Faming, Saturday, April 18, 1998 tU SERVICES OFFERED DL Enterprises; electric services, farm, home and commercial. (717)354-5594. Will install and service ice boxes. Very reasonable rates. 717-442-8143 GENERAL HAULING 20’ Roll-Off Bed David Martin (717) 733-3438 MOBILE FEED GRINDING Lanchester Milling Toll free 888-273-3236 Local 610-273-3220 Call anytime to leave message, or after 7pm to speak to Jeff Feister laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai CATTLE I HOOF TRIMMING (215) 345 0897 J Sand for cattle bedding. Corse & Fine grade Delivery of stones for driveways. 717-866-7822 _ CUSTOM WORK Custom Bagging, 6'&B‘ bags. 717/949-2366, 800/782-1757. Farmers, don't take your logs to the sawmill, have the sawmill come to you. Magni's Millworks, (717)865-2354. FOR RENT: 4 row Pequea 24* row corn planter, JD7200 liquid fed insecti cide hoppers. Ronks, PA, Lancaster County 717-687-7969. HERTZ-HAUL Liquid Man ure Spreading Services (610)286-9708. Will do custom mowing, 4x4 round baling, tillage work, reasonable rates, Union County. 717-524-5627. Custom Mowinq, Chbppinq & Balinq 610-932-8999 Halteman’s Custom Bagging 8’ Bags “Your Satisfaction Is Our Goal” Jonestown, PA 717*865*2211 or toll free 1-888-400-2211 Mast’s When Choosing a Hoof Trimmer Consider the Following: EXPERII A “Cowmi with a lift of experii ranging fi commerci set-ups to America! type cattl KIMOWI Of today’ hoof care problems as well a; correctivi measures I WOULD LIKE TO HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR HERD! Serving the East Coast JIM KAHLER 540-869-4664 Serving PA, MD, DEL, NJ New - Ag-Baggers without Backstops Available from Ag-Bag: Truck unloading BAGGERS • Square Bale Tubers i BAGGERS R' 'nd Bale Tuber I can’t do 100 head a day, but I can do 20-25 a day correctly at competitive prices. Custom Baling Mid-size Rectangular Hauling w/drop deck trailer Steve Martin Myerstown, PA (717)933-9219 SEED CLEANING on your farm - soybeans (no Roundup Ready soybeans) & small gram. Newcomer Seed Cleaning 1717) 653-4123 4 v*" 1 MCI HELP m WANTED BBSssss&ssssb 1998 Harvest Help Wanted. Good pay, good food, good time. Call any time 785/428-3412 Smith Haivesting. BARN MOVING CREW WANTED: Relocating poet 8 beam bam. Call Hugh evenings. (717)382-4878. Carpenter, Central Bucks, old house restoration, 400 hours work, extensive knowledge, housing possi ble, $l3/hr. 215/794-8004. Combine 8 truck operators needed (or Western Harvest, May-October, Texas to Montana, 6R-62 Gleaner combines. 330/264-1480. Dairy farm work, general responsibilities. Must have milking experience. For salary & housing. 410/472-2623. DRILLER'S HELPER entry level position, outdoor 'work. Pre-employment physical, Class B CDL de sired, competitive wages, training * advancement. Benefits; 401 (k), medical, paid leaves & holidays. Mechanical abilities, ARC welding helpful. OT & some out-of-town required. EICHELBERGER'S INC. 107 Texaco RD.. Mecha nics burg, PA 17055 E.O.E. Driver/Worker needed to week with carpenter craw on horse barns & log homes. Immediate open in g. Benefits. 717/687-7829. Dump truck driver wanted, must be 24 years of age. No experience needed. Local work. 717-866-7822 Experienced person needed for dairy form in Cumberland Co. 717/776-5746. Experienced herdsman needed for dairy farm, Northampton Co., PA. Milk parlor 3-stall, housing available & benefits. Refer ences required. 610-767-4827 after Bpm WHEN SEEKING A CAREER AS AN AGRICULTURAL PROFESSIONAL Contact the Agricultural Employment Specialists NORTHEAST Agri-Employment Services P.O. Box 233 Roaring Spring, PA 16673 (814) 224-4542 * An employer fee paid agency Experienced, honest, de pendable, hard-working person for excavating busi ness. Needs to operate ex cavator & skid loader. CDL license required. Refer ences required. Lebanon/ Dauphin area. 717/838-9765. FARM HAND: To do field work, feeding and some re lief milking. Drivers license required; housing pro vided, competitive wages. 864-574-6003. FARM MANAGER: imme diate position, cows, chick ens, goals, hay, light main tenance, excellent me chanical skills, and organic garden. Resume to; J. G. w., 590 Great Rd., Prince ton, NJ 08540. Farmer w/beef, cattle, horse experience. Must be knowledgable in general farming, grain, com, hay crops. Should have basic mechanical skills. Full-time position w/fringe benefits. Please respond to: HEMPT FARMS 717-766-7076 M-F Sam-Spm Full lima employment op portunity, ter dairy or gram farm at Winding Brook Farm, Bucks County. Hava your own cows would ba a plus. 215-340-5514. Full lima position on mod sm NJ dairy (arm. Milking 0 general field work. 80 cow Reg. herd, milking par lor, modern equipment, salary, benefits, IBR house. Emmons 609-397-2131 Help Wanted. Looking for a good person with valid driv ers license, willing to put in hours. All types of carpen try work. Call Wolf Rock Builders 717/442-4584, 717/780-2490. Help wanted for general work on dairy and crop farm. Mechanical skills and experience in operating farm machinery would ba a flus. Some benefits. No ousing. Immedicats opening. Manheim/ Utitz area, Lancaster Co, 717/665-4189. If you can sell, like cows, and like to make money, call 1(800)788-4597 ac cess code 00. Livestock 8 Farm Equip ment Appraisers, Many of our part-time appraisers earn from $20,000- s3o,oo(Vyr. We have luil tima appraisers earning as high as $300,000/yr. For information, please call (800)488-7570 or write to: ASAA, Box 186, Twin Falls, ID 83303-0186. Mobile M feed mill worker. Farm experience pre ferred, must be depend able and self motivated. Start immediately. Located in SE Chester County. 610-869-2230. Self-starting, motivated person w/management abilities wanted for 65 cow Reg. Holstein dairy, South eastern PA. Job includes: feeding w/TMR, machinery maintenance and general farmwork. Good salary, housing, benefits. Refer ences required. Call 610-693-5971 Someone to tear down bam, 42'x36‘, 8' stonewall, German siding, old lumber. FREE U-Remove. 610-400-8447 Montgom ery Co., PA. Stable Manager: full time position w/driving and rid ing horses. Chadds Ford area, good salary, benefits and house available. Remit resume to: POB 3584, Wil mington, DE 19807. Enjoy Work and the Rewards from it? Come on the Harvest! Call or Write: Randy Peddicord 17425 Pheasant Run, Wamego, KS 66547 (785)456-9477 ASSISTANT ORCHARD MANAGER: Applicant should have experience in all phases of apple and peach production from planting to harvest. Person will work with owner to develop and carry out all cultural and production programs. This is an opportunity to get involved in a young and growing North-Central Pennsylvania operation. Send resume and salary requirements to; Lancaster Farming, Box G-203 PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 CD L DRIVERS j Class A or B I Daytime Driving I Home Every Night | Apply: Hydro/Kirby 500 Running Pump Rd. Lancaster, PA iiaiaiaaiaiaaaiiiaL'iHiauniiaLiiaauiei Farrowing House/ Nursery Manager for 300 sow hog farm. Salary plus production benefits. 717/367-8915 HELP WANTED Experienced Service Mechanic Class 1 PA Inspection license required. We offer; Hospitalization & major medical, life insurance & disability, paid holidays & vacations, 401 K, profit sharing. Apply in person at: MGS Incorporated 178 Muddy Creek Church Road Denver, PA HELP WANTED SILO REPAIR WORKERS Must be willing to travel - get to see a lot of country. Willing to train the right person. CROWN SILOS 717-687-8013 1 luuaamaaaaiaiiiaiaßmlß
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