300 it c ri<: iqa7 wesnip Newswanger Farm Shop 11 m/ I X.J 4400 3J009U/ H Kutztown, PA iys /Wk. l^^“ 0 o 0 (610)683-5970 We Ship 66205 H Edge Knives from Weaver cannot be beat for Quality & ABC 108 Years Serving All I Give your chopper {( GROFF )) 17 r-1 .. r , KV chopping fever with quel J/ Your Equipment Needs , n ,TVT.,. knive*from weaveri hewhooai® Weaver Dlstributin/ SIGN OF THE RIGHT CHOICE 6605 MFWD Tractor, 95 HP, 414 Cu. In, 6 Cyl. Engine, Syncro Vantage Transmission $35,500 r'lOi U. ff AHI4 llOSouthßailroadAve., New Holland, PA 17557 Monday Thru Friday 7:30-5:00 (717) 354-4191 Saturday 7-Noon •> -v lailroad Ave • New Holland, PA 17557 • Telephone (717) 354-4191 FAX (717) 355-2272 Call Toll Free I-800-346-8319 & SPRING PARTS SALE “■““May Ist through May 30 mflnfow GeT T/ie Ztesf Value for your Dollar and Maximize Harvest Profit with New Holland Parts For a Brighter Jp n ”Tjj New Year, Take (Sggd 10% OFF All Accessory Lights In Stock \ -: Get a Jump on Spring with Instant —— -g-otv . ,'“ e * __ Discount on Selected Guards, Tines, s2o OFF Fingers and Knife Sectons Per Pair Off GEG SALE . JZ! r Ul 29875DS XH/US, NH Mower $7l $ .61 *hld-steer 9622744DS Mower Good, WindrowerS 69 $ .61 Loader Knife Guards Tires Fit All NH Mowers, Conditioners & Wmdrowers 86521587 $lO 46 $9.85 S Drum Sale 219190 $ll2l $10.50 Reg. Sale 65327 $llll $lO 35 134 Hyd Oil $228 $2lO Tine and Fingers 30W Eng Oil $225 $2lO 850612 Rubber Tine $3 86 $3.55 10W30 Eng Oil $225 $2lO 850614 Rubber Tine $385 $3 55 15W40Fnn Oil $23(1 $215 64562 Steel Tine $lO9 $.85 15W4U bng Uil $230 $215 850 6 i 3 Rubber Tine $3 69 $3.39 15W40 Eng Oil (30 Gal) $149 33 $129.95 131673 Pickup Finger $2 04 $1.65 Call and check out our prices on smaller containers 76517 Reel Tine $2 08 $175 $ $ SAVE $ $ 10% OFF Get 10% OFF Get 10% OFF Parts ... All Parts Manuals Ordered With Our Weekly ffrlfip} A ...... _ „ . „ ... Stock Order. If You Can Ittilfti New Holland With The Manual You’ll Wait For Up To A Week RffnrEgL Paint In Kno " Parts Numbers For Your Parts, Here’s «anaßwwal stock and Save 111116 When Your Chance To Save! IgM You Call To Order. To Order After Hours Sale $7,399 Call Our Toll Free Humber: 1-800-346-8319 8000 SERIES TRACTORS High Performance Power SHARP PERFORMERS 616 3-Pomt Mounted Cutter, 72” Cut with Laminated Tail Wheel 717 3-Point Mounted Cutter, 84" Cut with Laminated Tail Wheel $2,225 MADE TO MATCH 620 Loader Lancaster Firming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-Cl9 8100, 160 HP, 4 Wheel Drive with 400 Hours $74,900 $1,825 620 Loader with Single Lever Joystick Control and 85” Bucket (Fits 6000 Series 2 Wheel Drive John Deere Tractors) $4,790 1 Only II Jg 1-800-Weaver-D Fredericktburg, PA [fIIZXIIZ!S!IZX!2] M H R 1994 JD 9600 R K combine, 1660 ►< seperator hours, m M 30.5x32 tires, 1- M M h M owner, excellent M condition. $59,500 M 920 flex M ** head $B,OOO H M 693 6R $16,000 M H M M M 410-374-9708 Ml _J H Spring Clearance on Tillage Call with your hay equipment needs, new shipment arriving. RD9 Bloomsburg, PA 800-919-3322 JD 3970 Forage Harvester 7’ hay pickup w/gauge wheels, 3R corn head $21,000 Richarton model 700 dump wagon $7,500 Balzer dump station, left or right discharge.. $B,OOO The above equipment is 4 years old NH 1010 bale wagon $l,OOO |?l 7-529-2712 Used Ml lla> & Forage Parts Dismantling the following equipment; Balers, 567,315, 283,66,68, 268, 269, 270, 276, 310, 320, Thrower 54, 70, 75 Haybines, 469, 479, 489,411 Discbine, 1495 463 Disc Mower Forage, 1895 harvester, 770, 880 Harvester, heads, 880R2, 717N2, 890 A. 890 W, 822, #8 Crop Carrier We Purchase NH Hay & Forage Eq. For Salvage!! AG Industrial Inc. 1-800-442-5043 Ask for Terry or Larry in Service
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