Oklahoma Pitv Feeder Heifers: Medium md Large 1 COWS, 36 BULLS AND 138 FEEDER v/Kiauuiuit 35<M00 lbs (380 lbs) 84.00-87.00 (86.20); CATTLE. COMPARED TO LAST MON- Feeder Cattle 400-500 lbs (450 lbs) mostly fleshy DAY’S SALE SL. STEERS UNEVEN Oklahoma City, OK 76.00-85.00 (81.39); 500- 550 lbs (523 lbs) WITH SPOTS TO 1.00 LOWER, SL. Wed May 20, 1998 ■ 79.00-81.00 (79.83); 550-600 lbs (569 lbs) BULLS .50-1.00 LOWER. USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News 74.75-80.00 (77.47); 600-650 lbs (636 lbs) SLAUGHTER STEERS: FEW HIGH Oklahoma National Stockyards-Week- 71.775 (74.14); 650-700 lbs (678 lbs) CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1240-1455 ly Cattle Summary 69.50-73.00 (71.54); 700-750 lbs (733 lbs) LBS. 65.25-66.00, CHOICE 2-3 Compared to last week: Feeder steers 69.25-71.75 (70.11); 750- 8001b?775 lbs) 1125-1450 LBS. 61.00-65.00, 1500-1580 and heifers 1.00-2.00 lower. Stocker cattle 67.00-69.75 (68.37); 800-850 lbs (824 lbs) LBS. 57.25-61.00, SELECT 1-3 and calves 2.00-4.00 lower. Demand mod- 66.00-67.75 (77.19); 850-900 lbs (875 lbs) 56.00-63.00, STANDARD 1-2 erate as buyers attempt to adjust feeders 64.50-66.75 (65.67). 47.00-56.00. and Stockers more in line with slaughte?le Slaughter Cows: Average dressing; Cut- HOLSTEIN STEERS: COUPLE HIGH realizations. Quality of feeder cattle plain ters 33.00-34.00, Utilities 34.50-38.00; CHOICE AND PRIME 2-3 1240-1635 to attractive; stock? average at best Feeder high dressing; few Cutters 35.50-37.00, LBS. 59.50 AND 61.00, FEW CHOICE cattle in medium to fl? conditions. Stockers Utilities 36.50- 39.00; low dressing; Cut- 2-3 1135-1600 LBS. 55.75-57.50, a 7 calves in medium flesh. Wdgh-ups ters 29.50-33.00, Utilities 31.00-34.50. SELECT 1-2 49.00-54.75, FEW STAN average. Slaughter cows and bulls Cannets 25.00-29.50. DARD 1-2 44.25-48.50. 1.00- lower. Packer demand moderate. Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma HEIFERS: CHOICE 2-4 1065-1335 Least action from southern plants as National Stockyards: Cutters 72.10, Bon- LBS. 60.50-63.75, SELECT 1-3 drought in south Texas and old Mexico has ers 71.65; Breakers 67.75, Y.G. 4-5 64.30, 56.75-60.75, FEW STANDARD 1-2 many cows moving to market. Tola? 500 Cannets 66.55. Bulls 83.65. 45.00-52.00. cows and bulls so!d7with 35 percent going Slaughter Bulls; Yield Grade 1 COWS: EARLY SALES, BREAKING to packers. Receipts this week 17,285; last 1400-2000 lbs average dressing UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 2-4 week 11,131; last yc74. Supply consisted 44.00-48.00; high dressing 49.50, 39.75-45.25, CUTTER AND BONING of 86 percent yearlings over 600 lbs; 11 hia?sing/high' boning indiv 52.50; low UTILITY 1-3 36.00-41.75, CANNER percent calves and stockers under 600 lbs; dte?ng 41.00-44.00. AND LOW CUTTER 1-2 30.00-38.50. 3 percent cows and bulls with only a third Replacement Cows: Pretested for SHELLS DOWN TO 26.50. of these to packets. Prices follow with Bangs 7regnancy, and age Medium and BULLS: YG#l 1000-2150 LBS. weighted averag7eight and price in Large 2-5 yt old 875-1250 lbs 6-8 mo 48.25-54.25,0NE56.75; YG#21155-2450 parenthesis. bred avg quality 530.00-590.00, high qual- LBS. 45.50-47.50. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1 UyS6SOO-62500;2-6yr01d825-1100lbs FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS MED. 300-400 lbs (350 lbs) 105.00- 109.00 314 mo bred avg quality 425.06487.00, 7 AND LARGE 1 300-455 LBS. (108.69); 400-450 lbs (424 lbs) high quality 50000-570.00. 85.00-100.00, 500-680 LBS. 70.50-86.00, 96.00- (105.52); 450- 500 lbs (478 Medium and Large I (single pur FEWMED. AND LARGE 2 445-750 LBS. Ibs) 9350-104.00 (100.19); 500-550 lbs 2.3 yr c ld 950-1200 lbs 200 lb 57.00-64.00, LARGE 2 HOLSTEINS (537 lbs) 88.00- 94.75 (90.98); 550-600 lbs Ugh q U „uty 770.00-790.00; 5-6 yt 200-500 LBS. 60.0-69.00, 630-675 LBS. (578 lbs) 83.00-90.50 (88.15); 600-650 lbs old 900-1100 lbs 250 lb calves avg quality 50.00-58.00; HEIFERS MED. AND (617 lbs) 81.00-89.00 (8439); 650-700 Ibs 670 00-720 OOTow quality 610.00-650.00; LARGE 1 300-485 LBS. 66.00-78.00, (676 lbs) 76.75-79.50 (77.61); 700-750 lb 7 . 8 ‘ 71d lbs 250 lb c7quality 500-750 LBS. 62.00-75.00, MED. AND 7ckers (709 lbs) 79.00-81.50 (79.52); 610 00-680 00 LARGE 340-495 LBS. 56.00-67.50, 700-750 lbs (725 lbs) 73.25-78.00 (75.68); rVoz.inu.cHo 500-675 LBS. 50.00-59.00,700-1050 LBS. 750-800 Ibs (782 lbs) 72.50-76.25 (73-56); VjreCllLdbUC 43.00-46.00; BULLS MED. AND LARGE 800-850 lbs (822 lbs) 70.00-75.00 (72.76); Livestock 1 310-485 LBS. 70.00-84.00, ONE LOT 850-900 Ibs (876 lbs) 67.00-73.75 (70.06); p, 90.50. 510-680 LBS. 62.00-81.50, MED. 900-950 lbs (915 lbs) 67.00-7700 (68.73); oreencasuc, ra. AND LARGE 2 555-620 LBS. 950-17 (981) 65.00-67.50 (66.31). Hols- *l, „ 48.00-60.50. teins: Urge 2 450 Ibs 60700; 750 lbs IN n,Tnpn ,07SLAUGHTERSTEERS CALVES: 410...VEALERS FEW 53.00- 800-910 lbs 50.00-52.75. 7 HEIFERS 189 SLAUGHTER GOOD 135-160 LBS. 71.00-82.50. STAN- ||Kjr* ~ I \3 I / »I\|3; I Forney Longenecker If (Positive Approach for Revitalizing Soils) 'i Ke Pr a slden VFinancial Consultant 805 Milton Grove Road South • Elizabethtown PA 17022 9648 Commodities Only Distributors Of' Aari-SC. SMITH BARNEY ®V -*soil treatment y 717-295-8914 • SOO-441-1997 NA-CHURS. f^ast^nTl.reLf gUftud Fertilizer Suite 200 Call our office for the salesman nearest you. Lancaster, PA 17602-2852 1-800-929-2676 Dealer Inquiries Welcome KIPE STEEL I - Sandblasting^ Manufacturers of Milking Parlors w • Crowd Gates • Tip Waterers • ft Farm Buildings - Deck - Fences - Free Stalls • Stanchion ft Specia|izing & coating Call for Literature & Pricing ft OS *V? h f d r Ask for Will Godwin ft Kinzer^Pr"?^" 1-800-432-4797 f 717-768-3722 ate? mdard. OPEN-SIDED CALF FACILITY instruction. MEMBER iars 17) 354-4271 DARD AND GOOD 80-105 LBS. 25.00- UTILITY 60-85 LBS. 9.00- FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS MOSTLY 10.00 HIGHER...#! HOLS TEIN BULLS 90-120 LBS. 97.50-136.00, #2 90-130 LBS. 40.00-105.00,80-90 LBS. 26.00- #1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 80-125 LBS. 102.50-147.50, ONE 169.00, #2 60-115 LBS. 40.00-75.00. BEEF TYPE BULLS AND HEIFERS 80-115 LBS. 67.50-132.00. HOGS: 24...50WS US# 1-3 395-490 LBS. 25.50-30.50, 500-595 LBS. 28.50-30.00. BOARS: COUPLE 545-690L85. 16.50, FEW 165-220 LBS. 22.50-24.00. FEEDER PIGS: 23...UT1L1TY SLAUGHTER 65-85 LBS. 35.00-55.00. SHEEP: 59... SLAUGHTER LAMBS CHOICE 45-55 LBS. 87.50-111.00,60-65 LBS. 93.00-105.00. 70-90 LBS. 85.00-95.00, GOOD AND CHOICE 35-60 LBS. 47.50-95.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 19.00-31.00, FEW RAMS 44.00-46.00. GOATS: 56...8Y THE HEAD. LARGE BILLIES 77.50-146.00, MED. 55.00- FEW MED. NANNIES 41.00- LARGE KIDS 22.50-58.00, FEW SMALL 20.00-45.00 PER HEAD. Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md May 20, 1998 Report supplied by Auction SLAUGHTER COWS: 54 HEAD. 1.50 LOWER. UTILITY 37.00-41 JO; HIGH DRESSING TO 43.00; CANNERS 32.00-37.00; SHELLY 32.00 DOWN. BULLS: 4 HEAD. YG#l 2146 LBS. AT 51.25; YG#2l2OO-2000LBS. 45.00-47.50. FED STEERS: NO HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME OFFERED; CHOICE 1300-1500 LBS. 60.00-61.75; LOW CHOICE 1100-1500 LBS. 57.00-60.00. FED HEIFERS: NONE. VEAL CALVES: 130 HEAD. 1 LOW CHOICE 188 LBS. AT 79.00; CULLS 85-110 LBS. 26.00-36.00, 60-85 LBS. • Market • Boars *Sows • CULL PIGS GOOD’S LIVESTOCK. INC. Monday 6:30-11:00 A.M. Friday 6:30-10:00 A.M. Route 897 • 1 Mile North of Fivepointville, Denver, Pa (717) 445-5776 * Fax (717) 445-6963 BUY FACTORY DIRECT Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-A7 19.00- FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 95-120 LBS. 100.00-129.00; «2 85-95 LBS. 35.00-70.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS #1 90-120 LBS. 100.00-120.00; #2 75-95 LBS. 35.00-75.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS 75.00-127.00. BUTCHER HOGS: FEW OFFERED. NO TOPS OFFERED. LOT #l&3 214 LBS. 41.00; LOT #2&3 250 LBS. 40.50. SOWS: 300-500 LBS. 24.00-26.75; 500-700 LBS. 27.50-29.00. STOCK CATTLE; 107 HEAD. STEERS 200-400 LBS. NONE; 400-600 LBS. FEW 73.00-88.50; 600-800 LBS. 65.00- 800-1000 LBS. 60.00-65.00. HEIFERS: 300-500 LBS. 66.00-75.00; 500-700 LBS. 57.00-68.00; 700-900 LBS. 59.00- BULLS: 300-500 LBS. 68.00-72.00; 700-900 LBS. 51.00-61.00; DAIRY REPLACEMENTS MED. TO LARGE SPRINGERS 700.00-800.00; MED. FRESH 575.00-760.00; SMALL FRESH 450.00- SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 120.00- MED. 300.00-470.00. SHEEP: 31.00-46.00; LAMBS CHOICE WOOLED 95 LBS. AT 77.00; CHOICE SPRING 77 LBS. 84.50. GOATS: MED. BILLIES TO 67.00; SMALL 18.00-3100. New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, May 18, 1998 Report Supplied By Auction 262 HEAD. MARKET STEADY. WORK HORSES 775.00-1200.00. DRIVING 475.00-950.00. RIDING 450.00-900.00. BETTER RIDING HORSES 950.00- REGISTERED RIDING 625.00- 1 AT 2500.00. KILLERS. 1 AT 860.00, HEAVY WEIGHTS 610.00-735.00; LIGHT WEIGHTS 405.00-500.00. PONIES 150.00-400.00. LARGE PONIES 450.00-500.00, 2 AT 675.00 AND 775.00. COLTS 250.00-435.00.
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