Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. jot each week’s publication COMPLETE PUBLIC AUCTION THURS., MAY 14, 1998 5:30 P.M. SPRING TOWNSHIP, SNYDER CO. NEAR BEAVER SPRINGS, PA TWO TRACTS OF REAL ESTATE TRACT #1 : 9.57 Acre Farmette Located on this tract is a 4 bedroom, 2 story home. The home has 1-1/2 baths, new oak kitchen, double living room and family room/office. The property has a 40'x150’, 2 story chicken house currently producing a good income. Extras include: Farm pond, central vac uum and new furnace in the home. TRACT #2: 39.51 Acres of open & wooded land. Located on this tract is a large bank barn. This property is perked and ready to build on with several nice building sites. BOTH TRACTS HAVE A RECENT SURVEY Don’t Miss the opportunity to purchase this well maintained property @ Auction. KENNETH E. HASSINGER RR 02, Box 985 McClure, PA 17841 (717) 658-3536 AU-001532-L public = Auction LOCATION; 145 Richland Road, Myerstown, Millcreek Township, Lebanon County, PA From Route 501 South of Myerstown in Reistville - East 1,7 miles on Reistville Road - left onto Richland Road - left on Howman Road From Route 897 in Schaefferstown - North 2 3 miles on Route 419 - left at Elco Medical Center sign - Right on Richland Road Stohler post hole ax, clever, adz & axes, buck saw; log hook, egg baskets; Model A hub caps & wheel, saws, Holstein air pump; hand augers, wooden boxes, Heath corn cracker; draw knife, lots of canning jars - some green; iron cat troughs, set of auger bits, chisels; (2) bench vises, meat hooks; funnels; 2 man saw, 3 sizes of milk cans, hog trough; kerosene can, hay trolley & fork; wooden pulleys, cast iron seats; sleds, chicken crate, wooden flail; wooden clamps, oil cans, nail kegs, (3) whiskey kegs, small iron kettles, 2 hole corn shelter, egg scale; fruit baskets; crocks, lantern, berry boxes, hand brace and other collectibles Craftsman 10" radial arm saw, GRUMMAN domestic hot water solar system, SHOFSMITH w/few attach ments, few pcs of scaffolding; jig saw, 4" jointer, port, air compressor, hammers, bench grinder, sabre saw, pipe wrench; drill bits, wrenches; bolt cutter, potato fork, L&Q tools, (2) brown & (1) black cow clip pers, (3) rotary mowers; milk strainers, hedge trimmer; crow bars, hand saws, ext cords; shovels, fence stretcher, ropes; windows, elec chain saw, post hole shovel, (7) load binders, screw jack, gas engine cement mixer; car ramps, plastic buckets, barrel pump, COMET 6'xB' trailer w/2' sides. 1984 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royal Brough man - 68,000 miles - auto - PS - PB - AC - green w/vinyl to - 4 door NOTE Car and large tools sell at 600 Auction beginning with misc. and canning jars in yard MILK BOTTLES O Oak C roll top desk, round oak tables w/boards, Sellers kitchen table w/chairs, chestnut drop wing table, church pew, 3 decorated plank bootjack chairs, cane seat chairs, (5) spindle child's chairs, single St double lid wood boxes, 5 oak spindle plank chairs, oak washstand; cedar chest, mahogany buffet, set of 6 chairs fit china clos et, Victonan mirror, large copper apple butter kettle, Hammond double keyboard organ (needs repairs), uphol stered chairs and sofa, high chair; crib, end/coffee table set, lawn chairs; book shelf, (2) color console TV's, Single elec sewing machine w/cabinet, (2) single beds, 4 pc. maple bedroom suite. Sharp microwave, piano stool Appx 40 pcs Fiesta; adv tins; milk cans, cookie cutters, new bowl St pitcher, Kerosene lamps, Spannuth flour bags; chicken on nest, Avon ruby; Pyrex measures, Qerhart-Robesonia glass basket, cast iron 8 horst hitch, music box photo album, large Bibles; mixing bowls; pressed St pattern glass, flo blue sugar bowl, goblets, Scha efferstown bell, picture frames; egg nog set; Hall bowls; Schaefferstown H.S. '37 pennant; B&H kerosene lamp, asst old china plates; emits, (3) Dutch Day pcs., ironstone St Adams china; bear banks, ice cream dipper, Irvin Horst hand fan, iron skillets, small carnival bowls, feed bag material; spools of thread; Albany flo blue, nic nacs; Willow ware,' 17 &' 18 rusty license plates, colored glassware; yard sticks; kitchen utensils; small iron dog door stop, coffee grinder, milk replacer cups; Etruscan majolica plate; wooden wall telephone; shawl; small wood en chest, granite kettles, etc ; high school yearbooks; Eggshell china; Cadillac whiskey car; Poultry Press news paper; (3) dolls inc '6l Barbie, Patty Pal St Tressie, crocks & jugs; table cloths; linens, Christmas decorations; buttons, childrens books; ink wells; husking pins, set of llubcr plates; Verger 1919 auction poster, old dress es; Taufschein, adv. pencils; Ground Hog Lodge souvenirs; hall runners. (5) quilts inc Jacobs coat, star St patch, knotted comforters, coverlet. MILK BOTTLES inc Fairview, Bryn Coed, Valley View, Walker Qordan, Ferndale pint, Leb Sanitary, etc. Anthony, Hershey & Cacoosing creamers Assorted silver dollars, silver quarters St halves and a few other misc circ coins Chnstmas decorations, artificial flowers; bedding, luggage, lots of Tupperware; freezer boxes, SS cookware, kitchen utensils; doll cradle, metal tubs, towels St wash cloths, lots of box lots, pictures, mirror and many oth er unlisted items HOLSTEIN MEMORABILIA: DUriLOQGin sale catalog, 100's of local & state ribbons, state & local fair infor mation, Weissdale stationary, F S champion banners, tru-type Holstein cow & bull, certificates, lots of local sale catalogs, Weissdale Farm Showbox, Backus 2 volume set Story of Dunloggm, Holstein Journals, advertise ments, trophies A lifetime collection ot Holstein items - many interesting unlisted items throughout the day AUCTION TIMES 900 coins -10 00 milk bottles - quilts 12 00 - furniture 12 30 All day auction held under tent Toilet facilities Food stand by the Heidelberg Church of the Brethren Terms cash or approved check Out of state checks only with bank letter of credit Preview of Saturday's items only on Saturday morning Mr Mrs Weiss have moved to a retirement home and are offering their lifetime collection HARRY H. -fIL. Jffx. 138 College Avenue, Annville, Pa 17003 I (717) 867-1809 SERVICE NEIL A. COURTNEY R D #1 Box 239 a Richfield, PA 17086 Ja& (717) 539-8791 AU-002651-L COLLECTIBLES AUTOWOBILI ILLECTIBLES lUES Auction by HOWARD and AMANDA WEISS SAJ. JUNE 6 ■ 9:3OAM. Willow S££b!PfEE&ftS; sonal prop. Open House-5/16 » S?v™ DlJlry Hel,er 5/23 1-3 PM. By Clarence & S Kathryn Stoltzfus. Homing Farm Agency. Inc. 610-286-5183 COMPLETE PUBLIC AUCTION SAT, MAY 16,1998 8:30 AM Complete Liquidation of Johnson’s Mountain View Farm Orchards & Greenhouses (Due to health problems) Limestone Twp., Lycoming County 100.4+ 1 mile south fo Collomsville, PA - Along Rt. ’44 in the beautiful Nippenose Valley A 60 acre well kept & productive orchard features trees & small fruits consisting of the following Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Grapes, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Plums & Raspberries This acreage is fenced with 5& 6 strand high tinsel This farm is known to have the largest selection of fruit varieties in PA Also located on the property is a 4 bedrm, 2 story home with 2 baths, kitchen, living rm, laundry, full basement & attic Adjacent is alg retail store with attached greenhouse complete with a B’x3o’ pre-cool & a 24’ x3o’ x 101/2’ cooler Also included is a 16’x20’ ground cellar w/cooler, a 30’x60’ bank barn, and a 2 car garage with attached workshop which provides ample storage for equipment and tools 36 acres of the farm provide pasture & woodland A small stream on the wooded land is available for irri gation The woodland has timber & development potential to reduce your dollar investment This is an ideal farm for a family town & operate with great income possibilities Jersey Shore School District -Call for more details as this type of offering is very rarely seen KENNETH E. HASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY RR 02, Box 985 a R D #1 Box 239 McClure, PA 17841 fp trh Richfield, PA 17086 (717) 658-3536 (717) 539-8791 AU-001532-L, ’ AU-002651-L SATURDAY APRIL 25,1998 8:00 A.M. ITEIN MEMORABILIA SAT JUNE 6 -1030 AM Mel’s Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, Lane Co., PA Horse SERVICE FRIDAY APRIL 24,1998 3:00 P.M. Sale. Mel HooMar, Audi 717'-®4- 6367. MON. JUNE 8 - E.M. Murry Auct Emporium, 23 N. Water St, Lltitz, Lane. Co., PA. Antique Sale E.M Munv. Aucts. 717-626-2636 MON JUNE 8 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co., Pa. Hay, grain & straw auc tion A & C Dltfenbach Auction, Inc TUES. JUNE 9 - 7PM. Fauquier Lvst Exc, Inc, Marshall, VA Graded Feeder Cattle Sales, calf & yearling Grey H. Puckett, Jr, Manager. 540-364-1566 I WED JUNE 10- 10AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane. Co, PA Wolgemulh Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct FRI JUNE 12 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Tractors, farm equip, & supplies A&C Dlffenbach Auc lion Inc FRI JUNE 12 - IPM 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., '717-249-4511 FRI JUNE 12-7 PM Mlddleburg Livestock Auct Sis, Inc Middle burg, PA Anniversary Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk. Owners 717-837-2222 , SAT JUNE 13 - Lebanon Valley Lvst MW, 1 mi Eof Fredencks |burg, PA along Rt 22 Work, dri ving & riding horse sale Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers & Gerald Hoover. Aucts SAT JUNE 13-SAM 3431 Divi son Hwy, New Holland, Lane Co, PA 7th Annual Public Bene fit Auct, antiques, furniture, tools, gift certificates, etc By Light House Rehabilitation Center SAT JUNE 13 - 9AM 35 Danner Rd, 7 mi NE of Halifax, PA Antiques, collectibles, cars, butcher equip, cast iron & tools guns & trams, Fraktur & books, Hh goods & lawn equip By Ruth & Robert Danner Dave DeiblerS Ed Shoop, Aucts, 717-896- 8530 SAT JUNE 13-9 AM 200Bieber Mill Rd , Oley Twp , Berks Co , PA Antiques, Hh goods & farm equip By Mary Beiber Estate Horning Farm Agency, Inc, 610- 286-5183 SAT JUNE 13 -11 AM 200 Bieber Mill Rd, Oley Twp, Berks Co, PA 32 Acre w/workmg Gnst Mill Open house-5/16 & 5/23,1- PUBLIC AUCTION Harness Shop Complete Dispersal Thirty Year Business - Floor Model Equipment Leather Hand Tools - 2 Shotguns 2 sets New Britchman Harness with Solid Brass Hardware Lot of New Inventory - Few Household Antiques SAT, APRIL 25, 1998 • 9:00 AM Auction held for: on East Eby Road, Lancaster County, PA, seven miles east of Lancaster City. From Route 23 go south on Route 772, 2 miles to Eby Road east. Adler 105-6 sewing machine on stand w/air motor foot control, sells as unit; Clicker model C (United Shoe Machine); press and dies sell separate; Randall 17 inch creaser; 2 manual leather splitters: leather beveler; Champion wide throat stitcher; Union Lock Randall stitcher; Landis No. 16 wide throat stitcher; Union Lock stitcher without stand; stitchers all in good condition; Seller riveter w/attachments; foot press w/punches; 2 nylon gas burners; neck rope foot press; Emery wheel sharpener; foot press w/attachments; foot press for rope clamps; 2 staplers w/spottmg attachments; 10 ton hyd. press; 2 stands w/foot clutch: platform scales. New Inventory - Health Supplies Lot of snaps; buckles; breast chains; neck ropes; lead shanks; har ness parts; halters; bits; all wool blankets: lot of horse blankets; rolls of nylon webbing; driving collars: new burner tip; Kick mineral, etc.; front gear parts; collar and harness pads; more items not listed; New England style 2 set of Bntchman harness complete w/bndles and lines. Hardware scales; whip rack; iron tack holder; leather awis; punches; bridle blind mold; full line of carpenter hand tools; 2 tools boxes. Miscellaneous Items - Household Antiques 12 ga. and 410 ga. single barrel shotguns, like new; collar racks; dis play shelves: 2 used sets of front gears; gas lights; kerosene lanterns; old carriage lights; window sash; 2 dip tanks; one large with basket; dram board; large oak Harness display cabinet w/glass doors; 2 oil pumps; Estate Heatrola; old rocker 1800’s; 2 old blanket chests: oak dresser w/mirror; Columbian kitchen range; 2 plank bot tom chairs; platform rocker; 2 double beds; 3 dressers, oak & water fall; china cupboard w/glass doors; side by side desk; drop leaf table w/5 leafs; magazine racks; bird feeders - houses. Floor Model Tools -12:00 Noon Household Goods - 1:00 PM Inspection of Goods - April 24,1998 - 8 AM - 4 PM Auctioneer’s Note - An opportunity to purchase tools wells main tained. Bring proper I.D. to obtain buyer number Auctioneer: Petersheim Auction Service Steve, Steve Jr., Oprha Rose 610-593-2828 AU 001349 L Food Stand to benefit Local Parochial School Donated baked goods appreciated. uncssnr nvinHiQi woiii nj 4PM. By Mary Belber Estate. Jackson St, New Holland, Lane. Homing Farm Agency, Inc. 610- Co., Pa. Hay, grain & straw auc -286-5183 iron A & C Dmenbach Auction, MON. JUNE 15 -10 AM 100 W Inc. AUCTION 7 Rm, 1 1/2 Sty. Brick Home w/4 Car Garage & Personal Property SAT., APRIL 25, 1998 9 A.M. REAL ESTATE 12 Noon Along Rt. 23 & Hershey Ave., 248 E. Main St., Bareville (Leola), PA House Consists: 3 8.R., Bath, Lg. F.R./L.R., D.R., Sew Room, on 85’ x 221' Lot. Passive Solar Sun Porch. Also End. Side Porch. F.R. w/Coal-Wood Stove, W.T.W. Carpet, Cent. Air, Gas Heat, Basement, 1 Owner Home, Flowers, Shade, Approx. 1,785 Sq. Ft., V.G. Cond., Water & Sewer. Inspection of R.E. Sat., April 11, 12 to 4 p.m Or Phone: 464-2233. 40’x28’ Gar., 13’x10’ & 10’xlO’ Doors, Zoned Mixed Use. Antiques Incl. Nice Plank rry D.R. Furn.. 100 Yr. Oak r High Chair on Wheels Bab' B.R. & L.R. Furn., G.E. Ref., Chest Freezer, Collectibles: Yo-Yo Old Quilt. 2 A.B.C. Early 1800 lates Tea Pitchers. 2 Glassware, Mid & Late 1800 Deeds, & Public Sale Info., Old Opheum Banjo. Remington 308 Rifle w/Scope (nice), 16 G Double Barrel, Garage Items: Graco Lube, 40 Gal. Air Compressor, Lots of Tools, Floor Jack, Tool Chests, Fordson Tool Box. Sears 900 Generator, 40’ Alum. Ladders, Lawn Chief Riding Mower, 2 Man Saw, Tobacco Spear, Milk Cans, Numerous Not Mentioned Safe by: Lester & Lena Diller Aucts.: Carl Diller AU226L 717-464-2233 & John Fry Lunch - Bareville Fire Co, Christian S. Esh Floor Model and Bench Tools Leather & Wood Hand Tools Dishes n \L« WTK - %. rIV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers