D32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998 Basenji Breeders, 6 fe males, 1 Brindle male, barkless, odorless, excel lent blood lines. High sell ers, ready to breed in spring. $2BOO firm, cash only, call 717-684-6805 Basset Hound pups, AKC, red & whites, tri colored, males & females. Will make good breeding stock or pets. 717-284-2046 Border Collie stud service and (1) red/ white puppy, purebred and registered. (717)665-9214. Collie Puppies, AKC regis tered, Ist shots, 6 females, 5 males, ready June 6, $250. (717)463-3017. English Mastiff Pups, AKC, shots and wormed, ready to go, fawns $475, brindles $525. (717)786-3915. English Shepard pups, all around dog. Good w/ children. Call 5-7 pm. 717-445-9463. For Sale: Reg. purebred Border Collie pups with working blood lines, im ported from Scotland. 717/738-0093. Golden Retrievers: 7wks, reg., F-$250, M-$200; Bmo. male $lOO. 717/354-5926. Labrador Retriever: AKC yellow puppies, Ist shots and wormed. Vet checked. Ready 6/6/98. Females, $350; Males $3OO. Call (717)582-8345. Mastiff puppies, AKC regis tered, fawn, shots up to date, health guaranteed, $6OO 717/697-7574. WANTED PUPPIES Pure & Mixed Litter lots for resale for companion pets JACK’S DOG FARM 215*7664802 215*766-8840 leave message Tues.-Sat. 9 am - 5 pm X WANTED g I 1 Puppies W ■ k For Pets AKC, Purebred, or Mixed Litters. Please call when 4 to 5 weeks old. Forest Ridge Kennel 296 S. Vintage Road Paradise, PA 17562 717-442-4259 Stud service available for many breeds. QUALITY DOG KENNELS AND ACCESSORIES • Galvanized Tubing • Galvanized Wire • 33” Opening • Free Standing • Optional Plastic Floor • Insulated Dog Boxes • Kennel Awnings (717) 353-7100 Quality Fencing & Supply 147 A Amishtown Rd. Nelv Holland. PA Outside pens, B'x24', 8-pens in seciton, not chain link, good condition. Will take offers. 717-949-2042 PUPPIES Border Collie/ Australian cattle dog mixed, ready to go, cheap! 717-665-4582 PUPPIES WANTED All kinds - AKC, Pure and Mixed Call Randy 717/822-2033 Call as early as 2 weeks old for dependable pickup at 7,8, %JEsjsty 9 weeks old. WANTED AKC Registered Rottweiler Pups Top Prices Paid 1 -800-349-9970 If you have Rottweiler puppies for sale, call us before 8 am. cut out this ad WANTED TO BUY Puppies & Kittens Mixed breed & AKC for resale in pet store. Call when young for pick-up at 7 weeks. Fair price paid. Norman Wheeler 610-380-1445 (8 AM-11 AM) 610-518-6070 (4 PM - 9 PM) NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS The Mifflin County Conservation District is requesting bids for the construction of 4 waste storage systems to be funded in part by the Chesapeake Bay Program Construction of these projects is expected to take place during the third and fourth quarters of 1998 The sites are located in Derry, Oliver, and Wayne Townships, Mifflin County Prospective contractors will receive a bid package which contains Instructions to Bidders, a sample contract form, the plans and specifications for the pro|ect and a bid sheet Small and minority businesses and women's business enterprises are encouraged to respond to this invitation for bid Date and time of site showing and bid opening will be indicated in the bid package To obtain a bid package, contact the Mifflin County Conservation District at. 20 Windmill Hill #4, Burnham, PA 17009, (717) 248-4695. ISCELLANEOUS (1) Entry door w/frame 32"x79" $50.00; Certain teed windows w/screens (1) , x59-1/2’ $40.00; (2) 23-1/2x71-1/2 $50.00/each; Steel garage door B’x7' w/hardware $50.00; Wooden bi-fold doors painted white 59-1/2'x79’ $30,00. Items less than 4 years old. 215-234-8008 #2OB Reed Manufacturing Vice, made in Philadelphia, very good condition. $2OO. Call After Bpm 717-469-0448. 30001 b electric walk behind forklift, $950. 717/354-3105. Reg. English Shepherd Pups, tri’s, black & white, farm raised. 814-796-4070. Springer Spaniel male, 11 months, house broken. 610-777-8664 WANTED all AKC Lab pup pies. Will pick up. Will pay. Call Kurt 508/238-1388. Abrasive belt sander, 8' wide belt feed, carborun dum, model 1000 C-8, Ser ial #65039, 25hp, 3ph, needs repairs, $2500. 717/354-3105. AC garden tractor, model 914, shuttle drive w/42’ mower deck, 38‘ rotor tiller, very nice condition, $2500. 908-453-2088 Bridge Crane (Coming In), 20,0001 b, 90' span. 717/354-3105. BUNK BEDS. FUTONS, MATTRESS SETS. Many styles starting at $99. Dir. 717-299-9494./ 717-393-3467. Choice Angus Steer Beef: cut, wrapped and frozen. Lancaster Co, (717)426-3135. Cold cut saw, 16' blade, 4'xlo’, shp 3-phase, Pis torius, $B5O. 717/354-3105. Coolant; water soluble ma chining coolant, synthetic & regular. $6/gal., retails for $lB/gal. 717/354-3105. Delco pressure washer, 1500 PSI, 3 GPM, hot wa ter, good condition, port able, $l5OO. Call Steam Team Enterprise 610/932-3370. Fencing: 8’ posts, 16’ boards, treated, used, good condition, $1.50/each. 215/598-7611. FOR SALE: Used desks, files, chairs, fireproof files, etc. NOLT'S Ephrata, PA (717)859-1617. Large airconditioner for sale, good condition. WANTED: Wind mill & wa ter wheel, useable condi tion. 717-252-1221 Mobile home axles, $35-$5O. Tires on rims, 7-14.5, $B, 8-14.5, $l2. 717-464-4461 leave message. Molding sander, 2 head, power feed, $2500. 717/354-3105. PAYING UP TO $2.50/sq.ft. for wide walk smooth attic floor. We re move. Also paying $.50-$l.OO for pine and oak siding 1" 4 thicker. 800/765-3966. Radial arm saw, Porter Built, Model 43-20 V Serial #2646, 714 hp. 3ph, 20- blade, power feed, $l2OO. 717/354-3105. Sander, 16' block w/(2) 8 - wide belts, shp/head, fair condition, $1650. 717/354-3105. Lefeverl2 Gage Damascus Doable Bahai Shot Gun, Perfect Bores. Grade (EE), 2 Triggers, Nice Case Colors and Automatic Ejectors. Serv. No, 356 XX. 80% Overall Condition. Previous Owrtjßr is Wallace E. Woodring, Lancaster County Saaj& Protector 1948-1977. Call Jean Woodring Cocco;’ 607-585-2583. Evenings/T. Mack 807-565-4969. LIVE GAME FISH Fingerlmgs and Adults Large and Small Mouth oldest Fish Bass, Spotted and Rock Bass, Bream Crappies, Trout, Channel Cals, Bullheads, Walleyes, Perch, Minnows, * Northerns, Pickerel, Muskies, Red Gills, Mullets, Carp, * —Eels, Turtles, Frogs, Israeli Carp Also Aquatic Plants VgIQS and Water Lilies COLORFUL CATALOG $2 00 K m Truck, Air and Parcel Post Delivery ImT Specialist*: ZETTS FISH HATCHERIES DRIFTING. PENNA. 16834 Phone: 814-345-5357 Reid surface grinder, 6xlB, $650. 717/354-3105. Shop Smith Mark-V .lathe, bandsaw, tablesaw, jointer. All in one. 717-539-8175 Timber Harvester band sawmill, Frick edger band sharpener & setter, pack age deal. $22,000; 440 JD 2-cyl crawler loader, $4500; Ix6xlo' fence boards, $2.50/pc. Lane. 717/284-2862 leave message. Wisconsin VH4D air cooled 4-cyl. industrial 30hp en gine, rebuilt, $l3OO. 610-944-6757 Worthingtn 250 cu.ft. gas compressor, $7OO. JD-20 trencher 42', $6OO. S-10 pickup truck, $9OO. M-4 trencher. $2OO. V-4 Wison sin engine, $l5O. 18* con crete saw, $2OO. 24* con crete saw, $2OO. 4* water pump, $4OO. 3' pump, $2OO. Soft ice-cream $4OO. 610-691-3070 } Top Dollar Paid | I for 5 | Wide Attic Flooring, i Barn Grainery Boards, | J Wide Roof Boards, J Big Beams of. 1 Chestnut, Heart Pine, J White Oak, White JPme, Interior Salvage of Early Stone of Brick J House, Indian Doors, S Hand-Hewn House f Joints and Rafters, S Summer Kitchens, Old | Factories, Old, I Warehouses and Log | Houses"" } (610)857-1002 ’ Anytime f r» - • Fay the most & f Travel the Farthest WANTED: Used tools and machinery. Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder. B.J. TOOL & SUPPLY, RT 422 W, Myerstown, PA. 1-800-772-9845. Warner Swazey #3 turret lathe. $450. 717/354-3105. 3$ Koiß-Us ■f'U Fish Farm Nice Colorful Koi to Beautify Your Pond All Sizes & All Colors 215-536-6076 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1984 Jayco Series "J* sth wheel trailer, 28' includes hitch, used very little, $4500. 717/745-3344. 1997 Chateau 31' QSB motorhome, 4600 miles, factory warranty. Ford E3SOSD chasis, must sell to build new home! $39,900 080. 610-562-9404 83 Searay 21 ’ boat, 350-V8 5.7, $5200 mint condition; also 24‘ 86 RV Skyline, AC, gas heat, $5500. 717/733-6698. Coachman 88 31’ Class A, 27.000 miles, generator, twin beds, towing hitch. 717/436-6598. uJ AUTOS 1 Mile N. Suipmlt Station (717)739-268:1 ‘9l Chevy Blazer S-IO 4x4,4 Dr. Black & Silver, AT PS PB, AC $8,995 ‘9l Chevy Blazer S-IO 4x4 4 Dr. SiKei dt Charcoal AT PS PB, AC $7,995 ‘93 Ford Kxplorcr Eddie Bauci 4 WD 4x4 White &. Beige AT PS PB AC $9.495 'BB Ford F-150 4x4 Black dt Silver AT PS PB AC 8 Cyl 302 $6,995 ‘9O Geo Tracker 4x4 Blue & While AT PS, PB AC $4,495 ‘93 Chevy Silverado 3500 4x4 Beige & Sliver, AT, PS, PB, AC $9.995 ‘9l Chevy Blazer K-5 4x4 White, AT, PS, PB, AC, V 8 150 $7,995 ‘B9 Ford F-150 XLT Lariat 4x4 Black & Silver, AT, PS, PB, AC $7.995 ‘B7 Chevy Blazer 8-10 4x4 Charcoal, AT, PS, PB, AC $3,995 ALL AMERICAN LOCATED ON RT. 183 1 MILE NORTH OF SUMMIT STATION 1993 Damon Escaper sth wheel camper, 34VRK, all fiberglass, 12| slide-out, excellent condition, never trailered, every available option, sleeps 4, residential quality furnishings, $15,000. 610/432-0233. weekends 717/636-3027. AUTOS 1987 Ford Tempo LX. 4 cyl, 4-dr, 124 K, $1,295 080. (717)266-5939. 1991 Grand Marquie se dan. 4 door. 717-432-5506 'B9 Ford Probe turbo, needs transmission,- good condition, $750 080. (717)529-3199. CHEVY'S, FORD'S, etc. Cars and trucks. Over 300 vehicles. Every Monday 6:3OPM. PUBLIC AND DEALERS. YORK SPRINGS PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION. RT 15. York Springs, PA 1-800-222-2038. Chevy 1-Ton axles, good shape, 4-11 gear ratio, asking $5OO. 717-361-8915. FOR SALE: Willies Jeep parts, Lancaster County, PA. 717-656-0504. Willys Jeep 2(CJ-5) 81(CJ2A) & parts, $9OO/lot wrong# last week. Correct phone (610)964-1861. fOnr IBM WMcMs ftKttoMdWNkly ‘B7 Ford Ranger Ext. Cab 4x4 2 Tone Gold, AT. PS, PB, AC $4,995 ‘94 Chevy Cavalier 2 Dr. Blue AT PS PB AC $4,995 ‘93 Ford XLT Lariat 4 WD E\l Cah Burgundy AT PS PB AC $10,900 ‘BB Ford F-150 4x4 Blue & While S Speed PS PB, AC 8 Cyl 302 $4,995 ‘9O Ford Bronco Full Size 4x4 Blue & White AT, PS, PB AC, V 8 302 $6,495 ‘9l Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4x4 Blue & Beige, AT, PS, PB, AC $7,995 ‘95 Mercury Villager Mini-Van Fully Equipped, AT, PS, PB, AC $11,990 ‘B7 Ford F-150 XLT 4x4 2-Tonc Beige & Gold AT. PS, PB, AC $5,995 ‘9O Ford Ranger STX Extended Cab 4x4 AT, PS, PB. AC $6,995
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