HG DRAFT BUIES X. I on mm I READY TO * 0 jorset yearling rams, ex- PAUL SMUCKER (717) 299-3721 \ y Dorsets. 410-848-0171. K& K HORSE SALE ( Saturday - May 23th Mt. Springs Arena Shartlesvilie, PA Directions: 1-78 to Exit 8 Schartlesville. | Follow signs to Mt. Springs camping resort j Tack 2-pm Horses - 6pm 1 Information , 717-334-7282 Steve L Day of sale 610-488-9653 '! Auctioneer Denny Brownawell AU001604-L | Auctioneer John Regan AU003156-L || 1 Jack Russell | St|id Service # Exceptional Color } and Confirmation, i Outstanding I Temperment | (717)872-8602 i IH»<»» Click’s Horse Dentist Teeth Floating, Wormer David S. Click 262 Cut RD Gap. PA 17527 717-768-8860 Reg. Boer Goats, billys & bred nannies, all percen tages, all ages. Starting $125.410/969-9324. m Saddlebred boer goats just re- H Stlfd Service [J turned from Texas with M 16.1 H, sorrel, h lar 9 s loa d. range hardy. M flaxen tail. M Bucks and Does $75 up. m Well built road m als ° Jim M j, H Reeves 814-643-0866. « H Boer Goal Kids: full bi^d H Mare rate available, m an( j percentage. South Af- M to/ciay p ncan, New Zealand and [j / /i/fc tori guaranteed fj Australian bloodlines. Bing M h Crest Farm, h Jonas escn h (717)272-6023 M 170 Druce Rd. m New Providence, m *{ PA 17540 Reg. Black Percheron Stud Service •Stands 17.3 H •Excellent disposition •Stud fee $l5O (guaranteed) Joseph Glick 1751 Division Hwy Ephrata, PA 17522 Also for sale IHI SHEEP A ■■ GOATS 1998 SHOW LAMBS AVAILABLE Call Now for Good Selection £fa 301-371-4483 5842 Broad Run Road 800-331-9122 Jefferson, Maryland 21755 SHEEPS GOATS 22 Nubian boar meat goat Nannies with 3/4 Boer Billy. Yearlings to 5 years, some bred, some with kids. Out of season breeders Lan caster Co. 717-445-9390 FOR SALE: Registered Hampshires: (1) ram lamb, (1) two year old ram, (1) three year old ewe. (717)896-8996. Lambsl Rams and ewes. Some Jacobs, Merinos, Finns, and crosses. Also purebred Cheviot ewes. Excellent (ambers. Mostly twins. All beautiful woof. Call for prices. Reduction of flock. Very reasonable. Call (304)267-4754. Phone 717-859-2241 ESTABLISHED 1873 WEST EARL WOOLEN MILL 110 Cocalico Creek Road High Grade Wool Batting Eohrata PA 17522 Yarn Afghans Comforters tpnrata, ka i Blankets & Robes Buyers of raw wool fleeces need not to be tied (717) 859-2241 - ——— Reg. Cheviot ram, pur- Boer goat starter herd for chased 6/94 at Keystone sale, 10 halfblood, 10 V* stud Ram Sale as ram blood, $4500. Clean & iamb, Lawler breeding, ® KIDS, produced multiple births. 717/746-1664. $!25. 717/566-8234. Dr 'jt tailing m"»* Saanen & Lamancha goats, kids start at $65, milkers start at $lOO. We breed for production. RED GATE FARM DAIRY 717-838-4610 :iai:ii:iuii:n;iaL-miuii:mim[:iuiMi:iL-iL3i:imaL-miauii:imi;ii;iai:ii:iiai;iiinaL-ii:ii3L -1 GERR GLEN FARM | 3 C t • Registered Columbia lambs e | • Registered natural colored lambs | j * Columbia lamb rams j • Columbia ewe rams 1 • Natural colored ram lambs | • Natural colored ewe lambs n | • Started flocks i | • Excellent replacement lambs | | • 4-H breeding sheep project lambs j| 1 The home of excellent fleeces and a breeding [g ] program established for many years i ‘ Our sheep have been sold into PA, DE, MD, NJ, | CT, NY, OH, IN, MO, IL, IN, Ml | I 717-987-3219 I l^l±=ll=U=l!=U=ll=l±3Ht±=l!=ti=li=i£=U=li=U=U=tj=tiHiiU=U=l±=U=l±3±rl!=Ks=lHU=U=lHU=lHU=EHil3l=li=Url^ SWINE | 14 Ptterson / Dr, Slorm ( f \.Mtj£k L* ke lowa / / 50588 712-732-2546 M imilatlurci n <>i i|u iiu> allordahL how api «, mil i ill huis vinu 1961 INDIVIDUAL FARROWING AND Approxim CALF HUT BY PORT-A-HUT ,!f h ,P rcJ ' All sled completely assembled, . ' r , ventilated, 7 1/2’ long, optional front 'v . Wiill protu doors, guard rads, pig rollers and r 1 pens. LEMMON 855 Alexander Spring Road, (717) 249-8434 8 [pQM^ assembly SHEEP WANTED: Ewe lambs, 40-60#. Ewe lambs 25-30#. Clean & healthy. 860-546-9969 Suffolk Ewes for sale. Call 610-942-7896 after 7pm. Targhee and Cotswold lambs. Black and white fleeces. Excellent breeding stock. Available June Ist. 717/249-4321. Top quality registered boer goats, hand picked in Texas, quality guaranteed, delivery available. Hoover Boer Goats, RD#3, Box 4628, Tyrone, PA, 16686, (814)684-5302. Babydoll Miniature South down Sheep. Purebred & reg. 973-875-3291. Full-blooded Boar Goats (717)485-5372 , (717)485-3181 (717) 485-5579 fax HOKRCOATSi'iCVN NET Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids 915-836-4431 SWINE BENNECOFF HOGS: Or der 4-H project pigs, boars, gilts: Hampshires, Berk shires, Polands, Durocs and Crosses. (610)285-6582. Quality ! FEEDER PIGS ; For Sale From ; Pseudorabies ; Free Herds ; Fred Patterson \ 931-364-7050 * Duroc * Yorkshire * Spotted * Chester • [.andrace * Hampshire * Pictiam * Bred Gilts & Boars tor sale Bred gilts .ire bred for purebred & crossbred litters Also. Chib Pigs for sa’e PRV U Bntc validated herds Calvin Lazarus & Sons 610-799-3375 Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 Where Genetics & Figures Meat'j Duroc Boars ■ Gills & Bred Gilts w/due date & figures Delivered jusl about anywhere Satisfaction Guaranteed' Contint ig to provide some of the best genetics v in the country! Call Dave 717-235-6966 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-D23 Duroc and Yorkshire boars Re - Hampshire Boars, A-l w/scan figures. Priced to ,0 Ritz . ready for service, sell! James Parlett validated herd. (717)862-3610. 540-459-2893 Looking to rent/buy hog fin- WANTED: 200 head hog ishing bam. Minimum 500 Jf mi, S f head. POB 71. Wolmels- n , D ® n . ver ' PA ' dorf. PA 19567 717-484-2576. ARNOLD HOG FARMS Boars, Handmated Bred Gilts (9 Due June, 41 Due July-August) Open Gilts & Project Feeder Pigs J3eliveryJ^ Larry 717-933-8153 Leon 717-273-5880 The Pig Of Tomorrow at Our Place Today! _ M Undrace —“W Al\J| Yorkshires Q k/lli Urge Whites FI Crossbreds rjK.'RTsa s 40 Years of Tested Genetics BRED GILTS TO FARROW EACH MONTH Open Gilts In Large Quantities« Boars SEW - AIAO Certified Brucellosis and Pseudorabies Free Herd Reno Thomas Park Thomas Mark Stehr (717) 658-5821 (717) 658-6544 (717) 658-7007 RD #l, Box 2449, Beavertown, PA 17813 TOP QUALITY BERKSHIRES Industry's Meat Quality leader PRV Herd #l4 Bruc Free Herd #135 Stress Free Herd Boars & Gilts for Sale Scan Figures Available Innerst's Berkshire* Greg & Beth Innerst 5140 Deer Rd, Red Lion, PA 17356 717-246-1731 Will Deliver ME A T LINE SEMEN Balanced, multiple trait selection for lean gain. Over 20 years of • comprehensive •laluati KfCjWG EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 24 Farrowing crates com plete with floonng, 64 ges tation crates, 12 propane heaters 6000 BTU Best of fer. 717/656-4478. 26 stainless steel hog fi nisher feeders, double 6 hole, $75-$lOO each (717)866-7863 Tru-test Eziweigh hog scales, digital head w/load cells, like new, $BOO. (717)866-7863.
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