T r jUALITY corn silage I*. Chopped with JD chopper with roller mill, Have analysis available. Can deliver with self-unloading truck & blower or tri-axle dump truck. Call for price STAR-ROCK FARMS 717/872-9152 717/392-6854 • Two Grades Available • • Fresh Shredded Wood • We Deliver WANTED Standing Saw Timber ; TUSCARORA HARDWOOD, Inc. Manufacturer of Hardwood Lumber t P.O. Box 64, Route 274 S Elliottsburg, PA 17024 f 800/253-0263 or 717/582-4122 | Sprung Farms of Bergen, NY and J. Elvm Ghck of Quarryville, PA have been supplying area dairymen with high quality forages for years, so we would like to introduce a new type of service, “Alfalfa Balaae” “Alfalfa Balage” has been around for a time now and has proven to make a great source of feed providing that the farmer gets what he pays for To help resolve this problem we would like to introduce an “orryour farm service” which would include fresh baled alfalfa in easy to use 4’ or 5’ round bales. 1. Delivered immediately after baling, unwrapped for total inspection of quality and pureness of product, 2. After total satisfaction has been determined, a wrapping service by one of our looal area farmers would take place at any site desired by buyer, 3. We can also offer two kinds of wrapping service, either single bale, individually or tube type by state of the art new wrappers. Because we are so sure that our product and service is second to none, we can also offer a term type payment schedule with no interest to help spread out puchase to helfb with cash flow. If this offer interests you please call us to talk more about this and possibly we can arrange a personal meeting. We also still carry our full line of small square bales of hay: 1. Alfalfa 3. Bedding 2. Timothy/Alfalfa 4. Western Hay We also have single bale individually wrapped balage available. Any size load is available. 716/768-8582 Ask for Dan 717/786-4580 Ask for Elvin SUPER AN IMPROVED METHOD OF COVERING HAY STACKS University Test Proven tr Pays To Cover Your Hay QDoes Not Shrink or Absorb Water Ql4 mils. Thick - Heaviest Material On The Market (6 3 oz) Against Ultraviolet Light and Rotting (✓JSilver on Outside to Reflect Sun Rays. v# > M' >•*** IT? TORSALE SAWDUST • Quality Mulch • 5 Acres or More TARP *• ' ■ „ (✓{Large Inventory- Next Day Shipping About Custom Sizes This is a new style of hay cover designed to allow a more secure tie down method resulting in a tighter tarp for better protection and longer tarp life. This new method spreads overall stress evenly on tarp. / ADVANCED SCIENTIFICS, INC. 163 Research Lane, Mlllersburg. PA 17061 1-800-724-4158 » 1-717-692-2104 Dealers Wanted In Man; Asgrow Soybeans Round-Up AG3301 S T.S. Variety A 2704 - A 3704 - A 4045 Standard Variety A 3244 J. Martin Groff ■'•Z# Areas Horse Hay For Sale Mixed Grass / $250 Sale Delivery Available (610) 932-7942 k Organic Unlimited Manufacturer of Organic Feed 34 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 17042 Office Phone (717) 273-1555 Fax (717) 273-2914 Providing The Eastern U.S. with Organic Feeds Complete Feeds, Concentrates, and Minerals For All Livestock No Quantity Too Large or Too Small Bagged or Bulk Specializing in Dairy and Poultry Rations Wet Brewers Grain - Sawdust Ernest J. Tomer Trucking, Inc. 3109 Belvidere Rd. Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 908-475-2578 GIVE YOUR HERD’S MILK PRODUCTION A BOOST WITH BREWER’S WET GRAINS • Replace part of your ration with brewers wet grains from Miracle. • Purchase McNess vitamin/minera! premix from the same source. • Determine the most efficient feed with free MAXI-MILK ration balancing. • Call toll-free 800-888-0230 Miracle Feeds Div. of Furst McNess MOLDY CORN? Let Schnupp's Grain Roasting SAVE Your Moldy Corn! • Flame Roasting Kills the Molds Present in Corn. • Flame Roasting Will Reduce Toxins to Safe Levels. • Flame Roasting Will Remove Odor and Increase 5~" Those roasted grains are really tasty w v Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-D27 "S M.H. Martin Co. 717-738-1312 Ephrata White Pine shaving 3.50 cu. ft. bale Picked up at barn; $3.75 Delivered: 40 Bales = $lB6 80 Bales = $340 Shaving & Sawdust Mix 3.5 cu. ft. bag Picked up at bam: $2.75 Delivered: 40 bags = $146 80 bags = $260 12 yd. bulk: $225 Mileage charge after the Ist 10 mi Bark Mulch 5 yd. = $l4O Other sized loads available Mushroom Soil Beat the Spring rush!! Local Hauling 100 bu. = $65 300 bu. = $lOO 800 bu. = $175 1200 bu. = $2OO A 0 m CHNUPP’S N ROASTING (OX 840, Lebanon, PA 17046 >5-661 1 Fax #865-7334 800-452-4004 ‘ROFF, RD #3 Lewisburg, PA 717-568-1420 iil
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