1984 Lull 844 w/Outrigger $29,500 717/529-2512 No Sunday Calls - - \ Reinco 1000 Gal. Hydro Seeder, Wisconsin jj / Engine, Trailer Mounted, Hose Reel, New '/ Paint, Excellent Condition 0 f New Cost $30,000 « ; Asking $14,500 080 * \ Jim J “GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE” New Hex Head Bolts Quantity Size Grade 10.000 5/16-18X5/8 8 Blk. 5.000 7/16-14x3 3/4 5 Blk. 13.000 7/16-14x4 5 PLTD (Starter Point) 2.000 7/16-14x41/2 5 PLTD (Starter Point) 5.000 1/2-20x4 8 Blk (Flange Head) 1,200 5/8-18x6 8.2 Blk (Flange Head) 25.000 3/4-16x2 8 Blk 500 1-14x2 3/4 5 Blk Quantities Are Approximate -45 c Lb. - With Minimum Purchase of 100 Lb. - Lot Price 30C Lb. (Soma Nuts & Washers Available But Only With Lot Purchase) 1983 GMC 22 Ft. Flatbed, Conventional Sleeper Cat 3208 Single Axle, Air Brakes, 5&2 Spd. $8,500 Pab s Supply Rt. 61 Kulpmont, PA 17834 (717) 672-9605 (eve) (717) 373-1292 Fax Call For Appointment ¥ OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT \ Cat IHC Gallon \ i Case Michigan Wabco j f John Deere Hough Dynahoe i Trojan Terex Koehring { d, Drott Hein Werner AC/Fiat Allis f < & Others j r Over 650 Machines Dismantled \ i p—“ ———————If \ I NATIONWIDE PARTS LOCATING SERVICE { > f J In addition to our own large inventory, we have two J \ (• I computerized parts locator services, nationwide & I * {| Canada, ready to serve you. In less than a minute, | j I J over 600 used & new parts & equipment suppliers ■ / \ • will receive your parts request. Parts are located J A | easily &at substantial savings. Try Our Services | \ \ | Save sss Parts Shipped Anywhere Direct To j | \ j You. All Parts Guaranteed j A r "We Return All Phone Calls" j \ f | I CO., INC. j r >7" >29* Pall A \i P.O. Box 40/ • Route jn, PA 18070 / Phone; (215) 679-3900 i $ • Fax: (215) 679-8727 7 5187 1988 Case 855 D, Crawler Loader, 4 in 1 1 bucket . $32,500 5549 1974 Case 450, Dozer, 6 way fair cond $10,500 5597 1989 Case 450 C, Dozer, Long track 6 way 4800 hrs 5492 1993 Case 550 E, Dozer, Long track 6 way 4800 hrs 5545 1988 Case 688, Excavator, w/hyd kit f/hammer $25,000 5493 1987 Cat 416, Loader Backhoe, 2wd can ext 4600 hrs $16,500 5245 1982 Case 580 D, Loader Backhoe, 2wd can ext 6200 hrs $13,500 5265 1987 Case 580 K, Loader Backhoe, 2wd cab ex 5388 hrs $21,500 5544 1988 Case 580 K, Loader Backhoe, 2wd cab ext 3500 hrs $23,500 5490 1992 Case 580 K, Loader Backhoe, 4wd cab ex 5700 hrs . $32,500 5556 1986 Case 580 SE, Loader Backhoe, 2wd can ext 7763 hrs.. $15,900 5184 1991 Case 580 SK, Loader Backhoe, 2wd can ex w/kif 3238 hrs $24,000 5589 1995 Case 580SL, Loader Backhoe, 4wd cab ex w/air 2200 hrs .. .. $45,900 5591 1995 Case 580SL, Loader Backhoe, 4wd can ex w/kit 1350 hrs . $37,500 5568 1995 Case 580SL, Loader Backhoe, 2wd cab ex 1350 hrs . . . $34,900 5599 1996 Case 590 L, Loader Backhoe, 4wd cab ex 1300 hrs $45,900 5391 1991 Case 1840, Uniloader, Aux hyds 63 d/bkt 2500 hrs . $10,900 5182 1989 Case 1845 C, Umloader, Aux hyds ut bkt 475 hrs (+2100) $12,500 5440 1990 Case 1845 C, Umloader, Aux hyds d/bkt 3500 hrs $12,900 5652 1989 Econoline 10 ton, Trailer, Equipment Trailer Vernon E. Stup Co. 5859 Urbana Pike Frederick, Md. 21701 301-663-3185 Michigan 175 rubber tire loader, 8' bucket, cab, 4x4, rear steer, Detroit diesel, $6OOO 080. 717-732-2257 after spm Equipment CHALK Sales -150 Forklifts In Stock M 410-686-6800 BALTIMORE, MD f / 1980 \ I / Komatsu \ if D 75 S-3 ’ I Cummins Motor, [ Excellent Undercarriage, I Overall Good I Condition $25,000 080 , r \ 215/393-5122 / Furukawa FXO4O Trackhoe, Rubber tracks, blade, side shift boom, cab, 2300 hrs, nice $14,500 1988 Case 585 forklift, good rubber, new paint $17,500 1993 Cat 312 Trackhoe, 3800 Hrs., Dynapac 42 w/66” Drums, Less Than Nice & Clean $49,500 100 Mrs. On New Cat 3208 Dsl. $24,900 $35,900 Marklift Scissors Lift, JD 450 C Crawler Loader Coming In 1990 Lull 522-4 JD diesel 4x4,22 ft, new rubber, new paint... 524,000 1987 Cat 416 TLB, full cab, heat $17,500 1995 Gehl 4625 SX Skid Loader, low hours, new rubber $12,900 1965 Cat 9668, 23.5x25 Rubber, Good Condition $21,000 1993 Bobcat 7753, good rubber, nice $13,200 1984 Condor 42,4x4, manlift, new paint, good rubber $14,900 -r AA Equipment 717/529-2512 * ▼ No Sunday Calls ♦ 1797 Robert Fulton’ Hwy., Quarryville, PA 17566 • We Buy & Sell • Financing Or Lease Purchase Available • 90 Down NO Payment For 90 Days ~w . PH-Mi ,i. w a ; tbt. i. w ej, w : i ; Tarr-rx—iig $3,900 FORKLIFTS 2,000 T 015,000 LB. $2,000 & upwards GAS/LP-DIESEL-ELECTRIC Cashion-Pneumatic-Rough Terrain New Komatsu Forklifts Available PA INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (610) 369-9778 CASE 1990 580 SK Phase 111 4x4 Turbo Ext. Hoe 2700 Hrs., Flip Pads, New Cutting Edge, Front and Back Buckets, New Teeth on 2’ Bucket, Nice Int. & Paint, New Rear Tires, Fronts 80% $32,800 717-432-3235 Condor 48 ft manlift, 4x4, good rubber, new paint, rotating basket 514,500 gw* C^lc^ 85 Kawasaki wheel loader, new rubber, new paint $22,500 t - 1987 Ford 655 A w/Ext. Hoe, Good 10 Rubber 514,500 1984 Lull 844 JD diesel, new paint, good rubber, mast stabilizers $29,500
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