Farming, Saturday, Apr! 18, 1998 LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT Fresher r Cleaner Water Easy to service, and clean The Thrifty King™ from Ritchie.® T 1 Lower Your Jjr Electrical Bill Without Lowering your Standards. Get the latest in electric-free technology from: Call or Write For FREE Catalog. LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT. INC. . 5935 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE GAP. PA 17527 rn SIUhB PHONE' 717-442-8134 |=gj fflir'* WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Radio Dispatched Trucks- Good #2 wire fence 1/2xl, 1x1,1x2, 1-1/2XI-1/2, 2x2, 2x4, 50e/lb; PVC coated 85«/ lb. Field fence 35*/lb. Special price large amounts. (717)445-6885, 1(800)373-3703. WHOLESALE Truck load quantities of CCA Southern yellow Pine treated round fence posts 6 1/2’ & 8’ lengths 30 year warranty Call or write for pnces EDISTO WOOD PRESERVING RR 1, Box 44-A Olar, SC 29843 803-368-3011 FAX 803-368-8026 HI-TENSIL FENCE SUPPLIES •Wooden Posts • Pasture Gates 4000’ 170.000 PSI $59.75 4000’ 200.000 PSI $69.75 • Fiberglass Posts • Pohwire & Tapes • Aluminum Wire • Woven & Barb Wire • Split Rail Fence - STOCK TANKS AND FLOATS PIPE & HOSE - QUICK COUPLERS & RISERS Hotline, Parmack & Pel Fencers Sales & Service PLEASANT VALLEY COUNTRY STORE Emanuel B. King Jr. 429 Sproul Rd. Kirkwood, PA 17536 CATTLE 11 holstein steers, 500-1000/lbs. asking .554 b olbto. Also, 6 400/lb steers. 717-258-6639. 12 Catvas. Holstein and mixed breeds. Weaned started. SISO-$175. (717)336-7811. 18 Holstein cows, in vari ous ages in lactations, over 70/lb average in March. No reasonable offer refused. Write: Allen Miter. RD 2, Box 126 C, Marion Center, Indiana, PA 15759. 2A meadow for rent, in cluding housing for ani mals. 717-768-3677 Lan caster Co. 2 year Charolais heifer, pet, ready to breed, $550. Lancaster 717/664-2187. 35 Jersey milk cows, all purebred, no papers. 1/2 nerd first, 2nd and 3rd calf cows, 1 bred heifer, ba lance mature cows. Year 'round freshening. (717)423-6556. 3 Piedmontese cows & 8 beef cows bred to Pied montese bull; 2 Piedmont heifer calves; 3 half blood heifer calves. 717/3682106 evenings. (3) Reg. Angus cows, year ling bull, heifer, quality seed stock. 717-721-3294 40 head Texas Longhorn cattle, mostly cows and calves, $25,000 negotible. Call (610)4880687. 45 cow registered Holstein herd, DHIA 20,D00M, SCC 150,000, BAA 105, 20 first l celf, lots of Blackster's, i Stardust, fresh Bellwood "ilkl' 1031 b m. .ng (717)284-3562 ISO Clom Up HeHam dua within 2 waaka; SO dua within 30 days; also good te stall hards available. Joa Distalburgar, 914/343-1726. 2 purebred Simmental Piedmontese full-blood calving ease bulls, 1 red, 1 but, wil bade •** black, halter broke. Priced 1 A blood Pied, to sell. (717)624-4353. 1-3/4 Piod. heifer both open. (410)486-5970. SVA5 V A Piedmontese Cattle: IS^^i7»^ao RHA Crossbreds * «u» bloods. 20,000. 717/265-8280. Cow/catf pairs, bred cows, 5 Chia-Angus bulls, excel- 25 top quality open heifers, lent cond. ready for breed- 330/359-5972, ing; 717-838-4292. 330/264-1636. 65 Holstein cows, RHA Polled Hereford cow with 18,0004, $9OO/ea. Also, heifer, bred back to out springing heifers $l,OOO. standing bull. 7 1 7-662-7211. 717-249-8694 6 Holstein heifers, out of good herd, good size, due to freshen soon. 717-328-2235 6 Polled Hereford beef cows, (1) 4 year old Air borne daughter, (1) 22 month old heifer, (4) 11 month old heifers. AH reg. or can be. Lackawanna Co. 717/587-3030. 8 Holstein heifers, 14 month, good size, type from local herd. Angus Bulls, Cows $ heif ers for sale. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County. Attention Cattle Feeders! I provide order buying, ser vice $ trucking. Denzil Heishman 540-465-5785. Black Angus cattle, female from 1 year and older, 1 to 6. Call evenings after 6, 610/957-9888. Boarding heifers from start to finisn, lots of feed. 717-549-8119 Brahmas service bulls, cows, crossed calves, must see. Reasonable. 410-969-9324 Buyers « Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results) 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. CHAROLAIS, Reg. bull* and heifer* from A-l to leading sires. Reasonably priced. CAMEO FARM 301-831-9243 FOR SALE OR LEASE: Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams re cords to over 30,000 M. Many to choose from. 1 Red 8 white. Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610/4881965. Fresh and springing young Holsteins (heifers and cows), Al sired, front a dairy that is going out of business. (717)284-3562. Fullblood Limousin Bulls: yearlings and calves (red) a few polled, good blood lines and EPD’s. Call Le nape Limousin, (215)7282906. Full-blood Black Limousin bulls, 2/yrs. old. 717-334-0551. Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers, also Ca nadian Herds. For further info. (717)671-5990. Herd of 56 Jersey and Holsteins, SCC 175,000, 4.4 test average for last 2 years, $750/oa. 717-485-5421 leave message. Ifs Spring) Ist Choice) Halter broke, polled Sim mental bulls, bred & open heifers, cows w/calves. Performance herd can de liver. 610-469-1766 Jersey Bull, IV4 yearn old, ready for heavy service, Lester Breeding, 18,000# record, $5OO. Will deliver FREE within 100 miles. 717-637-7586 Large Dairy Wants To Buy Holstein Heifers, due within 3 months. 410-358-0412. Large frame home grown feeder cattle, $.90/lb. New villa, Cumberland Co. 717/776-7423. LIMOUSIN CATTLE/ FULLBLOODS: Haifera and bufls of all ages. West er I n s te r, MO (410)857-0176. Pastures for rant for cattle, Barks County. 610-582.4501. Polled Purebred red/black Simmental Bulls, Ai sired, 600 u, Big Sky, Red Gen eral, One 3/4 Simmental Red Angus. 717-865-4420. Polled purebred Simmen tal open heifers, Ai sired, dominator, x339u, bold charger. 717-365-4420. Quality yearling polled Hereford bulls, Lancaster County, daytime (717)898-7271 evenings (717)653-8955. Reg. Holstein bulls from popular sires and strong oow families. 25,000ib herd avg. All homo raised. Select your herd sire direct from the breeder. We al ways have a pen full. Vista Grande Farm, Berks Co. 610/944-0541. Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 (at Stump Acres, 717-782-3216, York County. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. Reasonable prices. (717)637-3090, Registered Brown Swiss herd, al Al and only top bulls have been used. (717)284-3562. Registered Holstein Bulls for sale. 12-20 months. Good condition. Popular breeding. Pen-Col Farms, Millville, PA. Call Sam-Spm, (717)456-5185. Reg. Jersey buH, 1 year old, son of Regal, well grown, ready to use) 216/257-1962. Reg. Jersey's, sendee age bull, cows recent fresh, various lactating stages, 4-H calves. Possible deliv ety. 814-466-6669 Reg. Polled Hereford bulle, semen also available on owned A-1 bulls, cattle available at all times. Stone Ridge Manor. Adams Co. 717-642-9199 Scottish Highland beef cattle, good grazers, S2SO-$575 each. Ask tor Aaron 610-857-5452 Service age Reg. Holstein buß: Darrf EX94 9Y 39,020 3.8 1484 3.3 1302, 2nd dam EX96 GMD, 3rd dam EX9OGMD. 717/548-2507. Service age Reg. Holstein buU. Dam EX9O. 4-8, 365, 37,961, 4.1, 1568, 3.2, 1229, proven breeder. 717-285-7426 Simmentals: 2 registered yearling heifers, sired by Alpine Polled Proto, Stretch X, $BOO each. (410)679-0882. SPECIAL) Feeder Cattle Sale, Friday, April 24, 1998, 7:3opm. Leesport Farmers Market Leesport, Berks Co., PA. 610-926-1307 Good selec tion of Holstein Steers + many other farm fresh cattle. Consignments Wei cornel Summer pastures for rant or year round heifer board ing. Any age, callhood to freshening. Lancaster Co. 717/445-7805. Two registered Angus cows, bred Al for Spring calving, $675 each. (908)459-5022. WANT: 500-800 lb open Holstein heifers. (814)542-2102 or (814)542-9507. WANTED Beefalo Bull, breeding age, wil buy or pay stud fee. 717/837-1501. Yearling Polled Hereford bul, EPHR-X4 btoodlnes, good numbers, tame, roe sonabts. 717-249-8894 Young dairyman looking for herd of cows w/owner financing. 717-661-2910 Your pick, 30 from 90+ Holstein herd, 40 fresh Feb, March. Tioga Co. 717-537-2223 FOR SALE Open Shortbred ' and springer- i Holstein heifers ; 717-789-3003 If you are looking for FEEDER CATTLE pf Call Willier, Inc. 717-626-3113 Fresh and Springing cows and hollars. Rag. and grads. 300 on hand. Parry Co. (717) 789-3241 Two Black Sinmental yearling bulls Sons of Black Irish Kansas and Harts Black Casino Brfed for calving ease & high growth SI,ZOO choice Messick Farms Middletown, PA 717-944-3500 BUFFALO 1998 Heifers 5 Bred Cows 4 Year Old Bull $3,000 Ea. 717-222-9815 |HIGHLAND « SLICK CONCRETE? 1 ! F ° r from E in, ° U Scabbling is the answer. \ IL Groove 2” wide 2-1/2” apart will provide HIGHLAND Wj , r .. r i association IL good footin § for y ears t 0 come write to: Ji Floor texturing and 1 ’ groove available rSTC“?U % The Scabbier Man Sunbu „T“, l7Bol 1 800/692-0123 (717)286-7952 Jk T-Vvsr* Call Anytime a. Service and Rentals « L i y WANTED X Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or grades. “(610) ' “(717) “ Leroy Smucker No Sunday Colls Always Wanted complete Dairy Herds Have Immediate Buyers Waiting Give us a call also groups of open and bred heifers. Quality Herds for Sale at All Times Happy Hollow Farms •John H. Wetmore 717-253-5329 house 717-253-6995 barn 717-470-3364 car BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. WELK-CREST HOLSTEINS Matthew T. Welk 717-548-2597 BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop CUSTOM SEMEN COLLECTING Bulls collected on your farm. Semen frozen In French straws at $1.45 per unit 14 years freezing experience. Complete mobile lab. and will travel. ZIMMERMANS CUSTOM FREEZING 131 Redwell Road, New Holland, PA 17557 1-717-355-2048 Evenings l-800-472-2641 Evenings Agricultural Washdowns 717-949-3212 SPECIALIZING IN Poultry Houses: Layers, Breeders, Broilers Hog, Veal and Dairy Barns High Pressure, Low Volume Washing RDi#l Box 147, Newmanslown, PA 17073 Do you have grades that are as good as Registered Holsteins? If so, why not prove it by registering them. Increase the value of your Holsteins! We have several new software programs available and have reduced prices on our Registry program. We can also help you buy or sell your Holsteins Clarence Stauffer or David Lentz or Dave Paddon “ Quality Cattle We are always looking for Dairy Cattle - Registered & Grade Call 717-626-3113 Inc. £ iei TRIPLE RING CATTLE CO. TEXAS LONGHORNS Our Cow* Are Springing like Flower* • All Over The Piaee! Gettysburg, PA (0) 717-334-4908 JH) 717-334-4136 717-738-2406 717-834-6786 716-584-8145
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