tW-BeCt .8f IhoA .vsbiulsg . onions! tateson&J 840-Uncttt*r Firming, Saturday, Apr! 18, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT MAY 9-12 Noon High Field Farms Clinton Corners NY 63rd Anmver New York State Angus Sale, 60 selected lots By American Angus Hall of Fame, 816-532-0811 SUN MAY 10 - 8 30AM 700 Lackawanna Ave, Scranton PA Antique Tool Auction Barry Hur ehalla, Auct, 610-323-0333 MON MAY 11 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St New Holland, Lane Co Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction Inc TUBS MAY 12 - 6PM S of Mor gantown along Mill Hd, Caernar von Twp, Berks Co ,PA Person al Property By Wilmer Martin Homing Farm Agency, Inc, 610- 286-5183 I TUBS MAY 12 - 7PM Fauquier Lvst Exc, Inc , Marshall, VA Graded Feeder Cattle Sales, calf & yearling Grey H Puckett, Jr, Manager, 540-364-1566 VVED MAY 13 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED MAY 13 -10 AM Bath, NY at Cival Defense Ctr Steuben Co Tax Title Auct for catalog 607- 776-9661 ext 2488 Pirrung Aucts, Inc THURS MAY 14 - Klmg’s Sale Barn, Landisburg, PA Dairy Cow Auction Klmg's Aucts, 717-789- 3863 THURS MAY 14 - Sealed Bid Sale, Complete Liquidation of Clifton Yarn Mills Wm F Comly & Son, Aucts, 215-634-2500 THURS MAY 14 -10 AM Kutz town Produce Auct, Fleetwood, PA Spring Nursery Auction, 1000's of plants, nursery stock bedding plants, perennials, hang ing baskets & supplies For info 610-683-7161 THURS MAY 14 - 3PM 22 Brethren Church Rd , Bareville, Upper Leacock Twp, Lane Co, PA Real estate, 1-1/2 sty dwelling, HH goods, shop equip & tools By Walter S & Lucy S Horst Horst Aucts, 717-859- 1331 THURS MAY 14 - SPM 1152 Weawit St, S off Rt 322 at Blue Ball Fire Hall on Center St, to Weawit ST , East Earl Twp, Lane Co, PA Real estate, 1-1/2 sty brick dwelling By Clifford L Saud er Hh goods, antiques, appl glassware, tools, lawn & garden & more By Mary H Horst Robert E , Jeffrey R , & Michael L Martin Aucts THURS MAY 14 - 5 30PM Spring Twp , Snyder Co , near Beaver Springs PA 2 Tracts of real estate, #l-9 57 acre farmette #2-39 51 acres of open & wooded land Neil A Courtney & Kenneth E Massinger Aucts, 717-539- 8791 PR) MAY 15 - 9 30AM 2-1/2 E of Mllroy, 2245 Honey Creek Rd Mifflin Co , PA Farm machinery, Hh goods & furniture By Peter Damicanlomo Mark Click, Aucl FRI MAY 15 10AM Ulysses PA Lambert Crest Farm com plete dispersal, farm machinery potato line beef 8 sheep, guns 8 antiques By Mr 8 Mrs Ken Lam bed Pirrung Aucts, Inc FRI MAY 15 - 7PM Middleburg Lvst Aucl Sis Inc Middleburg, PA Feeder Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk Owners, 717-837- 2222 SAT MAY 16 - Landisburg, PA Real estate, antiques, Hh goods By Margaret T Matthews Estate Foreman Auctioneers 717 776 4602 SAT MAY 16 96 Bonview Dr Denver Lane Co PA Real F 1 I Sat., Apr. 25,1998 & I I Lancaster, PA at the "FARM & HOME CENTER", I ■ Service Road, Off route 72, behind Conestoga Boats I ■ & Jones Honda dealers. 9 1 ■ ! 1 li FARM TOY SHOW & AUCTION SHOW 9:00 am till 2:00 pm Largest Area Show For Farm ALSO: repair parts, some trucks & banks, Winross Club display, See Riecke, Samuelson, Crilley, Deals, Cabin Toys, Harke, Hayes and others SAVE sss 1/2 price show admission with this Ad. CONSIGNMENT Farm Toy AUCTION 4:30 pm Nice older and collector series farm toys, most all brands including: Over 200 farm toys from the collection of the late GARY J. DETWILER, former employee of Herschel & of' PA Farm Bureau. Plus many older JD toys. Auct- R. Stoltzfus and R. Harry To consign call (717) 656-8919 stone Twp, Lycoming Co, PA 100 4 Acres, productive orchard, estate, 3 bdrm brick rancher & 4 bdrm, 2 sty home w/2 baths By personal properly By Walter & Johnson's Mountain View Farm Elva Hassler Kline, Kreider & Kenneth E Hassmger & Neil A Good, Aucts Courtney, Aucts , 717-539-8791 PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., APRIL 25,1998 - Din 7 mi. east of Halifax toward Elizabethville on Rt. 225 turn right on to Mountain House Road. Auction is 3 miles on left. WATCH FOR SIGNS! FURNITURE; COLLECT. & ADVERTISING; LUMBER; MISC. FURNITURE: Chests-of-drawers (2), softwood drystnk, cupboards, school desks (6), Oak bed, library table & hall seat, “Possum-belly” cabinet table, mah tables, dresser, chairs, drop leaf tbl; stands, rockers, cedar chest; chairs, mirrors, pict frames, floor lamps, misc pcs. COLLECTIBLES & ADVERTISING: Creel; old bottles; COCA COLA (qt) btls (2) from Pottsville. Lyken’s Btl Works (qt), Speece’s & Troutman’s milk btls (qt). Smith btls (2), Wild Root hair tonic, Royal Castor oil, Whitehouse vinegar, blue canning jars w/ztnc lids, green water btls, Roll-Rite glass rolling pm, Owen’s triangular shaker, Reinerton adv ash trays. Beau Brummel soap disp, 48 star flags (4), Xmas dec orations, cake tins; cookie cutters, Jadite pitcher, apple string hldr (Chalk); wooden barrels (3); Hopalong Cassidy wrist compass, few children’s books & toys, beer & water glasses; political pins, Larkin nail clipper. Tin lunch bucket w/slide out tray; portable RCA radio; Underhofller’s Coal Service adv mirror, ash tray stand w/bakelite handles; depression glass, Boy Scout mess kit; crock bowl, dolls (3), 2 ban jos (as is), Luden’s cardbd box; perfume set (OB), motor oil cans Ranger, Sunoco, Penn Rad, Renuzit, Atlantic; other tins. U-KAN auto polish (Lykens), Rawletgh’s pepper, Purity Pretzel Co (Hbg), Calumet, Luzianne coffee, FIRESTONE Tires & Auto Supplies signs (2) dbl sided blue porcelain, Kuebler’s beer tray, Keebler Biscuit box, early cigar boxes. Remington ammo boxes, pigeon trap. Enterprise sausage press. Ball bats (as is) mcl “Paul Wancr” & Gehrig Style”. 9’ wagon bench. Keen Kutter hatchet, crocks LUMBER: Dry rough cut boards oak (approx 1000 hd ll). walnut (approx 250 bd ft), cotton wood (approx 250 bd ft), including some planks and other misc boards MISC: Small hand and garden tools, sm animal cages, lamp fixtures, 8 lb shotput, anvil hardies, 36' wood ext ladder, old shutters & raised panel doors; old Maytag washers (3), as is, planters, grill, Westinghouse cooker, sleds (as is), skates, kitchen utensils, pots & pans, etc Auction held for Albert Stoneroad Food stand reserved Inspection two hours prior to auction Owner not responsible tor accidents Sale day announcements take precendence VALLIER’S AUCTION SERVICE PA Lie AU 3537-L 187 A Armstrong Valiev Rci Halitax. PA 17032 Ph. (717) 362-3206 & Constructii SAT. MAY 16 - 8 30AM. Morris Meadows Museum Hall, 1523 Freeland Rd., Freeland, MD Antique furniture, china, glass ware, collectibles, butchering tools & antique farming Kerns By the Late Edward Ensor Sechnst Aucts. 717-244-0295 SAT MAY 16 - 8 30AM Along Rt 44 near Elamsport, NY, Lime- 9 AM Fire Hall, along Rt. 322 in Blue Ball, Lane. Co., PA HH goods, antiques, coins & watches By Robert M & Arlene E. Myers Robert E, Jeffrey R, & Michael L Martin. Aucts SAT. MAY 16 - B:3OAM. 1044 Ridge Rd., Shlppensburg, PA. McCormick, Peering, IH 4 Cub Cadet, adv, books, manuals, clocks, signs, banners, oil, tools, milk pump, hunting lies, gas pump By Clare A Kerns Little IKE Eichelberoer. Aucl SAT MAY 16 - 9AM Blue Ball Drag In Sale April 20, 1998 10:00 AM until ?? E.M. Murry Associates Auction Emporium 23 N. Water Street/Lititz, PA Flea Market style auction that’s fun for every one. Quality collectibles, jewelry, antiques, household items, tools and lots more! l ' Selling tables are still available. LICENSE NO. 649-L / 23 North Water Street (717) 626-8175 or (717) 626-2636 LHHz, Pennsylvania 17543 FAX (717) 627-6757 APPRAISERS and ADVISORS PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS Estate Auction SAT. AFTERNOON APRIL 25, 1998 1:00 PM Auction held at the Port Royal Community Bldg., 4th St., Port Royal, PA. guns! SCOPES & RELOADING EQUIP. Win. Mod. 70 pre 64 featherweight 270 cal; Win. Mod. 70 pre 64 270 cal; Win. Mod. 70 Pre 64 featherweight 30-06; Enfield Win. U.S. Model 1917 30-06 Pre 64; Rem. Mod. 870 Wingmaster 12 ga. Mod. Choke; Old Rem. Mod. 700 Classic 22-250 cal., very nice; Rem. Mod. 700 30-06 Cal.; (2) Rem. Springfield 25-06 Bolt; Sako Riihimaki 222 Varmit; Ruger Mod. 77 25-06 Cal.; Ruger Mod. 77 280 Cal.; Ruger Mod. 77 308 Cal.; Ruger No. 1 243 Cal.; Ruger No. 1 6 mm Single Shot, Burled Stock with Scope, Beautiful: Ruger No. 1 25-06 Single Shot, Bull brl. and 5x20 Bushnell; Sav. Mod. 99 Sav. 300 Cal.; Sav. Mod. 99F 308 Cal., Gold Trigger; Sav. Mod. 99 250-3000; Savage Anschutz 22 Cal. Long Rifle, German; Stevens Favorite 22 Cal. Single Shot w/Peep Sight; Rem, 58 55 Navy Arms Italy 44 Cal. Revolver: Armimus 22 Cal. German Revolver; Ithaca 1911 A-1 U.S. Army 45 Cal. Auto Colt 45 Cal. Revolver; Sav. Mod. 99E, 300 Cal.; Blonde Finish; Stevens 410 ga. dbl. brl.; Win. 12 ga. pump; Rem. 12 ga., Ithaca 12 ga. featherweight; Ithaca 37 12 ga. feath erweight; Ithaca x 5 semi-auto 22 cal. L.R., Marlin 336 30-30 cal.; Simmon 2x7 Wide Angle Scope; Universal 10x40 Scope; Tasco Spotting Scope 20x40; Herters 30x60 Jvis 6 Spotting Scope; Reloading Equip; Herters, Lyman RGBS - Dies, Ball Maker, Sizers, Bolt Puller, etc.; Ammo Brass; 13 Gun Walnut Gun Cabinet; Few Fishing Supplies; 1945-48 Fishing Pins Please note most all guns sell with scopes: Bushnell, Tusco, Weaver, Lyman. ‘HESS TRUCK COLLECTION* Years Selling; 1970, 71, 76, 77, 82, 84, 1990-1996. ‘RADIO CONTROLLED PLANE* Sig Kadet Senonta Radio Controlled Model Airplane With 5’ Wing Span, 4 Channel Air tonics Radio, 25cc Thunder Tiger Engine, Selling New and Built By Roy Beaver. TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES B&D Radial Arm Saw; Sears 10” 1 hp Table Saw; Craftsman Molding Set; Craftsman Groover and Dado Cutters; Wingo 5 hp Portable Generator; Mantis Solar Portable Elec. Lawn/Garden Sprayer; Wood Working, Mechanics; Hand and Power Tools; Old Oak Bedroom Suite; Cannonball Rope Bed; Minolta 35mm SRT Camera w/2 Lenses and Case: Avon Collection: Oil Lamps; Many Other Household Items Not Listed. Sale Order: Tools & Household 1:00 pm. Guns 3:00 pm. Plane and Hess Trucks 4:00 pm, Terms: Cash or Good Check Lunch Stand Estate of C. William “Bill” Beaver Phyllis R. Beaver, Owner Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer Complete Auction Service Phone: 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L *Not Responsible For Accidents” SAT MAY 16 - 9AM. 169 N Mechanic St. Fredericksburg, Beulah K. Hosteller & the Late Lane. Co., PA. Real estate, Roy Hostetler. Nelson L Eber- farmette, storage trailer, construc sole, Aucl tion tods, tractor & lumber By SAT MAY 16 - 9AM. 1515 N \AWus P Krelder Shenk Auction Colebrook Rd, Rapho Two Co absolute auction NEW & USED TUESDAY, APRIL 28. 1998 6 PM (Everything will be sold regardless of price) LOCATION: Marlmdale Take Rl 322 East of Ephrata to traffic] light at Hmkletown Turn left to Martindale, turn left on Gristmill Road and follow Auction signs Lancaster County NEW EQUIPMENT ZERO TURNS - Qumstar 1230 12hp 30” Front Cut, Grasshopper 612 Demo 12 5 hp 44’ TRACTOR -Zero Turn Ingersoll 4016 Demo 16hp Big Wheel 48” Snapper LTI2S Demo 12hp 38" MISC. SMALL - Danville Express Lawn Sprayer, 10 McLane High Back Plastic Chairs, Poulon Pro 112 String Trimmer USED EQUIPMENT Yanmar 146 14hp Diesel 48", Honda 4013 13hp 38", John Deere 317 17hp 46”, Case 444 Big Wheel 14hp 44”, Deutz Allis 1613 13hp 38" Vac & Bagger, John Deere LXIB6 17hp 48" Blower Vac & Bagger, Gilson GTI6 16hp 42”, MF 114 H 14hp Hydro 42 Cub Cadet 1320 12hp 38’, John Deere 111 llhp 36”, Wheel Horse ABOO Bhp 36”, Claremont Bhp 32”, Gilson YTII llhp 38", Cub Cadet 85 Bhp 30” Case 220 lOhp 44”, Toro Wheel Horse 8-25 Bhp 25" Like New, John Deere 111 11 hp 36" USED ZERO TURNING RADIUS MOWERS Grasshopper 721 D 21 hp Diesel 61” w/Bagger, Grasshopper 1822 D 18hp Diesel 61”, 1820 18hp 52", 1412 14hp44”, Scag 18hp 52 Zero Turn, Gravely PRO-18 18 hp 50”, Dixon 427 12 shp 42" with Vac & Bagger - Nice, Dixon 428 12hp 42", Dixon 424 11 hp 42" Dixon 308 Bhp 30", Qumstar 1442 14hp 42” with Bagger USED SMALL EQUIPMENT Scag 14hp 52 Walk Behind, Homelite 20” Mulch Mower, White 21 Self-propelled, Toro 21” Self-propelled, John Deere #39 Rototiller Homelite Leaf Blower, Homelite 285 Slnng Trimmer Tanaka T8C265 String Trimmer, Echo String Trimmer, Murray Push Mower John Deere 21” Push Mower, Lawn-Boy Push Mower NOTE: This is a continuing business and more good used equip ment may come on by sale time Terms are cash No out of stale checks unless authorized by Auctioneers or Owners All items list ed will be sold regardless of price with no reserve to the highest bidder This is an ideal time to purchase your Lawn and Garden Equipment at Absolute Auction Refreshments Available Terms By: Lawn Care Equipment Center Jay D. Martin 717-445-4541 Auction Conducted By Randal V Kline jp* Lloyd Kreider Roy Good, Jr Auctioneers 717-733 1006 M Lie #499L 513L-2116L AUCTIONEERS PUBLIC AUCTION HOUSEHOLD GOODS and WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT THURS. EVE, APRIL 23rd, 1998 at 4:30 PM. Auction to be held at Goodville Fire Hall, 2 miles east of Blue Ball along Rt. 23, East Earl Twp., Lancaster Co ITEMS; Queen size sofa bed (like new); old captains chair; rocking chair; recliner; end tables: folding screen; console stereo; cedar chest; marbfe games (made by Glen Taylor); nice Ig. maple hutch; sm. stand w/drawer; bookcase; outdoor turn; recliner; oak sect, desk; oak TV stand; Brother multi-stitch sewing mach; sewing mach. cabinet; sewing supplies; chest of drawers; Hotpomt 19 cu ft. upright freezer; Fngidaire elec, range; Ig. Admiral elec, range; carousel microwave; dinette set; sm. gray hutch; misc. sm kit appliances; misc. dishes, utensils & cook ware; set of Corelleware, service tor 12; lamps; fans; pictures & frames; picnic chests; Eureka upright vac, like new; spinning wheel; canners; spoon holder & mm. spoon collec tion; misc. books & Clark Commentary’s; Old Martyr’s Mirror; baskets; toys; Health-O- Meter scales; trays; ‘belt sander; 16 spd. drill presses; band saw; wood lathe; 10” wet grinder; 4” jointer; 3/4 hp air compressor; jacks; battery charger; woodworking hand tools; ladders; weedeater; work tables; dollys; vises; bag wagon; tool chest & tool boxes; lots of screws, nuts, bolts, etc.; many items not mentioned. No out of state checks. TERMS BY. Catherine Taylor Paul & Nancy Sheeler hFFTK* HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Alvin Horning AU-0433-L Merle Eberly AU-2417-L Route 23, Morgantown (610) 286-5183
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