AC 5045 diesel tractor, 42hp, 4000 hr*., runs and looks good', $6OOO. 609-298-4374 AC §OBO 4WD, no cab, ex cellent condition, garage kept, 1048 hrs, new tires; Bush Hog 307HD 3pt hitch. Must sell together. Serious inquiries only. 304/754-7040. AC 7080 runs great, needs paint, $11,500. Ask for Carl, (717)726-3471. AC All combine llexhead, rebuilt 3R comhead, nice, parts cornlfead free, $5,900. JO three bottom rollover plow, nice, $2,500. (717)899-5668. AC 0 w/cultivators; 4’ Woods mower for Cub tractor. 717/786-3087. AC ED-40 tractor, good tin, needs work; JO FB grain drill with grass seeder, no fertilizer. (717)677-8962. AC 1-40 industrial tractor with loader, runs good, needs transmission work, $2,000. (717)677-6704. AC TLI2 4WD, straight frame loader, excellent condition, $4500. Good for handling manure. 717-677-6703 AERATOR 3 pt. Aerway 76“ adjustable gangs, ex cellent, • $1,850. 410-833-9091 Allied 660 front end loader, very good condition, will deliver. 607/869-3800. Amacco brake lathe 1900, 4hp, gas, air compressor Lincoln arc welder. 717-240-0881 717-766-9275 Antique IH hay tedder, $l5O 080. 410-848-3899 Antique Tractors: JO 1944 D $3,000; 1936 D $3,500; 720 LP $2,200; 60 Orchard full pin $6,500; 70 Oliver w/loader $2,000; 1961 Mack Thermo-dyne $1,500. (914)566-9184. Lancaster Farming 1 E Main St. Ephrata, Pa 17522 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS. Mon., Tues , Wed. & Fn. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Thurs. 7 a.m. to 5 p m OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Fn. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following categories are available for your classified advertising In Section C Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week’s publication 1- Equipment 2- Eq Wanted The following categones are available for your classified advertising in Section D Deadline Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week’s publication la-Constructlon Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- Ba-Exohc Animals 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13- Eq & Supplies 14- & Supplies I4a-Ratites 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21- Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 32a-Antiques 33- Vehicles 34- Autos 35- & Trailers 36- Real Estate AC 0-14 propane, NF, good, $2,200. (814)467-8839. Antique wooden trashing pulleys: 22*Hx9*W, 40 - Hxs*W. (610)285-6005. Save Over 50% on used John Deere tractor parts newer than 2 cylinder. Save up to <O% on new replacement parts for JO and IH. We ship. Nelson Parts, (716)526-6705, (800)730-4020. BATWINQ MOWER WOODS 3240,20, new w/ warranty, $13,500. 410-833-9091 BELTING; We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-263-0573. NO Sunday calls. Bearcat 12S0A grinder mixer, 3-ton mix, hyd. au gers, 20 feeder auger, 2 screens, $3500 080. 610/767-9760. Brand new manifolds for tractors, 1930-1975. 507-433-0073 anytime. Brillion packer/feeder: (1) 10' pull-type, (1) 8‘ 3pth, both rebuilt, $2250 each; JO KBA 20424 disc; Nl 323,1 R com picker $1250; Nl 17A, GR. DR. manure spreader, rebuilt, $1450; MM 335 utility tractor V good, $2550; JO 750 com pact diesel, w/loader & new 5' finish mower, $9OOO. Thom Wheary Jr., 717/687-0102. Brillion 9' cultipacker. NH 68 baler. 717-235-1766 York Co. Brillion 10-12 tooth 3pt chisel plow, $l5OO. 717/437-2604. Brillion 5-shank subsoiler, like new, 3 years old, $4200. 717/437-2604. Brillion packer/ seeder, 10' w/transport wheels, excel lent condition, shed kept $2,500. (610)255-0479. We Now Accept Visa CLASSIFIED AD \ LANCASTER FARMING A j' PC Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets, Name Add res City Zip Please publish my, starting with the # I enclose □ Check Enclosed □ Visa(l3 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) Card # - Exp. Date: Signatun Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. 36 37 38 39 40 ■ ■■■■■■■■ J P^° |^ E^lU^ ,B |^ WORD^ Briilion 9* Cultipackor. NH 68 Baler York Co. 717-235-1766. Brush Hog: s‘, MF, barn kept, $750. (908)4594311. Bush-Hog 102 chisel wide frame, w/ gage wheels. Call early mornings. 717-949-3769. Buying used equipment from tractors to manure spreaders- one piece or ad. Phone Dennis, 1-888-496-9120. CASE 830, diesel, NF, Eagle hitch, 8 spd, dual hyd., power steering, live PTO, 55 hp. $3,750. 410-833-9091 CASE 900, diesel, stan dard, Live PTO, no 3 pi., dual hyd., 71 hp, $l,BOO. 410-833-9091 Case 1370 w/cab. 915 IH combine. NH 770 harves ter with both heads. IH 990 haybine, T. 717-922-1526 Case 1370 cab tractor dyno tested 160 hp new 504C1 diesel motor 1000 hours ago, rebuilt power shift $7,500. CIH 5300 frain drill used very little 6,500. Farmall Super M, good condition, NF, $1,500. Call (717)524-0558. Case 595, CAR. 4WD, late 1993, 200 hrs, 52 PTO hp, radio, reverser, heavy duty QT loader/bucket, 2 re motes, front guard, large tires, motor neater, like new, reasonable. S' Mott mower, $550. Private. 215-674-3536 215674-2424 Case CK-14 Off-Road 6,000/lb Forklift $7,500. Case 1740 Skid Loader $5,600. (717)938-4545. Case IH 1896 4WD, dean, 3400 hrs., $15,750. HURST TRACTOR RE PAIR 717-445-6720 Case IH 7120, MFWD, $34,500. Gehl 1470 round baler, under 1000 bales, $9OOO. 724-336-5368 PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY State Phone( ) word ad times issue. Classify under (Be sure to include all numbers) Case IH Maxxum 6140 4WO tractor, cab, air, 1484 her, w/Case IH 520 loader, 8* material bucket, fronts 14.9x24, reara, 18.4x34 ra diate, excellent condition, like new. 814-674-5340 Century 200 gal. • prayer, 3pt self-leveling, 30* boom, electric controls, hyd. pump, ex. oond. $2500; 21’ Farmco thrower wagon square tube, $1800; 30' Farmec elevator w/corn chute. $650. Chester Co. 610/857-3695. Chattanooga 14' culti packer w/center bearing, long tongue. Call early mornings; 717-949-3769. CORN PLANTER AC 4 row. no-till, no fart.. #333, $360/Offer. 410-833-9091 CORN PLANTER JD 3 pt 3 row, no-till, $BOO. 410-833-9091 Combination generator/ welder, 225/200 AMP, Airco Wasp, 16hp, pow ered by Onan, $750. (610)347-0686 Com Planter IH 56 4R, 38*. dry fertilizer, kept inside, good condition, $9OO. 717/957-4048. Com planter, White 543, plates, 4R. disc openers, dry fertilizer, fertilizer rusted, works good, $4OO. EK/erson 610/286-6047. CP 450 Airco mig welder, $l2OO 080. 717/529-6915 8-9 am. Deutz Allis 385 no-till com planter, liquid fertilizer, mo nitor, very good condition, $3BOO. 717-692-2675 Oilier 9xlB haywagon, 10 ton hurst gear, excellent shape. 3 bottom MS 474 plow. 717-369-2138. Dismantling for Parts; Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JO 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. VISA (Word Ads Only) ORDER BLANK PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER Dismantling for parte: Case, NH, Bobcat, IH, Hy dro Mac, Toyota and Mus tang skid loaders. New, used, reconditioned parts for Kubota, Ford, Wiscon sin, Perkins engines, Cessna, Vickers, Sun strand hydrostatic trans missions. G.D. Equipment 717/859-3533. Dolly wheel rake. NH 56, super nice, field ready. 717-235-1766 York Co. EQUIPMENT LIQUIDA TION: Pallet rack; gondola shelving; garment racks; showcases, shopping carts, office equip; material handling equip, morel Ev erything goes- cheap 10% Buyers Premium. In prog ress, make offers now. Visit/ call this selected Jumbo Sports store only: 3850 Union Deposit Rd, Harrisburg, (717)545-3999. It's busi ness as usual at all other stores! Excavator: 1990 Yanmar, diesel, 6,000 lbs., 18’ bucket, blade, rubber tracks, $12,500. (814)467-8839. NH 850 round baler, good condition, $2,200. (814)467-8839. Exceptional 1983 Gleaner M 3, few hours, runs great Reduced to $24,500. ZeF sloft Used Farm Eq., Bloomsburg, PA 800/919-3322. FARMALL 350, gas, tri, 3 pt. TA, PS. $l,BOO. 410-833-9091 Farmall 340, must selll NF, PS, T/A, 2b plow, trip loader, $2500 080. 717-642-8522 7-9 pm Farmall 504 w/3pt & PS, $3800; Farmall 340 w/ loader & fast hitch, $3800; Ford 8N w/hyd. loader, $3475; Oliver 77 diesel, $2350. 610/562-4464. & Master Card t, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES \ " p 490 per word per week -1 or 2 times j m r 440 per word per week -3 or more times j ■ f 11 word minimum ■ f Words 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times t ■ t up toll 5.39 10.78 14.52 ?■ I 12 5.88 11.76 15.84 ? ■ I 13 6.37 12.74 17.16 j ■ V 14 6.86 13.72 18.48 f ■ ) 15 7.35 14.70 19.80 ] m K 16 7.84 15.68 21.12 * m { 17 8.33 16.66 22.44 j> u r 18 8.82 17.64 23.76 \ m \ 19 9.31 18.62 25.08 K n \ 20 9.80 19.60 26.40 J ■ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25, 1998-CS Farmall 7060, fresh en gine, TA, HD hydraulics, excellent rubber, 18.4x34, PS, good paint, nice trac tor, $6500 080. 301-271-2365 Thurmont, MD. Famuli Cub attachments, bottom plow and billers, ex cellent condition, reaso nably priced. (973)584-2084. Farmall Cub w/belly mower, turf tires, runs good, $2350. 609-298-6440 Farmall cub w/sickle bar mower $f ,850. 4* mudhog pump, Wisconsin engine, excellent. $5OO. 914-469-2352. Farmall H tractor, good working condition, $1200; Farmall A tractor, running condition, $l5OO. 717/626-9295. Farmall M, new engine, new paint, excellent condi tion. IH 9' disc, 10' spring harrow, $3OOO takes al. IH 510 drill, 18x7 grass at tachment, $2lOO. 717-872-7423 Fanners > Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Feed grade mixing salt, $9O/ton. Delivered within 60 miles of Gettysburg. 1-ton minimum. 717-632-9144 Field Queen standard, self propelled harvester, 3RN T pickup, excellent condi tion. (610)932-8999. Flail mowers, Mott hy draulic was mounted on MF 275, $1,500. (814)467-8839. FMC 1R sweet corn picker, shed kept, good condition, new stop tors & knives, $1750. 301/249-2427. DEADLINES: SECTION D - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M, SECTION C - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK'S PUBLICATION FORD 1910, 2WO, PS, LPTO, one owner, 1,600 hrs., nice, $5,400. 410-833-9091 FORD 7700 w/cab, nice Midwest unit, $9,750. 410-833-9091 FOR SALE; 6100 White 6r com plantar, liquid fertilizer 500 gal. Fertilizer tank and population monitor in cluded. $12,000. 435 White 10 shank chisel plows, $4,200. 717-376-2414. FOR SALE; Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow- ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade ins wel comed. NH mowers, rebuilt and guaranteed, engines, hydraulics, crimper hoo kups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR, 550 Coopers DR, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B;3OAM. Forage blower, same as Case IH6OO. Badger 2060, like new, filled 20x80 twice $3650. Franklin Co. 717-267-3492 Ford 1620 diesel 27hp 4WD tractor w/hydro trans, PS, turf tires, 900 hrs, Ford 7108 QT loader w/60’ bucket, w/Woods 60* 3pt hitch finish mower, excel lent condition, $14,500. 215/536-3321. Ford 1700 4WD, $6250; Kubota 82150 4WD, hy dro, PS, 60' mower, $9200; Case 1130 hydro, PS, $7900. 717/545-0132. Ford 1720 27hp 4WO diesel tractor w/12x12 shuttle bans, PS, 3pt hitch, 700 hrs. ag tires, excellent condition, $10,500. 215/536-3321. Ford 1979 tractor, front loader w/post hole digger, less than 1,000 hrs, excel lent condition, garage kept Must sell, best offer. (610)933-9063.
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