iler, Lancaster, would like to knacky sprouter of someone itte is willing to pay a reason >k The Story of 14 Bears,” by Book printed by Golden Press, efferstown Rd., Bemville, PA gtf, Mt. Airy, Md., would like to fte ‘Prisoner Sang.” She is will- K the words to the whole song. Kauffman, 739 Prospect Rd., Ites that she has a large collec- U like to scale down. If any pig ispecial pig, contact her. i, Laßayesville, is desp- in of crickets in the fall. They it, until the first killing frost in ive millions of crickets in the ack with big black, Juicy crick ;h step to the clothesline. The each night and the family kills n they wake up. The family is ng for one of their children. Do |n the ground before they hatch spray malathion and hope the ipray has a noxious odor—not tut then it might be better than The lawn covers two to three LANDIS BROS. INC. Lebanon, PA 71742*2650 LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT MILLER S EQUIPMENT Allentown, PA rd Rt 66 610*391*2553 Falmount City, PA 814-764*5159 LONE MAPLE SALES & SERVICE Naw Alexandria, PA 412-»«-7172 LOST CREEK IMPLEMENT Oakland Mills, PA 717-463-2161 MILLER-LAKE INC. BalKvlll*, PA 717-935-2335 PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. Olsy, PA 610-9674277 QUESTION Margaret Diamond, Kunkletown, wants instructions to make lamps or other items from popsickle sticks. QUESTION Robert Rauhauser, Thomasville, is a researcher and historian and would like to know if some one might have some old round Hinkle’s Easter dye bottles to complete a display of Egg Dyeing Apparatus. The dyes came six in a carton. He writes that the dyes were patented Aug. 24, 1943, which is amazing since raw materials and all efforts were going in to support the war effort. Rauhauser under stands that toe dyes were invented by a York County man from Wrightsville by toe name of Raymond Young, who prob ably assigned his invention to the Hinkle Drug Store in Colum bia. Hinkle’s continue to sell egg dyes in square bottles, but Rauhauser wants the round bottles, toe box they came in, and information on toe inventor Young or the first Hinkle’s Drug Store. QUESTION Jo Ann Robbins would like to purchase •Nancy Drew” books circa 19305. 19405, and 19505. Contact her at 1705 York Rd. Hartsville, PA 18974. QUESTION Mrs. Amos Hoover, Denver, wants to know who to contact about recycling plastic milk jugs into a picnic table. ANSWER Ruth Erb, Beavertown. wrote that she is allergic to most pesticides and wanted a natural way to get rid of either carpenter ants or termites in her basement Thanks to Janet Spangler. York Springs, who writes that she had trou ble with carpenter ants and called Penn State Extension. It recommended she purchase a spray from the hardware store and spray around the cellar wall outside the house. That was 35 years ago and she hasn't had trouble since then. 11l POLE TAVERN SMITH’S WALTEMYER’S EQ. SALES CORP. IMPLEMENTS, INC. SALES & SERVICE 670 Rt 40 M.rc.r.burg, PA 10136 Wlntmtown Road Elmtr, NJ 717-328-2244 Rtd Lion, PA 609-356-2660 717-244-4166 O.C. RICE, INC. 104 North Main St Blglarvllla, PA 17307 717-677-8135 SCHEFFEL TOBIAS u e YEARSLEY EQUIPMENT CO. EQUIPMENT CO„ INC. jJSS 729 Rad Goosa Rd Halifax. PA ... * Somartat, PA 717-362-3132 •14-4454500 610496-2990 S.P.E., INC. Rd 1, Box 157 Towanda, PA 717-215-4440 WINELANO EQUIPMENT, INC. EN SERIES TRACTORS ANSWER For Scott Ehrisman, Richfield, a reader sent information clipped from a newspaper, which talked about keeping groundhogs out of (he garden. The article written by Harry Cobey, an avid gardener with a degree in agriculture, recommends locating the burrows and dumping well-used kit ty litter into the entrance holes to make the critters move away. He also writes to fence in the garden and turn down the bottom foot of the fence flat along the ground to discourage the critters from digging under it However, Scott wasnl com plaining about only his garden but his whole farm being over run by the critters. I suggest he call his county Penn State Extension office for help. ANSWER Robin from Elverson wants directions to make a room freshener similar to Jelly Jar Scent Jim of The Herb Merchant writes that their store carries sachet gel to make Jelly Jar Scents. The store stocks about 600 frangrant oils and essentials plus lots of candle and soap making ingre dients with books on almost everything. The Herb Merchant is located at 70-72 W. Pomfret St., Carlisle, PA 17013-3216 or call (717) 249-0970. ANSWER A Honesdale reader wanted to know if any one knows where you can buy Denim Days kids’ figurines. Shirley Kline writes that she has several for sale. Write to her at R. 7, Box 7392, Spring Grove, PA 17362. ANSWER Ray Hunsberger, Phoenixville, is restoring a United 2% HP type A Hit & Miss gas engine made in Lansing, Ml by United Engine Co. and wanted information such as manuals, original paint color, etc. about the engine. Thanks to Mel Riehl, Strausstown, for writing that the engine was built by Associated Manufacturers of Waterloo, lowa. United Engine Company was a sales company and did not manufacture engines. The shape and mounting of the water hopper, and the type fuel mixer are the major differences between United and Associated Engines of the same era. Most other parts are interchangeable. According to “Wenders Notebook,’ the engines were painted red (DuPont 2622) with the head and cylinder, silver. Parts, manuals, and decals are available through Starbolt Engine Supplies, 3403 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown, MD 21710. Phone (301) 874-2821 and Hit & Miss Enterprises. P.O. Box 157 Orwell, OH 44076. Phone (440) 272-5335. “Amango Engines,’ which is the story of Associated Manu facturers Co., is an excellent book covering the Associated Engines with references to the United Engines. It is available through Stemgas Publising Company, P.O. Box 328, Lancas ter. PA 17608. Phone (717) 392-0733. Martlnaburg, PA 814-793-2109 ANSWER—C.N. Lockenbill, Schuylkill Haven is restoring a a New Idea corn husker-shredder and wanted information to help him. Thanks to Dan Albright, Mineral Point, who writes that he has the original literature about this machine and will share it with him if he sends his address to 305 Blockburn Rd., Mineral Pt., PA 15942. ANSWER In response to E. Beaver, Rington, Janet Spangler, York Springs, writes that she sows red beet seed as early as she can whenever she plants peas, onions, and pota toes. She heard that you can sow the seed again in July for a second planting, but she hasn’t ever tried it. She prefers Bur pee’s Red Ball beets. ANSWER—Jean Imm, Reisterstown, Md., wanted a red paper back Spry cookbook printed in the 1950 s or 1960 s that contains a recipe for Heritage Nut Cake. A reader did not want to part with her cookbopk but she did send the recipe, which appeared in Lancaster Farming ’* April 4 issue on 817 of “Cook's Question Corner.” ANSWER—Mrs. Allen Schultz, Honesdale, wanted cloth pins with a wire around the middle. Mrs. Samuel Weaver, 15 Wartluft Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067-2638, writes that she has 5 dozen in good condition. If interested, write to her. ANSWER George Spencer, Hopewell, N.J., wanted to know where to purchase Key Company jeans. Gregory Bad ger, Collegeville, writes that Good’s Store, East Earl, (along RL 625) special ordered them for him a few months ago. ANSWER M. Jozarik, Columbia, N.J., wanted the address of the dealer or manufacturer of Hardy Outdoor Fur naces, which are made of stainless steel. Thanks to ‘A Sec tion B" reader for sending the correct address: Hardy Mfg. Co., Rt. 1, Box 33, Sam Williamson Distributor, Philadelphia, MS 39350. Lancaster Fuming, Saturday, April if, 1998-829 ANSWER BIN Angert, Manheim. wanted to purchase a good family-owned Model A Ford sedan, coupe or pick-up truck made between 1928 and 1931. Thanks to Mike Baron, Fork, Md., for writing that he has a 2-door sedan in very good condition that runs like a sewing machine. Call him (410) 592-8447. ANSWER Linda Derstine, Mapleton Depot, wanted to know where to purchase replacement handles for a cookware set called Prudential Ware by EKCO, which was purchased about 1971. Thanks to Anna Martin, Denver, for writing that she has ordered replacement handles for a discontinued line of cookware from New Era. Inc., 1255 Paradise Hill Rd., Clarksville, TN 37040. Phone (615) 648-8016 Telex 70817.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers