Van mar 4x4, 19hp, 700 hrs., $4,800. (814)467-8839. • Zook manure elevator w/ wheels & hydraulic motor. Honda engine for mower or binder w/dutch l> reduc tion. Old harrow, will sell in sections for garden. Aaron S. Lapp, 3806-A Yost RD., Gordonville, PA 17529 Potato Planter (610)286-9510 48" Potato 8'79 FORD 8000 M K 35.000 GVW K ►< 3208 Cat, ►< m 5+2 Trans, ► h 18'aluminum t h forage body w/hyd. | H tailgate. J B 814-793-3032 B Best Buys in Used Equipment TRACTORS Juat In: Ford 7710, MFD w/Loader, 360 Hrs...(o) Case 1070 w/Cab (N) Case IH 7130 MFD, 3,608 hrs Special Pnce (0) Case IH 5240 MFD, 1,035 hrs.. .Call For Price (O) Case IH 255,4WDKM8»1f (N) IH 966 w/cab (N) IH 2404 w/90" cutter Very Nice (O) IH 856 w/Cab IH 706 Diesel, 50 hrs on rebuild, IH 560 IH 454, Gas Same 100, MFD, Cab, 2,740 Hrs, Ford 9N Ford 9N w/3 Pt. Wodds Finish Mower- (B) Ford TWIO, 4,400 hrs $10,500(0) AC 180, Diesel (O) AC 180, Diesel . . . ,(B) AC 6070.. (B) Allis WD $1,750 (O) Case 530 gas tricycle, Kubota 87100 4WD .. MF 1085, Very Nice FordTWISE3EI Case 1845 C Skid Steer, 1,265 Hrs. (2)(1) Case 1845 C Skid Steer Case 18458 Skid Steer Gehl 3610 Skid Loader Case IH 510 Loader Hydramac Commander 8000 Skid Loader, track machine (N) COMBINES N H TR7O w/ Hydro, Ford Engine. 5000 Hrs., 962 6 Row Corn Head, 960 15 Ft. Head $11,000.(N) IH 1640..85E! (O) IH 1460, Nice Condition (O) MF 550 w/4 Row Corn Head, 13’ Gram Head IH 93 w/Gram Head Eckroth Bros. Farm Eg. Inc. Eckroth Bros. Farm Eq. Junction of Hwy 443 & 895 New Ringgold, Pa. 717-943-2131 ;, >pTrrr- 'Cssqj 717-943-7651 (fax) <0 1998 CASE CORPORATION MU Visit Case s Web Site at http /Aviviv cocccotp com Case IH ami Case Creilit are registered trademarks ol Case Corporation Parts Shipped Daily ■ Service - Parts - Sales LmMwiv F V r ure-FedE? us Mail m mal LI « GEHL . miSsf" -~ „„„ Eckroth Means Service a^adac SHKRSS2 3E3SEI iliy SjffiSE&ffl UmtMiiMir! Eckroth Bros. Farm E HAY & FORAGE Case IH 8850 SP Mower Conditioner Case IH 8840 SP Mower Conditioner Gehl 2140 7’ Mower Conditioner, Real Nice Gehl 2170 9' Mower Conditioner. JD 350 Sickle Bar Mower IH 3104 Disc Mower NH 489 Haybme Gehl 600 Harvester Gehl 418 Wheel Rake Gehl 408 Wheel Rake, Tow Type Pequea 710 Tedder NH 489 Coming In (B) .(N) MISCELLANEOUS Hardi TR6OO Trailer Sprayer, Air Blast .. Hard! TRSOO Sprayer, 45’ Manual Boom, 361 Pump & Triplets ... . IH 510 Grain Drill, 21x7 Cole Powell 3Pt 1R Planter Loftness 962 H Snowblower Westfield 8” x 41’Auger, Like New $3,050 (O) (B) (B) (O) (B) (N) (N) Oliver 565 4-16" Plow JD 516 5 Bottom Plow. $8,900 (N) IH 700 4 Bottom Auto Reset Plow Ford 145 4-16" Roll Over Plow Knoble 3 Pt. 10 Tooth Chisel Plow IH 181 Rotary Hoe IH 53, 3 Pt. 4 Row Cultivator. Case IH 183 4 Row Cultivator (2) Bnlhon 16’ Harrows (N) IH 352 18’ Transport Harrow (N) Perfecta II 13’ $1,800(0) Bnllion 10' Pull Type Seeder, Less Than 100 Acres (B) Call (N) (O) (O) $1,500(0) (N) (N) . .$5OO (O) (N) (O) .. ..(O) .. . . (O) EQUIPI (N) (N) • (B) .Coming In (O) ckroth Equipment Co. 4910 KernsviUe Rd. Orefield, Pa. 610-366-2095 610-366-1660 (fax) . Inc. - 3 Locations to Serve You. Quality Bales Right From The Start Case IH 8545 Center-Line Rectangular Bi A heavy-duty baler with a big appetite. Made right for the way you make hay. • Pre-packer provides uniform density and • Mechanical or hydraulic density control available consistency throughout bale • Sturdy knotter provides reliable tie, bale after • Low-profile pick-up reduces leaf loss. bale • Hay moves in a straight line from pick-up to • Choice of conventional twine- or wire-tie models discharge for gentler handling . Along with twine-tie, add a hydraulic bale thrower • Consistent bale size and weight for easy with electnc controls Hlgh-iiuillly balers and a whole lot morel We offer genuine, value-priced Case Iff parts, reliable service support, and flexible financing to meet •our business needs. Make Short Work of Big Hay Jobs Case IH Disc Mower Conditioner Non-stop cutting for higher productivity • Clean cut at higher ground speeds • Faster cutting in dense or tangled crops and over obstacles • Overhead frame design allows unrestncted crop flow * Automatic roll separating system eliminates plugging Designed, tested end manufactured by Case IH el Its Hesslon, Kansas facility. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25, IMB-C2l k i I i m -Jii* i Wit-Lane 717-369-5319 Many Sizes New & Used Liquid or Dry Storage Tanks Available! U.L. Labels on New Tanks. Custom Manufactured to Your Needs! Fils the way you farm. • 9'side-pull or 12’and IS’ center-pivot cutting widths available • Choice of intermeshing conditioner rolls to match your needs. • Quick-convert from field to transport mode Along with dependeble mower conditioners, you ten count on us for genuine Cese IH peris, professionsl end relleble service support end flexible licencing. See your Cost IH inter todeyl (B) D&E Equipment 307 Edgar Ave Bloomsburg, PA 717-784-5217 717-387-1739 (fax) im^iipupimdpwtm»■*■* coMwirti* to ivitv pari Stop in ind find out more tboul the 8545 nclangultr bolorl S&MSBBB BBf | Locations to Serve You
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