m NURSERY e 3-5' Engeimann/Blue Spruce cross B&B nursery stock. Also some 5-7 Ca naan Fir and 4’ Arborvitae. Zimmer Century Tree Farm, Tioga Co. 717/659-5589. GROFF TREE MOVING SERVICE Contract Digging 24" to 84" Ball (B&B) Any Amount - Anywhere Buy/Sell Wholesale Call Don 717-664-4587 FARMS Quality Douglas Fit, White Pine, Blue Spruce OCut and B&B Available. Reasonable Prices. Large Tree Transplanting also available with Big John 80 inch spadd" RDI Orwlgsburg, PA (717) 943-2137-John (717) 943-2499 « Dave A -DouglasFir* A ML • Concolor Fir • • Blue Spruce • • White Pine • White Spruce • • Norway Spruce • • Black Hill Spruce • Hemlock • • Arborvitae • • Maple Trees • Dogwoods • Cut and B&B FINE QUALITY AFFORDABLE PRICE Delivery Available Custom Tree Digging & Planting Available / tv A i CHRISTMAS MLfcsSSm BARN FARMS P.O. Box 198 New Ringold, PA 17960 (717) 386-2107 EM LAWN & GARDEN JD 15 gallon portable lawn sprayer, new condition $l2O call 717-581-9329 JD 400, 20hp Kohler, hy dro, hi-lo range, PS, 60’ deck. 56 - power angle is 1 grain truck. General blade, chains, $4OOO. Le- Hauling. Bryan Foose. banon Co. 717-865-3319 Quarryville, PA. evenings. (717)786-3423 JD 445 w/60" mower deck, c.R. Shuman Portable QT loader, cart material Lumber Sawing will saw collection system, virtually logs at your site in North'd, new 25 hours, $10,600 Columbia, Montour Coun firm. 717/872-2198 after ties or you bring logs to us. 7:3opm. 717/275-4776. '95 612 Grasshopper w/ mower, nice condition, $3300 0 80.717-445-4541 9' Stone Rake for lawn grading. 16* Chipper, ex cellent 16' flat haywagon $4OO. WANTED: Rollback truck w/out CDL. 215-885-1032. Clearance new 25hp, 61' commercial Great Dane Rider by Scag, only $4995. 717-445-4541 Cub Cadet 1912 Hydrosta tic 60' Mower, Hydraulics Leafvac, 2 wagons, good condition. 610-692-5871. Chester County. $2,700./Negotiable. Good dean top soil. Deliv ery available. 610/932-8999. Honda 4514 lawn tractor, liquid cooled, 14hp, 42' mower deck, less than 170 hrs., $2150 080. 717-838-3502 Leftover Massey Ferguson 2516 H, 16hp, 44' hydro, unheard of price, $2599. 717-445-4541 MEMORIAL DAY BASHI New big 25hp Massey Fer guson garden tractor, hy dro. w/60’ mower, impress ive only $7500. Reg. $B7OO. 717-445-4541 New Bhp Garden Star tiller, 1 only, $1195. 717-445-4541 Simplicity mower deck, 48', used 1 season. Call 717-665-6326 Steiner Mower Deck 60". Fan for Steiner Deck, Trac- Vac System for 3pt hitch & Trac-Vac Dump Cart w/ Hopper. ALL LIKE NEWI 814-364-9333. Used 2 seasons, Ariens 16hp hydro, 40'. $l5OO 080. 717-445-4541 WANTED: JD 120, any condition. 610/584-8435. WANT TO BUY antique & old Gravelys, attachments, literature. Any condition. (610)942-4901. Wheelhorsefforo, models 300-500, accessories, 50’ dozer snowblade, $2OO. 36' rear tiller, $3OO. Bnnly 14' one row plow, $lOO Berks. 610-944-9819 Yanmar 1300 diesel trac tor. 4WD, $3500 firm. 717-445-4541 Yanmar 4x4, 19hp, 700 hrs., $4,800. (814)467-8839. BEACHY CAT endless track garden tractor SINCE 1942 $685.00 (Free Shipping it check N| SERVICES OFFERED iuid Manure Custom Lb Hauling. Liquid manure pump rental. Lagoon or vertical wa 410/756-1218. Hauling w/28' rollback truck. Lavern Rutt, Mt Joy, PA. (717)653-4725. Looking fora place for anti que tractor restoration and refinishing. Specializing in JD. References available. Call me at 610-262-5623. Welder Training AWS Cer tified Instructors, 60 hour courses, days or evenings or Saturdays, AWS Certifi cation Test Available 717-627-2510 Welding AWS certified in sured, Lititz location, low est rates in area. Large or small production custom fabrication. Call 24 hours, (717)627-2510. Cattle Care Services, Inc. PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING We Trim 40-100 Cows Per Day. No Interest Financing Available Call 1-800-359-TRIM ✓ Cattle Hoof Trimming k ✓ Totgl Hoof Care «|| * ✓ Hydraulic Tilt Table XT'V ✓ All Hand Tools ffnv Mark W. Beall (301) 845-4376 New All Hydraulic Upright Chute! Cow Never Flipped on side! Stays in standing position! Cartli fVw Campbell Gratz ’ PA Sjf\i (B (717)365-3718 > John J. Nolt Co -'%. Heating Oil • Gasoline S SPRING SPECIAL % Diesel for farm, mfg & heating ;T- 30 miles radius >- *3O per gallon discount on all orders 150 gallon or more '£* >' * Discount for bulk orders of 400 xjf •fc gallons or more (717)354-5422 S When Choosing a Hoof Trimmer Consider the Following; EXPERIEI A “Cowmai with a lifeti of expenem ranging froi commercial set-ups to Al American type cattle. KNOWLEI Of today’s hoof care problems as well as corrective measures. I WOULD LIKE TO HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR HERD! Serving the East Coast JIM KAHLER 717-723-1026 BILL’S Hoof Trimming Corrective and maintenance trim ming. Proper hoof care is essential for heat detection, milk production and overall herd health and longevity. Will travel. All new hydraulic tilt table. (717) 247-7545 •5 - I can’t do 100 head a day, but I can do 20-25 a day correctly at competitive prices. GENERAL HAULING 20’ Rolf-Off Bed David Martin <717) 733-3438 g»a»aiauiiauiiaaL«ii3igiataiaiaintaia|: | CATTLE I | HOOF I | TRIMMING I 1(215) 345-0897| Baßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaß KSI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 14 Building lots, Exit #lO of 1-81 w/public sewer, price $110,600 Plus develop ment cost Owner financ ing. 717-532-4882 ADAMS CO.. PA: Turkey farm, country setting. 19+A, pond, hog barn, bank barn, modern opera tion, capacity 28,000 birds. Call Randy for info or ap pointment 717-633-5092 Established Farmer's Market/Flea Market, Large Buildings on 18 acres. 717-437-3410. Farmer's Market: Vendors Needed. Prime location Bethlehem/Easton. A/C re- novated supermarket. Now open, attracting large crowds. Seeking large vari ety foods, Amish crafts, fur niture etc. (610)258-2330; (610)861-3772, evenings. Gourmet soft pretzel busi ness w/receipe, mixer, oven and available loca tion. Start making money! 717-391-2677. Insurance carreer leads) leads! leads! 50K to 100 K w/many benefits. Working 4 days/wk. 1(800)905-9095 for Dan. Johnsonville Farm & Gar den, Northampton Co.. PA. Feed/lawn & garden store, rural location, SIM busi ness. 610-588-1638 610-688-1627 Pet and livestock feed and supplies. Cambria County, (814)749-0655. Wholesale/retail Christmas tree and wreath business, includes supplies and equipment. Approximately 35,000 trees. Local cus tomer base. Present owner willing to work with buyer through first season. Seri ous inquiries only. Offered at $187,500. 717/464-9232. VMM CUSTOM WORK Custom Bagging, 6'&B' bags 717/949-2366, 800/782-1757. Custom drilling, soybeans, Great Plains no-til drill, Lampeter/ Strasburg area, also available for RENT. (717)687-3993. Custom o-till soybean drilling w/Great Plain drill. Southern Lancaster. Also, available for rent. 717-872-2732 Custom planting 750 no-till drill, OeKalb seeds, Roundup soybean seed, also Roundup corn avail able. 717/866-7035. Farmers, don’t take your logs to the sawmill, have the sawmill come to you. Magni's Millworks, (717)865-2354. FOR RENT: 4 row Pequea 24" row corn planter, JD7200 liquid fert. insecti cide hoppers. Ronks, PA, Lancaster County. 717-687-7969, FOR RENT; 4 row Pequea 24" row corn planter, JD7200 liquid fert. insecti cide hoppers. Ronks, PA. Lancaster County 717-687-7969. HERTZ-HAUL Liquid Man ure Spreading Services (610)286-9708. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 23, 1998-029 Mobile grain roasting unit, good condition, truck & trailer. 515-985-4255 Self loading and unloading round bale mover for rent, hauls 5 bales. 717-442-5281 or 717-442-4452 Will do custom haybinding 4X4 round baling tilage work reasonable rates, Un ion County 717-524-5627 Custom Baling Mid-size Rectangular Hauling w/drop deck trailer Steve Martin Myerstown, PA ,(717)933-9219 Brubaker’s Chopping and Bagging Berks, Lebanon & Surrounding Counties UpNorth bag sales 6‘ to 8’ bags Great prices 717-866-6859 717-866-9093 Custom Bagging Machine and bag prices as follows: Bxls $6OO Bx2oo $7OO Using 2 year Ag-Bags 814-847-2402 SOYBEAN ROASTING ON YOUR FARM HORST GRAIN ROASTING Cheater Co., PA KEYSTONE CUSTOM HARVESTING Looking for Rye, Hay & Corn to Chop in Southern PA, MD & DE New Holland FX 25 with supporting equipment 6-row corn head & 11’ pickup head Call Rob or Dave 1 -800-991 -CHOP (2467) UPNORTH PLASTICS SILAGE BAG SALES 6 Mil 4’x2oo’ W j Sm ? Stuffer Bags In Stock Now Also 6’ and 8’ Bags available For more Information and Prices on Silage Bags 1925 Call Horseshoe Rd. King’s Custom Bagging Lancaster, Pa. (717) 397-9525 17 601 Leave message or call between 9 00 AM to 9 15 AM CUSTOM BALING 3x3xB Will Travel For Acres Eric Deppen Mt. Joy, PA (717) 653-9175 CHOPPING, Hay Pickup, 4RN Corn Head with Kernel Processor COMBINING SQUARE BALING, 3x4xB 610-932-8999 Custom planting, com & soybeans. White no-till planter, 15 or 30" rows. Lebanon Co. & surrounding area. |717) 867-1118.
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