MAILBOX MARKET FOR SALE 8 End Ford $2,600 or BO 609-662-8134 Pennsauken Co __ Lombardi Diesel, 12 hp with skid. Was used for tun nel ventilation system, $4OO. Eli Smucker, 317 Spnngville Rd, Kmzer. 717-354-6118 Lane. Co. For sale; house, V 2 acre, 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ephrata area 717-738-2928 Lane. Co Herbicide Gandy units oft white planter, $2O per unit or BO 716-392-2786 Mon roe Co.. NY 6001 b Fair Banks platform scales, 2 R. 3 pt. Ford culti vator w/shields, INI gram drill w/gross & fert., 21' 4" auger w/motor, 8' Ford disc. 838-4508 Leb Co IS Perkins Sales & Service 3» 7 -160 hp Open Power Units • Diesel Rebuilding • Cooling Compressor Units w/Air Motor or 12 V Clutch Dieset Air Compressor Units For The Homeowner • Batteries Belts DR^Mf • 12 V Alternators usEa • Ice Boxes WjffisL NEW IN STOCK lE®* 8 • 57 HP Perkins Diesel • 37 HP Perkins Diesel LK SMUCKER REPAIR 125 LEACOCK ROAD GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Location: Peters Rd & Leacock Rd,, 3 Miles South of New Holland 717-355-2606 MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No,photo copies accepted! Check One: For Sale I I Notice I—l Wanted I—I 1 18 County Phone No, No Phone Calls Pleaeel Wiremold 700 raceway, $5 per 100 ft., 6.50 xl6 tubes new, $4 ea TRI3 tubes, new $3 ea 717-762-3449 Frnkln. Co. Purebred German Shep herd puppy Shots, wormed, exc. markings, ready! $llO Paul Beiler, 332 Stony Hill Rd., Quar ryville, PA Lane. Co. 17566 New white aluminum sid ing, 35 pcs., 34"x80", 5 pcs 34“x108“, $lO per sheet. 717-768-0378 Lane. Co. Mower: T sicklebar, MF #4l, PTO belt drive, 3 pt. hitch, extra bar, guards, knives, vg cond. $lOOO 080. 717-987-3732 Fulton Co John Deere 2440 Tractor with 146 loader, good cond , new starter, batter ies, clutch, seat, etc $12,900. Call after 8 pm 717-292-0560 York Co AD FORM Attach Your ir Farming Ma Here IH 203 combine w/cab hume real 10’ head tor small grains, shed kept, field ready, $l2OO 717- 865-4842 Leb. Co. New rear wheel rim for Ford BN, $75; sickle bar mower to fit 8-N, VG cond , $l5O 717-624-3019 Adams Co 203 IH combine, 10' gram head, 2-row corn head, $4OO No Sunday calls, please 717-528-4594 Adams Co 2130 JD tractor in good cond. hi and low radial tires, $6200 080 717- 899-6121 Mifflin Co. Adult peacocks, full tails, also some peahens, exc. health, always free range price, $5O up to $lOO, cash 717-225-4511 York Co. Refrigerant charging scale, TIF model 9000, 0 to 60 lbs., $75. Hoppy aerody namic headlamp aiming adapters, 0202 & 0203, $25. 717-866-4203 Leb Co Angus angus crossed cows with calves. 717-374-7267 Snyder Co. Honda 200 3 wheeler, elec tric start, new tires, new carb., $650. After 6 pm 215-679-3869 Mont. Co. Antique sewing machines - 1 electric Singer and 1 White treadle. Both work, good cond , $5O ea 717- 244-0561 York Co 1942 Ford sdn. parts, $150; 1964 Impala for parts, $150; Craftsman Bench, top band saw $125 717-938-9119 York Co IH Combine, MF no. 12 baler, nice, 290 New Idea haybme, fair. 717-374- 8741 L iMiNEGAT LT. NJ m. m V 6to 25 Passengers . i Pirate King 11^^ NOW TAKING ~~ RESERVATIONS PAY OR NIGHT Blues • Sharks • Tuna Bottom & Wreck Fishing 18th Street • Bamegat Light Tant loe Karch 609-294-BOAT Capt. Joe Karch 609 . 2% . 6449 ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM! Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one” free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mailing Label must be attached. 3) Limit; 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be - held until following week’s issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. *• The Laftcaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements. ** 10" plow; 40“ disc harrow, both sleeve hitch, $5O ea. 080. Sinking Spring 610- 775-8751 Berks Co. Rite Hydraulic water ram, 1 - 1/2“ pipe size senes B ram, new, still in crate. 610-756- 6293 Berks Co Trailers well, no stall vices, very willing, good price to good home only' 610-932- 5971 Chester Co 3-NH 489 knives, $4O ea , front bumper and weight holder for IH 74-84, 85-95 tractor, $75 610-286-9391 Chester Co. Katahdm white hair lambs, $7O ea., young Japanese Red Maples, $3 ea or 10 for $2O 215-822-1639 Bucks Co. Sickle bar mower for Massey-Harns pony, $125. Call 610-488-7302 Berks Co. Ford 800 tractor Internation al 350 util, with loader - both good tractors, also log split ter for sale. 610-384-2115 Chester Co. 2-18 4 - 38 Firestone tires mounted on IH wheels, 10%-15% tread - 18.4 - 38 Goodyear tires - tubes. 610- 756-4335 Berks Co. Reg Llama male, dk brown, med. wool, raise w/goats & sheep, great guardian, $5OO 610-869- 8663 Chester Co 743 Bobcat skid loader, NH 307 V-tank spreader, Hes ston round bale mover, trailer type 814-634-5939 Somerset Co Barrels juice, 15 to 60 gal, plastic or steel, lids or plugs for water fuel docks, stor age, etc 717-586-0145 Wyo Co. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS Mail To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Main St P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 No Phono Calls Plaaael Registered Highland year ling bull from proven blood lines. Will trade for other 200 gal 3 pt. sprayer, $BOO, Highlander 080. Must sell NH3sobu tank spreader, 610-760-0297 Lehigh Co $2500; Van Dale stainless shaker feeder, $5OO, Patz conveyor, Bou-mabc double 6 parlour 717-222-4432 Susq Co. 1974 White road boss, 290 cummins, 13 spd twin screw, bad rear, $1500; 4- row, 3 pth cultivator, $6OO. After 8 pm 610-562-0826 Berks Co 404 New Holland hay crusher, $525 410-438- 3395 Q A Co Registered mini horses, mares and stallions, all ages and colors. Starting at $3OO After 8 pm 814-629- 6902 Somerset Co Farmall H with trip loader, runs good, $975 (717)423- 6514 or 423-6644, let ring Cumb. Co. Massey Hams 44K tractor, $975, Clark 4,000 lb. forklift $2200, both on steel and run good. 717-354-7737 Lane Co. Deutz engines, 80 hp rebuilt $3450, 50 hp, 1400 hrs, $3750 w/clutches. 717-354- 7267 Lane Co. Same gaited spotted saddle horses & some Tenn Walk ers. Exc for trail riding or field trials, 100% sound 717-379-3217 after 6 pm Gibraltar airtight coal con vection hearth stove, used one season, $750. Call after 530 pm 609-758-2636 Ocean Co JD 7720 4WD, 96 9600, loaded, machines well maintained, ready to go 1 retiring owner. Eves 717- 998-2032 Lycoming Co. 1979 Chevy truck GVWR 27,500, large aluminum box side door & rear rollup door, good motor 717-748-5047 Clinton Co Farm Estate for sale, due to death, farm machinery available. 610-754-6133 Montg Co Farmall Cub. new paint, runs good, 42" woods mow er, snow plow, dirt plow, nice shape, good tin, $2500. 610-458-5614 Chester Co Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $29.50 per year or $57.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $39.50 per year, $77.00 for two years) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■ When writing us about your subscription please attach your 1 Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1998 PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV □ $29.50-1 YEAR □ $57.00-2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Name . Address RD# City Zip +4 _ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-821 Summit lathe, 16-swing, 48- bed w/3 phase converter, 2- new 1-HP 3 phase motors, regulation pool table 610- 691-0839 Northampton Co. Landpnde batwing finishing mower, like newcond., 11'6" cut Raymond order picker & swing reach forklifts, good cond. 717-467-3921 Schuyl Co AC-B belt pulley attach ment, $2O, 9.00-20 truck chains, single set $3O, dual set $5O 215-672-6894 Montg. Co Oliver 60 row crop, $1500; Oliver 70 row crop, $l5OO or both for $2500 717-927- 9533 YorkCg Farmall 1937 Fl 2 running mounted cultivators, $2OOO or trade for Farmall C 908- 995-7304 Hunterdon Co Mack parts, rears 4.17 front springs, fuel pump turbo alt, heat core fan, 20 in rims, fires, axles, d-shaft 717-933-4532 Berks Co 1/2 Ton Peerless Packet, chain hoist w/attached, trol ly wheels, $5O Call 5-9 pm 973-875-1597 Sussex Co. Suffolk Ram registered, bom 2/12/98, will be ready for Fall breeding, $125 717- 626-7652 Lane Co Winchester 1897 12 ga, Winchester 1901 10 ga lever, SKB 600 12 ga mag, Mauser 30-06 Sporter, very good offers 610-692-5871 Chester Co AKC Brittany pups, org & wht., nice marking, sire has champ bloodlines, parents on premises, born 4/25/98, $3OO Leave mssg 717- 661-9131 Lane Co 1997 Chevy 510,500 miles, estate sale, short bed, 4 cyl, auto, $9OOO 080 814- 274-9388 Potter Co • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Box# State County Non-Refundable 1980 diesel GMC refrigera tor truck w/14‘ body and rollup door In back, $3OOO or 80. 610-869-2078 Chester Co. Free for removal, 4000' board fence and 1000' new barbed wire fence. All locust posts Call for details 410- 592-7919 Harford Co 'Bl Chevy Suburban, 2WD, good cond , $lOOO offer 717-246-1873 York Co John Deere H Senal #2370 parts tractor, $3OO 609- 259-2567 Mon Co , NJ John Deere 2030 diesel w/145 loader, low hours on factory rebuilt engine, $7500 or BO 301-898-9195 Fred Co , MD Fairbank std platform scales, ong. 11-03 USA made Mossburg 12 ga , 3" mag vent and slug barrel, new. (607) 583-2222 Steuben, NY Tobacco tin collection, 24 tins for $459. (717) 848- 3327 York Co 1-H 2R Toolbar, 3 pt corn planter, nice; 2-R trans planter $lOO, 3 pt. Rotary hoe 1-H; new 3 section tobacco balebox $125 717- 684-5352 Lane. Co Toyota motor 1981 22-R and Ford Bronco, 1986, exc cond , 610-932-3352 or 8499 Chester Co Gen L 65 mixer grinder, mix master soybean roaster, John Bean air blast crop sprayer 717-788-4833 Luzerne Co 24“ fan with air motor, $75 080 Elam Fisher, 2816 Cherry Lane, Ronks, PA 17562 Lane Co j Calf hutches, 5 plywood, hutches, excellent cond, $BO - $lOO,l round plastic, like new, $175, walnut cherry lumber 717-569-' 2076 Lane Co JD. 318, 18 hp , hydro, PS hydraulic lift, 46“ deck, nice $3,000, J D 54" power angle blade, $350 717- 872-5575 Lane Co OTHER STATES □ $39.50 -1 YEAR □ $77.00 - 2 YEARS □ RENEWAL
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