MAILBOX MARKET FOR SALE Peacocks: Mature males, huge, healthy, free range. 717-393-7436 Lancaster Co Steel ■T posts, 7 foot long, in excellent condition, 100 available at $1 each. Call 609-259-1102 Monmouth Co. NJ Custom log home, skylites, central air, ponds, secluded 131.1 acres, plentiful large game, $149,000. 540-726- 2975 Giles Co. VA Registered highland calves: black and red bull, black helffer, sire sired by national champion, $B5O each, $2400 three. 717- 840-4184 York Co Tomato processor, feed table, washer, sponges, brushes, sizers, tables & turn table Farm Master TMR. 717-733-7839 Lan caster Co s'Fertilizer spreader. 717- 445-6440 Terre Hill, Lan caster Co MF 750 combine, 13' grain head, surge 1,000 gal bulk milk tank. 610-682-2303 Berks Co McCormick Deenng 16x7 gram drill on steel, IH 401 spring tooth harrow, 12'. Wanted: 16x30" rims, 4-rail for MFI7S. 717-334-1877 Adams Co Int. 2pt 3-bottom plows, 1 real nice. 1 good 717-244- 8748 York Co Angus cross bulls, ready for service, A 1 out of Kansan, also bred cows, open heifers. Leave mes sage 717-927-9021 York Co Homemade coffin for a very big person, 39"x86"x24" dome lid, rope handles, white pine, mm wax, $9OO. 717-588-6350 Pike Co. JD “B" tractor parts; chick en nests; firewood stove length & logs Call early mornings. 717-284-4924 Lancaster Co Large, warm morning stove, $2OO. No 10 New Idea manure spreader Leon H. Hoover, 231 Sny der Dr, New Holland, PA 17557 Heifer hay $1 a bale, 2 10 steel hay racks with troughs and legs, horse sleigh 717-367-6882 Lan caster Co Bulls, yearling, PB out ol calf easing series Sim mentals ready for breeding $650 up. Can delivery very thrifty. 717-334-5966 Adams Co MHSO in very good condi tion, new tires; Mid West 6- ton dump hoist. 410-756- 6290 Carroll Co. NJ Farmall Cub m/lift belly mower cultivators, dirt plow front rear weights, runs good. $l6OO 080. 717- 367-2461 Lancaster Co 1963 Ford FIDO short bed, 6cyl, 3spd totaly restored, 77K original miles, $7OOO 84 VW Jetta, sspd, runs 717-428-3392 York Co Dion forage wagon with root and 3 beaters Also, Dion 59 inch forage blower 610-286-6059 Lane Co NH 44 sickle bar mower, fast hitch, needs new guards, $5O 610-323- 4448 Berks Co Pygmy goat kids, dehorned, white and silver, $5O 717-548-3958 Lan caster Co 1981 Mobile home, 14'x70' extended LR, all electric, good condition, must be moved after Sept. 19. $7,500 717-786-3006 Farm trucks, 1968 Chevy C5O, six cylinder, dump $lOOO. 1986 F 350 pickup, 460, 4x4, $lOOO. 610-926- 4476 Berks Co Chestnut pony mare, 12.2 hands, 17 years, excellent child's mount, 4-H experi ence. Call Fay after spm 717-665-2957 Lane. Co. 3pt 2-section spring har row, $75. 2 Hahn Exclipse lawn mower, 2 portable electric sewing machine. 717-665-4621 Lane. Co Yearling registered polled Hereford bull, halter broke, bred cow with heifer calf, fall calves, will separate. Call 4-details. 717-249- 8694 Cumberland Co Cadillac 1978 Coupe Dev ille, nice condition, runs excellent, inspected, one owner, asking $l4OO or best offer 610-678-4394 Berks Co JD 8' transport disk w/cylm der, good shape, $650 Brillion 14' transport har row, w/cylmder, field ready, $lOOO. 717-647-4229 Schuylkill Co 1982 Chevy truck, drive train, 6cyl, 4spd trans and some body parts. 717-235- 4278 York Co NH 320 baler, good condi tion. $2BOO. JD 300 gal trailer field sprayer, good condition, $450 717-485- 4458 Fulton Co Registered Holstein 14 month old Mason son, dam with records over 31.000 2650 WEby Rd., Bird-ln- Hand, Pa 17505 Lancast er Co Int. 650 forage harvester, 2-row narrow 6' hay pickup head, field ready, good condition, $695. 717-665- 7155 Lancaster Co Straw bales, large wire tied for archery target, $lO a bale, about 1001 b each. 717-244-2954 York Co Massey 1210 compact tractor, 4WD, hydro trans, 54* belly mower, like new, only 20 hrs. 717-354-2892 Lancaster Co Standardbred horse, traffic safe, sound, Byrs old, $1250 Wilmer Smucker, 618 Old Leacock Rd, Ronks, PA 17572 Lancast erCo 2 windmills, 1-80' tower, make offer. We take down, rebuilt windmills Stephen Lapp, 69 Long Lane, Kirk wood, PA. Lancaster Co NH 315 baler with thrower, good cond, $2BOO 610- 593-6927 Chester Co 1980 International school bus, 66 passenger, 404 gas, sspd, good condition, good tires, $l5OO or best offer. 717-677-8327 Adams Co 1971 Dodge army truck, 19K GVW, air brakes, new engine, new tires, no rust, dump, gas, PA insp. 717- 993-6015 York Co Wheat straw, $9O/ton at the barn, clean bright wheat straw. 717-898-9156 Lan caster Co Jack Russel male, Bmo AKC litter reg., alk/wh, $275 Wanted - bakchoe, not fancy but good working order, reasonable 717- 697-1779 York Co Jersey cow, due June 6, with second calf. $6OO 717-626-0820 Lane Co Surface grinder, 8x24 B&S with chuck, 1961 410- 467-9762 For a Farmall Cub tractor, fast hitch plwo and 1-row cultivator for the same, $lOO each 717-252-2317 York Co Dayton hand crank meat slicer $475. Dauphin Co. 717-469-2369. Cultivators for WD AC R 45 like new Ford model T wag on 70 metal school desks. York Co. 717-292-1111. Pair 5 yr. old geldings, green broke, Mans horse, Elam Esh, 246 Telegraph Road, Airville, Pa. 17302. York Co. Woods model HS-106-2 side mount mower 3 pt good cond. $2350. Leb. Co. 717-469-2138. 8 HP Billy Goat Vac, ex. cond. 2 bike motorcycle, trailer, Chester Co. 610- 495-6769. Woods (Gilson) lawn trac tor, 12 HP 38” cut $3OO. Ouachita 15 ft. alum, canoe $175. Schwinn varsity 10 speed bike, $25. Leb. Co. 610-589-2169. Approx. 300 bale 4&sth cutting alfalfa hay $2lO. Per ton. Benuel Fisher, 7228 Peters Rd., New Hol land. Pa. 17557. Lane. Co. Like new Chrysler station wagon, turbo 60,000 miles, garage kept $3OOO 080. Nice bicycles $5O. 235-75- 15 $25. Berks Co. 610- 921-3810. JD FB-18 hole drill D. disk, no fert, or grass, shed kept, straw, wheat, round 4x4 1/2. Columbia Co. 717- 799-5213. 2 used 16.9x28 rear tractol tires 25% tread Berks Co 610-944-8092. Stevens 22 cal. pump visi ble loader, needs work $125. Savage model 3 22 cal single shot rifle $4O After 4 p.m. Lane. Co. 717- 367-4227. Hesston 3 row carrot or beet harvester $2,500 080. Also 4 bottom Oliver plow $5OO 080. Burl. Co. 609-298-3342. Universal pipeline com plete 2 Inch stainless for 70 cows. 625 gal. Sunset tank, Linde semen tank with semen; 4 row cultivator Wayne Co. 717-729-8219. 1966 Ford F7OO dump 13’ foot bed, hoist works good, needs clutch, after 4pm Cambria Co. 814-266- 9498. White 5100 no till corn planter, liq fert, monitor, very good cond. $3OOO. MF 4 row cult. $3OO. Mifflin Co 717-935-5188. 2 bottom 3 pt. plow, some 4’ heavy duty adj metal shelving left, can be stacked back to back Chester Co 610-932-8493 Agco Allis 5650 FWD 46 HP tractor, used only 67 hrs with 680 loader and canopy, must sell $lB,OOO. York Co 717-259-7479. 1981 GMC pickup 1 ton dually extended cab, only 52,000 miles, very clean, lots of extras $10,600 080 Lehigh Co 610-797- 9221. 420 Steiner w/blade like new, price reduced, 4 wheel dnve, possible mow er. Echo black blower, large one, like new, Lane Co 717-859-1523 Zero turn White lawn mow er with bagger vac system, very good cond. 300 hrs $3400. 211 Wheel Horse tractor $675. Cumb. Co. 717-423-5358. Coleman gen. 5000 Surge 4000 contin. like new $4OO. Well built rabbit hutch $35. Pickup tool box $lOO. Chester Co. 610-693-4191. Holstein breeding age bulls, pressure treated electric fence stakes, 40 ea 12’x60’ mobile home, best offer. Franklin Co. 717-597-4494. House barn three bay garage pool fenced in pas ture on 3 acres, Beale Township, 7 miles from Mif flmtown, Juniata Co 717- 436-8668 1995 14x70 mobile home vinyl siding, shingle roof upgrades, clean, must be moved $19,000 neg. No Sunday calls Lehigh Co 610-298-0036. Deutz 6207 4WD 1100hrs/njw 456 loader, 84” bucket, $12,500 Fred. r.n 301-371-6277. International 781 2-row chopper with pickup reel, excellent condition. 814- 274-8354 Potter County Wheat straw, clean; 10ft New Idea fertilizer, drop spreader; 28ft Case trans port elevator; Bft Ford pick up cap. Evenings. 717- 872-9067 Lancaster Co JD 40 standard, good con dition, Case disc plow. 717-626-5678 Lane. Co Land for sale. East Cocali co Twp. 32 acres. 717- 336-6985 Lancaster Co JD 830 Diesel, 35hp, 3-cyl, good condition, one owner tractor, $5BOO. 717-354- 8126 Lancaster Co Fox chopper, #2310 with corn and grain head, rea sonably priced. 610-593- 5004 Chester Co 200 bales of timothy hay, 200 bales of wheat straw. 717-865-4574 Leban. Co Reg. Shropshire ewe, ram lambs to start or improve your flock. Yearling ram. Vaccinated, drenched, Rid dick-Pechman bloodlines. 717-949-3653 Leban. Co NH 62 bale thrower, $250. 73-87 Chevy pu bed, $lOO. Wanted: IH parts tractors, Cub Cadet parts tractors. 717-336-3411 Lane. Co. 1070 Case rebuilt, 190XT AC, NH Super 717 2-row head, heay head; NH 717 No. 30 head. 607-292- 3180 Schuyler Co, NY MF33 grain drill, Kodak B'xl2' tandem axle trailer. 24" wide roller conveyor. 717-582-2730 Perry Co Commercial rabbit cage system, 16' back-to-back sections, 3-tiers high. Automatic water, feeders, nest boxes, good. 717- 786-1458 Lancaster Co 1996 3200 Hussler 72' diesel lawn mower. NH36 chopper, gravity bin on gear. Stoltzfus 27' green chop feeder. 717-665- 4743 Lancaster Co Stainless steel holding tank, $650. Portable feed er wagon, 5'10"x18', $9OO. 717-665-4985 Lane. Co Miniature sheep, $lOO up. Bred female Llama, $l7OO. Pair mini donkeys, spotted, brown. Emu eggs High land heifer calves. 717- 865-4473 Lebanon Co 600 gal Milkkeeper with 12v agitator recorder, $BOO. Ammon Swarey, RR#2, Box 840, Jershey Shore. 17740. 717-745- 3626 Leave message. Lycoming Co NH 1880 SP harvester, 890 auger base, 3RN corn head, $5500 080. Farmall Super M, with power steer ing, $l4OO 717-899-7929 Mifflin Co Chicken house slats, elec tric fuel pump, Tok-o wick back scratcher, 12' Van Dale silo unloader, for parts. 717-354-9111 Lan caster Co 1997 Dodge Ram, 2500, 4x4, sspd, leather mt., snow plow prep, diesel, tow pkg, 4-new tires/wheels. 717-758-3108 North'd Co 1972 International stake truck, air brakes, 29,500 GVW, great running, $l3OO 080. With hyd lift gate 2500 lbs. 215-258-0653 Bucks Co Big Belgian gelding, 11yrs old, good off side worker, $l2OO. Isaac F. Lapp, 215 N. Star Rd, Ronks, Pa. 17572 4 deeds of license, 5000 sq.ft, of unimproved land. Sam Felipe, Baya Califor nia, Republic of Mexico, $lO,OOO each. 717-345- 8367 Schuylkill Co Mazda 626LX, 4dr, sspd, good condition, 148 K miles, $2OOO. New Idea 325 corn picker, 2-row narow, $2BOO. 717-548- 2272 Lancaster Co Reg. black miniature horse, stud, very gentle, stand 32", 4yrs old. $5OO or best offer. Call 717-284-6066 Lancaster Co 6yr old jack mule, tuff, ready for plow, more mule than I need, $l6OO. 1753 Noble Rd, Kirkwood, Pa. 17536 Lancaster Co Euclid articulating whee loader, ex. tires, cab heater, front and side dump bucket very good cond Call Frank. Columbia Co 717-356-7813. Harmon pellet stove, invm cable 7000 to 55,000 BTU log splitter, gas powered electric start. North’d Co 717-758-1584. Model 12-6 Gravely garden tractor with 12 HP Kohler engine, equipped with manual lift shaft driven 40” mower, Berks Co. 610-488- 7512. One bottom plow 3 pt. hitch, fits AC 14 and 500 hand made bricks, Greyish color, best offer. York Co. 717-235-3197. 2 new 14” plow shares for McCormick Little Genius plow $l2, JD 34 manure spreader, apron chain $5O. Hunterdon Co. 908-735- 7572. Will board heifers, pasture and silage for feed, barn with pasture room for 15-20 heifers, Gap area, Lane. Co. 610-593-2242. Deutz 8006, Mustang 342 and Gehl 5625 skid load ers, John Deere insecticide hoppers for 1245 corn planter. Lane. Co. 717-859- 2797. New Holland #450 sickle bar mower 7’, 3 pt. ex. cond. $l2OO. Berks Co. 610-488-1476. Blue heelers from working parents born 2/13/98 4 females, 2 males Ivan Brubacker RD #1 Box 255, ML Pleasant Mills, Pa Snyder Co 17853. TMR Mixer wagon, 6 years old, new poly liner, good cond., also Wic bale chop per. 7 HP Honda engine. Frederick Co 410-775- 2959. 1964 Ford pickup 46k miles, one owner, motor runs, rad bad, best offer York Co. 717-428-2650 Moving van trailer 1979 Budd 45’ ex cond. 8 new tires, $2700 080. Kent De 302-691-7771. One male Boston Ternor pup eight weeks old $175 Parents are extra small. Lane. Co. 717-445-6602 Half Boer buck kid very tame, shots, dehorned, good build, must see! Pos sibly trade for any bred does. Adams Co. 717-624- 1533. 5 ft. garden disc $lOO. 50 gal. Bradford White Hydro jet water heater, less than 1 year old $75 Lane Co 717-665-2497 after 5 p.m Lancasttr Farming, Saturday, April it, 1998-Bit Two hole corn sheller iff good cond. $250. Bucks Co. 215-766-8925. 1986 Chevy Truck 2 ton 14 ft. stake metal body, low mileage, good cond. Balto. Co. 410-256-5199. NH 717 Super 1 row har vester, make offer, works, Lane. Co. 717-665-5728. Metal lathe Atlas 10x36 quick change, lots of tool ing for metal or wood, 110 volt cabinet and drawers $975. after 6 pm. Cambna Co. 814-886-8808. 1970 SlB9O Inf I dump truck 11x8x6 aluminum bed, ex. shape, tailgage chute, PS 1122.5 tires 128,000 miles $4300. Lycoming Co. 717-584-, 2425. 4500 Ford Ind. loader no hoe, good cond. trade for good 3 pt. live PTO tractor Chester Co. 610-932-3719 JO 4430 power shift, 4 post, good cond, like new tires, recently overhauled, $14,500. Cumb. Co. 717- 776-3813. Oliver 10 foot transport disc harrow, field ready, asking $695 Berks Co. 610-845- 7685. 1986 Chev C3O dump truck 6.2 diesel 12' bed, AT. 120 K miles $4,500. New Castle 302-328-1802. Papec forage harvester 1000 RPM 180 com and pickup heads Susq Co 717-222-4396. 6000 lb Clark forklift propane solid tire double mast 4’ forks, engine just rebuilt, best offer, Ask for Ike. Leb Co 717-866- 2030. JD 12 foot BW adjustable road disk, good blades Kent Co. 410-778-1687. Used alum, roofing, truss es, 2x6 lath for 45x100 building, good cond $3500. Henry Lapp, 521 Spnnghill, Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Lane. Co Deutz 3 cyl Diesel 42 hp new 5-97 480 hrs., like new' Jacob Petersheim, 474 Cambridge Rd , Nar von, Pa 17535. Lane Co. 717-768-7094. Cornp lanter IH 400 cyclo, good shape 4 row, dry fert, works well, not no-till, don’t plant gram anymore. $6OO 080. York Co 410-378- 2106. AMHA Miniature stallion 28 1/2” pinto. Yearling colt pinto filly, others. Wanted driving mare and miniature horse trailer Mifflin Co 717-667-3465 1982 F-600 cattle truck $3200. Nl hayrake $l,lOO. Int. No. 46 sq. baler $6OO. hay tedder 1 row $750. Allegany Co. 301-724- 0334. 42’x28” aluminum railing with gate, posts $125, 4 plate cast iron stove $75. Leb. Co. 717-867-4734. Merntt cabproteclor w/lock able cabinet, 10 20'x3/8” chains & ratchet binders, G-7's, NH #268 baler w/wagon chute, leave mes sage. Juniata Co. 717-463- 3974. JD Model 33 rotary tiller, rear mount will fit JD 120, 140, 300 $5OO firm call after 5:30 York Co. 717- 229-2618. 1965 Ford F 350 w/stake body dump, truck needs work. Portable milker pump, 70 lb. Delaval buck et, big Delaval claw, elec tric fuel pump. Leb. Co. 717-865-3161. 1947 2A John Deere good cond. Orange Co. 914-651 - 4135. Woods L-59 mower deck, ex. cond off of super A $9OO. York Co 717-432- 2827. Dodge dump truck 1973 37,000 original miles, good cond. $3,500 firm York Co 717-266-3158. Int. truck very good motor trans. & rear cab, rusted out diesel DT466 motor, series 1950 $2,000 080 Burl. Co 609-298-3342. Ford 515 3 pt. hitch mower 7 toot cut, 20 ft bale eleva tor with new motor on wheels Adams Co 717- 432-5506. Old house windows. Leb Co. 717-866-6075. Float system greenhouse, 211 Phillips Rd , Millers burg, Pa. 170651 Taking orders for fall veg plants, cabbage, broccoli, cauli flower $3O a thousand to order call 717-692-5600 800 gal. Surge bulk tank with automatic washer, 2” pipeline with receiver pan el, auto. wash. Patz belt feeder and conveyor Crawford co 814-967- 3612 1979 Chev truck custom deluxe C7O 27,500 GVW, large box rear rollup door, side door, good motot $2900. Clinton Co 717- 748-5047. Male miniature horse, 5 years old, strawberry roan, 27 1/2" tall, some white on head $4OO No papers Dauphin Co 717-533- 7051
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