FRANKLIN FEED & SUPPLY FARMER'S UNION CO-OP 1977 Philadelphia Ave. 30 East Walters Avenue Chambersburg, PA Qreencastlß, PA 17225 717-264-6148 717-597-3191 PRUTS FEED MILL RD #1 - Box 88 Berlin, PA 15530 814-267-4124 RITTER FEEDS P.0.80x306-LR 3008 Paxtonvitle, PA 17861 717-837-3606 KSS^US Paradise, PA 17562 717-442-4183 1-800-635-3592 Umonville, PA 19375 610-347-2377 KREIDER’S MILL, INC. PO Box 146 Loysville, PA 17047 1 -800-789-M1LL(6455) 717-789- 3535\ BE SS"r ANTHONY'S FEED MILL E,c,e».PA 814-652.2313 PAYEES Ne W PA 6lO-488-6211 Warnors Mark, PA 814-632-6834 * Trademark of Ralston Purina Company £•» ijf rHECKRBOAwn DETRICH ELEVATOR, INC. 5458 Cedar St Williamson, PA 17270 717*369-3724 BROOKLAND MILLS, INC. McVeytOwn, PA 17051 717-899-6772 K & K FEED, INC. WOODSTOWN ICE & COAL CO., INC. 23 N Park Street Richland, PA 17087 717-866-2324 50 East Grant Street Woodstown. NJ 08098 609-769-0069 PURINA MILLS, INC. , owner, Will McAnlis, herd manager and Paul Hann, Jr., talk cow nutrition. ' W&***•*, UMBERGER’S MILL ' R.&, #4 • Box #s4s Labanon, PA 17042 717-887-5161 ' 238 W. Main St Knoxvilta.PA 16928 814-326-4178 High Bros. Mill 441 Centerville Road Cordonvilfe, PA 17528 717-354-0301 H.C. SUMMERS, INC. 4002 Jefferson Ptke Jefferson, MD 301-473-8300 NORTH GLADE FEED & SUPPLY 12435-A Woodsboro Ptke Keymar, MD 21757 301-898-3414 WELLCO FEED RR 2, Box 1-A Wyalusing, PA 18853 1-800-326-9651 717-746-3442 FARM CREST FEEDS Lititz, PA 717-626-0331 800-432-3040 n’t get anywhere else,” Dan said, “and it’s these services that help make our farm more profitable. If our feed representative does not have the answer to a problem, he can get e answer very quickly.” i %. * * * %>* v \ < i, * k; *** \ - * WILLIAM SOWER & SON Rtt.ioxsa VWHamSport, MO 21795 301-582-2818 MARTIN’S FEED & FERTILIZER, INC. Cobum, PA 16838 814-349-8787 Feeds designed with you in mind. St. Louis “Purina has a lot of services you Francis and Dan Mains operate their 700-acre, 366-cow commercial dairy herd from this picturesque setting west of Carlisle. GERMANSVILLE FEED & FARM SUPPLY, INC. 17130 Bake Oven Rd. GermansviUe, PA 180S3 610*767-0650 FARM CHOICE, INC. 297 Chesapeake Avenue Harrisonburg, VA 22801 540-434-4601 R D BOWMAN & SONS, INC. Englar Rd Westminster, MD 21157 410-848-3733 OLEY VALLEY FEED RD2 - Box 271AOIey, PA 610-987-3568 J.B. FEEDS Berrysburg, PA 17005 717-362-CHOW
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