Farming, Saturday, Apr* 18,1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication WED OCT 7-109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co. PA Lumber & Building Materials Sale Wolge muth Auction. 717-656-2947 WED OCT 7-10 AM Wolgemutli Auction, 109 N Maple Ave Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED OCT 7 -630 PM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Wmross, Hess, farm & toys A4C Diffenbach Auction Inc FRI OCT 9-9 AM 100 W Jack son St, New Holland, Lane Co , Pa Tractors, (aitn equip, & sup plies A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc : RI OCT 9-IPM 548 Alexander Spring Rd , Carlisle, PA State FEEDER SALE Wed Apr. 22,1998 7:30 P.M. Four States Livestock HAGERSTOWN, MD Exit 29 off 1-70 301-733-8120 HARRISON FARMS COMPLETE FARMING OPERATION OVER 60 TRACTORS Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase quality equipment from one of the premier potato operations in the nation! Equipment has been stored inside and is in excellent condition. Partial Listing - Tractors - J.D. 8630, Ford FW6O, J.D. 4640, J.D. 4x4, ‘BB GMC p.u., ‘B6 Ford p.u., ‘69 Ford service van, Harvesters 4630, A/C 7580, (12) J.D. 4430 all w/cabs, J.D. 4030, (4) J.D. - (3) ‘B7 Thomas mod. 675, Bulk Bodies - Over 20 bulk bodies 4020, J.D. 3020, Int. 5088, Int. HlOO, 966, White 2-155, Oliver from 18’ to 20’, most ‘95 or newer, Tillage & related equipment - 1855, Oliver 1950 T, several J.D. lawn & garden tractors, Case 7500 5 Bottom plow, Case 596 disc, (2) Case 5100 grain Construction Equipment - J.D. 644 A loader, CAT D 6 dozer drills, J.B. 500 gal. sprayer, Case 568 seed bed cond., (2) Glenco Huber Dl7OO grader, Ford 555 backhoe, 1985 Thomas TB3 skid- soil saver, Noble harrow, Int. 5 bottom plow, hose & cultivators, steer (only 90 hours), Trucks - ‘B4 F7OO, (3) ‘B2 FBOO, ‘77 Int. several 2 & 4 row tool bars, land rollers, misc. wagons & dump 1700 (2) 76 ITS 8000, 76 Chevy water truck. 74 Chev. C6O, 73 carts, Farm related items - A large amount of farm equipment to LTBOO dump, (2) 73 Int. 1600, 71 GMC CE5500, ‘69 Int. 1600, ‘6l include; many spare engines (new & rebuilt), parts, tanks, hyd. GMC, Pick-ups & Service Vehicles - (2) ‘B9 Ford Fl5O, ‘BB GMC parts & cylinders, etc. For a Color Brochure contact auction company at (207) 582-3629 AUCTIONEER’S NOTE - Harrison Farms is consolidating their potato farming operation. Stan has commissioned D.A. Folsom Auction Service, Inc. to sell his equipment to the highest bidders. As a premier farming operation, the equipment of Harrison Farms is of superb quality and was maintained by Stan’s rigid maintenance program. AIRPORTS - North Maine Regional Airport, Presque Isle, Maine (1/2 mile from auction site). Serviced by U.S. Airway Express. ACCOMMODATIONS - Northeastland 1-800-244-5321, Keddy’s Motor Inn (207) 764-3321 (both located in Presque Isle and are within a 10 minute drive of auction site). For additional information regarding travel and hotel accommodations, feel free to contact auction company. Terms - Cash or company check accompanied by current bank letter of credit made payable to D.A. Folsom Auction Service, Inc. Complete set tlement day of sale. Everything sold “as is where is,” all sales final. Everything sold for immediate removal. Announcements sale day supersede all other advertisements. graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- 4511 FRI OCT 9 - 6PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717-354- 4341 FRI OCT 9-7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auct Sis, Inc Middle burg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717- 837-???? Benefit Auction for Rebecca Ringler of Valley View Green-House, Blandon, PA. To Help With Medical Expenses For A Bone Marrow Transplant. Sat., Apr. 25,1998 at 10:30 am "After Hay Auction." Held on the Grounds of the Kutztown Produce Auction Oak Haven Rd., Fleetwood, PA. From 662 and 222 intersection take 222 North to first road on right School Road. Turn right onto School Road. Stay on School Road until you reach Scheiry Road, the first road on your left. Turn left onto Scheiry Road, Kutztown Produce Auction will be on your left. Wooden crafts Dried flower crafts. New oak rocker, Four new oak bar stools New bird houses, Toy farm set, Painted wooden chest. Treasure chests Painted saws & chums New handmade quilts. Antique feed bag Quilted wail hangings. Flowers and hanging baskets. Nursery stock Greenhouse bedding plants, new house brooms New buggy blankets Bedroom suite. Dining room set Gift certificates, One processed pig meat ready for your freezer , I cord firewood delivered to your house Horse feed. Sheep & goat feed, Hay & straw, New building materials, 2x4 lumber Roof sheeting. Coil stock white on brown 24"x50' Rough sawed lumber. Approximately 120 used 2x6x24' 80-2x6xl4' 40-2xBxl4' Used roof metal. Used 3/8" ply wood New Ixl2xlo pine lumber, several goats. Used exhaust fan, Roosters, Four $5O 00 gift certificates for Nolts Roofing & Siding Variety of chairs Assorted hardware items. Lawn furniture .Baler twine. New saddles, New table and 4 chairs. New Oak Comer cup board Clothing trees, Veg Seeds, Platform Scale New Tools, Fence Wire AND MANY MORE ITEMS ANYONE HAVING ITEMS TO DONATE TO THIS SALE SHOULD PLEASE CALL Nomian & Mable at (610) 682-6429 or James & Alma Weaver at (610) 682-6094 Money Donations Should be Deposited at the Patriot Bank In Fleetwood to the Rebecca Rmgler Benefit Account! FOOD STAND WITH A LOT OF HOME BAKED GOODIES! Refreshments available. Bake Sale & Food Stand - lots of good food. Come spend the day with us. Auction Lie. #000073L TRACTORS - TRUCKS - CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - TILLAGE & RELATED ITEMS. PRESQUE ISLE INDUSTRIAL PARK (FORMER AIRBASE) PRESQUE ISLE, MAINE SAT OCT 10 - Lebanon Valley Sale Bam. 717-935-2140 Lvst Mkt. 1 ml Eof Fredericks burg, PA along Fit 22 Work, dri ving 4 riding horse sale Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers 4 Gerald Hoover. Aucts MON OCT 12 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St., New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dlnenbach Auction, Inc. WED OCT 14 -10 AM Wolge mulh Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct ___ FRI OCT 16-7 PM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Feeder Sale. Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners, 717-837- 2222 FRI OCT 16 - 7PM Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, PA Graded Feeder Sale For more info- Gene Click, 717-667-2703 or PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1998 - 9 A.M. D.A. FOLSOM AUCTION SERVICE, INC. P.O. BOX 360, GARDINER, MAINE 04345-0360 (207) 582-3629 OR (207) 428-3866 ME. AUCTIONEERS LIC #2B LIC #B3l ME REAL ESTATE LIC #7055 MON. OCT. 19 -10 AM. 100 W SAT. OCT. 17 - University of Con- Jackson St, New Holland, Lane nedicut New England Convention Co, Pa. Hay, grain & straw auc- Sale. The Cattle Exchange 607- tlon A& C Otffenbach Auction, 746-2226 Inc SAT. OCT 17 -10 AM Finger- TUBS OCT 20 - 548 Alexander lakes Llvslock Exc., 3865 Rt Spring Rd., Carlisle, PA. Fed Cat -5420, Canandaigua, NY Feeder tie Sale Carlisle Livestock Mar- Cattle Sale 716-394-1515 ket.lnc.7l7-249-4511 SAT OCT 17-10 AM New Hd- TUBS. OCT. 20 - 7 30PM 548 land Sales Stables, Inc., 101 W Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, Fulton St, New Holland, Lane pa Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Co, PA Horse Sale 717-354- Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- 4341 4511 PUBUCAUCTION Real Estate-Tools- Personal Property-TVactor Mon., Apr. 20,1998 2:00 PM LOCATED: Reynolds Mill Road - Off South George Street at Leader Heights, go west 3 mile on Reynolds Mill Road, Watch for Signs. Large frame house with aluminum siding, 3 car garage, work shop, & Same storage building on a comer lot of approx 289’ on Reynolds Mill Road & 207’ on Ranch Road House has large kitchen w/dishwasher, & 2 large rooms on the Ist floor, 4 bedrooms & bath on the 2nd floor Gas baseboard heat, NEW Anderson windows, in Springfield Township, Dallastown School District TERMS: 10% Down, Balance in 45 Days. Shown By Appointment Phone 717-428-3646 LIKE NEW Honda 5 1/2 hp Air Compressor, New Dewalt “Macho” Hammer Drill, Gas Powered 14” Demo Saw, Hilti TE24 Hammer Drill, Makita & Dewalt Batt Drills, New Milwaukee H D Hole Hog, Craftsman Tool Boxes, Pedestal Fans, New Wiring 10-12-14-2 & 3 Wire, Delta Kitchen & Bath Faucets All Saws, Drills, Hammer Drills, Quartz Work Lights, Miter Saw, Craftsman 9 & 2 Drawer Tool Cabinets, Atachi 15” Miter Saw, Miller Propane Furnace, Insulation Blower w/Hose, Saws, Threader, Planes, Large Assortment of Tools, Sump Pump, Large Amount of Electrical & Plumbing Supplies, PVC, Copper, & Black Fittings, 4 Wheel Carts, Wrecking Bars, Chains, Bam Screw Jacks, Pipe Wrenches, David White Transit, Milwaukee Power Tools, Handy Man Jack, Fiberglass Extension & Step Ladders - 32’ 10’-8’ & 6’, Kerosene Heaters, Saw Horses, Gas Cans, Picket Fence, 4’ Shower Stall & Matching Commode (Blue), Actelyene Torch, Long Handle Gardening Tools, Molding, Misc Lumber, Strawberry Boxes, Boat Seats, & Etc Ford Golden Jubilee w/Live Hydraulic & New Tires, 3 pt 6’ Rotary Mower, 3 pt 6’ Blade, Economy Jim Dandy Tractor w/Dual Trans, Rotary Mower, Snow Plow, Plow, Harrow, Wheel Weights, John Deere Tractors & Cat Equipment TOYS, Echo 500 EL & 330 Cham Saws This is only a brief listing TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK seller: Greg & Peggy Thoman 6926 Reynolds Mill Rd. 717-428-3646 AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel’s Auction Service 717-764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Emigsville, PA OVER 50 TRUCKS
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